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How Many Babies Do Rabbits Have?

Are you wondering how many babies rabbits have in their first litter or in a month, year, or lifetime?

In some religions and cultures, rabbits symbolize fertility because of their prolific nature when it comes to kindling.

In this article, we will let you know how many babies rabbits can have, and we will also discuss rabbit reproduction, letting you understand rabbit breeding, maternal care, population control, and ways to increase litter size.

How Many Babies Do Rabbits Have?

On average, a female rabbit can have between 1 to 14 babies, also known as kits, per litter.

However, the typical number for most breeds falls between 4 to 8 kits, according to what we have experienced in our Rabbitry.

Although one of our experiments doe had once given birth to 18 babies, sadly, she died afterward.

Various factors influence this wide range, including breed, age, health, and environmental conditions.

For instance, larger breeds have bigger litter than their smaller counterparts.

Rabbits can breed multiple times yearly, significantly contributing to their population growth.

Reproduction In Rabbits

Rabbit reproduction involves examining the gestation period, breeding season, and litter size.

Gestation Period

The gestation period for rabbits is relatively short, typically lasting between 28 to 31 days. However, this duration can vary slightly depending on the breed and individual health of the doe.

It’s common for does to give birth without showing any obvious signs of pregnancy, which often leads to unexpected litter.

Breeding Season

Rabbits are known for their ability to breed year-round, though they are most prolific in the warmer months from early spring through late summer.

This is primarily due to the lengthening daylight hours, which stimulate the release of reproductive hormones.

The doe can become pregnant again almost immediately after giving birth, which is why rabbit populations can quickly escalate if not properly managed.

Litter Size

As mentioned, a doe can give birth to 1 to 14 kits per litter, averaging 4 to 8.

The rabbit’s breed, age, health, and overall living conditions can influence the litter size.

Maternal Care In Rabbits

Rabbits have unique maternal habits that are crucial to the survival of the kits.

Nest Building

Before giving birth, the doe will build a nest using hay or straw, lining it with her fur for extra warmth and comfort. (that’s in the wild)

The nest provides a safe and cozy environment for newborn kits.

Feeding and Grooming

Rabbit mothers only feed their young once or twice a day, usually for a few minutes each time.

This might seem inadequate, but rabbit milk is highly nutritious, allowing kits to thrive on these infrequent feedings.

The doe also grooms her kits, helping to keep them clean and stimulate their bodily functions.


Weaning typically begins around four weeks of age, with kits gradually eating more solid food.

By 6 to 8 weeks, the young rabbits are usually fully weaned and ready to leave the nest.

Rabbit Population Control

Considering rabbits’ high reproductive capacity, population control is a significant concern.

Environmental Factors

Various environmental factors can influence rabbit populations.

For instance, harsh weather conditions can limit food availability, leading to a decrease in rabbit populations.

On the other hand, favorable conditions can cause a population boom.


Predators play a crucial role in keeping rabbit populations in check.

Common predators include foxes, hawks, owls, domestic cats, and dogs.

Human Intervention

Humans can help control rabbit populations through habitat management, sterilization, and regulated hunting.

Responsible pet ownership, including spaying and neutering pet rabbits, contributes to population control.

How to Increase Litter Size

Improving or increasing the litter size of rabbits can be significant for breeders.

Here are a few strategies:

1. Proper Nutrition: A balanced diet is crucial for rabbits, especially pregnant does. Ensure your rabbits access high-quality hay, fresh vegetables, fruits, and clean water.

2. Adequate Space and Exercise: Rabbits need plenty of space to move around and exercise. This is especially true for pregnant does, as physical fitness can contribute to healthier, larger litters.

3. Regular Vet Check-ups: Regular veterinary examinations can help detect and address health issues early, improving overall fertility and potential litter size.

4. Breeding Age: It’s best to breed rabbits at optimal fertility. For most breeds, this is between 6 months to 2 years old.

5. Selective Breeding: Breeding rabbits with a history of large litters can increase the likelihood of larger litters.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

How Many Babies Do Rabbits Have a Month?

A rabbit’s gestation period is about 28-31 days, and they can become pregnant again soon after giving birth.

So theoretically, they could have a litter every month.

But, for the rabbit’s health, you shouldn’t breed them this frequently.

How Many Rabbit Babies Survive?

Survival rates for baby rabbits can vary depending on many factors, including the mother’s health, the environment, predation, and human intervention.

In the wild, only about 15% of baby rabbits survive to their first birthday.

With proper care, survival rates can be much higher in domestic settings.

How Many Babies Can A Rabbit Have In a Year?

A rabbit can have up to 1-14 kits per litter and theoretically have a new litter every month.

But this would be incredibly stressful and unhealthy for the rabbit.

A more typical breeding schedule might be 3-4 litters per year, potentially resulting in anywhere from 3 to 56 kits per year.

How Many Babies Do Rabbits Have In a Lifetime?

Given that rabbits can start breeding at around six months old and continue to breed until they are 4-5 years old, a rabbit could theoretically have hundreds of offspring in its lifetime.

However, this would require constant breeding, which would be highly detrimental to the rabbit’s health.

How Often Do Rabbits Breed?

Rabbits are known for their high reproductive rate and can breed year-round under the right conditions.

But, continuous breeding is not healthy for rabbits.

In a managed setting, responsible breeders usually limit breeding to 3-4 times a year to ensure the health of the female rabbit.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”How Many Babies Do Rabbits Have In Their First Litter?” answer-0=”The number of babies in a rabbit’s first litter can vary, but typically a rabbit will have between 1 to 14 kits (baby rabbits). On average, a first-time mother will have 6 kits.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”How Many Times Do Rabbits Mate a Day?” answer-1=”Rabbits can mate multiple times a day, but it’s not healthy or recommended for them to do so. Overbreeding can lead to health issues for both the male and female rabbit.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”How Long Does It Take For a Rabbit To Give Birth?” answer-2=”Once a rabbit goes into labor, it typically only takes a few minutes to a few hours for her to give birth to all her kits.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”How Many Babies Do Wild Rabbits Have?” answer-3=”Wild rabbits, like their domestic counterparts, can have between 1 and 14 kits per litter, with 3 to 6 being the average. They can have multiple litters per year, especially in favorable conditions.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h3″ question-4=”Do Rabbits Give Birth To All Babies At Once?” answer-4=”Yes, rabbits generally give birth to all their babies in a single birthing period. This is known as kindling.” image-4=”” count=”5″ html=”true” css_class=””]


The number of babies rabbits have is not a straightforward answer due to the various factors influencing rabbit reproduction.

Whether you own a rabbit, a breeder like us, or an animal enthusiast, knowing about rabbit breeding habits and how to manage them is necessary.

If you want to increase your rabbit’s litter size, remember that proper care, nutrition, and regular vet check-ups play vital roles.

We hope this article helped you know how many babies rabbits have. If you have further questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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