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280+ Australia Day Wishes 2021 – Messages & Quotes

AUSTRALIA DAY 2021 is approaching this weekend, as Aussies prepare to celebrate their national day on January 26. How do Australian’s celebrate Australia Day, and what messages might they send?

Australia Day is the next national holiday in Australia this year, as Aussies all over the country celebrate the day settlers arrived more than 200 years ago. The holiday, also known as Foundation Day, is marked by fireworks, family gatherings, and citizenship ceremonies.

In this article, we have compiled some Australia day greeting cards, Australia day wishes, Australia day greeting wishes, Australia day wishes quotes, wishes for Australia day, happy Australia day wishes, Australia day wishes message, mothers day Australia wishes, Australia day 2021 wishes, etc.

Australia Day Wishes

Many happy returns of the National Australia Day. May this celebration warms up our hearts and soul. Long live Australia.

Wishing you a very blessed Australia Day. I really hope we get to serve this country from our own place whenever it needs us.

Warm wishes on this beautiful and auspicious Australia Day. Hope we bear the significance of this day in our heart, always and forever.

Wishing you a happy and crazy Australia day. May you feel the warmth of this day and enjoy to the fullest with your favorite ones.

As a countryman, I wish nothing but best for this nation and prosperity in every aspect. Happy Australia Day. May God bless us.

Wishing a very Happy Australia Day to everyone. Today is a significant day for every Australian and we must make the most of it.

As the citizen of Australia, let us take the oath to make this country better than yesterday. Happy Australia Day.

Wishing you a very happy and love filled Australia Day. May you always remember the importance of this day and continue to love this beautiful country.

It is a proud moment for us as citizens of this country that we are one of the most powerful nation. Wishing Happy Australia Day to you my dear friend.

Happy Australia Day! Hope you will try to make this country and world better this year and contribute as much as you can for the development.

Wishing all Australian Citizens A Sparkling Australia Day 2021 !!

Let us vow to work hard to make our nation grow with each passing day. Let us promise to make our nation a proud country with our dedication. Happy Australia National Day 2021.

On the occasion of Australia Day, let us look at our past and take lessons to make our future a glorious one. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Happy Australia Day 2021

On 26th January, let us all remember and thank all the brave souls who gifted us a peaceful and beautiful nation free from slavery. Wishing Happy Australia Day 2021 to you and your family.

​Let us celebrate the glory of Free India and uphold the Pride and Honor of being an Australian. Happy Independence Day!

“Function as cause of unity, Fight corruption, Flair the flag of our state Happy Independence Day! “

“Happy Birthday. Oh no, Happy NATIONAL Day. Oh i 4get, Happy ANNIVERSARY. No i Ws Wrong. Happy VICTORY DAY. Oh my gd Happy NEW Year. Oh shit Happy IN “

“I have something for u… Close your eyes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 CHEATER!!! You didn’t close your eyes. So nothing for you Except My sincere love & prayers Happy Australia Day!!!”

Almighty granted us the freedom not just because we wanted it, but because we fought for it and shed our blood for it. Decide what you stand for, and stand up for it. Happy Independence Day!

Always be proud and happy to be a part of this country. It is such a special day; it is our National Day. I am sending my congratulation wishes on your way.

​Let us pay homage to all the brave hearts… Who gave their life for the next generation… We are proud to be Indians… Happy Australia Day!

Freedom is priceless, you can never buy it anywhere. Remember that the freedom you enjoy now was as a result of all the fights, hustles and struggles of many of our lost soldiers. Let us remember them and pray for their souls during this independence day. Independence is ours.

Freedom is something that money can’t buy, it’s the result of the struggles of many Bravehearts. Let us honor them today and always.

Freedom is the most precious thing in every human’s life. No one has a right to take it away, and we need to do everything to protect our society from cruelty and violence. Happy Australia Day!

Happy Australia Day for all of us! Let this day be incredible. We have a right to be what we want.

Happy Independence day to all Australian. We must remain free in our minds, let our faith show in disposition and words, remain proud of the country that we stand for, and do all we can to make the country better for all of us. Let’s doff our hats in salutation to the country on its birthday.

Happy Independence Day to all our clients around Australia. We reiterate our best wishes on this joyful day for you, us and all of Australia.

