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How to Cure a Sore Throat?

When there is inflammation in the pharynx, the part of your throat behind your vocal cords, you have a painful throat. A virus, such as the flu or a cold, causes the ordinary sore throat, which usually disappears in a few days. 

Sore throats are more common in the winter and early spring. Droplets from sneezes and coughs can spread such viruses. For most healthy people, viral sore throats clear up on their own. If you cannot get rid of it and wonder how to cure a sore throat? Here is the guide for you. Let’s first see what sore throats feel like and the causes.


You may experience the following symptoms if you have a sore throat. 

  • The area in the back of your mouth is reddish.
  • You feel pain in your throat and difficulty swallowing
  • Your throat is scratchy and dry
  • Your breath is unpleasant
  • Neck glands are swollen

According to the CDC ( Center for Disease Control and Prevention), you may also have the following symptoms.

  • Runny nose
  • Conjunctivitis (Pink eyes)
  • Cough
  • Hoarseness (Your voice may change and sounds strained, scratchy, or breathy). 


Viruses (such as the common cold or flu) or smoking are the most common causes of sore throats. Bacteria can also be the reason on rare occasions. Various things can cause sore throats, but viruses are the most prevalent culprit. Group A Streptococcus is the bacterium that causes strep throat, an infection of the throat and tonsils (also called Streptococcus pyogenes). As per CDC, Sore throats can be due to many factors, including:

  • Cold and flu viruses
  • Strep throat is caused by a strep infection (also called streptococcal pharyngitis)
  • Allergies
  • Exposure to secondhand smoke or smoking

How to Cure a Sore Throat?

It doesn’t matter if your sore throat isn’t bad enough to go to the best ENT specialist. It’s still painful and may keep you from getting a good night’s sleep. There are ways to ease the pain and irritation at home. You can try any of the following to cure sore throat at home.

Apple Cider Vinegar

The antimicrobial properties of apple cider vinegar (ACV) are well-documented. Numerous research has shown that it has antibacterial properties, which help fight infection. It breaks down the Mucus in the throat with its acidic nature, which can also block germs from spreading.

If you start to feel a sore throat, gargle with 1 to 2 teaspoons of ACV diluted in one cup of water. Then, take a drink of the solution and repeat the process once or twice an hour. Drink plenty of water in the breaks between each gargle session. 

When it comes to utilizing apple cider vinegar (ACV) to cure a sore throat, there are various methods to use it. It’s always advisable to consult a specialist to determine which will suit you the most.

Baking Soda

You can get aid from a sore throat by gargling baking soda mixed with saltwater in addition to the saltwater gargle. This solution can destroy germs and inhibit the formation of yeast and fungus by swishing it down your throat.

The National Cancer Institute suggests 8-teaspoon of salt and 1/4-teaspoon baking soda in one cup of warm water. They offer to repeat the process every 3 hours.

Tea of Chamomile Flowers

The inherent sedative properties of chamomile tea make it a popular choice among tea drinkers. This herbal remedy helps soothe a sore throat. Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and astringent characteristics make it a popular alternative to cure sore throat.

A study shows that Inhaling chamomile steam is beneficial for improving cold symptoms, including a sore throat. You can get a similar effect by sipping chamomile tea. It also stimulates your immune system, which might aid in the battle against the infection that causes the pain in the first place.


There are several health advantages of fenugreek. It also comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. You can eat fenugreek seeds, use the oil topically, or can make a tea from fenugreek. Drinking fenugreek tea can alleviate sore throats. It can reduce inflammation and discomfort while also killing germs that are its source. It also has antifungal properties.

Frozen Food

To soothe sore throats, you can consume frozen desserts such as popsicles or sorbet. 

Many frozen meals are softer and easier to swallow, making them ideal for soothing a sore throat.

Non-dairy frozen foods are advisable since dairy products can cause Mucus to build up, which can exacerbate the symptoms of a sore throat.

If dairy products do not irritate your throat, try low-fat ice cream without added chips, nuts, or chunks that could scratch and rub your sore throat.


Antibacterial properties are also found in garlic. A component called allicin, an organosulfur chemical present in garlic, is responsible for fighting off infection.

According to a study, garlic supplements can help prevent the common cold virus. Garlic’s antibacterial qualities can also be obtained by regular consumption of fresh garlic. Sucking on a clove of garlic can also help relieve throat pain. Try this since garlic has numerous therapeutic properties but clean your teeth afterward to protect your teeth from enzymes and improve your breath.


You can add honey to a cup of tea or consume it on its own as a cure for a sore throat. One research shows that honey was more efficient than the most commonly used cough suppressants for people who suffer from nocturnal coughs. A study shows that honey acts as a wound healer, so it can also help to heal sore throats.

