Monday, March 17, 2025

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Recommended Home Remedies For Sour Stomach (Indigestion)

Experiencing a sour stomach? You know the feeling. It can be a slight queasiness or dull gnawing. You may have a nagging burn. However it feels, it doesn’t feel good. And you can’t figure out if eating would make it better–or worse.

In this article we are going to tell you the causes, symptoms, cure and preventive tips, so read on.


Lifestyle changes and eating preferences (and eating habits) have a lot to do with a sour stomach, besides infection and related problems. Confused on the real meaning of sour stomach? It is the same as an upset stomach.

  • Acid reflux and indigestion: They are the main culprits in causing a sour stomach. Acid reflux happens when stomach acid enters the oesophagus (or food pipe) in small amounts.
  • Excess of eating
  • Eating more than is required and eating fast
  • Eating spicy, fatty or greasy foods
  • Consuming excess of alcohol, caffeine, fizzy drinks and chocolate
  • Inflammation/Infection of the stomach and/or pancreas
  • Hernia
  • Obesity – particularly the one caused by pressure build-up inside the abdomen
  • Peptic ulcers
  • Cancer in the Stomach
  • Active smoking (which is done more frequently)
  • State of nervousness and/or emotional trauma


Which one of them have you faced?

  • Commons symptoms include Nausea, Belching and feeling bloated
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite and/or weight loss
  • Jaundice (yellow colouring of skin and eyes)
  • Black stools (and not ‘yellow’)
  • Pain in the chest (in case you exert yourself)
  • Sweating and shortness of breath
  • Chest pain which radiates to the arms, neck or jaw

N.B: If mild indigestion happens, then no need to worry about. But, do consult a doctor if you continue to face symptoms for more than 2 weeks.

Home Remedies for Sour Stomach

1. Carrot juice

Carrot juice helps the tummy absorb all the acids and gas that can be the cause of stomach discomfort.

2. Charred Toast

Down with sour stomach or facing nausea/vomiting/diarrhoea? Eat a charred toast. The “char” absorbs the toxins from your digestive system (that are making you unwell).

3. Warm milk

Milk when drunk warm coats the stomach lining on a temporary basis. Thereby, buffering the acid component in your belly and making you feel a bit better.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV has anti-bacterial properties which help you get rid of food poisoning. ACV also increases stomach acid enabling faster food digestion.

5. Baking soda

Baking soda is a natural antacid. This makes it neutralize the extra acid in the stomach. It also promotes burping, thereby relieving you of nausea and bloating in the belly.

6. Activated Charcoal

For food poisoning particularly, activated charcoal is an effective remedy. swallow 1 capsule of activated charcoal. Eat it twice a day till you get relief from symptoms of sour stomach.

7. Caraway seed tea

Caraway seeds have vitamins and minerals. These slow down the growth of bad bacteria which are responsible for gas, indigestion, bloating.

8. White or Brown Rice

Rice water protects your stomach lining by creating a protective barrier against it thereby bringing relief from inflammation.

9. Cinnamon powder tea

Got your stomach and intestines upset? Cinnamon is your go-to home remedy. It has an anti-bacterial property which helps it treat GI or gastrointestinal disorders, gas and diarrhoea.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women – cinnamon tea is not meant for you.

10. Banana

Bananas are not only easy-to-digest; they make the process of digestion simpler, hassle-free and also relieve you from bloating. Moreover, bananas are rich in potassium which aids in food absorption and better digestion.

11. Papaya

Papaya is yet another remedy you can bank upon when it comes to tackling SOUR stomach. It fights off all possible symptoms of abnormal digestion such as bloating, flatulence, bloating and burning sensation.

12. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel is not just a good laxative; it is helpful in treating constipation or food poisoning.

13. Potato juice

The juice of potato helps in neutralizing the stomach acid. It can also help in bringing you relief from stomach upset, heartburn and peptic ulcers.

14. Aniseed

Whether it is painful to stomach aches or cramps, aniseed tea works best in giving you relief.

15. Bale

Consider bale pulp in order to get rid of stomach ache. It is an effective home remedy and won’t let you down.

16. Dates

Did you know, dates are a high-fibre fruit which is a popular natural remedy for constipation and sour stomach?

17. Thyme Tea

Thyme stimulates the digestive system, helps in case you are down with stomach cramps, and relieves gas pressure.

18. Parsley

Parsley helps immensely in putting a stop to gas and flatulence. Plus it is a noted treatment for stomach upset.

19. Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea helps reduce nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gas formation in stomach and indigestion. Plus, “Menthol” in peppermint, has anti-bacterial properties which fight bacteria that cause gut disturbances.

20. Fennel Tea

Fennel seeds are not only good for taste; it also keeps gastrointestinal problems at a distance and keeps your gut healthy. It has also been used to treat indigestion.

21. Ginger Tea

Ginger has a triple effect: it is anti-nausea, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerous that protects your digestive tract.

22. Yoghurt

The pro-biotic qualities of yoghurt make it a good cure. And naturally, because it brings relief from digestive discomfort and also boosts your immune system.

Foods to Avoid

Refined Sugar: Sweet foods and super-sweet foods can cause spikes in insulin levels. This, in turn, can cause fluctuations in blood sugar.

Dairy Products: Excess of lactose consumption (milk) can develop into diarrhoea. Whenever you are down with digestive problems, go ahead and try lactose-free milk, instead. Eat yoghurt and hard cheeses because they have no lactose.

Spicy Foods: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea – if you are down with any of these – then avoid food choices which include spicy foods.

Acidic Foods: Yes we all like tomato sauce and citrus fruits (lime, lemon, oranges, grapefruit) but since they are acidic in nature they can irritate the stomach lining leading to digestive troubles.

Fatty Foods: Intake of fatty foods slows down the emptying of the stomach, worsens constipation. It can also speed up the bowel movement leading to diarrhoea. So ditch the high-fat culprit foods like butter, cheese, red meat, ice cream, at least for a while.

Prevention & Precautions

Here are some DIY tips which will help you get relief from the sour stomach:

  1. Stay away from overly salty, fatty or greasy foods
  1. Take plenty of water throughout the day – about 8 to 10 glasses
  1. Drink fruit juices. They help relieving sour stomach symptoms
  1. Avoid snacking or eating hours before you sleep. Instead, do a light walk in your house or nearby park.
  1. Give up habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, tobacco chewing and late night parties.
  1. Do 20 minutes of yoga every day.
  1. Eat meals in smaller portions but frequently.
  1. Get your lifestyle habits in order. Give up the policy of waking up and sleeping late.
  1. Light exercise and morning walks have always been beneficial. So include it in your daily itinerary
  1. Make your most to avoid eating street-side foods.

When to consult a doctor?

Before taking any medication, take advice from a registered medical practitioner. In case the severity of your sour stomach is beyond the scope of natural remedies, then it makes sense to take medical advice.

I hope this article has given an insight into some of these queries; what kills a sour stomach, sour stomach symptoms, sour stomach remedies, sour stomach cure, upset stomach for several days, upset stomach for a week, sour stomach and diarrhea, how to get rid of a stomach ache in 5 minutes.

If you still have any question, comment below.

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