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Can Rabbits Eat Dog Food?

Have you ever wondered if rabbits can eat dog food?

The diversity of pets in our homes can sometimes lead to confusion about what’s suitable for each of them to consume. This confusion could be particularly true regarding dog food and rabbits.

In this article, we will let you know if rabbits can be fed dog food and highlight the consequences of providing your rabbit with dog food.

Can Rabbits Eat Dog Food?

No, rabbits cannot eat dog food.

The dietary requirements for rabbits are vastly different from those of dogs.

Dogs are omnivores, meaning they can consume both plant and animal-based foods.

On the other hand, rabbits are strict herbivores, requiring a diet rich in hay, vegetables, a minimal quantity of fruits, and rabbit pellets.

Dog food typically contains meats and high protein levels, which can cause serious health problems for rabbits.


Dog food is formulated to meet the nutritional needs of canines, which are considerably different from those of rabbits.

Canines are omnivores that metabolize both plant and animal-based food sources. In contrast, rabbits are herbivores and require a diet high in fiber, primarily from hay, supplemented with specific vegetables and some fruits.

Feeding dog food to rabbits introduces several significant risks due to these dietary differences.

Let’s discuss these risks in more detail.

1. Severe Digestive System Disruptions

Rabbits have a complex and delicate digestive system that uses consistent fiber intake to function correctly.

Dog food’s high protein and fat content and significantly lower fiber content can severely disrupt a rabbit’s digestion.

– Gastrointestinal Stasis

One of the most severe health conditions that can arise from such a dietary disruption is Gastrointestinal (GI) stasis.

This condition, sometimes called “the silent killer,” is characterized by a slowdown or complete stoppage of the digestive tract function.

When a rabbit’s diet is low in fiber, its gut motility (the speed at which food moves through the digestive tract) can slow dramatically.

This stasis can build up harmful bacteria in the gut, releasing gas that causes painful bloating and further exacerbates the condition.

If not treated promptly by a veterinarian, GI stasis can be fatal.

– Diarrhea and Dehydration

High protein and fat content from dog food can also lead to diarrhea in rabbits. Diarrhea is not just uncomfortable for your rabbit; it can lead to severe dehydration, a condition that can be life-threatening if not addressed immediately.

2. Obesity and Associated Health Problems

The caloric content of dog food is significantly higher than what rabbits require for their energy needs. The unnecessary surplus of calories can quickly lead to weight gain and obesity in rabbits.

Obesity is a serious health concern as it makes rabbits more susceptible to a range of other health problems, such as:

– Heart Disease

Just like in humans, obesity in rabbits can increase the risk of heart disease. An overweight rabbit’s heart must work harder to pump blood, putting strain on the organ and potentially leading to heart failure.

– Arthritis

Excess weight stresses a rabbit’s joints, leading to the early onset or worsening of arthritis. This can cause pain, reduce mobility, and significantly lower the rabbit’s quality of life.

– Liver Disease

High-fat diets, like those including dog food, can cause a condition known as hepatic lipidosis, or “fatty liver disease,” in rabbits.

This condition occurs when excess fat builds up in the liver cells, inhibiting the liver’s function.

3. Nutritional Imbalances & Their Consequences

Feeding dog food to rabbits can lead to severe nutritional imbalances.

Rabbits require a precise balance of nutrients, including a high amount of fiber, a moderate concentration of specific vitamins and minerals, and a minimal amount of fats and proteins.

– Kidney Disease

Too much protein in a rabbit’s diet can stress its kidneys unnecessarily, potentially leading to kidney disease.

Rabbit kidneys are not designed to process the amount of protein in dog food, making this a significant concern.

– Digestive Issues

As previously mentioned, insufficient fiber can cause digestive issues in rabbits, including GI stasis.

Fiber helps maintain healthy gut flora, aids digestion, and promotes healthy teeth by providing necessary chewing activity.

4. Potential Choking Hazard

Besides the nutritional aspects, dog food, particularly dry kibble, poses a physical risk.

The hard and often large kibble chunks can pose a choking hazard to significantly smaller or younger rabbits.

Unlike dogs, rabbits are not equipped to handle large, hard chunks of food.

