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Can Rabbits Eat Clover?

Do you want to know if rabbits can eat clover?

Clover is a plant that belongs to the legume family, Fabaceae. It is a small, herbaceous plant with trifoliate leaves, meaning it has three leaflets. Clover plants typically have small, round flower heads that can be white, pink, or purple.

In this article, we will discuss the nutrition facts of clover, its benefits, risks, and how to feed them to your bunnies to minimize the risks safely.

Can Rabbits Eat Clover?

Yes, rabbits can eat clover.

In the wild, rabbits have a diet rich in grasses, herbs, and other leafy green vegetation – clover included.

Clover, a common plant found in lawns and fields, can be a tasty treat for your bunny.

However, like any food, it should be given in moderation and adequately introduced into their diet to avoid potential health issues.

Nutrition Facts Of Clover

According to USDA FoodData Central, per 1 cup (85 grams), clover sprouts contain:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 25
Carbohydrates 3 grams
Protein 3 grams
Fats 0.5 grams
Vitamin C 10%
Iron 4%
Fiber 8%

Benefits of Feeding Clover to Rabbits

Feeding clover to rabbits has several benefits that can enhance their health.

Let’s take a closer look at each benefit.

1. High in Nutrients

Clover is packed with beneficial nutrients that can contribute to your rabbit’s health.

Firstly, clover is rich in fiber, paramount for maintaining a healthy digestive system in rabbits.

The high fiber content aids in the smooth passage of food through the rabbit’s gastrointestinal tract, helping to prevent issues such as gut stasis, a common but serious condition in rabbits.

Also, clover provides a good source of vitamins, including Vitamin A, essential for maintaining good eye health and boosting the immune system, and Vitamin C, which plays a crucial role in cellular repair and overall growth.

Clover also contains minerals like calcium and phosphorus, essential for bone health.

2. Hydration

Being a fresh, leafy green, Clover naturally contains a high water content.

This can contribute to your rabbit’s hydration, especially during hot weather or for rabbits not keen on drinking a lot of water.

Good hydration aids in various physiological processes and helps maintain overall health.

3. Dental Health

Rabbits’ teeth grow continuously throughout their lives, and eating clover can contribute to good dental health.

Chewing clover helps wear down their teeth naturally, preventing overgrowth, which could lead to dental issues that are painful and affect a rabbit’s ability to eat.

Risks of Feeding Clover to Rabbits

Despite its benefits, clover isn’t without its potential drawbacks. Here are the primary risks associated with feeding clover to rabbits:

1. Gas and Bloating

Clover belongs to the legume family, and like other legumes, it can cause gas and bloating in rabbits if overeaten.

The rabbit’s digestive system may have difficulty processing large amounts of legumes, leading to discomfort and potentially severe health problems.

2. Pesticides and Toxins

If you’re sourcing clover from your backyard, local park, or outdoor space, you must be cautious about the potential exposure to pesticides, herbicides, and other harmful chemicals.

Rabbits are sensitive to these toxins, and ingestion can lead to various health problems, including neurological issues, digestive disturbances, and in severe cases, even death.

Ensure that the clover you’re providing is free of these harmful substances.

3. Overconsumption

While clover is nutritious, it shouldn’t make up most of your rabbit’s diet.

Rabbits need a varied diet that primarily includes hay, a small amount of pellets, and a variety of fresh vegetables.

Feeding clover excessively could lead to a lack of dietary balance, potentially causing nutrient deficiencies or overloads.

How to Feed Clover to Rabbits

If you’ve decided to introduce clover into your rabbit’s diet, you should do so gradually and responsibly.

1. Preparation

Before you offer clover to your bunny, ensure it’s thoroughly cleaned to remove any potential pesticides or pollutants. If possible, source clover from a trusted, organic source.

2. How Much Clover Can a Rabbit Eat

Initially, offer your rabbit a small amount (like 2-3 leaflets) of clover and monitor their reaction.

If they tolerate it well, you can gradually increase the serving size over time.

However, clover should not make up most of their hay diet.

3. Can Rabbits Eat Clover Everyday

Begin by offering clover as a treat a few times a week.

Again, keep a close eye on how your rabbit reacts and adjust accordingly.

Symptoms Of Adverse Reaction

If your rabbit has an adverse reaction to clover, you might observe symptoms such as loss of appetite, changes in stool, lethargy, or excessive gas.

If these occur, immediately discontinue feeding Clover and consult your vet.

Alternative Herbs For Rabbits

If Clover isn’t a hit, or you want to offer variety, consider these alternatives:

These are generally safe for rabbits but always introduce any new food gradually.

Herbs To Avoid

Many herbs are safe for rabbits, but some should be avoided, including:

These can be toxic to rabbits, potentially leading to severe health issues.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

Can A Rabbit Eat Red Clover?

Yes, rabbits can safely eat red clover.

The plant’s leaves and flowers are safe for rabbits to eat.

Can Rabbits Eat Clover And Dandelion?

Absolutely! Both clover and dandelions are safe for rabbits to eat and are often enjoyed by them.

But you should always ensure they are free of pesticides and other chemicals.

Are Rabbits Allergic To Clover?

No, rabbits are not typically allergic to clover.

Clover is a common part of many wild rabbits’ diets.

Can Rabbits Eat Clover Seeds?

Yes, rabbits can eat clover seeds. But, it’s best to stick to fresh clover leaves and flowers, as these plant parts provide the most nutritional value for rabbits.

Can Rabbits Eat Clover Leaves?

Yes, rabbits can eat clover leaves. They are safe for rabbits to eat and are often enjoyed by them.

Can Rabbits Eat Clover Flowers?

Yes, rabbits can eat clover flowers. They are safe and often enjoyed by rabbits.

Can Rabbits Eat Clover Hay?

Yes, rabbits can eat clover hay.

It can be a good source of fiber for them. But timothy hay or other grass hays should make up most of a rabbit’s hay intake as these are usually more balanced in calcium and other nutrients.


Rabbits can eat clover, which can be a beneficial addition to their diet in moderation.

Always introduce clover slowly, monitor your rabbit for any adverse reactions, and ensure the rest of their diet is balanced and nutritious.

Always consult your vet if you have any concerns about your rabbit’s diet, as each rabbit is unique and may have different dietary requirements and sensitivities.

We hope this article helped you know if rabbits can eat clover. If you have questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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