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Propose Messages – Best Romantic Proposal Messages

In this article, we have compiled the best proposal message for best friend, love proposal lines, how to propose a girl on chat, marriage proposal over text message, marriage proposal message, indirect love proposal quotes, proposing a girl to be your girlfriend, how to propose a boy on chat, etc

Best Propose Messages

Love is not a word to say. Love is not a game to play. Love doesn’t start in April and ends in May. Love is yesterday, tomorrow, and forever. Will you be mine to the eternal.

As long as the stars twinkle in the sky, As long as angels are there up high, Till the ocean run dry and till the day I die. I will love you.

You are the only one who understands me even more than myself. You are the only one with whom I can share everything, even my personal secrets. I want you to be with me always. I love you.

Though I have lots of things to say, but my words are hiding from me and I cannot express. A simple thing I want to say is I love you today and always.

You’re the bright sunshine in my cloudy life. Can you stay with me forever?

Let all my happiness be yours, all your sadness be mine. Let the whole world be yours, only you be mine! I can’t imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to.

With that ring, I gave you my heart. I promised from that day forward, you would never walk alone; my heart would be your shelter, and my arms would be your home.

Here’s my love, take it. Here’s my soul, use it. Here’s my heart, don’t break it. Here’s my hand, hold it and together we will make it forever.

You deserve the very best, someone who will back you up without limits, let you grow without borders, and love you without end. Will you let me be the one?

When I look into your eyes, I can see a reflection of the two of us and the life I hope we’ll share together. I know you’re the only one I want to share the rest of my life with.

I promise to love you a little bit more every day. Will you be mine?

All I wanted was someone to care for me, all I wanted was someone who would be there for me, all I wanted was someone like you, will you be mine?

I believe that if we’re lucky enough to have found each other in the first place, we’re worth betting on for life. Will you take that gamble with me?

Here and now, let love express on my behalf what I feel for you. I love you more than love itself can offer. There are many ways to be happy in this life, but all I really need is you.

All say love makes you special, but for me, it is you. All say light can drive out the dark, but for me, it is your smile, all say God gives us life, but in my case, it is your love. I want to be with you forever.

My heart was a desert until you came and watered it with your love. Let’s spend the rest of our lives together pulling the weeds and enjoying the blossoms.

When I look into my heart, I see only you. If you can look into your heart and only see me, then we should spend the rest of our lives together.

The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.

So stay with me, and hold my hands until they’re tanned and truly creased. Stay with me, and tell me true: Love, will you marry me?

I love you, and nothing can be far from this most assured truth. My existence will be incomplete without you taking the place of a wife in my life.

Seasons come, and generations materialize. One thing I know is that I will never, ever take you for granted in my life, come what may. You’re precious to me in all ramifications, believe me.

My heart belongs to you, and I am certain that it is in good hands. I rather die knowing you, than to live with the emptiness of wondering what it would look like to spend the rest of my life with you.

Countless times, I’m reminded that it takes courage to love selflessly. The only thing that keeps me from slipping into the low and deep is the strength of your love. I don’t think I need to wait any further to ask you to be mine.

Thankfully, I am able to say what and how I feel with you, and I also know what and how I feel without you. It will be in my best interest to do what’s right for me, and that is to spend my forever with you.

Let people say all they can; I have sworn to love you with all that is in me. Allow me to walk you into the world that belongs to just you and me.

There’s no other who I would want to be the carrier of my seed but you. There’s no other who I would want to wake up to kiss every morning but you. No other makes sense to me but you.

Grant me the pleasure of having you to hold and to cherish as long as I live. It’s not only an honor; it is a favor I wouldn’t know how to repay.

I want you to be mine. I want you to be my everything. I want you to own all that I have. I want to marry you.

I never knew joy and contentment the way I do with you. Loneliness was my middle name until you brought your cheery affection into my life. I can’t let you out of my life for any reason.

Growing old with you is one of my life’s desires and goals. I want to be there for you when you need me, to tell you that everything will be alright as long as we’ve got each other. I want to make you mine.