5. Creation of Unhealthy Dietary Preferences

If a rabbit is allowed to eat dog food, they may develop a preference for it, leading them to refuse their regular, balanced rabbit food.

This could lead to malnutrition and create additional challenges when reintroducing appropriate foods to the rabbit’s diet.

Signs Of Adverse Reaction

If your rabbit accidentally consumes dog food, there are several signs you should look out for to gauge if they are experiencing adverse effects.

Some common signs include a loss of appetite, diarrhea, lethargy, bloating, and abnormal behavior.

In severe cases, you may notice labored breathing or unresponsiveness.

If you observe any of these signs, it’s essential to seek veterinary care immediately.

Preventing Accidental Consumption

To prevent accidental ingestion of dog food by rabbits, ensure that food storage and feeding areas are kept separate and secured.

Rabbit hutches should be out of reach of areas where dog food is typically dropped or scattered.

Training your dog to eat at a specific time and promptly clean up any leftover food can minimize the risk.

What To Do If Rabbit Eats Dog Food

If your rabbit ingests dog food, you should take immediate action:

  • Remove any remaining dog food from the rabbit’s reach.
  • Monitor your rabbit closely for any signs of discomfort or abnormal behavior.
  • Encourage your rabbit to eat hay and drink water to help stimulate digestion.
  • Contact your veterinarian immediately.

While home care can help, it is not a substitute for professional veterinary care.

Safe Fruits & Vegetables

When considering alternatives, there are numerous safe fruits and vegetables for rabbits.

These include leafy greens like romaine lettuce, kale, and spinach; root vegetables like carrots; and fruits like apples and strawberries.

However, you should note that fruits should only be given in moderation due to their high sugar content.

Feeding Guidelines

You should follow the guidelines below when feeding the veggies above and fruits to your bunnies.


Ensure all fruits and vegetables are thoroughly washed to remove chemicals or pesticides. Chop larger vegetables and fruits into manageable sizes to prevent choking hazards.

Serving Size

Most of a rabbit’s diet (around 80%) should be hay.

Fresh vegetables can account for about 10-15% of their diet, while fruits should make up no more than 5%.

The exact quantities can vary depending on the rabbit’s age, weight, and overall health.


Hay should be available to your rabbit at all times.

Fresh vegetables can be offered daily, while fruits should be given sparingly, only a few times a week, as a treat.

Other Foods To Avoid

Apart from dog food, there are other foods you should avoid giving your rabbit.

These include bread, pasta, chocolate, yogurt, avocado, onions, garlic, and high-sugar fruits.

These foods can be toxic to your bunnies.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

What Kind Of Dog Food Can Rabbits Eat?

Rabbits should not be fed any dog food.

Dog food is formulated for carnivores and contains ingredients like meat, fat, and complex carbohydrates, which are unsuitable for a rabbit’s digestive system.

Why Does My Rabbit Eat My Dog Food?

Rabbits are curious animals and might nibble on dog food out of curiosity or because they like the taste.

However, it’s not safe for them. Dog food can cause serious digestive problems in rabbits.

If your rabbit is attempting to eat dog food, you should keep the dog food out of the rabbit’s reach.

Can Wild Rabbits Eat Dry Dog Food?

While wild rabbits might eat dry dog food if they come across it, it’s not good for them.

Their digestive systems are designed to process plant matter, not the proteins and fats found in dog food.

What Can You Feed a Rabbit If You Run Out Of Food?

If you run out of rabbit food, you can feed your rabbit fresh vegetables like leafy greens (e.g., romaine lettuce, kale, parsley), bell peppers, cucumber, and broccoli.

You can also give them hay, which should already make up a large portion of their diet.

Can Dog Food Kill a Rabbit?

Feeding a rabbit dog food can potentially cause severe digestive problems, leading to illness and even death in extreme cases.


Feeding your rabbits dog food is not advisable as it contains a high amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and fat, which are unsafe for the rabbit.

Hay, fiber pellets, leafy vegetables, and growing grass are the proper diet for rabbits as they contain a high amount of fiber required to thrive.

Straying from this diet, especially with foods such as dog food, can lead to severe health complications.

You should ensure that you keep dog food out of the reach of rabbits, as they will eat it if they get access to it. 

We hope this article helped you know if rabbits can eat dog food. If you have questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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