Hot Sauce or Cayenne Pepper

Capsaicin, a chemical found in cayenne pepper, has inhibited pain receptors. A study shows its effectiveness against Group A Streptococci due to its anti-virulence and antimicrobial properties. A mixture of cayenne and honey in warm water helps ease the agony of a sore throat. It’s normal to have a burning feeling at the beginning. 

People with open sores in their mouth should avoid taking cayenne. A few drops of hot sauce or a slight dusting of cayenne pepper is a good starting point, as both may be quite spicy.

Licorice Root

Sore throats have traditionally been treated with licorice root. According to research, mixing it in water to make a gargling solution can be effective.

Marshmallow Root

The mucus-like material found in marshmallow root helps ease a sore throat by coating and moistening the mucous membranes. To create tea, combine some dried seeds with a cup of boiling water. Drink the tea every two to three hours if you’re experiencing discomfort in your neck.


Known as a breath freshener, peppermint quickly found at home can be a good option. You can make tea by using peppermint leaves. OTC diluted peppermint sprays are also available to soothe sore throats. The menthol in peppermint aids in the thinning of Mucus and the alleviation of sore throats and coughs. Additionally, studies have shown that peppermint’s anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral properties may aid in the recovery process.


Gargling with warm salt water helps ease a sore throat and break down Mucus. This water helps fight germs in the throat as well. All you need is a half-teaspoon of salt in a full glass of warm water to make a saltwater solution. Gargling with this solution can help you to reduce the swelling to keep your throat clean. You can repeat the procedure every three hours.

Sage and Echinacea

According to the National Institutes of Health, sage has been used as a herbal treatment in Egypt, Greece, and Rome.

Even at the pharmacy, there’s echinacea, which is available in various forms, including pills, ointments, and extracts. Sage and echinacea are a potent combination, according to studies.

Slippery Elms

The mucus-like material found in slippery elm is similar to that found in marshmallow root. There is a formation of Slick gel when you add water to it, which covers the throat while soothing it. To consume, mix boiling water with powdered bark in a cup and whisk well. Slippery elm lozenges may also be helpful. 

Over the Counter (OTC) Medications

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and other international health agencies advise against the use of antibiotics as primary therapy for sore throats because most cases are not due to bacteria.

Patients may usually reduce their sore throat symptoms using over-the-counter (OTC) medications and other home remedies. 

An ENT Specialist can advise you on the best ways to deal with a sore throat’s discomfort, such as:

  • Ibuprofen or Paracetamol
  • Tablets with a local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, or antiseptic medicine Anesthetic spray may also be helpful.

Precaution for Children

  • Do not give children over-the-counter medications without supervision. OTC medicines may not be suitable for children at certain ages.
  • Children under six months should only be given acetaminophen as a pain reliever.
  • Acetaminophen and ibuprofen can be given to children over six months.
  • Aspirin can induce Reye’s syndrome, an uncommon but hazardous sickness that affects the liver and the brain if given to children.
  • Children under the age of four should not be given cough and cold medications unless instructed by a physician. 
  • Over-the-counter cold and cough medications can have life-threatening adverse effects when given to children.
  • Before giving any over-the-counter medication to your kid, discuss the dose with your child’s doctor or pharmacist. Inform your kid’s doctor and pharmacist about all prescription and non-prescription drugs your child is taking.

Preventive Measures Helpful to Children

Having a sore throat in an infant or young child isn’t fun, but the good news is that they’re rarely a sign of a medical emergency on their own. Here are a few tips and remedies for how to deal with this:

  • Add cool mist or a humidifier to your child’s room to make it moister and smell good. When they have a sore throat, moist air can help.
  • To keep your kids hydrated, you should try to get them to drink as much water as possible. 
  • Make sure they don’t drink or eat juices or popsicles with many citruses.
  • They should not be given hard candy, cough drops, or anything else that could cause them to choke. When giving cough drops to kids younger than 10, be careful.
  • Don’t give honey to kids younger than one-year-old.

If your symptoms are not going with all the remedies mentioned above, it is better to consult an expert. There could be some underlying issue that prevents your symptoms from going away. You can schedule an appointment to consult with the best ENT Specialist through Marham.


1. In how much time a sore throat will go away?

A sore throat is usually caused by a common virus and will go away in about 3 to 10 days. If bacteria or allergies cause a sore throat, it may last longer.

2. What is the most common reason for a sore throat?

The most prevalent reason for a sore throat is a viral infection such as flu or cold. 

Strep throat (streptococcal infection) caused by bacteria is a less common type of sore throat. 

3. What is the reason if a sore throat persists longer?

If you have a sore throat for a long time and can’t find relief, you may have an infection like tonsillitis. Most of the time, tonsillitis is found in children, but it can happen to anyone. If you get tonsillitis, you might have a bacterial infection or a virus.

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