Forever with you, no one else will do. Always have you in my arms, no other place for you to be. Never will let you out of my sight, for as long as I live, I will be your angel.

If I have to choose between you and life, I wouldn’t blink an eyelid before jumping to your side. What’s the essence of choosing life if you aren’t in it to make it meaningful?

I believe in love and in you. I hope that eternity will reward us with each other because our love has come to stay.

I need not vomit out torrents of words. Mine is as simple as this: my heart beats for you regardless of the time of the day. You complete me in ways only you can, and I wish to love you endlessly.

My empire, and all in it belong to you. All that I have presently, and everything my future promises are yours for the taking. My vow to you is that I will never make you regret taking me as your man.

The day I saw your face was the day I believed that mine was love at first sight. I sought for, and found you. Far it be from me that my quest will end without walking down the aisle with you.

A fruitful life is not devoid of true love. Ever since I met you, things that seemed impossible became easy to roll as lubricated balls. You are my good luck charm, and I want to sign the dotted lines holding your hand.

Indeed, whosoever that finds a wife, finds a good thing. To take it further, whosoever that marries his own woman, dies a fulfilled man. Make my dream come true by letting me marry you, my love.

I will keep saying it till I draw my last breath: you are my treasure, my trophy woman. Of all that life gave me the opportunity to have, you’re the most priceless. Be mine forever and always, please.

Let the world question my sanity; let it be that I am asked if I have gone crazy. I really would want to be a mad man whose sanity is dependent on marrying you, than be sensible and lose you to another.

Love Proposal Messages

If I could give you any gift, I’d give you love and laughter, a peaceful heart, a special dream, and joy forever after. Let me do so, please!

Can you give me directions to your heart? I’ve seemed to have lost myself in your eyes.

The world can turn upside down but my love for you will be unchanged. Be mine!

My feelings are all new and you are the reason. You make me think about yourself all the time. Even my heartbeat says that I love you. You are the man of my dreams and you give me the reason for life. I love you!

Hey, I’m a little lost. Will, you hold my hand and be mine forever?

The moment I saw you, I knew you’re the chosen one for me. I love you!

I’m opening an emotional bank account for you sweetheart, So deposit your love in it and you will get the interest. Be mine!

The world is crazy but so am I for you. Go out with me please?

Can you call an ambulance? I think I’ve fallen for you and can’t get up!

The best place for me is in your heart. Can you keep this place for me all through your life? I know there is no better place for me so can you be the love of my life? Will you be my valentine?

Set a place for me in your heart and not in your mind for the mind easily forgets but the heart always remembers. I love you.

You are always on my mind and all the time I keep on thinking of you. Come to me, hold my hand, and then never leave it. I want to spend my life with you and to walk beside you. All I want is to be with you all my life.

If you’re the person I dream of every night, doesn’t that mean I love you?

What does it take to get your attention. I love you. How can one heart be so in love that even though you can’t see it with your eyes, but with your heart.

My life is wonderful because you are with me, you make me happy even if I feel sad and low. Your smile lightens up my life and all the darkness disappears. Your love has made me crazy. I will love you till the end of my life. And I want to be with all my life. I love you!

When I think of the future, I like to picture us as two trees planted side-by-side, our roots growing together more firmly as the years go by, and our children sprouting like seedlings around us.

The day I will love another woman in my life is the day you become the mother of our lovely daughter. Will you want to share this feeling with me? Will you marry me?

At the point when we first met, you seemed to be nice person but I never thought that I will experienced passionate feelings for you. My life was so dull without you. With you, life is wonderful at this point. You are the best person with a good nature and I feel so lucky to have you. I love you without question

I promise that I will be with you in every condition and I will support in ups and downs of your life. You make my life wonderful and worth living. I love you for this.

If I could give you any gift, I’d give you love and laughter, a peaceful heart, a special dream, and euphoria forever after. Let me do as such, please!