“I am in love, I am passionate about her, I loving every moment of it And why not, it’s her Birth Day. It’s My Australia Happy Australia Day”

I am pleased and honored to be part of this peaceful and free nation. Here’s wishing everyone a safe and happy Australia Day celebration.

I am privileged to celebrate this Australia day yet again. What about you? Isn’t it time to honor our Independence? Let us shout into the heavens and dance in complete happiness and appreciation of all our gallant and fallen heroes on this Independence day. Let us remember to always celebrate the privilege we have to see yet another independence everyday. My regards to your family on this Independence day.

I‘m very happy that this day gave me an opportunity to be myself. I‘m free and independent person. It‘s very important for me.

If a man takes away someone’s freedom, he no longer has his freedom as well. We need to unite and fight against people who think they have the right to own other people’s lives. Happy Australia Day! Let’s all celebrate the great Freedom!

Independence does not come free; it demands a great cost. Today, let us honor all the great souls who had to pay for it. Happy Australia Day!

“Independence is a Precious gift of God May We Always Remain Independent A Very Happy Australia National Day to You”

“Let us rejoice in happiness and indulge in celebration, Saluting them who made it possible, Who made Australia stand high and mighty. Let us make them our inspiration. Happy Australia Day!”

Let us take our time to honour every patriot today. We should never be one-sided enough to allow politics to stop us from doing what we are supposed to do. Without the people who died for this country. Freedom would have just been a dream. Remember that for what they did to us; a debt we can never repay. Happy Independence Day.

May the Australian flag always fly high. Warm wishes on the grand occasion of Australia National Day!

May the spirit of this day give you the courage to chase your dreams no matter where they take you. You are among the bravest and the brightest of all because you belong to the greatest nation in the world.

“May the sun in his course visit no land freer, happier, more lovely, than this our own country!”

“On Independence Day Here’s wising our dreams Of a new tomorrow Come true for us… Now and always! Happy Australia Day!”

“On Independence Day Here’s wising our dreams of a new tomorrow come true for us… NOW AND ALWAYS!”

On Independence Day, here’s wising our dreams of a new tomorrow come true for us, now and always. Happy Australia Day!

On Jan 26, we wish all our clients a happy Australia day. Thank you for being part of our big family and long live Australia.

“Salute to our Martyrs who laid their lives for us.. Happy Australia Day to you and your family.”

Australia Day Messages for Facebook and Whatsapp Status

Wishing my Facebook friends a happy Australia Day. I hope all my friends are enjoying to the core with the loved ones through feasts and merriment,

Wishing my Whatsapp friends a happy and glorious Australia Day. I hope you have a stupendous celebration of the beautiful day of Australia.

I wish all my friends on Facebook a happy Australia Day, Let this day be a glorious one and we all celebrate with delicious feasting and enjoying the moment to the core.

I wish my friends and loved ones on Whatsapp happiness filled Australia Day. I would soon join you for the feasting and celebration in your home where you invited me with love.

Through this message, I wish my friends on Facebook and Whatsapp a happy and love filled Australia Day. Let us together celebrate the beautiful day of Australia through feasting and celebrations.

Wishing a blessed and memorable Australia Day to everyone. May you enjoy the parade and the feasts of this wonderful day.

As an Australian, it is truly a delight to celebrate Australia Day because it reminds us how blessed we are to be born in such a wonderful nation.

Australia Day is a celebration for the nation. Warm wishes on this special day to you. Enjoy this day with all your loved ones.

Happy Australia Day to you. Take a break from life and enjoy the goodness and the celebrations that surround this occasion.

Wishing a very Happy Australia Day to you. It is the day to celebrate for every Australian and we must do it to the fullest.

Warm wishes on Australia Day to all. Let us have a cheerful and wonderful day full of celebrations with our family and friends.

Australia Day Messages for Friends and Family

It is a very proud moment to be alive to celebrate this beautiful day. Wishing you a very happy Australia day. Enjoy this day with your beloved people.

May the seed of patriotism be placed in our heart forever. Sending warm wishes of Australia day to you and your family.

Let us pray for the betterment of the country and take vow to work hard to make the nation grow. Best wishes for Australia Day.

