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Can Rabbits Eat Rhubarb?

Have you ever wondered if rabbits can eat rhubarb?

Rhubarb is a vegetable that is often used in desserts and baked goods. It has a long, thick stalk similar to celery but with a reddish-pink color.

In this article, we will discuss rabbit nutrition, the composition of rhubarb, potential dangers, and safe alternatives to ensure your rabbit remains healthy.

Can Rabbits Eat Rhubarb?

No, rabbits should not eat rhubarb.

Rhubarb contains high levels of oxalic acid, which can be toxic to rabbits in large amounts.

Eating rhubarb can cause gastrointestinal upset, kidney damage, and even death in rabbits.

Ensure rabbits have a diet appropriate for their species and give them all the nutrients they need to stay healthy.

Rabbit Nutrition Basics

Rabbits have specific dietary needs, which include essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

A rabbit’s diet should primarily consist of high-quality hay, accounting for approximately 80-90% of their daily intake.

The remainder should consist of leafy greens, vegetables, and small pellets formulated explicitly for them.

Fresh water should always be available to your rabbits. You may need to check our previous article on how long a rabbit can go without water.

The importance of a high-fiber, low-fat diet for rabbits cannot be overstated.

Fiber is crucial for maintaining a healthy digestive system, while a low-fat diet helps prevent obesity and related health issues.

Composition Of Rhubarb

According to USDA, a cup (122g) of diced rhubarb contains the following:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 26
Fat 0.2g
Sodium 5mg
Carbohydrates 5.5g
Fiber 2.2g
Sugars 1.3g
Protein 1g

Rhubarb and Potential Dangers to Rabbits

Why can’t rabbits eat rhubarb?

Feeding rabbits rhubarb can pose significant risks due to several factors, including its oxalic acid content and the toxicity of rhubarb leaves.

Let’s discuss these dangers and their potential impact on your rabbit’s health.

1. Oxalic Acid and Its Impact on Rabbits

Oxalic acid is a naturally occurring compound in various plant levels, including rhubarb.

Although small amounts of oxalic acid are unlikely to harm a rabbit, consuming excessive amounts can lead to various health issues.

One such concern is that oxalic acid can bind with calcium in a rabbit’s body, producing calcium oxalate crystals.

These crystals can accumulate in the kidneys and urinary tract, potentially leading to kidney stones, urinary tract inflammation, and other related problems.

In severe cases, this can cause kidney failure, which can be fatal.

In addition, a high intake of oxalic acid can reduce the bioavailability of calcium in rabbits, potentially leading to a calcium deficiency.

This deficiency can have severe consequences for a rabbit’s bone health, dental health, and muscle function.

2. Toxicity of Rhubarb Leaves

Rhubarb leaves pose an even greater danger to rabbits due to their high concentration of oxalic acid and other potentially harmful compounds such as anthraquinone glycosides.

Consumption of rhubarb leaves can lead to severe poisoning in rabbits, with symptoms including diarrhea, vomiting, tremors, seizures, and difficulty breathing. In extreme cases, rhubarb leaf toxicity can cause death.

You should be aware of these risks and prevent your rabbit from coming into contact with rhubarb or rhubarb leaves.

Instead, focus on providing a diet rich in appropriate leafy greens and vegetables that are safe and beneficial for your rabbit’s overall health.

Signs of Rhubarb Toxicity in Rabbits

  • Decreased appetite or anorexia: A rabbit that has consumed rhubarb may lose interest in food or stop eating entirely.
  • Lethargy: Rabbits suffering from oxalic acid poisoning may exhibit low energy levels, appear unusually quiet, and move less.
  • Abdominal pain and bloating: Due to the formation of oxalates, rabbits may experience pain in the abdomen, often indicated by hunching, reluctance to move, or grinding their teeth (a sign of discomfort in rabbits).
  • Diarrhea: Rhubarb can disrupt the normal function of the rabbit’s gut, leading to diarrhea.

If you suspect your rabbit has ingested rhubarb or rhubarb leaves, consult your veterinarian immediately for prompt medical intervention.

Safe Fruits and Vegetables for Rabbits

Rabbits can enjoy numerous safe treats as part of a balanced diet.

Some examples include:

1. Fresh Fruits

1. Apples: Apples are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, crucial for your rabbit’s immune system. They also provide fiber, aiding in digestion.

Remove all seeds before feeding, as they contain cyanide, which can harm rabbits.

2. Pears: Pears, like apples, are fiber-rich and provide vitamins A and C. However, due to their sugar content, they should be offered in moderation.

