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Do Rabbits Get Cold?

Do you want to know if rabbits get cold indoors, at night, in the winter, or what temperature is too cold for them to tolerate?

This curiosity must have come from rabbits having fur; thus, the fur should be able to shield them from cold weather.

In this article, we’ll let you know if rabbits get cold at night, in the winter, their unique needs, what you can do to keep them comfortable and safe, and much more.

Do Rabbits Get Cold?

Yes, rabbits can indeed get cold.

Unlike humans, they are more sensitive to temperature fluctuations, especially when it drops to a certain point.

This sensitivity to cold can be attributed to several factors:

What Temperature Is Too Cold For Rabbits

Rabbits typically feel uncomfortable in temperatures below 50°F (10°C).

Although they are equipped to handle some level of cold, anything too far below this temperature range can lead to discomfort or health issues.

Overview of Rabbit’s Fur and Insulation

A rabbit’s fur is more than just a beautiful coat; it’s a remarkable system that provides insulation and protection against cold weather.

Knowing the details of a rabbit’s fur and how it functions as insulation can help maintain the proper care and comfort level for your bunnies, especially during colder seasons.

The Structure of Rabbit’s Fur

Rabbit fur consists of two main layers:

  1. Guard Hairs: These are the outermost hairs, longer and coarser, that protect the underlying fur from moisture and offer a primary barrier against cold winds.
  2. Underfur: This is a dense and soft layer underneath the guard hairs. The underfur traps air, creating a thermal barrier that retains body heat, making it a vital insulation layer.

The combination of these two layers creates an efficient insulation system that keeps the rabbit warm in cold temperatures.

However, not all rabbits have the same type of fur, and some might be more suited to handle cold than others.

Different Breeds, Different Coats

Different rabbit breeds have variations in their fur’s thickness, length, and density, which affect their sensitivity to cold.

Here’s a look at how some common breeds differ:

  • Angora Rabbits: Known for their thick and fluffy coat, Angora rabbits have significant insulation. Their fur is dense, providing a robust defense against the cold.
  • Rex Rabbits: These rabbits have a more velvety fur that is shorter and less dense, making them potentially more sensitive to cold temperatures.
  • Lop Rabbits: Lop rabbits usually have medium-length fur. Depending on the specific breed of Lop, the insulation properties can vary.

Understanding your rabbit’s specific breed and coat type can help you tailor their care to meet their insulation needs effectively.

Importance of Grooming

Proper grooming is essential in maintaining the insulation properties of a rabbit’s fur.

Matting, dirt, or excessive shedding can reduce the efficiency of the fur’s insulating properties.

Regular grooming ensures that the fur remains clean, untangled, and fluffed, maximizing its ability to retain warmth.

Seasonal Changes in Rabbit’s Fur

Some rabbits undergo a seasonal molt, shedding their fur to adapt to temperature changes.

During the transition to colder months, rabbits might develop a thicker undercoat to enhance insulation.

Being aware of these changes and adjusting care practices can enhance their comfort during cold weather.

Signs Your Rabbit Is Cold

How can I tell if my rabbit is cold?

Detecting signs that your rabbit is cold is crucial to caring for them, especially during the chilly months of the year.

A rabbit’s body language and behavior may subtly change when feeling cold. These signs must be recognized early to prevent discomfort and potential health risks.

Here’s a how to know if your rabbit is cold.

1. Physical Signs

Physical manifestations are often the first indicators that your rabbit is feeling cold.

These include:

  1. Shivering: A cold rabbit might visibly shiver, indicating they’re trying to generate heat through muscle movement.
  2. Hunching: Curling up or hunching over helps the rabbit conserve heat by reducing the body surface area exposed to the cold.
  3. Cold Ears: A rabbit’s ears are relatively thin, and you might notice that they feel cooler to the touch if the rabbit is cold.
  4. Reduced Grooming: Rabbits feeling cold might groom less as they try to conserve energy and stay warm.

2. Behavioral Changes

A rabbit’s behavior may also change when they’re cold. These changes may be less apparent but are equally significant:

  1. Lethargy: Cold temperatures might cause a rabbit to become less active. They may move less and prefer staying in one warm spot.
  2. Hiding: A rabbit may seek shelter in enclosed, warmer places like a hut or under furniture.
  3. Seeking Warmth: You might notice your rabbit trying to snuggle close to you, other rabbits, or warm objects to share body heat.
  4. Changes in Eating Habits: A cold rabbit might eat more to generate energy to stay warm or, conversely, might lose interest in food if too uncomfortable.

