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How To Separate Rabbit Poop from Hay

Do you want to know how to separate rabbit poop from hay or how to collect rabbit poop for manure?

There are countless ways to create a thriving garden, and there are equally as many ways to do so sustainably. One such method that many gardeners may not be aware of is the use of rabbit poop as manure. Yes, you read that correctly. Rabbit waste can serve as an effective, eco-friendly fertilizer for your garden.

In this article, we will show you how to separate rabbit poop from hay for fertilizer, the step-by-step process, the tools needed, and much more.

Benefits of Rabbit Poop as Manure

Utilizing rabbit poop as manure in your garden presents a multitude of benefits.

Some of these advantages stem from its high nutrient content, while others arise from its unique properties compared to other types of animal waste.

1. High Nutrient Content

Rabbit poop is an organic powerhouse fertilizer. It is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, also known as the N-P-K value of fertilizers. These nutrients are essential for plant growth.

  • Nitrogen (N): This nutrient promotes lush, vibrant plant leaf growth. A nitrogen deficiency can result in yellow, stunted leaves.
  • Phosphorus (P): Phosphorus helps form seeds, flowers, and fruit. It also encourages healthy root development and is vital for plant energy transfer.
  • Potassium (K): Potassium is crucial for overall plant health. It aids in water regulation, protein synthesis, and resistance to diseases.

Also, rabbit manure often contains trace amounts of micronutrients beneficial to plants, such as calcium, magnesium, and sulfur.

2. Safe for Direct Use

Rabbit poop is considered “cold” manure, which means it’s less likely to burn plants than “hot” manures like those from chickens, horses, or cows.

Hot manures need to be composted before application to prevent damage to plants. Rabbit manure, on the other hand, can be applied directly to the garden without prior composting.

This significantly reduces the preparation time and makes it a more convenient choice for gardeners.

3. Improves Soil Structure

Rabbit manure feeds your plants with essential nutrients and improves your garden’s soil structure.

When mixed with soil, the manure improves the soil’s water-holding capacity, promotes beneficial soil microbes, and improves soil aeration.

All of these factors contribute to a healthier, more productive garden.

4. Sustainability Aspect

Rabbit poop, when used as manure, promotes a more sustainable and circular approach to gardening.

By repurposing waste, gardeners can minimize the use of chemical fertilizers that contribute to environmental degradation.

Moreover, this process turns a disposal problem into a gardening solution for rabbit owners.

5. Economic Benefits

Lastly, using rabbit poop as manure can be economical for gardeners. Instead of purchasing commercial fertilizers, rabbit owners can utilize a waste product that would otherwise go unused.

Over time, the savings can add up, making rabbit poop not only an environmentally friendly choice but also a cost-effective one.

How To Separate Rabbit Poop from Hay

Separating rabbit poop from hay to use as manure is a straightforward process, although it may require some patience and finesse.

You can collect and utilize this valuable resource for your garden with the proper techniques and practice.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Collect the Hay & Poop Mixture

Start by collecting the mixture of rabbit poop and hay. This is usually found in your rabbit’s litter box or hutch.

As you do this, remember to wear gloves and ensure your tools are clean to maintain good hygiene and prevent cross-contamination.

2. Spread Out the Mixture

The collected mixture is spread on a large, flat surface. This could be a table, a tray, or even a tarp laid out on the ground.

Spreading it out will allow you to see what you are working with more clearly and makes the separation process more straightforward.

3. Initial Separation Process

Begin the separation process by using your hands, a spatula, or a similar tool to divide the larger clumps of hay from the rabbit poop.

It’s okay if some hay remains mixed with the poop at this stage; the goal is to remove much of it.

4. Sifting Process

After you’ve conducted an initial separation, it’s time to sift the mixture.

You’ll need a garden sieve or a litter scoop with holes large enough for the rabbit poop to pass through but not the hay.

Gradually pour your mixture into the sieve or scoop and gently shake it. The rabbit poop should fall through the holes while the hay remains.

Repeat this process until you’ve sifted through all the mixture.

5. Final Handpicking

While sifting should remove most of the hay, more little pieces may be mixed in with the rabbit poop.

To ensure the purity of your manure, spend some time handpicking these remaining bits of hay.

This is where your patience might be tested, but the result is worth it.

6. Storing the Rabbit Poop

Once you’ve separated the rabbit poop from the hay, it’s time to store it. Use a clean, dry container for storage.

Ensure the container is covered to prevent the poop from being contaminated by dirt, insects, or other undesirable elements.

It’s best to store the container in a cool, dry place until you can use the manure in your garden.

We use this same method to collect our bunnies’ poops for our plantain and banana planted around our rabbitry unit.

That’s the only fertilizer we use on them and other petty crops around the rabbit farm, and they’re doing very well.

Tools & Supplies for Separating Rabbit Poop from Hay

The process of separating rabbit poop from hay can be simplified with the aid of specific tools and supplies.

While conducting the separation manually is possible, these items can expedite the process and make it more efficient.

Below, we’ll detail several items that you may find helpful.

1. Hay Rack

A hay rack is a useful preventative measure that can minimize the mixture of hay and rabbit poop in the first place.

These racks are designed to hold hay off the floor of the rabbit’s habitat, reducing the chance of your rabbit’s droppings intermixed with the hay.

