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Can Rabbits Eat Eggs?

It is unsurprising that many people think it is okay for their rabbits to eat eggs since they also eat them.

Although wild rabbits naturally know what to avoid, what to eat, and how to eat them, domestic rabbits usually follow a routine set by their owners.

In this article, we will let you know if rabbits can eat eggs, give reasons why, and talk about the risks involved.

Can Rabbits Eat Eggs?

No, we don’t recommend feeding your bunny eggs or any non-plant-based foods.

Bunnies’ are herbivores whose digestive systems are not designed to process non-plant-based items like eggs.

They also contain cholesterol, leading to health problems like heart disease.

To avoid these problems, you should feed them hay, fresh vegetables, and a small amount of fruit, like squash, as occasional treats.

You should provide an appropriate diet to ensure your rabbit’s health and well-being.

Risk Of Feeding Eggs To Rabbits

Feeding eggs to rabbits is strongly discouraged due to several potential risks and adverse health impacts.

Here are more details on why this is the case:

1. Inappropriate Diet

The digestive system of rabbits is designed to process plant-based foods, as rabbits are herbivores.

This means their typical diet should consist of hay, vegetables, and a small amount of fruits.

Introducing animal proteins and fats in eggs can disrupt their digestive system, leading to diarrhea, bloating, or more severe gastrointestinal complications.

2. High Fat and Cholesterol Content

Eggs, particularly the yolk, are high in fat and cholesterol.

While these nutrients are essential in the diet of omnivores and carnivores, they can cause health problems in rabbits, including obesity, heart disease, and liver problems.

Rabbits are limited to processing high-fat foods, which can lead to an accumulation of unhealthy fats in their body.

3. Risk of Disease Transmission

Eggs, particularly raw or undercooked ones, can carry harmful bacteria, such as Salmonella.

These bacteria can cause severe illness in rabbits, characterized by symptoms such as diarrhea, loss of appetite, lethargy, fever, and even death in severe cases.

Cooking can kill these bacteria, but improperly stored or prepared eggs could pose a risk.

4. Nutritional Imbalance

If a rabbit is fed eggs, it may eat less of its regular, nutritionally appropriate food.

This could lead to a deficiency in essential nutrients that rabbits typically get from their regular diet, such as fiber from hay and various vitamins and minerals from fresh vegetables.

5. Potential Allergic Reactions

Although it’s not common, some rabbits might have allergic reactions to eggs.

These reactions could manifest in various ways, including skin issues, digestive problems, or respiratory distress.

Appropriate Protein For Your Rabbit

Unlike wild rabbits, domestic rabbits don’t have the facility to surround themselves with nature and the instinct to supply all the nutrients they need.

In this case, you must supply all the nutrients your rabbits need.

Their diet needs to be varied to get the right nutrients, vitamins, and minerals they require from food.

Naturally, hay, vegetable, and grasses give them most of the required protein, but if you want to give them extra protein, go for the right rabbit pellet.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

Can Rabbits Eat Raw Eggs?

Rabbits should not eat raw eggs.

As said earlier, rabbits are herbivores, meaning their diet consists primarily of plant-based materials such as hay, vegetables, and leafy greens.

They have a delicate digestive system designed to break down fibrous plant materials.

Feeding rabbits raw eggs can be harmful, as their digestive system cannot handle animal-based proteins and fats.

Also, raw eggs may contain bacteria like Salmonella, which could lead to severe illness in your rabbit.

Can Rabbits Eat Eggshells?

No, rabbits should not eat eggshells.

As herbivores, rabbits should not consume animal-based products, including eggshells.

Although eggshells are a good source of calcium for some animals, rabbits have a different calcium requirement and get most of their required calcium from their plant-based diet.

Feeding eggshells to a rabbit could lead to digestive issues or blockages, as their gastrointestinal system is not designed to break down such materials.

Can Rabbits Eat Scrambled Eggs?

Rabbits should not eat scrambled eggs.

Feeding your rabbit scrambled eggs could lead to digestive issues, obesity, and other health problems.

Instead, focus on providing your rabbit with a balanced diet of hay, fresh vegetables, and leafy greens to ensure optimal health.

Can Rabbits Eat Boiled Eggs?

Rabbits should not eat boiled eggs for the same reasons they should not eat raw or scrambled eggs.

Their digestive system cannot break down animal-based proteins and fats found in eggs.

Boiled eggs are safe for rabbits to eat in small amounts but should not be a regular part of their diet.

What Should Rabbits Eat Instead Of Eggs?

Rabbits should primarily eat hay, fresh vegetables, and a small amount of fruit.

It’s important to provide them with a balanced diet high in fiber and appropriate for their age and health needs.

Can Baby Rabbit Eat Eggs

We don’t recommend giving eggs to rabbits of any age, whether adults or kits (babies).

How Can I Tell If My Rabbit Has Negative Reactions To Eggs?

Signs that your rabbit has negative reactions to food include diarrhea, loss of appetite, lethargy, or any other unusual behavior.

If you suspect your rabbit has an adverse reaction, consult your veterinarian immediately.


Eggs should not be purposely given to rabbits.

Whether scrambled, cooked, or raw, we don’t recommend giving any of it to your rabbits.

We hope this article helped you know if rabbits can eat eggs. If you have any questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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