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Can Rabbits Eat Corn?

Have you ever wondered if rabbits can eat corn or its husk?

Corn, also known as maize, is a cereal grain widely cultivated and consumed worldwide. It is a member of the grass family and is grown for its edible seeds, commonly referred to as kernels.

In this article, we will let you know whether rabbits can eat corn, the risks involved, the signs of adverse reactions, and more.

Can Rabbits Eat Corn?

No, rabbits should not eat corn.

Although small amounts of corn are generally safe and not toxic for rabbits to eat, it is not ideal for them because it is high in starch, a complex carbohydrate difficult for rabbits to digest.

Rabbits have a delicate digestive system adapted for a high-fiber diet, primarily consisting of hay, fresh vegetables, and pellets formulated specifically for them.

Feeding corn to rabbits can disrupt their digestive balance and potentially lead to digestive issues, such as bloating, diarrhea, and even dental problems.

The cob of corn is indigestible for rabbits and can cause obstructions in their digestive tract.

Also, both dried and cooked corn kernels can pose a choking hazard.

Nutrition Facts Of Corn

According to USDA FoodData Central, One ear of medium- size corn, measuring between 6 3/4” to 7 1/2” in length, supplies 88 calories, 1.4g of fat, 19g of carbohydrates, and 3.3g of protein.

Corn is an excellent thiamin source and offers vitamins C, E, and A, a certain amount of fiber, and potassium.

Nutrient Amount
Calories 88
Fat 1.4g
Sodium 15mg
Carbohydrates 19g
Fiber 2g
Sugars 6.4g
Protein 3.3g
Thiamin 0.16mg
Vitamin C 6.9mg
Potassium 275mg
Iron 0.5mg
Magnesium 37.7mg
Zinc 0.5mg
Vitamin B5 0.7mg
Folate 42.8mcg

Risks Of Feeding Corn To Rabbits

Feeding corn to rabbits poses several risks due to the corn’s nutritional composition and the rabbit’s unique digestive physiology. Let’s take a closer look:

1. Digestive Problems

Rabbits have a complex digestive system that breaks down fibrous foods like hay and grass.

They are hindgut fermenters, meaning they digest food in their large intestine and cecum using bacterial fermentation.

This system is not equipped to handle high-starch foods like corn.

The starches in corn are more complex than those in the rabbits’ natural diet, making them difficult to digest.

The high starch content can upset the delicate balance of bacteria in the rabbit’s gut, leading to bloating, gas, and in severe cases, a potentially life-threatening condition known as gastrointestinal (GI) stasis.

2. Nutritional Imbalance

Rabbits require a balanced diet rich in fiber, low in fat and sugar, and with a moderate amount of protein.

Corn does not meet these requirements. It is high in carbohydrates and lacks the necessary levels of fiber.

Regularly feeding your rabbit corn could lead to a nutritional imbalance, contributing to obesity and other health issues over time.

3. Choking Hazard

Corn kernels, whether dried or cooked, can pose a choking hazard.

The hard texture of dried corn kernels can be difficult for rabbits to chew correctly, leading to a risk of the kernels becoming lodged in the throat.

Likewise, while cooked corn is softer, it can still cause choking if the kernels are swallowed whole.

4. Dental Problems

Rabbits’ teeth grow continuously throughout their lives, and they rely on chewing high-fiber foods like hay to help wear down their teeth and prevent overgrowth.

Corn does not provide the same benefits due to its soft texture when cooked and could contribute to dental problems over time.

5. Allergic Reactions or Intolerance

Though rare, some rabbits might have an allergic reaction or intolerance to corn, leading to symptoms like skin irritation, itching, or digestive upset.

Signs Of Adverse Reaction

If your rabbit consumes corn, observe them closely for any signs of an adverse reaction. These may include:

  • Changes in appetite or water consumption
  • Changes in behavior, such as lethargy or reduced activity
  • Diarrhea or smaller, harder feces
  • Signs of discomfort, such as a hunched posture
  • Abdominal swelling or tenderness

Preventing Accidental Ingestion of Unsuitable Foods

Store all human food out of their reach to prevent your rabbit from accidentally eating potentially harmful foods.

Also, educate all family members, especially children and visitors, about the rabbit’s dietary needs and restrictions.

Safe Treats for Rabbits

Here are some safe treats:

1. Fresh Vegetables

Rabbits relish fresh vegetables, an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals. Some veggies that are safe for rabbits include:

  • Bell Peppers: Both red and green bell peppers are a great source of vitamin C for your rabbit. However, make sure to remove the seeds before feeding.
  • Broccoli: This vegetable can be a good treat, but it should be given in moderation due to its potential to cause gas. Include both the heads and the stalks.
  • Carrots: Although rabbits enjoy carrots, contrary to popular belief, they should only be given in small amounts due to their high sugar content. Don’t forget the carrot tops, which are very nutritious and a big hit with most bunnies!
  • Cucumber: This is a hydrating treat for rabbits, especially during warmer months.

You should introduce these vegetables gradually and observe your rabbit for any changes in their stool or behavior.

Personalized care is vital because what suits one rabbit may not suit another.

2. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens should make up a considerable portion of your rabbit’s diet.

They are packed with vitamins and provide the roughage necessary for your bunny’s digestive system.