All I wanted was someone to care for me, all I wanted was someone who might be there for me, all I wanted was someone like you, will you be mine?

No distance can weaken our bond. Nothing can erase our memories from our minds. Our hearts will

At the point when I investigate my heart, I see just you. If you can investigate your heart and just see me, then we should spend the rest of our lives together.

To the most beautiful girl I know, I wanna hold onto your hands and protect you in my arms forever. I love you, will you be mine?

Set a place for me in your heart and not in your mind for the mind easily forgets but the heart always remembers. I love you.

You gave me a reason to live, to dream and to fight. You make my days’ worth living. Thank you for being the only person who understands me!

My Eyes are eager to see you, my ears are eager to listen u, and my dreams in night are eager to welcome you.

You are like the sunshine so warm. You are like sugar so sweet. You are like you and that’s the reason why I love you definitely.

Love is a beautiful feeling that has made me crazy. Yes, I am crazy about you. I am so lucky that I am in love with this much loving person. You are the one who has made my life complete and now I don’t need anything more. I just want you to be with me till the end. I love you and want you to love me too.

If you’re the person I dream of every night, doesn’t that mean I love you?

It takes great karma to have someone like you as a boyfriend. I feel blessed every day and every moment for this gift. I will love you till my last breath regardless of what life brings before us!

What does it take to get your attention. I love you. In what capacity can one heart be so in love that despite the fact that you can’t see it with your eyes, but with your heart.

I dream of a reality where you and I would live for a thousand years to love each other. I know I’ll never be tired of loving you.

At the point when I think of the future, I like to picture us as two trees planted side-by-side, our roots growing together more firmly as the years go by, and our children sprouting like seedlings around us.

As long as the stars twinkle in the sky, As long as angels are there up high, Till the ocean run dry and till the day I die. I will love you.

My heart was a desert until you came and watered it with your love. Let’s spend the rest of our lives together pulling the weeds and enjoying the blossoms.

If only you could see yourself through my eyes, you would understand how special and lovely you are. Love you my princess.

Let all my happiness be yours, all your sadness be mine. Let the whole world be yours, solitary you be mine! I can’t imagine growing old with anyone else, nor would I like to.

You are just so beautiful, both inside and outside. I must be so lucky that I was able to find you in this big world, and make you mine.

I’ve tried to tell you personally, but I get nervous and I have trouble finding the right words. What I say is that I love with all my heart and it would be perfect if you accept to be my boyfriend.

Can you call an ambulance? I think I’ve fallen for you and can’t get up!

I wanted to give you some flowers but they are nothing in front of your beauty! My lady, I have fallen hard for you, so can you love me back too?

I don’t realize how to spend my life without you. I don’t have a clue about its good or bad but you have become my habit now. I can’t resist you. All I know is that I will forget every issue when I lean my head on your shoulder. I love you.

Hello, I’m a little lost. Will, you hold my hand and be mine forever?

I am so lost in loving you that I don’t know the right words to express what I feel for you. No word can describe my love for you!

My life is wonderful because you are with me, you make me happy regardless of whether I feel sad and low. Your smile lightens up my life and all the darkness disappears. Your love has made me crazy. I will love you till the finish of my life. And I want to be with all my life. I love you!

The best place for me is in your heart. Can you save this place for me all through your life? I know there is no better place for me so can you be the love of my life? Will you be my valentine?

You’re the bright sunshine in my overcast life. Can you stay with me forever?

Life without you is impossible. Life after you is unimaginable. Even after death, I want our souls to be reunited!

You are the one in particular who understands me much more than myself. You are the just one with whom I can share everything, even my personal secrets. I want you to be with me always. I love you.

So stay with me, and hold my hands until they’re tanned and truly creased. Stay with me, and tell me true: Love, will you marry me?

At the point when I see in your eyes, I get an exceptionally peaceful feeling. With you, everything seems beautiful.

