Friday, March 28, 2025

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How To Maintain Your Wellbeing During Lockdown

Isolation has made many of us start to worry and stress about things out of our control, especially the future and what it holds. Keeping our minds clear and staying sane has been a test and no easy venture but we can help ourselves through some simple steps. One of the first things to remember during isolation is that everyone around the world is going through the same thing, not being able to meet up or socialise with other people and being stuck inside has serious side effects to our mental health. So how do we get through it? 

Practise Mindfulness 

Keeping a clear mind and remembering that your feelings, whether you’re sad or anxious, will eventually pass. Checking in with yourself and seeing how you feel is highly important during isolation. Mindfulness is the practice of remembering that you’ll be ok, whether this is through writing a journal having affirmations or meditating. Taking the time out of your day to focus on your and your feelings is beneficially for maintain a clear mind. It’s easy to become sad with the continuous bad news and negative media, try and switch off from these outlets through switching off your phone and concentrating on you and your wellbeing. 


Setting aside a time during the day to exercise and work up some endorphins is proven to help with clearing your mind. Whether its 20 or 40 or even 60 minutes in the morning or evening exercise will not only help you keep fit and healthy but will give you something to fill your day and look forward to. Exercise can be anything from an intense HITT workout to a long walk or run, it will clear you mind and help you forget about the ongoing worry happening around the world. There are many virtual workouts and events being streamed weekly, so to feel part of a community and to interact with other look into signing up to some of them, this will encourage you to feel social even if you’re not in the same place together. 

Stimulating Activities. 

Thanks to lock down many of us have begun taking up new and forgotten hobbies to keep ourselves stimulated. Whether its cross-stitching, painting, planting or baking, trying something new that keeps our brains activate is beneficial for our mental health. Not only will you be able to come out of lockdown with a new skill and perhaps something to show, but you’ll be rewarded with a new creative ability. Starting a new hobby can distract you from what is ongoing in the media too and bring newfound joy. Rarely we have the time to find something new to do and create so lockdown has forced us to think outside the box and help us take up a new experience that we otherwise wouldn’t have started. 

Check-In With Friends And Family

Regularly checking in with close friends and family will help you get through lockdown with much more ease. Talking to others who are going through similar feelings as you will make you feel less isolated and lonely. Whether it’s a video call, quiz or short phone call, talking to others regularly will help your mind feel at ease. Planning a quiz will distract your mind from unnecessary worry and will help you feel more sociable. Writing letters is another way to stay in contact and is both special and personal for the individual receiving one from you. 

Have A Regular Sleep Routine 

Getting a reasonable amount of sleep is what your body and mind needs to function and stay clear. Try and maintain a regular sleeping schedule to avoid feeling grumpy or agitated during the day. Having enough rest will make you feel refreshed, you don’t want to get into the habit of going to sleep too late and then waking up in the middle of the day. Even if you don’t have that much to do or have anywhere to go, regular sleep and a sleeping pattern will help avoid feelings of worry and anxiousness. Try and put all electronics down an hour or so before you sleep, read a book or even listen to some calming music to set the mood in order to relax. 

Eat Well

They say our health is our wealth and that couldn’t be more truthful especially now. Getting enough fruit and vegetable into our diets will help both our bodies and our minds feel better. We need to keep out immune systems strong with the virus going around and since doctors and other healthcare spaces have been restricted its more difficult to see someone if we are unwell. Nutrition and mental health go together and are needed for us to feel overall well. 

Staying safe and sane during this period of lockdown is essential. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you miss out on a day of exercise or are unable to start a new hobby, it takes time to feel better, checking in with yourself and others and making sure you’re getting up and getting dressed each day is just as important. 

Cheri.S.Jones is an aspiring entrepreneur and business writer. Her writing is featured on websites such as and Cheri has been involved in many daring business projects and managed to find a lot of newfound success. Also, she is a blogger at Research Papers UK.

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