Some of the best leafy greens for rabbits include:

  • Romaine Lettuce: This is a fantastic source of vitamins and hydration, but steer clear of iceberg lettuce, which can cause digestive problems.
  • Kale: A nutrient-dense vegetable, kale should be fed sparingly due to its high calcium content.
  • Spinach: This leafy green is high in vitamins A, C, and K but should be fed moderately due to its high oxalic acid content.
  • Bok Choy: An excellent green for rabbits, bok choy is a low-calcium option compared to kale or spinach.

3. Fresh Fruits

Fruits are like candy for rabbits but are best limited due to their high sugar content.

Some rabbit-friendly fruits include:

  • Apples: These are a hit with most rabbits. Remember to remove the seeds which contain traces of cyanide.
  • BerriesStrawberriesraspberries, and blueberries are all safe options for your bunny, but due to their high sugar content, they should be offered sparingly.
  • Bananas: Bananas are safe for rabbits but are high in sugar, so feed them in moderation.

4. Herbs

Fresh herbs are a delightful treat for rabbits and can provide various health benefits.

Rabbits can safely eat basilcilantro, dill, mint, and parsley, to name a few.

These herbs are aromatic, appealing to rabbits, and contain several essential nutrients.

Feeding Guidelines for Rabbits

When feeding these treats to your rabbit, follow these general guidelines:

  • Begin with small servings and gradually increase the amount; watch your rabbit’s reaction.
  • Feed various fruits and vegetables to provide a diverse range of nutrients.
  • Offer these foods 2-3 times per week, with leafy greens the most frequent addition to their diet.

Other Treats To Avoid

In addition to cheese, other foods to avoid giving your rabbit include:

1. Chocolate and Caffeine

All forms of chocolate and caffeine are highly harmful to rabbits. These substances can cause an increased heart rate, abnormal behavior, seizures, and even death in rabbits.

Check This: Can Rabbits Drink Tea?

2. Avocado

While healthy for humans, avocado is toxic to rabbits. It contains a fungicidal toxin called persin, which can cause difficulty breathing, abdominal swelling, and heart failure in rabbits.

3. Allium Vegetables

Onionsgarlic, leeks, and other allium vegetables can cause blood disorders in rabbits, leading to weakness and potential heart failure. Even small amounts can be harmful.

4. Rhubarb

Rhubarb is poisonous to rabbits due to its high oxalic acid content, leading to digestive problems, loss of appetite, and more severe conditions.

5. Iceberg Lettuce

Though some leafy greens benefit rabbits, iceberg lettuce is one to avoid. It contains lactucarium, which can lead to harmful digestive issues in rabbits.

See This: What Kind Of Lettuce Can Rabbits Eat?

6. Certain Fruits Seeds/Pits

Small quantities of certain fruits can be a safe treat for rabbits, but all seeds and pits should be removed beforehand.

Apple seeds, for example, contain traces of cyanide. Similarly, the pits of cherries, peachesplums, and apricots can pose a choking hazard and contain harmful toxins.

7. Dairy and Meat Products

Rabbits are strict herbivores, meaning their diet should consist entirely of plant-based foods.

Dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt, and all types of meat should be strictly avoided.

Their digestive systems cannot process these foods, leading to potential digestive problems.

8. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are not suitable for rabbits. They are high in fat and can lead to obesity and other health issues. Plus, their hard texture can be a choking hazard.

9. Sugary and Processed Foods

Avoid feeding your rabbit human treats like cookies, candies, chips, or processed foods. These foods are high in sugar and salt and lack the necessary nutrients a rabbit needs.

Also, they can lead to obesity, dental problems, and severe digestive issues.


Here are some frequently asked questions

Can Rabbits Eat Fresh Corn?

Rabbits can technically eat fresh corn, but it’s not recommended. Corn is high in starch, which can cause digestive issues in rabbits.

It also does not provide rabbits with the necessary fiber for their digestive systems.

Can I Feed My Rabbit Boiled, Crushed, or Dried Corn?

Like fresh corn, boiled or crushed corn is high in starch and low in fiber, making it unsuitable for rabbits.

Dried corn is even higher in starch than fresh corn and can lead to serious digestive problems.

It’s best to avoid feeding your rabbit corn in any form.

You should check our article on if rabbits can eat popcorn.

Can Rabbits Eat Corn Husks And Silk?

Yes, rabbits can eat husks and silk.

They are fibrous and safer for rabbits to eat than the corn kernels themselves. However, ensure they are clean and free from pesticides.

Can Rabbits Eat Corn Cobs?

Rabbits should not eat corn cobs.

They are too hard and could pose a choking hazard or cause damage to a rabbit’s teeth or digestive system.

Can Wild Rabbits Eat Corn?

Wild rabbits might eat corn if they find it, but it’s not ideal for them because it’s not suitable for domestic rabbits.

How Much Corn Will Kill a Rabbit?

No set amount of corn will kill a rabbit, but even small amounts can cause digestive problems due to its high starch content.

Regular consumption could lead to serious digestive issues, obesity, or other health problems.


Although rabbits can technically eat corn, it is not a recommended or safe part of their diet due to its high starch content and potential to cause digestive issues.

Providing your rabbit with a balanced diet rich in hay, supplemented with fresh vegetables and limited fruits, is the best way to keep them healthy.

Note that each rabbit is unique, and what works for one might not work for another.

We hope this article helped you know if rabbits can eat corn. If you have any questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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