Importance of Knowing Your Rabbit

Knowing what’s normal for your rabbit to discern these signs is essential.

A behavior that’s a sign of being cold in one rabbit might not be the same for another.

Regular observation and understanding of their habits can make detecting changes easier and more accurate.

When to Take Action

If you notice any of these signs, immediate action should be taken to warm up your rabbit.

This might include adjusting the room temperature, providing additional bedding or a warm pad, or moving them to a warmer environment.

Persistent signs of cold, even after attempts to warm up the rabbit, might indicate underlying health issues.

In such cases, consulting with a veterinarian is recommended to rule out any complications.

How to Keep Your Rabbit Warm

How do you warm up a rabbit?

Rabbits, though resilient, are sensitive to cold temperatures.

Their comfort and well-being depend on a warm and stable environment.

Here’s a detailed guide on keeping your rabbit warm, whether an indoor or outdoor bunny.

With the right strategies, you can ensure your bunny stays comfortable, happy, and healthy even during the coldest months.

1. Proper Shelter

Proper shelter is the foundation for keeping your rabbit warm.

Indoor Rabbits

  • Avoid Drafts: Ensure the rabbit’s living space is away from drafts, open windows, or doors.
  • Maintain Room Temperature: Keep the room temperature consistent, ideally above 50°F (10°C).

Outdoor Rabbits

  • Weatherproof Shelter: Provide a weatherproof hutch, insulated and raised off the ground to avoid dampness.
  • Wind Barriers: Adding windbreaks around the hutch can protect from cold winds.

2. Warm Bedding

Bedding is a rabbit’s personal space, and keeping it warm is essential.

  • Use Thick, Warm Material: Straw or hay is excellent for insulation. Avoid using thin or damp bedding material.
  • Provide Extra Bedding: Extra bedding for added warmth is wise during colder months.

3. Heating Options

While natural insulation is preferred, sometimes additional heating may be needed.

  • Heating Pads: Special heating pads designed for small animals can be placed under the bedding. Please ensure they are safe for pets and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Heat Lamps: If using heat lamps, they must be secured well and placed at a safe distance to prevent burns.

4. Adequate Food and Water

Rabbits expend more energy to keep warm, so their dietary needs might change.

  • Provide Enough Food: They may eat more during colder weather to maintain energy levels. Keep a steady supply of hay and fresh food.
  • Unfrozen Water: If you have outdoor rabbits, use heated water bottles or dishes to ensure their water doesn’t freeze.

See the complete article on how to solve the problem of frozen water in rabbits.

5. Special Considerations for Different Breeds

  • Understand Your Rabbit’s Breed: Some breeds may need special care depending on the thickness and type of their coat.
  • Regular Grooming: As earlier said, keep the fur clean and free of mats, as matted fur loses its insulating properties.

6. Regular Monitoring and Adjustments

  • Daily Checks: Regularly check your rabbit to ensure they are comfortable and make adjustments as needed.
  • Consider Moving Outdoor Rabbits Inside: In freezing weather, temporarily moving outdoor rabbits to an indoor shelter may be best.

Potential Health Issues Related to Cold

Cold weather is not just a matter of discomfort for rabbits; it can lead to serious health issues if not addressed promptly.

Here’s an extensive guide to the potential health problems related to cold and how to prevent or manage them.

1. Hypothermia

Hypothermia is a condition where a rabbit’s body temperature drops below normal, leading to a potentially life-threatening situation.

Symptoms: Shivering, lethargy, slow breathing, cold body, and unresponsiveness.

Prevention: Provide proper shelter, warmth, and regular monitoring.

Treatment: Gradually warm the rabbit using warm towels, heating pads, or body heat, and seek veterinary care immediately.

2. Respiratory Issues

Cold air and damp environments can exacerbate or lead to respiratory problems.

Symptoms: Sneezing, nasal discharge, labored breathing.

Prevention: Ensure a dry and draft-free environment.

Treatment: Consult a veterinarian, as antibiotics or other medical interventions may be required.

