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Can Rabbits Eat Strawberries?

Have you been wondering if rabbits can eat strawberries?

Strawberries are a type of fruit belonging to the genus Fragaria. They are known for their bright red color, juicy texture, and sweet flavor.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits and risks of feeding strawberries to rabbits, how to do it safely, and what signs to look out for if your rabbit experiences an adverse reaction, we will also discuss alternative fruits to consider and which ones to avoid.

Can Rabbits Eat Strawberries?

Yes, rabbits can eat strawberries as a treat.

Strawberries are a good source of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C and fiber that can benefit a rabbit.

Since strawberries are also high in sugar, you should feed them to your rabbit in moderation to avoid digestive issues or obesity.

You can offer your rabbit a small number of strawberries, about one or two depending on their size, no more than two or three times per week.

Wash the strawberries thoroughly before offering them to your rabbit to remove pesticides or harmful substances.

Nutrition Facts Of Strawberries

According to the USDA, one cup of halved strawberries (152g) contains 49 calories, 1g of protein, 11.7g of carbohydrates, and 0.5g of fat.

Also, strawberries are a great vitamin C, fiber, and potassium source.

Here’s a breakdown of the nutrition information:


A cup of strawberries contains approximately 12g of carbohydrates, including 3g of fiber and 7.4g of sugar. With a glycemic index of 25 and a glycemic load of 3, strawberries have a minimal impact on blood sugar levels.


Strawberries are naturally low in fat, with only 0.5g per cup. The majority of these are polyunsaturated fatty acids.


A cup of strawberries contains only 1g of protein.

Vitamins and Minerals

Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, with one cup nearly fulfilling the daily requirement. They’re also high in potassium, folate, calcium, and magnesium.


Strawberries are a low-calorie food, with most calories from carbohydrates. However, their high fiber content helps to slow down carbohydrate digestion and maintain steady blood sugar levels.

Benefits of Feeding Strawberries to Rabbits

Strawberries can be a tasty and nutritious treat for rabbits in moderation. Some benefits of feeding strawberries to rabbits include:

1. Rich in Antioxidants

One of the primary benefits of strawberries is their high antioxidant content.

Antioxidants are compounds that can protect the body’s cells against harmful free radicals, which are unstable atoms that can cause damage to cells and contribute to aging and diseases.

The most well-known antioxidant in strawberries is vitamin C, but it contains other essential antioxidants, such as anthocyanins and ellagic acid.

Vitamin C is known to boost the immune system, which can help your rabbit ward off diseases.

Rabbits produce their vitamin C, but a little extra from their diet can help them maintain a robust immune system.

Anthocyanins, the compounds that give strawberries their bright red color, have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties.

Ellagic acid, on the other hand, has been found to have anti-cancer properties.

2. Hydration

Another benefit of strawberries is their high water content.

Hydration is critical for rabbits as it aids in digestion and helps regulate body temperature.

In warmer months, offering strawberries can be an excellent way to help keep your rabbit hydrated.

3. Fiber Content

Strawberries also offer good fiber, a crucial component in a rabbit’s diet. A fiber-rich diet can help maintain a healthy digestive system in rabbits.

It aids digestion by adding bulk to the food, thus helping it move smoothly through the rabbit’s gut, reducing the likelihood of gastrointestinal problems.

4. Enrichment and Mental Stimulation

Feeding strawberries and other fruits to rabbits can offer enrichment and mental stimulation, contributing to their overall well-being.

Rabbits are foragers by nature, and introducing various foods mimics their natural eating habits.

Exploring different textures and tastes can mentally stimulate rabbits, enriching their environment and keeping them engaged.

5. Dental Health

Although not a significant benefit, the slight crunch of fresh strawberries can contribute to the dental health of rabbits.

Rabbits must constantly chew and grind their food to keep their ever-growing teeth at an appropriate length.

Strawberries can add a new texture to their diet, encouraging them to chew and promoting dental health.

Risks of Feeding Strawberries to Rabbits

Though strawberries offer a wealth of nutritional benefits to rabbits, you should remember that these should be consumed in moderation due to potential health risks associated with overconsumption.

