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Can Rabbits Eat Biscuits?

Have you ever wondered if rabbits can eat biscuits, be it dry biscuits, chocolate biscuits, or even digestive biscuits?

Biscuits are a popular and sweet snack for humans, but the real question remains; are biscuits healthy for rabbits too?

In this article, we will let you know if rabbits can eat biscuits in any form; we will also discuss the dietary needs of rabbits, alternative healthy snacks, and much more.

Can Rabbits Eat Biscuits

No, rabbits should not eat biscuits.

Biscuits are typically high in sugars, fats, and artificial ingredients, none suitable for a rabbit’s diet.

While the occasional tiny nibble won’t necessarily harm your rabbit, regular consumption can lead to significant health issues.

Rabbits have a delicate digestive system that works best with a diet high in fiber.

Fresh hay, leafy greens, and a small amount of pellets form the ideal diet for a rabbit.

Rabbit Dietary Needs

Understanding your rabbit’s dietary needs is critical for their health and longevity.

Contrary to popular belief, carrots and lettuce aren’t enough to meet all their nutritional requirements.

Rabbits require a balanced diet that comprises hay, vegetables, water, and a small number of pellets, with occasional treats of fruits and certain vegetables.

1. Hay

Hay should form the bulk of your rabbit’s diet, approximately 70-80%. It’s rich in fiber, essential for good digestive health and dental wear.

Hay keeps your rabbit’s teeth from overgrowing and keeps their gut healthy by promoting regular bowel movements.

Several types of hay are available, such as Timothy hay, orchard grass, meadow hay, and oat hay.

Young rabbits (under seven months) can be fed alfalfa hay, which is higher in protein and calcium, but adult rabbits should primarily eat grass hays, as alfalfa can be too rich for them.

2. Vegetables

Vegetables should comprise 10-15% of your rabbit’s diet. They provide essential vitamins and minerals and add variety to their meals.

Focus on leafy greens like romaine lettuce, bok choy, basil, and parsley.

Add bell peppers, broccoli, or celery to their diet. Remember to introduce new vegetables gradually to avoid upsetting your rabbit’s stomach.

3. Pellets

Pellets should only comprise a small part of a rabbit’s diet, approximately 5%. Choose high-quality pellets that are rich in fiber and avoid those with added seeds, nuts, or dried fruits.

Too many pellets can lead to obesity and other health issues.

4. Water

Fresh water should be readily available for your rabbit at all times. Water is vital for their overall health and aids digestion.

5. Treats

Fruits such as apples, bananas, and strawberries can be given as occasional treats. Due to their high sugar content, these should make up no more than 5% of their diet.

Treats are not a necessary part of their diet but can be used as a bonding tool to provide dietary variety.

Risks Of Feeding Biscuits To Rabbits

Feeding your rabbit biscuits poses significant risks to their overall health and well-being.

While biscuits may seem harmless, they can harm your rabbit’s health due to their nutritional composition and how a rabbit’s digestive system works.

1. Nutritional Imbalance

Biscuits are usually made from flour, sugar, and fats, with some containing additional ingredients like chocolate or nuts.

These elements offer no nutritional value to rabbits.

Instead, they contribute to a nutritional imbalance, displacing the essential elements that should be in your rabbit’s diet, like fiber from hay and a small number of nutrients from fresh vegetables and pellets.

2. Obesity and Associated Health Problems

One of the most obvious risks of feeding biscuits to rabbits is obesity. Rabbits, like humans, can gain weight if they consume too many high-fat, high-sugar foods.

Obesity in rabbits can lead to a host of severe health problems, including heart disease and liver problems.

Obese rabbits may also struggle with physical discomfort and decreased mobility. Excessive weight can put too much pressure on the skeletal system, leading to pain and potentially causing arthritis.

Furthermore, overweight rabbits are likely to become inactive, which can further compound their health problems.

3. Digestive Issues

The rabbit’s digestive system is delicately balanced and designed to process a high-fiber diet. Biscuits are low in fiber, leading to a sluggish digestive system in rabbits.

This could cause constipation and discomfort in the short term.

If this low-fiber diet is continued, it could lead to a condition called gastrointestinal stasis. This is a severe and potentially fatal condition where the digestive system slows down or stops altogether.

The high sugar content in biscuits also disrupts the delicate balance of bacteria in your rabbit’s gut, which is another factor leading to digestive problems.