You are always on my mind and all the time I continue thinking of you. Come to me, hold my hand, and then never leave it. I want to spend my life with you and to walk beside you. All I want is to be with you all my life.100 Propose Messages and Romantic Proposal Quotes

They say love can’t be seen, it can only be felt. But they weren’t right. I have seen it many times. I have seen true love for me in your eyes. And it’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!

So will you, many years from now still take my hands in yours? Will you, in years to come, allow my hands to creep to yours? Let’s put our hearts into each other’s hands forever.

The world is crazy but so am I for you. Go out with me please?

You deserve the absolute best, someone who will back you up without limits, let you develop without borders, and love you without end. Will you let me be the one?

There are only two times that I want to be with you: Now and Forever!

The moment I saw you, I knew you’re the chosen one for me. I love you!

With that ring, I gave you my heart. I promised from that day forward, you could never walk alone; my heart would be your shelter, and my arms would be your home.

I am lucky enough to get a person like you in my life who gives me a thousand reasons to smile every day. You are so precious, my handsome.

Nothing more compare the happiness I felt for this moment having someone like you in my life. Love you so much, sweetheart!

I want to wake up in your arms. I want you to be the last person whose face I see before I go off to sleep. Will be the better half of my life?

My love for you is always growing stronger and I’m slowly losing myself more profound into it.

At the point when you’re in front of me, my eyes cannot leave your sight. At the point when you’re away from me, my mind cannot stop thinking about you. Darling, I love you!

Is it too bad that every time I take a gander at you, my heart skips several beats? I can’t hide my feelings for you anymore! I love you!

Here’s my love, take it. Here’s my soul, use it. Here’s my heart, don’t break it. Here’s my hand, hold it and together we will make it forever.

My feelings for you have only grown stronger since the day we first met. I want to seal our bond forever today. Happy propose day!

I have fallen in love so many times in life. But every time, it was with you! You just got me addicted in loving you!

You are the person I want to be with through the rest of my life. I propose you to be mine and be my strength, the reason of my smile, the reason to live life happily.

God has made couples and I realize that you are my mate. I am so pleased to have you because there is nobody who can understand me and love me the way you do. I love you for all this. I want you to hold me tight and embrace me and never let me go. You are the best person I have ever met. I love you so much.

You are the strongest and kindest soul I have ever met and I am lucky to have you as my companion. You own my heart.

My love for you is more profound than the ocean. You can see it if you look right into my eyes. You’ll know how madly I’m in love with you!

My angel, falling in love with you was my destiny all along, so I cannot resist loving you. Please hold my hands and stay with me!

On Propose Day, I want to give me a chance to walk with you holding your hands throughout your life. Gaze at the sky and count the stars and get the most precious space in your heart.

I promise to love you a little bit all the more every day. Will you be mine?

My greatest fantasies are the ones that start with you and end with you. I love you truly madly and deeply!

Never have I believed in soulmates until I met you! You hold the pieces of my heart that I’ve been looking for all along, so will you be with me?

At the point when you are with me, I don’t have a fear of anything. And when you embrace me, it makes me forget everything. Thank you for doing this much for me. I love you so without question.

You are the brightest star that lights up my life every day.

“My life is brimming with daydream. I tried to stop thinking about you but I failed each time. I need you here my love. I miss you.”

My feelings are all new and you are the reason. You make me think about yourself all the time. Indeed, even my heartbeat says that I love you. You are the man of my dreams and you give me the reason of life. I love you

No poems no fancy words I just want the world to know that I LOVE YOU, My Princess, with all my heart.

It’s time to open my heart and express my deepest feelings to you. I want you to realize that I love you like I have never loved anyone before and might want you to concede me the great honor to be my girlfriend.

I love you-this is the least I can say. I wish I could accomplish more to actually show what I really feel for you.

Propose Messages To a Girl

I wanted to give you some flowers but they are nothing in front of your beauty! My lady, I have fallen hard for you, so can you love me back too?

If I call you the reason of my existence, the medicine to my sadness, will you stay with me forever? If I call you to mine, will you call me yours?

