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Do Rabbits Eat Their Babies?

Have you ever wondered if rabbits eat their young ones?

Although uncommon, rabbits can exhibit cannibalistic behavior, eating their babies under certain circumstances. To understand this behavior, we will talk about cannibalism in rabbits, the factors that trigger it, and how to prevent it from happening.

In this article, we will discuss the behavior of rabbits in relation to their offspring, including cannibalism, reproduction, maternal behavior, and infanticide.

Do Rabbits Eat Their Babies?

No, rabbits do not typically eat their babies.

However, there are instances where rabbits, especially mothers, may eat their kits in a behavior known as infanticide or filial cannibalism.

This can happen due to stress, lack of resources, or if the babies are stillborn or unhealthy.

Sometimes, the mother may accidentally harm the babies while grooming them or moving them to a safer location.

This behavior is rare and not a normal part of a rabbit’s lifestyle.

Cannibalism in Rabbits

Cannibalism in rabbits is the act of a mother rabbit (doe) eating her own offspring, typically shortly after birth.

This behavior is not typical for most rabbit species, and it usually occurs when the mother is under stress or has insufficient resources to care for her litter.

Factors that Trigger Cannibalism

Several factors can trigger cannibalism in rabbits, including:

1. Stress
A doe may feel threatened or stressed by her environment, which can lead to cannibalistic behavior.

2. Malnutrition
A lack of proper nutrition can result in the doe being unable to produce enough milk, prompting her to eat her offspring.

3. Inexperience
A first-time mother may be unsure how to care for her young, which can result in accidental cannibalism.

4. Disturbed Nest
If a rabbit’s nest is disturbed, the mother may feel threatened and eat her babies in an attempt to protect them.

How To Stop A Rabbit From Eating Her Babies

To prevent cannibalism in rabbits, ie, to minimize the risk of a rabbit eating her babies, you can take the following steps to create a safe and stress-free environment for the mother and her offspring:

1. Provide A Clean, Secure Nesting Area
Ensure the mother rabbit has a clean, quiet, private nesting area where she feels safe and comfortable.

A nesting box filled with soft bedding material, like hay or shredded paper, will help.

2. Minimize Stress
Reduce loud noises, bright lights, and excessive handling to prevent the mother from becoming stressed.

Stress may cause her to feel threatened and may trigger infanticide.

3. Ensure Proper Nutrition
Feed the mother rabbit a balanced diet, including pellets, hay, and water.

Providing her with enough nutrients will help her produce adequate milk for her babies and reduce the likelihood of her resorting to eating them.

4. Health Check
If you notice any health issues with the mother or her babies, consult a veterinarian immediately.

A healthy mother rabbit is less likely to engage in filial cannibalism.

5. Do Not Disturb The Nest
Only check on the babies occasionally to ensure they are healthy and clean.

Disturbing the nest too frequently may cause the mother to become anxious and potentially harm her babies.

6. Monitor Closely After Birth
Observe the mother rabbit closely in the first few days after giving birth.

If you notice any signs of aggression or infanticide, separate her from the babies and consult a veterinarian for advice on how to proceed.

Reproduction of Rabbits

Understanding rabbit reproduction can help explain why some rabbits may eat their babies.

Mating and Gestation Periods

Rabbits are prolific breeders, with females able to conceive again within hours of giving birth.

The gestation period for rabbits is approximately 28 to 31 days.

This rapid reproduction cycle increases the chance of resource scarcity, which can contribute to cannibalism.

Nesting and Birthing Process

Shortly before giving birth, a doe will create a nest using hay, grass, and her fur.

The birthing process is relatively quick, with the mother giving birth to a litter of three to eight kits (baby rabbits) within a few minutes.

Maternal Behavior of Rabbits

Understanding a rabbit’s maternal behavior is crucial when examining why a doe may eat her offspring.

Caring for the Young

After giving birth, a rabbit’s mother cleans her kits and places them in the nest.

She will typically only visit her young for a few minutes daily to nurse them, minimizing the risk of attracting predators.

Feeding the Young

Rabbit mothers produce highly nutritious milk essential for the kits’ growth and development.

A doe will nurse her young once or twice daily, usually during the early morning or late evening hours.

Protection of the Young

A mother rabbit will fiercely protect her young from potential threats.

As previously mentioned, this may include consuming her babies if she believes they are at risk.

Infanticide in Rabbits

Infanticide is the intentional killing of offspring by a parent.

Although this is not the same as cannibalism, it is still necessary for you to know the reasons for infanticide and its frequency in rabbits to gain a full understanding of their behavior towards their offspring.

Reasons for Infanticide

Infanticide in rabbits can occur for several reasons:

1. Competition
In some cases, a rabbit may kill another’s offspring to increase the chances of survival for her kits.

2. Stress
As mentioned earlier, stress can trigger infanticidal behavior, causing a doe to kill her young.

3. Illness or Deformity
A mother rabbit may instinctively kill a kit if it is sick or has a deformity, as it is less likely to survive in the wild.

4. Scent Contamination
If a kit is handled by a human or another animal, the mother may not recognize its scent and may kill it due to perceived threat.

Frequency of Infanticide

Infanticide is rare in rabbits, especially when provided with a safe and secure environment.

By minimizing stress and disturbances, the risk of infanticide can be reduced.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

Do Rabbits Eat Their Babies If You Touch Them?

No, rabbits don’t eat their babies if you touch them.

Still, it’s best not to handle newborn rabbits unnecessarily, because If a kit is handled by a human or another animal, the mother may not recognize its scent and may kill it due to perceived threat.

Why Do Rabbits Kill Their First Litter?

Rabbits may kill their first litter due to inexperience, stress, fear, or a perceived threat to their babies.

It’s common for first-time mothers to be unsure how to care for their offspring properly.

Do Wild Rabbits Eat Their Babies?

In rare cases, wild rabbits may eat their babies due to extreme stress, lack of resources, or perceived threats. This behavior is not common and is usually a last resort for survival.

Are There Any Specific Rabbit Breeds That Are More Prone To Cannibalism?

Cannibalism in rabbits is not breed-specific. However, the behavior can be more common in first-time mothers, regardless of breed.

What Should I Do If I Observe a Rabbit Attempting To Eat Its Offspring?

If you observe a rabbit attempting to eat its offspring or if it has already done so, separate the mother from the babies immediately.

Consult a veterinarian or an experienced rabbit breeder for guidance on caring for the remaining babies and address the issue with the mother.

Can Rabbits That Have Previously Eaten Their Young Be Successfully Bred Again?

It’s possible for rabbits that have previously eaten their young to be successfully bred again, but it’s essential to address the underlying causes of the behavior.

Reducing stress, providing a safe environment, and ensuring the mother rabbit is healthy can help prevent this issue from recurring.

However, if the behavior continues or is extreme, it may be best to avoid breeding the rabbit again and consider spaying or neutering.


Rabbits can exhibit cannibalistic and infanticidal behavior, but it is not common.

These behaviors are usually triggered by stress, a lack of resources, or a perceived threat to their young.

Providing a safe and nurturing environment for rabbits and their offspring can significantly minimize the risk of these behaviors.

We hope this article helped you know if rabbits eat their babies. If you have any questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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