The risks to consider are the high sugar content, possible pesticide exposure, and the potential for gastrointestinal disturbances.

1. High Sugar Content

Strawberries, like most fruits, are high in natural sugars.

While a small amount of sugar won’t harm your rabbit, regular or excessive consumption can lead to health issues.

High sugar intake can contribute to weight gain and obesity in rabbits, which may lead to other health complications such as heart disease and arthritis.

In addition, a sugar-heavy diet can cause an imbalance in the rabbit’s gut flora.

A rabbit’s digestive system is delicately balanced, and a sudden influx of sugar can cause harmful bacteria to flourish, potentially leading to gastrointestinal stasis. In this potentially fatal condition, the digestive system slows down or stops.

Also, excessive sugar can contribute to dental problems.

Rabbits’ teeth grow continuously throughout their lives, and a high-sugar diet can lead to dental disease, a common issue in domestic rabbits, causing pain and affecting their eating ability.

2. Pesticide Exposure

Strawberries are often treated with pesticides and other chemicals during growth to protect them from pests.

Even after washing, some residues may remain on the fruit.

Small amounts may not cause immediate harm, but repeated exposure to these chemicals could build up over time and cause health issues.

3. Potential for Gastrointestinal Disturbances

Strawberries are generally safe for rabbits, but some may have an adverse reaction. Like humans, each rabbit is unique and may have different sensitivities or allergies.

An adverse reaction could manifest as diarrhea, bloating, or changes in appetite.

If you notice any unusual behavior or symptoms after feeding your rabbit strawberries, it’s best to discontinue providing them with the fruit.

4. Risk of Choking

While rare, there’s also a small risk of choking, mainly if the rabbit is fed large pieces of strawberries.

To minimize this risk, ensure the strawberries are cut into small, manageable pieces.

How to Feed Strawberries to Rabbits

If you decide to offer strawberries to your rabbit, follow these guidelines to ensure you’re doing it safely:

1. Preparation

  • Choose organic strawberries if possible to minimize the risk of pesticide exposure.
  • Wash the strawberries thoroughly under running water to remove dirt or pesticide residues.
  • Remove the green leaves (calyx) and cut the strawberries into small pieces to prevent choking hazards.

2. How Many Strawberries Can A Rabbit Eat?

Offer a small portion of strawberries (about one teaspoon or one small strawberry) as a treat, not a primary food. Too much can lead to health problems due to the high sugar content.

3. Can a Rabbit Eat Strawberries Everyday?

Feed strawberries to your rabbit no more than once or twice a week to ensure a balanced diet and prevent potential health issues.

Signs of Adverse Reaction to Eating Strawberries

Monitor your rabbit after feeding them strawberries for the first time.

Signs of an adverse reaction may include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite

If you notice any of these symptoms, discontinue feeding strawberries to your rabbit and consult your veterinarian.

Alternative Fruits to Strawberries for Rabbits

If you’re looking for alternative fruits to strawberries that are safe and nutritious for your rabbit, consider the following options:

1. Fresh Fruits

1. Apples: Apples are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, crucial for your rabbit’s immune system. They also provide fiber, aiding in digestion.

Remove all seeds before feeding, as they contain cyanide, which can harm rabbits.

2. Pears: Pears, like apples, are fiber-rich and provide vitamins A and C. However, due to their sugar content, they should be offered in moderation.

3. Berries: Strawberriesblueberries, and raspberries are rich in antioxidants, which can help prevent damage to your rabbit’s cells.

Berries also provide a sweet, juicy treat your bunny will love. Again, moderation is vital due to the high sugar content.

2. Fresh Vegetables

4. Bell Peppers: Bell peppers, particularly the red variety, are high in vitamin C and can provide a crunchy, satisfying snack for your rabbit. However, avoid feeding your rabbit the seeds or stem.

5. Carrot Tops: While carrots themselves should be limited due to their high sugar content, their leafy green tops are packed with nutrients like vitamin A, calcium, and iron, making them an excellent snack for bunnies.

6. Spinach: Spinach is packed with vitamins A, C, and K, along with a host of essential minerals. However, due to its high oxalic acid content, it should be fed sparingly and rotated with other leafy greens.