In this moment, my heart is in your hands. Please say you’ll be my wife.

I’m no longer enjoying being a bachelor. Can you help by making me into a husband?

Your love and laughter have made me a new man. I want to enjoy life with you forever. Please say yes to becoming my bride.

You’ve been queen of my heart since the day we met. Will you honor me by becoming my wife?

My heart can only love you, and my soul only recognizes your voice. Let me hold you close forever as my beautiful wife.

I want to be there every day of your life to love and cherish you, to soothe you when life is hard, and to remind you of how special you are. Please let me be your husband.

My heart floats like a feather, and my feet can hardly stay grounded. Heaven feels close, and my love for you will not be contained. Please accept this ring and be tethered to me, my wife forever.

Sweet girl, I need to marry you to be whole. Please say yes.

Darling girl, this sparkling diamond is only the beginning of a long and glittering marriage if you will accept it.

On this, the loveliest of evenings, I need for the loveliest girl in the world to say the loveliest of words when it comes to marriage. Please say yes.

I will love you until my breath is no more. Say you’ll marry me, precious girl.

I don’t have the heart of a poet, but I have the heart of a man who will love you always. Marry me.

I could dance all night, but I’d rather stop and propose to the prettiest girl on the dance floor.

As I sit across from the most beautiful woman in the world, I can’t help but be amazed. Thank you for your love, your inspiration, and your smile. You are truly a blessing to me. Please be my wife.

Picturing you next to me at the altar on our wedding day is my favorite dream. Please say you’ll make it come true, my angel.

To see you walk down the aisle, flowers in hand, looking at me with love in your eyes would be a dream come true. Will you be my bride?

Please come alongside me as my partner for life, my beautiful wife.

There is no flower, no string of pearls, no sparkling candlelight that can compare to your beauty inside or out, my love. Please marry me.

The finer things in life include your smile, your personality, and your love. Please complete my joy by agreeing to be my wife.

Marrying you would be the greatest gift I’ve ever received. Will you give your love to me forever, darling girl?

Every time I’m with you I cannot avoid feeling something very special in my heart. The only reason is I would love to be with you throughout the day and make everything possible to make you happy. Would you be my girlfriend?

When you’re in front of me, my eyes cannot leave your sight. When you’re away from me, my mind cannot stop thinking about you. Darling, I love you!

To the most beautiful girl I know, I wanna hold onto your hands and keep you safe in my arms forever. I love you, will you be mine?

Is it too bad that every time I look at you, my heart skips several beats? I can’t hide my feelings for you anymore! I love you!

I’ve tried to tell you personally, but I get nervous and I have trouble finding the right words. What I say is that I love with all my heart and it would be perfect if you accept to be my boyfriend.

My angel, falling in love with you was my destiny all along, so I cannot help loving you. Please hold my hands and stay with me!

It’s time to open my heart and express my deepest feelings to you. I want you to know that I love you like I have never loved anyone before and would like you to concede me the great honor to be my girlfriend.

The day I will love another woman in my life is the day you become the mother of our lovely daughter. Will you want to share this feeling with me? Will you marry me?

My eyes search for you when you are not around. My heart aches when I don’t find you. You are the reason for all my happiness and without you my life would be so dull. All I want in my life is that we stay together for all the life. I love you.

You are always on my mind and all the time I keep on thinking of you. Come to me, hold my hand and then never leave it. I want to spend my life with you, and to walk beside you. All I want is to be with you all my life.

I love you so much. I just want to be with you. We will laugh together, we will smile together, we will cry together, we will share our sadness and happiness. There is no place beautiful for me in this world, but when you are with me, every place and everything looks beautiful. I just want to be with you always.

