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Can You Sleep With a Rabbit?

Have you ever wondered if you can sleep in bed with your rabbit?

Like every other pet, rabbits like to sleep next to their owners instead of the conventional hutch they are meant to sleep in at night.

In this article, we will let you know if sleeping with your rabbit in bed is advisable and provide you with all the information you need about co-sleeping with your bunny.

Can You Sleep With a Rabbit On Bed?

We do not recommend it.

The potential risks, including harm to the rabbit, must be considered seriously.

Conversely, sharing a bed with your rabbit can strengthen your bond. It offers additional closeness and companionship, and many rabbit owners relish this cuddle time.

But on the downside, the risk of injury to the rabbit, either through accidental squashing or falling from the bed, is a significant concern.

The disruption to your sleep pattern caused by the rabbit’s crepuscular nature can also be a drawback.

Rabbit Behavior & Safety Needs

Rabbits are crepuscular creatures, meaning they are most active during the dawn and dusk. This can clash with a human’s daily schedule, potentially leading to disturbances in your sleep cycle.

Moreover, rabbits require a safe and secure environment for their well-being. This is especially true when they are sleeping, as they are naturally prey animals and are always alert to potential dangers.

Allowing a rabbit to sleep on a bed can present certain risks. For one, rabbits have a delicate skeletal structure, especially their spine. Sudden movements from you or them could potentially lead to injury.

Also, the height of a bed is a significant risk factor. A fall from the mattress could result in severe injury or even death for a rabbit.

Safety Precautions

Sharing your bed with a rabbit requires you to implement specific safety measures to ensure the well-being of your furry companion.

A rabbit’s safety should be a priority when considering this sleeping arrangement.

Below, we outline some essential safety precautions for rabbits on the bed.

1. Minimizing Sudden Movements

When a rabbit is on your bed, one of the most critical safety measures to observe is minimizing sudden movements.

Rabbits are prey animals in the wild, so they are naturally skittish and easily startled. Abrupt movements could frighten your rabbit, causing it to jump or dart quickly, potentially leading to an injury.

For instance, turning over in your sleep can be risky if you’re unaware of your rabbit’s position. Therefore, training yourself to sleep more peacefully and move less can be beneficial if you decide to sleep with your rabbit.

2. Creating Safe Boundaries

You must create safe boundaries to prevent your rabbit from falling off the bed. Unlike cats or dogs, rabbits don’t have the best depth perception, and they may not realize the danger associated with the edge of a bed.

One way to create these boundaries is by using pillows or a bed rail. You could strategically place pillows around the edges of your bed, creating a barrier.

Alternatively, you could consider investing in a bed rail designed for small children, which could also effectively prevent falls.

However, even with these precautions, the fall risk cannot be eliminated, particularly if your rabbit gets spooked or tries to leap over the barrier.

3. Ensuring Potty Training

Another vital aspect to consider is the hygiene factor.

Rabbits are generally clean animals and can be potty trained, but accidents may still happen, especially when in a new or unfamiliar environment.

Therefore, before inviting your rabbit to sleep on your bed, you must ensure they are fully potty-trained.

This will help keep your bed clean and reduce the risk of unsanitary conditions that could affect either of you.

4. Monitoring Rabbit’s Health

Regular health check-ups are essential when you’re co-sleeping with your rabbit. Monitor for any changes in your rabbit’s behavior or physical condition.

Signs of discomfort, changes in eating or bathroom habits, or lethargy could indicate an underlying health problem that needs to be addressed by a vet.

In addition, keep your rabbit’s nails trimmed to prevent scratching, and regularly groom your rabbit to keep its fur clean and free of mites or fleas.

This will not only be beneficial for the rabbit’s health but will also help maintain the cleanliness of your bed.

5. Providing Access to Food and Water

Lastly, rabbits need constant access to fresh water and hay, their primary food source.

If your rabbit is going to spend a significant amount of time on your bed, you might want to consider providing a small, accessible area where your rabbit can hydrate and nourish itself.