7. Cucumbers: Cucumbers are low in calories and high in water, making them a hydrating snack. They’re also gentle on a rabbit’s sensitive digestive system.

3. Fresh Herbs

8. Parsley: Parsley is an excellent source of vitamins A and C. It’s also a good source of minerals like calcium, potassium, and manganese.

9. Basil: Basil offers vitamins A and K and manganese. It can also add variety to your rabbit’s diet.

10. Cilantro: Also known as coriander, cilantro is rich in vitamins A, C, and K, along with various essential minerals.

Foods Rabbits Can Not Eat

Rabbits have a sensitive and specialized digestive system that requires a specific diet for optimal health.

While their diet should consist primarily of hay, supplemented with fresh vegetables, leafy greens, and rabbit pellets, certain types of food should be strictly avoided.

Here’s a list of some foods you should never feed your rabbit:

1. Processed Foods

Any processed food, like breadcrackers, chips, cookies, or pasta, should not be fed to rabbits. These foods can cause serious digestive issues and contribute to obesity.

2. Sugary Foods

Rabbits have a sweet tooth, but sugary foods like candy, chocolate, or sweets harm their health. They can cause digestive issues, obesity, and dental problems.

3. Meat and Dairy

Rabbits are herbivores whose digestive systems are not designed to process meat or dairy products. Feeding your rabbit these foods can cause severe and fatal health problems.

4. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are high in fats and difficult for rabbits to digest. They can also pose a choking risk, especially for smaller rabbits.

5. Onion and Garlic

Oniongarlic, and other allium vegetables are toxic to rabbits. They can damage red blood cells and cause anemia or other serious health issues.

6. Raw Beans and Rhubarb

Raw beans and rhubarb are poisonous to rabbits and can be fatal if ingested. Keep these plants out of your rabbit’s reach.

7. Iceberg Lettuce

Many leafy greens benefit rabbits, but iceberg lettuce should be avoided. It contains lactucarium, which can harm rabbits and cause diarrhea.

See this: What Kind Of Lettuce Can Rabbit Eat?


Here are some frequently asked questions.

Can Rabbits Eat Strawberry Tops?

Yes, rabbits can eat strawberry tops (leaves and stems).

These parts of the strawberry are safe for rabbits to eat in moderation.

But, they should not replace the primary components of a rabbit’s diet, which should consist mainly of hay, vegetables, and pellets.

What Age Can Rabbits Eat Strawberries?

Rabbits can start eating strawberries when they are around 12 weeks old.

At this age, they can be gradually introduced to various fresh vegetables and fruits.

When introducing strawberries, start with a small amount to ensure your rabbit can tolerate them without any digestive issues.

Can Rabbits Eat Strawberry Seeds?

Yes, rabbits can eat strawberry seeds.

The seeds on the outside of a strawberry are small and soft, and they should not pose any problem for a rabbit to digest.

As with any fruit, strawberries should be given in moderation as a treat, as they are high in sugar.

Do Wild Rabbits Eat Strawberries?

Wild rabbits might eat strawberries if they come across them in their natural environment.

They are opportunistic foragers and will eat a variety of vegetation, including fruits like strawberries.

But, wild rabbits have a more diverse diet that includes grasses, leaves, and other vegetation found in their habitats.

Can Baby Bunny Eat Strawberries?

Baby rabbits, or kits, should not eat strawberries or any other fruits or vegetables until they are around 12 weeks old.

Can Rabbits Eat Other Parts Of The Strawberry Plant?

Rabbits can eat other parts of the strawberry plant, such as the leaves. The leaves are safe for rabbits to eat but in moderation.


Rabbits can eat strawberries in moderation as an occasional treat if they follow proper preparation, serving size, and frequency guidelines.

While strawberries provide some health benefits, such as Vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber, they also pose risks due to their high sugar content, potential pesticide exposure, and gastrointestinal sensitivity in some rabbits.

There are alternative fruits you can offer to your rabbit, but always prioritize a balanced diet consisting mainly of hay, fresh water, pellets, and leafy greens.

We hope this article helped you if rabbits can eat strawberries. If you have further questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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