Don’t search me anywhere because I am always in your heart. Put your hand on your heart and you will feel me. Please never leave me and never ever let me go because I will never find a more beautiful place to live. Please be with me till the end of life. I love you

Your love is something that I can’t control. You are on my mind and heart all the time. Before I met you, I was not familiar with the feeling of love. But now I came to know what love is. My heart misses its beats when I come closer to you. I love you

You are like medicine to me. When I see you smiling, it gives relief to my pains. When I think of you, I understand the meaning of life. When you are with me, everything looks beautiful and I feel happy. You are the reason of my happiness. You are my first and last love. I love you so much

Propose Messages To a Boy

You are someone who makes me feel safe, who makes me smile, who is there beside me no matter what. You have become my home and I love you.

I’ve always heard about having butterflies in tummies, but when you look at me with a kind smile, I feel at comfort and peace. I love you!

Never have I believed in soulmates until I met you! You hold the pieces of my heart that I’ve been looking for all along, so will you be with me?

I do not know how to spend my life without you. I don’t know its good or bad but you have become my habit now. I can’t resist you. All I know is that I will forget every problem when I lean my head on your shoulder. I love you.

Love is a beautiful feeling that has made me crazy. Yes, I am crazy about you. I am so lucky that I am in love with this much loving person. You are the one who has made my life complete and now I don’t need anything more. I just want you to be with me till the end. I love you and want you to love me too.

God has made couples and I know that you are my mate. I am so proud to have you because there is no one who can understand me and love me the way you do. I love you for all this. I want you to hold me tight and hug me and never let me go. You are the best person I have ever met. I love you so much.

When I see in your eyes, I get a very peaceful feeling. With you, everything seems beautiful. I promise that I will be with you in every condition and I will support in ups and downs of your life. You make my life wonderful and worth living. I love you for this.

When we first met, you seemed to be nice person but I never thought that I will fell in love with you. My life was so dull without you. With you, life is wonderful now. You are the best person with a good nature and I feel so lucky to have you. I love you very much

I am lucky to have you in my life, I am lucky to be in love with a person like you! Please spend the rest of your lives with me!

You have taught me to see the beauty in the world, you gave meaning to my life. I don’t wanna lose you ever. I love you!

My days are filled with your laughter and my heart is filled with your thoughts. Promise me we’ll be together forever because I love you!

I don’t want anyone else to have your heart, kiss your lips, be in your arms, be the one you love. I don’t want anyone to take my place. Please never let it happen and be mine forever.

So will you, many years from now still take my hands in yours? Will you, in years to come, allow my hands to creep to yours? Let’s put our hearts into each other’s hands for life.

Life is never perfect, but it comes close with you in it. Will you be my husband?

That little place on the end of your shoulder is my favorite spot to rest my head. Inside your hugs is my favorite place to relax and just be. I want to be next to you forever. Marry me.

To marry you would fulfill all my dreams. Say yes and be my hubby forever.

Inside your heart there’s a place you made just for me, and I have one for you in my heart too. Let’s get married, my precious guy.

Honey, I don’t have everything in life figured out, but there’s one thing that’s a no-brainer: be my husband.

Your manly kisses carry me to another world. Please wake me up with one every day of our marriage.

Your kisses bring me to life. I want to be your loving wife.

No one is perfect, but you’re perfect for me, lover boy. Let’s get married.

Marry me, and stay in my heart always. I would be the happiest girl ever.

So, my heart has been telling me that I need to ask you something: will you be my husband?

You won my heart over. Be my groom?

Okay, playboy, are you ready to settle down with me?

Our bond is strong, and our love is long. Be my husband forever.

Every time I lay eyes on you, I remember what lucky girl I am. Please marry me.

You’re in my dreams, my thoughts, my plans, and my heart. I think about you always. How about marrying me and making me the happiest woman alive?

Your name will be on my lips and your face will be in my heart until I take my last breath. Please say you’ll be my husband.

Let’s stand together and declare our love and commitment to everyone. I love you, dear man.

When you first took my hand, you took my heart too. Will you take me as your wife?

The best part of my life is you. Please be my husband and stay in my life forever

There was nothing on earth or in the heavens that could have kept our hearts from finding each other. Let’s get married and celebrate life together.

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