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Can Rabbits Eat Dried Fruits?

Have you ever wondered if rabbits can eat dried fruits?

Dried fruits are fruits from which most of the water content has been removed. This is usually done through a drying process involving sun exposure or specialized dryers or dehydrators. The result is a nutrient-dense, sweet, and long-lasting snack.

In this article, we will let you know if it’s safe to feed your rabbits with dried fruits and the list of healthy dried and fresh fruits to feed your bunnies.

Rabbit’s Nutritional Needs

Rabbits have specific dietary needs to stay healthy.

Their diet should primarily consist of hay, which provides the necessary fiber for their digestive system to function properly.

Fresh vegetables also play a vital role, providing essential vitamins and minerals.

Fruits, while being a favorite of many rabbits, should only constitute a small portion of their diet. They are often considered treats due to their high sugar content.

Now, things become a little more complicated when it comes to dried fruits.

Can Rabbits Eat Dried Fruits?

Yes, rabbits can eat dried fruits, but they should do so in moderation.

Dried fruits are concentrated versions of fresh fruits, meaning the sugar content is much higher.

This makes them a high-energy food for humans, but these attributes should be considered with caution when it comes to feeding them to rabbits.

While rabbits may enjoy the sweet treat, too much sugar can lead to health issues.

Therefore, while giving your rabbit dried fruits is not harmful, they should only be offered sparingly and never replace the primary components of their diet: hay and fresh vegetables.

Risks of Feeding Dried Fruits to Rabbits

When it comes to feeding dried fruits to your rabbit, moderation is key due to the associated health risks.

Here’s a deeper look into the potential problems and why they occur:

1. Obesity

Overfeeding dried fruits can easily lead to weight gain in rabbits due to the high calorie and sugar content.

It’s important to note that obesity in rabbits is not just about appearance or comfort — it can seriously jeopardize their health.

Obese rabbits are at a higher risk for various health complications.

Their fat deposits can make it difficult for them to groom themselves properly, leading to dirty fur and potential skin infections.

Also, they can develop fatty liver disease, a serious condition where fat accumulates in the liver and impairs its function.

Excess weight can also put additional strain on a rabbit’s skeletal system, potentially causing pain and discomfort.

The added pressure on their joints may lead to arthritis, severely impacting their mobility and quality of life.

2. Dental Problems

Rabbits’ teeth constantly grow and must be worn down by chewing fibrous foods like hay.

If their teeth aren’t adequately worn down, they can develop a condition called malocclusion, where the teeth grow too long and cause discomfort, difficulty eating, and potentially lead to infections.

Dried fruits, high in sugar and low in fiber, can contribute to these dental issues.

The sticky texture of dried fruits may adhere to a rabbit’s teeth and lead to plaque buildup and tooth decay.

In severe cases, this can result in abscesses and require surgical intervention.

3. Digestive Issues

Rabbits have a unique, sensitive digestive system that requires a diet high in fiber to function properly.

Their gut is home to a delicate balance of bacteria that aids food digestion.

Feeding your rabbit too many sugary foods like dried fruits can upset this balance, potentially leading to harmful changes in the gut bacteria.

This can result in various digestive issues, from mild discomfort and bloating to severe conditions like gastrointestinal (GI) stasis.

GI stasis is a serious, potentially life-threatening condition in which the normal movement of the rabbit’s digestive system slows down or stops.

This can be triggered by a diet too high in sugar and too low in fiber.

Symptoms include loss of appetite, lethargy, and reduced size and quantity of droppings. Any rabbit showing signs of GI stasis should receive immediate veterinary attention.

Preferred Fruits for Rabbits

Dried fruits should only be offered sparingly, but fresh fruits can provide a healthy treat option for your rabbit.

Here, we explore a selection of safe, rabbit-friendly fruits that can be added to your pet’s diet in moderation:

1. Apples

Apples are a favorite among many rabbits, offering a sweet crunch they tend to love.