While you might be tempted to share your beds with your bunny, the potential risks associated with this practice make exploring alternatives a wise decision.

Let’s discuss safer options for bonding and companionship without compromising your rabbit’s safety.

1. Separate Sleeping Area in the Same Room

One alternative to sleeping with a rabbit on your bed is to provide a separate sleeping area for your rabbit in the same room.

This option ensures that your rabbit feels secure, as it can still see and hear you, which can help strengthen your bond.

The separate sleeping area could be a rabbit-friendly enclosure filled with comfortable bedding and kept near your bed.

This could be a hutch or a large cage, but it should be spacious enough for your rabbit to move freely.

Note that this should not replace regular, supervised free-roaming time for your rabbit, which is crucial for its physical and mental well-being.

2. Pet Bed on the Floor

Another excellent alternative is using a pet bed placed on the floor near your bed.

The pet bed can provide your rabbit with a comfortable sleeping area that feels safe and close to you.

This setup also eliminates the risk of your rabbit falling from a height or getting injured due to sudden movements during your sleep.

Ensure the pet bed is appropriate for rabbits.

It should have low sides that are easy for your rabbit to hop over and be filled with comfortable, rabbit-safe material. Avoid materials a rabbit could choke on or cause digestive issues if ingested.

3. Bunny Condos or Pens

Bunny condos or exercise pens are other alternatives that provide a safe and comfortable environment for your rabbit to sleep in.

They offer plenty of space for your rabbit to move around, play, and rest comfortably.

To mimic a natural rabbit habitat, you can personalize these spaces with toys, hideouts, and a litter box.

This gives your rabbit a dedicated space and helps stimulate its natural behaviors.

4. Proximity Bedding

Proximity bedding is an innovative idea for those who want to feel close to their rabbit without sharing the bed.

It involves placing a small, comfortable pet bed or blanket at the foot or side of your bed where your rabbit can see and hear you.

This approach maintains the close proximity that benefits the bonding process and establishes a boundary, ensuring your rabbit’s safety.

5. Use of Baby Gates

Incorporating baby gates in your bedroom can also serve as a suitable alternative.

By confining your rabbit to a specific area of your room during the night, you can ensure they’re close to you while minimizing the risks associated with them being on your bed.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

Can You Keep Rabbit In Your Bedroom?

You can keep a rabbit in your bedroom if you take precautions to rabbit-proof the room.

This includes hiding or protecting electrical wires (which rabbits love to chew), keeping small objects off the floor that a rabbit could swallow, and ensuring the rabbit cannot access toxic plants or substances.

Additionally, remember that rabbits need space to run and play, so a cage in a bedroom might not be enough.

Can You Cuddle Your Rabbit?

Some rabbits enjoy being cuddled, while others do not.

Rabbits are prey animals, so they may not enjoy being held or cuddled as it can make them feel trapped. Letting your rabbit dictate how much physical affection they’re comfortable with is essential.

Let them come to you, and never force them to be cuddled or held. If your rabbit enjoys being close to you, sitting next to you might be more comfortable than being held or cuddled.

Why Does My Rabbit Sleep Next To Me?

If your rabbit sleeps next to you, it’s a good sign that they feel safe and comfortable around you.

It likely means that they trust you and enjoy your company.

Each rabbit has its own personality; some may be more social and affectionate than others.

Why Does My Bunny Like My Bed So Much?

Rabbits like soft and comfortable spaces, so it’s no surprise that your bunny might enjoy your bed. It’s quiet, warm, and has your scent, which your bunny may find comforting.

Just remember, rabbits can have accidents or chew on bedding, so it’s important to supervise them while they’re on your bed.


Co-sleeping with a rabbit can be a delightful experience that enhances your bond with your pet.

However, the rabbit’s potential risks and safety needs should never be overlooked.

If you allow your rabbit on the bed, implement safety precautions to mitigate potential hazards.

Always keep in mind that there are safer alternatives that allow for closeness and bonding without the risk.

We hope this article helped you know if you can sleep with a rabbit. If you have any questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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