3. Berries: Strawberriesblueberries, and raspberries are rich in antioxidants, which can help prevent damage to your rabbit’s cells.

Berries also provide a sweet, juicy treat your bunny will love. Again, moderation is vital due to the high sugar content.

2. Fresh Vegetables

4. Bell Peppers: Bell peppers, particularly the red variety, are high in vitamin C and can provide a crunchy, satisfying snack for your rabbit. However, avoid feeding your rabbit the seeds or stem.

5. Carrot Tops: While carrots themselves should be limited due to their high sugar content, their leafy green tops are packed with nutrients like vitamin A, calcium, and iron, making them an excellent snack for bunnies.

6. Spinach: Spinach is packed with vitamins A, C, and K, along with a host of essential minerals. However, due to its high oxalic acid content, it should be fed sparingly and rotated with other leafy greens.

7. Cucumbers: Cucumbers are low in calories and high in water, making them a hydrating snack. They’re also gentle on a rabbit’s sensitive digestive system.

3. Fresh Herbs

8. Parsley: Parsley is an excellent source of vitamins A and C. It’s also a good source of minerals like calcium, potassium, and manganese.

9. Basil: Basil offers vitamins A and K and manganese. It can also add variety to your rabbit’s diet.

10. Cilantro: Also known as coriander, cilantro is rich in vitamins A, C, and K, along with various essential minerals.

Feeding Guidelines for Rabbits

When offering these safe treats to your rabbit, follow these general guidelines:

  • Begin with small servings and gradually increase the amount; watch your rabbit’s reaction.
  • Feed various fruits and vegetables to provide a diverse range of nutrients.
  • Offer these foods 2-3 times per week, with leafy greens the most frequent addition to their diet.

Other Foods Rabbits Can Not Eat

Rabbits have a sensitive and specialized digestive system that requires a specific diet for optimal health.

While their diet should consist primarily of hay, supplemented with fresh vegetables, leafy greens, and rabbit pellets, certain types of food should be strictly avoided.

Here’s a list of some foods you should never feed your rabbit:

1. Processed Foods

Any processed food, like breadcrackers, chips, cookies, or pasta, should not be fed to rabbits. These foods can cause serious digestive issues and contribute to obesity.

2. Sugary Foods

Rabbits have a sweet tooth, but sugary foods like candy, chocolate, or sweets harm their health. They can cause digestive issues, obesity, and dental problems.

3. Meat and Dairy

Rabbits are herbivores whose digestive systems are not designed to process meat or dairy products. Feeding your rabbit these foods can cause severe and fatal health problems.

4. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are high in fats and difficult for rabbits to digest. They can also pose a choking risk, especially for smaller rabbits.

5. Onion and Garlic

Oniongarlic, and other allium vegetables are toxic to rabbits. They can damage red blood cells and cause anemia or other serious health issues.

6. Raw Beans

Raw beans are poisonous to rabbits and can be fatal if ingested. Keep these plants out of your rabbit’s reach.

7. Iceberg Lettuce

Many leafy greens benefit rabbits, but iceberg lettuce should be avoided. It contains lactucarium, which can harm rabbits and cause diarrhea.

See this: What Kind Of Lettuce Can Rabbit Eat?

Preventing Accidental Ingestion of Toxic Foods

To prevent rabbits from accidentally consuming toxic foods like rhubarb, take the following precautions:

  • Keep rhubarb and other potentially harmful plants out of your rabbit’s reach.
  • Ensure your rabbit’s living environment is safe and controlled, free of toxic substances.
  • Watch your rabbit’s activities closely, especially when they can access an outdoor area.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

Can Rabbits Eat Cooked Rhubarb?

No, rabbits should not eat cooked rhubarb. Rabbits should not eat rhubarb at all, whether cooked or raw.

Can Baby Rabbits Eat Rhubarb?

Baby rabbits should not eat rhubarb for the same reasons as adult rabbits.

Can Rabbits Eat Other Parts Of The Rhubarb Plant?

Rabbits should not eat any part of the rhubarb plant, including the leaves, stems, and roots.


Rabbits should not eat rhubarb.

The risks associated with feeding rhubarb, mainly due to its oxalic acid content and rhubarb leaves’ toxicity, far outweigh any potential benefits.

Instead, focus on providing your rabbit with a safe and balanced diet that includes a variety of nutritious fruits and vegetables alongside hay and fresh water.

We hope this article helped you know if rabbits can eat rhubarb. If you have further questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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