They’re rich in fiber and various essential vitamins like Vitamin C.

But remove the seeds before offering apples to your rabbit, as they contain a compound that can convert to cyanide in the digestive tract.

2. Berries

Berries, such as strawberriesraspberries, and blueberries, are also safe for rabbits in small amounts.

They are packed with antioxidants and vitamins but also have a higher sugar content than many other fruits, so keep portions small and infrequent.

3. Bananas

Bananas are another rabbit-friendly fruit. They offer a good amount of potassium, vitamin C, and fiber.

However, they are higher in sugar and should only be given in small amounts and not daily.

A thin slice or two a few times a week is sufficient.

4. Pears

Pears can be a sweet and juicy treat for your rabbit. They’re high in vitamin C and fiber.

As with all fruits, remove any seeds before giving pears to your rabbit and limit their consumption due to high sugar content.

5. Peaches and Plums

Both peaches and plums are safe for rabbits to eat. They are high in fiber, vitamins A and C, and other beneficial nutrients.

Remove the pit before offering these fruits to your rabbit, and serve them in moderation due to their sugar content.

Note, fruits are like candy to rabbits—tasty but not something they should have too much of.

On a general note, you should limit fruit to about one tablespoon per two pounds of body weight per day.

Introduce any new food, including fruit, slowly and in small amounts to monitor for adverse reactions.

If you notice any changes in your rabbit’s behavior, eating habits, or droppings, it’s best to remove the new food and consult a vet.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

Should Dried Fruits Be a Part Of Rabbit Regular Diet?

Dried fruits can be given to rabbits, but only in small amounts and as an occasional treat.

Because dried fruits are dehydrated, they have a higher sugar concentration than fresh fruits, which can cause digestive issues and lead to obesity in rabbits if fed in large quantities.

Can Dried Fruits Provide Any Nutritional Value For Rabbits?

Yes, dried fruits can provide some nutritional value to rabbits.

They can be a source of vitamins and minerals.

However, the high sugar content can outweigh the benefits if given in large amounts.

Can Rabbits Eat All Types Of Dried Fruits?

Not all dried fruits are suitable for rabbits. It’s best to stick with dried fruits that are safe for rabbits in their fresh form, like apples, bananas, and pears.

Always avoid fruits that have been treated with additives or preservatives, which can be harmful to rabbits.

Can Dried Fruits Be Given To Baby Rabbits?

Baby rabbits should not be given dried fruits.

Their diets should consist primarily of mother’s milk, alfalfa hay, and carefully introduced pellets.

Once they’re older, around 12 weeks, you can slowly start introducing fresh vegetables into their diets and, much later, small amounts of fresh fruit.

Due to their high sugar content, dried fruits should be reserved as occasional treats for adult rabbits only.

How Much Dried Fruits Rabbits Eat?

Only a very small amount of dried fruit should be given to a rabbit at one time due to the high sugar content.

Generally, a teaspoon of fruit (fresh or dried) per 2 pounds of body weight, no more than once or twice a week.

What Dried Foods Can Rabbits Eat?

In addition to small quantities of certain dried fruits, rabbits can also eat hay cubes or dehydrated hay-based pellets.

These will provide a good source of fiber.

Avoid any dried foods that contain added sugars or preservatives.


Rabbit nutrition isn’t as simple as it might initially seem.

While it’s safe for rabbits to consume dried fruits, these should be considered occasional treats rather than primary food sources due to their high sugar content.

Fruits are high in sugar, leading to obesity and digestive problems if eaten regularly and in excess by rabbits.

A balanced rabbit diet should be primarily composed of hay, supplemented with fresh vegetables and a limited amount of fruits.

This ensures your rabbit receives the necessary nutrients while avoiding potential health issues associated with high-sugar foods.

We hope this article helped you know if rabbits can eat dried fruit and how much. If you have any questions, please comment below, and we will answer them.

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