4. Dental Problems

Rabbits’ teeth grow continuously throughout their lives, and they naturally grind them down by chewing on hay and other coarse materials.

Biscuits are not hard or fibrous enough to help with this grinding process.

Constantly eating soft foods like biscuits may cause overgrown teeth. This condition is painful; it makes eating difficult and could lead to weight loss and malnutrition.

Over time, the high sugar content in biscuits can also lead to tooth decay and other dental issues in rabbits, leading to further discomfort and potential health issues.

Signs Of Adverse Reaction

If your rabbit has eaten pasta accidentally, look out for these symptoms:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy or decreased activity
  • Abnormal or small-sized feces
  • Bloating or a hard belly
  • Unusual aggression or behavior due to pain

If your rabbit displays these signs after consuming biscuits, seek veterinary attention immediately.

Preventing Accidental Consumption

To prevent accidental ingestion of unsuitable foods like biscuits:

  1. Store all food out of reach of your rabbit.
  2. Supervise your rabbit when it is out of its enclosure.
  3. Educate family members about what is safe and unsafe for rabbits to eat.

Measures To Take If Rabbits Has Already Eaten Biscuits

If your rabbit has eaten biscuits:

  1. Remove any remaining biscuits from your rabbit’s reach.
  2. Offer fresh hay and water to help restore its digestive balance.
  3. Monitor for any signs of discomfort or distress.
  4. Contact your vet for advice.

Healthy Alternatives

While biscuits are off the menu, fortunately, there are many safe and healthy alternatives to pasta for rabbits. These include a variety of fruits, herbs, and vegetables, such as:

Remember to wash these foods thoroughly before feeding and feed fruits sparingly due to their high sugar content.

Feeding Guidelines

Proper feeding plays an essential role in a rabbit’s health.

Here are some guidelines to follow when feeding the veggies above & fruits to them:


Wash all fruits, herbs, and vegetables thoroughly to remove chemicals or pesticides. Remove any seeds or pits for fruits, as these can be harmful.

Serving Size

For fruits and veggies, a general rule is one tablespoon per 2 lbs of body weight per day. Most of their diet (around 80%) should still be hay.


Fruits should only be fed as treats due to their high sugar content. Leafy greens can be offered daily, while non-leafy vegetables should be given sparingly.

Other Foods To Avoid

Apart from biscuits, other foods to avoid include:


Here are some frequently asked questions.

Can Rabbits Eat Dry Biscuits?

Rabbits should not typically be given dry biscuits as they have a delicate digestive system, and biscuits can cause digestive issues.

Biscuits are also high in sugar and fats, which are unsuitable for a rabbit’s diet.

Can Rabbits Eat Digestive Biscuits?

No. Rabbits should not eat digestive biscuits; all kinds of biscuits are unsuitable for rabbits.

They contain ingredients high in sugar and can cause serious health problems, including digestive issues and obesity.

Can Rabbits Eat Chocolate Biscuits?


Chocolate is toxic to rabbits and can cause serious health issues, even death. Never give your rabbit any food containing chocolate.

What Snack Can Rabbit Eat?

As said earlier, rabbits can eat various healthy snacks such as fruits (in moderation due to high sugar content), vegetables, and hay.

Fresh leafy greens like romaine lettuce, kale, and parsley are great for rabbits. Some fruits like apples, pears, and berries can be given as treats.

Always make sure to remove any seeds or pits from the fruit, as they can be harmful to rabbits.

Hay should always be the main component of a rabbit’s diet as it aids digestion and helps keep their teeth in check.

How Much Biscuits Will Kill a Rabbit?

It’s hard to quantify how much biscuits could kill a rabbit as it would depend on its size, overall health, and the type and amount of biscuit.

However, the key point is that biscuits are unhealthy for rabbits and could cause serious health problems.

Instead of biscuits, provide a diet rich in hay and fresh leafy greens.


While it might be tempting to treat your rabbit to a tasty biscuit, it’s essential to remember that what’s good for humans isn’t always good for our bunnies.

Rabbits have specific dietary needs; feeding them inappropriate foods like biscuits can cause serious health issues.

Stick to a diet mainly consisting of hay, supplemented with a small number of pellets and the occasional fruit, vegetable, or herb treat.

We hope this article helped you know if rabbits can eat biscuits, whether chocolate or digestive biscuits, what snacks your rabbits can eat, etc. If you have any questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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