They come in various shapes and sizes and can be attached to the side of a rabbit cage or hutch.

2. Litter Scoop

A litter scoop is an invaluable tool for the sifting process stage.

These scoops typically have a grid pattern with holes that can let small particles like rabbit poop pass through while retaining larger pieces like hay.

When selecting a litter scoop, ensure the holes are the right size – small enough to hold back the hay but large enough to let the rabbit poop through.

3. Garden Sieve

Like a litter scoop, a garden sieve can assist in sifting. They are typically more substantial, allowing you to sift larger quantities at once.

As with the litter scoop, pay attention to the size of the sieve’s holes when selecting one for this purpose.

4. Gloves

Protective gloves are essential for maintaining hygiene while collecting and separating rabbit poop.

They also offer protection against potential allergens or irritants that could be present in the hay or rabbit poop.

5. Containers

Containers for collection and storage are another necessity.

You’ll need one container to collect the initial hay and poop mixture and another to store the separated poop until it’s time to use it in your garden.

Choose containers that are easy to clean and dry to maintain hygiene.

6. Specific Types of Bedding

The type of bedding used in your rabbit’s habitat can also impact the ease of separation.

Certain types of bedding, such as paper-based bedding, are less likely to adhere to rabbit poop, making them a better choice.

Avoid using hay as bedding, which will inevitably lead to a more extensive mixture of hay and poop.

How to Use Rabbit Poop Manure in Your Garden

Rabbit poop manure is a valuable resource for your garden, offering a wealth of essential nutrients that support plant growth.

However, using this organic fertilizer effectively requires some know-how.

Below, we’ve discussed using rabbit poop manure in your garden to reap the most benefits.

1. Direct Application

Direct application is the most straightforward method of using rabbit poop manure in your garden. This involves sprinkling the waste around the base of your plants.

As the rabbit poop breaks down, it releases nutrients directly absorbed by the plant roots.

This can be done at any time of the year and is an excellent way to nourish your plants gradually.

Remember to keep the manure away from the plant stems when applying directly to avoid any potential damage.

2. Use as Mulch

Another effective way to use rabbit poop in your garden is to employ it as a mulch.

Mulching is applying a material layer on top of the soil surface. Rabbit poop makes excellent mulch because it retains moisture and suppresses weed growth.

To use rabbit poop as mulch, spread a layer around your plants, covering the soil surface.

As the manure breaks down over time, it will not only enrich your soil with nutrients but also help to maintain soil moisture and temperature levels.

3. Incorporation into Compost

Adding rabbit poop to your compost pile can significantly boost its nutrient content.

The manure serves as a ‘green’ compost ingredient, adding a nitrogen source.

To use rabbit poop in composting, add it to your compost bin or pile, then mix it with your other compost materials.

Over time, it will decompose and contribute to creating rich, fertile compost for your garden.

4. Making “Poop Tea”

For a more immediate nutrient boost, you might consider making a “poop tea.”

This method involves soaking rabbit poop in water to create a nutrient-rich solution that can be used to water your plants.

To make rabbit poop tea, fill a large bucket with water and add a generous amount of rabbit poop. Cover the bucket and let it steep for a few days, stirring occasionally.

After a few days, strain the mixture to remove the solid poop, leaving a nutrient-rich liquid. This ‘tea’ can water your plants, offering them an immediate nutrient boost.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

How Do You Collect Rabbit Poop?

Collecting rabbit poop is relatively straightforward. You can scoop it up using a small scoop, plastic gloves, or a piece of cardboard.

If your rabbit is litter trained, you can remove it from the litter box.

In the case of outdoor rabbits, you might need to hunt around a bit more, but rabbit droppings are usually relatively easy to spot due to their distinctive round shape.

Always wash your hands thoroughly after handling rabbit poop, even if you use gloves or a scoop.

Is Rabbit Poop A Good Fertilizer?

Yes, rabbit poop is an excellent fertilizer.

As said earlier, it is rich in nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium, which benefit plant growth.

Unlike some other types of manure, rabbit poop can be applied directly to the soil without needing to be composted first because it breaks down quickly and doesn’t burn plants as some other manures might.

However, if you prefer, you can also compost rabbit poop before using it as a fertilizer.

How Long Does It Take For Rabbit Poop To Disintegrate?

The amount of time it takes for rabbit poop to disintegrate can vary depending on the environmental conditions.

In warm, moist conditions, it can start breaking down in just a few days. However, breaking down entirely in drier or colder conditions might take several weeks.

The good news is since rabbit poop is small and dense, it tends to break down faster than the larger, looser droppings produced by many other animals.


Using rabbit poop as manure presents various benefits for gardeners seeking sustainable methods.

Despite the challenge of separating rabbit poop from hay, you can transform this waste product into a garden-enhancing, nutrient-rich manure with the right tools and patience.

The result is healthier, more vibrant plants and a tangible contribution to more sustainable gardening practices.

So, the next time you question what to do with your rabbit’s waste, consider its immense potential for your garden’s health and vitality.

We hope this article helped you know how to separate rabbit poop from hay and much more. If you have any questions, comment below, and we will answer them.


Dixie Sandborn, Michigan State University Extension. Bunny honey: Using rabbit manure as a fertilizer.

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