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Do Bunnies Have Whiskers?

Have you wondered if bunnies have whiskers and what they use them for?

Whiskers are specialized hairs that are longer, stiffer, and more sensitive than regular hair. They are found on various parts of an animal’s body, typically around the muzzle, cheeks, and sometimes above the eyes.

In this article, we will let you know if bunnies have whiskers and their functions, and we’ll also answer some other frequently asked questions.

Do Bunnies Have Whiskers?

Yes, bunnies indeed have whiskers.

Like many mammals, whiskers serve as an extension of a bunny’s sensory and navigational abilities.

Bunny whiskers are typically as long as the width of the animal’s body, which can vary based on the breed and age of the bunny.

These whiskers are thick, long, and flexible, making them a vital tool for these bunnies.

Function of Whiskers

Like many other animals, whiskers in bunnies aren’t merely cosmetic. They have crucial roles in sensory perception, communication, and navigation.

1. Sensory Abilities

Bunny whiskers are teeming with nerve endings that send information about the surrounding environment to the brain.

They act as a tactile sensory tool allowing rabbits to detect changes in their surroundings, even in darkness.

Rabbits can feel the slightest touch or movement through their whiskers, which helps them recognize nearby objects, detect predators, or find food.

2. Communication

Bunny whiskers also play a crucial role in communication.

Bunnies often use their whiskers to express their emotions. For example, when a bunny is scared or stressed, its whiskers might twitch or flare out.

Observing these signals can help you better understand your bunny’s mood and needs.

3. Navigation

Navigation is another critical function of bunny whiskers.

Due to their wide-set eyes, bunnies have a blind spot directly in front of their nose.

Their whiskers act as a ‘touch sense,’ enabling them to detect obstacles in their path and navigate their way around them.

As we mentioned earlier, a rabbit’s whiskers are typically as long as their body width, which aids them in determining whether they can fit through tight spaces.

Types of Whiskers

Bunnies have three main types of whiskers: Vibrissae, superciliary, and genal.

1. Vibrissae

Vibrissae are the most prominent type of whiskers that bunnies possess.

They are on both sides of a bunny’s nose and are thick, long, and highly sensitive.

Vibrissae whiskers are the primary tools for a bunny’s tactile exploration of its environment.

2. Superciliary

Superciliary whiskers are those that sprout from the brow region.

They aren’t as long or thick as the vibrissae but serve as an additional sensory tool, mainly protecting the eyes from debris or aiding navigation in narrow or dark spaces.

3. Genal

Genal whiskers are located on the cheek area. While they don’t play as significant a role in tactile sensation as the vibrissae, they still aid in navigation and exploration, particularly on the sides and lower areas.

Bunny Breeds with Unique Whiskers

Some bunny breeds possess unique whisker traits that set them apart from others.

Let’s talk about some of these breeds.

1. Angora Rabbit

Angora rabbits are known for their long, soft fur that can sometimes obscure their whiskers. Their whiskers are still functional and critical to their sensory perception.

Often, Angora owners must take extra care to ensure their bunny’s whiskers aren’t compromised by their long fur.

2. Holland Lop

Holland Lops, known for their distinctive drooping ears, have quite prominent whiskers due to their contrast with the breed’s relatively short coat.

Their whiskers are often wide-set and long, providing excellent sensory and navigational capabilities.

3. Rex Rabbit

Rex Rabbits are unique as their whiskers are curly, unlike the straight whiskers found in most rabbit breeds.

This feature is due to a genetic mutation that causes their fur to be extraordinarily soft and plush.

Despite the curliness, their whiskers function the same as other breeds in providing sensory input.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

Why Do Rabbits Have Whiskers Above Their Eyes?

The whiskers above a rabbit’s eyes and those around the mouth and cheeks provide sensory information about the environment.

They help the rabbit navigate and sense objects, particularly in dim light or narrow spaces.

Can You Touch Bunny Whiskers?

You should avoid touching a rabbit’s whiskers. They are very sensitive and could cause discomfort or distress for the rabbit if handled.

Where Are Bunnies Whiskers?

Rabbits have whiskers on their cheeks, above their eyes, and on their chin. They’re also called vibrissae and are an important sensory tool.

Do Female Rabbits Have Whiskers?

Yes, both male and female rabbits have whiskers. They’re essential for their sense of touch and environmental awareness.

How Many Whiskers Do Rabbits Have?

The number of whiskers can vary among rabbits, but they typically have around 17 to 18 whiskers on each side of their face.

What Color Are Rabbits Whiskers?

Rabbit whiskers are typically the same or similar color as their fur but can also be white or darker than their coat.

What Happens If You Cut A Rabbit Whiskers?

It would be best if you never cut a rabbit’s whiskers.

They are a crucial sensory tool for rabbits and help them navigate their surroundings. Cutting them can disorient and distress the rabbit.

Do Rabbits Whiskers Fall Out?

Like other hairs, rabbit whiskers do shed and regrow naturally.

However, if you notice an excessive loss of whiskers, it might indicate stress or health issues, and you should consult a vet.

Do Rabbit Whiskers Have Nerves?

Whiskers don’t have nerves but are attached to very sensitive muscles and nerves in the rabbit’s face.

This is what allows the rabbit to gather sensory information from them.


Not only do bunnies have whiskers, but these appendages are also a critical part of their physiology, offering invaluable sensory abilities, helping in communication, and aiding in navigation.

You should avoid touching them and never cut them off. If they fall out on their own, they’ll grow back naturally.

We hope this article helped you know if bunnies have whiskers. If you have further questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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