3. Frostbite

Prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures may cause frostbite, particularly in the ears, nose, and feet.

Symptoms: Pale, grayish, bluish skin, swelling, or blistering.

Prevention: Provide adequate shelter, insulation, and monitor the rabbit during freezing weather.

Treatment: Gradual rewarming and veterinary care to prevent infection.

4. Digestive Problems

Changes in eating habits due to cold might lead to gastrointestinal issues.

Symptoms: Reduced appetite, changes in feces, bloating.

Prevention: Monitor eating habits, provide ample hay, and ensure access to unfrozen water.

Treatment: Encourage eating and consult a veterinarian if symptoms persist.

5. Joint Stiffness and Arthritis Flare-Ups

Cold weather might exacerbate joint issues, particularly in older rabbits.

Symptoms: Difficulty moving, limping, apparent discomfort.

Prevention: Provide soft bedding and avoid damp environments.

Treatment: Keep the rabbit warm and consult a veterinarian for appropriate medication or care.

6. Stress and Behavioral Changes

Chronic cold exposure may lead to stress, affecting a rabbit’s overall well-being.

Symptoms: Unusual behavior, aggression, or withdrawal.

Prevention: Maintain a comfortable environment and routine.

Treatment: Address the cause of stress, such as cold, and provide a stable, warm environment.

Routine veterinary care can help in the early detection and management of these potential issues.

Regular check-ups, particularly before the onset of cold weather, can ensure your rabbit is optimal health.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

How Do I Keep My Rabbit Warm at Night?

Keeping your rabbit warm at night involves providing proper insulation, bedding, and shelter.

For outdoor rabbits, ensure the hutch is weatherproof, windproof, and filled with warm bedding materials like straw.

Indoor rabbits should have a draft-free space with extra bedding.

If temperatures drop significantly, a safe heating option might be considered.

What Temperature Is Too Cold For Rabbits?

Most rabbits are comfortable at temperatures between 60°F (15°C) and 70°F (21°C).

Temperatures below 40°F (4°C) may become uncomfortable, and anything below freezing may pose a risk, especially for certain breeds or younger rabbits.

How Do I Know If My Rabbit Is Warm Enough?

Observing your rabbit’s behavior is the deal here.

Signs that your rabbit is warm enough include regular activity, eating habits, and grooming.

If you notice shivering, lethargy, or hunching, it may indicate that the rabbit is too cold.

Feel their ears and body; additional warmth may be needed if they are cold to the touch.

Do Indoor Rabbits Get Cold?

Yes, indoor rabbits can get cold if exposed to drafts, low room temperatures, or inadequate bedding.

Keep their living area away from open windows and maintain a consistent room temperature above 50°F (10°C).

Can Rabbits Die From Cold?

Extreme cold can lead to hypothermia and other health issues that can be fatal to rabbits if not addressed promptly.

Proper shelter, food, water, and regular checks can prevent these risks.

When Should Rabbits Be Brought Inside?

Rabbits should be brought inside if outdoor temperatures drop below freezing or if there are extreme weather conditions like snowstorms.

It depends on the breed, age, and individual rabbit too.

What Temperature Is Dangerous For Rabbits?

Temperatures below freezing (32°F or 0°C) are generally considered dangerous for rabbits, especially without proper care and shelter.

Extended exposure to these temperatures can lead to serious health issues.

Do Baby Rabbits Get Cold?

Yes, baby rabbits are more susceptible to cold as their fur has not fully developed.

Extra care, including additional warmth and insulation, should be provided for baby rabbits, especially during cold seasons.

Do Wild Rabbits Get Cold?

Wild rabbits are adapted to handle natural weather fluctuations, but they can still get cold.

They usually build burrows and nest in thick vegetation for insulation.

Extreme cold weather can still be challenging for wild rabbits, and they may seek additional shelter or food sources.


Bunnies get cold, and caring for rabbits during cold seasons requires specific attention to their shelter, bedding, food, water, and health.

Outdoor rabbits need weatherproof, insulated hutches and a consistent supply of unfrozen water, while indoor rabbits benefit from maintaining a consistent room temperature and proper bedding.

Common mistakes to avoid include insufficient insulation, neglecting regular monitoring, and using inappropriate bedding material.

We hope this article helped you know if rabbits get cold. If you have any questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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