Hope you observe this meaningful day with some great motive and contribute from your place. Happy Australia Day, dear.

Let us never forget all the brave souls who gifted this amazing nation to us and always respect all of their sacrifices. Happy Australia Day.

Let us all admire and take pride in all of the achievements of our country. Many congratulations on observing this beautiful Australia day.

Happy Australia Day. Let us all take the moment and be grateful for this beautiful country. Praying for all the success and pride of our nation.

As one of the most powerful and peaceful nations, this is a joyous and momentous day. Wishing you a great Australia Day. May Lord bless us, forever.

Today is the day to treasure this land which is our identity and our home…. Today is the day to hold high your cranium and shout out loud that you are an Australian and you are proud to be one… wishing you a very Happy Australia Day my dear friend.

Happy Australia Day to you my dear… We are blessed to have born in such a wonderful country… On this special occasion, let us remember our blonde tradition and celebrate this day with happiness and merriment…. May you enjoy this day with high spirits!!!

Let us be grateful to Christ for Australia…. I wish that our countrymen and our country is always progressing towards a better, happier, healthier and more peaceful life, away from all the problems and negativities….. Warm wishes to you on Australia Day my dear!!!

On the occasion of Australia Day, I wish that the fame and name of our country cross all the boundaries… May we become the best nation in the world…. I pray for the blessings of God to make us a better country year after year…. Happy Australia Day to you.

We are a country of diversity blessed with natural beauty and shinning sun…. We are the nation blessed with cricket and strong mateship…. We are bonded with nationality and we will always work for the success and growth of our country…. Wishing you a very Happy Australia Day.

It is a proud moment for us as citizens of this country that we are one of the most powerful nations. Wishing Happy Australia Day to you my dear friend.

Let us vow to work hard to make our nation grow with each passing day. Let us promise to make our nation a proud country with our dedication. Happy Australia Day.

Freedom comes with responsibility. As citizens of our country, let us make a promise to ourselves to work for the betterment of our nation. Best wishes on Australia Day to you.

Wishing a Happy Australia Day to you and your family. Let us all salute to the pride and success of our nation. Let us thank God for giving us such a wonderful country.

We must remember and pray for the brave souls who fought for our freedom and brought us peace and happiness. Happy Australia Day to all the soldiers of our country.

On the occasion of Australia Day, let us look at our past and take lessons to make our future a glorious one. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Happy Australia Day.

Australia Day is incomplete without our promise to our nation to make it stronger and pride nation. Let us all work hard to make it the best place on earth. Happy Australia Day.

Let us thank the sacrifices of all the countrymen and soldiers who fought for our country. On the occasion of 26th January, sending warm wishes to you. Happy Australia Day my friend.

No country is perfect. We all have to work in synergy to make it better with every passing day. I wish you a wonderful and Happy Australia Day. May you make our country proud.

On 26th January, let us all remember and thank all the brave souls who gifted us a peaceful and beautiful nation free from slavery. Wishing Happy Australia Day to you and your family.

Australia Day Quotes

“Australia is just so full of surprises.” – Bill Bryson

“Australia is a nation of compassion. Courage and compassion. And the third of these great values: resilience.” – Kevin Rudd

“There is no place in the world like Australia. Not even its beautiful neighbor New Zealand.” – Henry Rollins

“We today take this first step by acknowledging the past and laying claim to a future that embraces all Australians.” – Kevin Rudd

“Australia is about as far away as you can get. I like that.” – Andre Benjamin

“We believe in the Australian promise; that if you work hard, you won’t be left behind.” – Wayne Swan

“To live in Australia permanently is rather like going to a party and dancing all night with one’s mother.” – Barry Humphries

“Australians always want everyone to be average as if the best thing you can do is fit in.” – Poppy King

“God bless America, God Save the Queen, God defend New Zealand and thank Christ for Australia.” – Russell Crowe

“Australians will never acquire a national identity until individual Australians acquire identities of their own.” – Patrick White

“Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia.” – Charles M. Schulz

“Well, we know that people in Australia love the idea of both Impulse and Virgin Blue getting up and adding a bit of competition, and it’s fun to be able to deliver it.” – Richard Branson

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