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400+ Romantic Birthday Wishes and Messages

In this article, we have compiled the best romantic birthday wishes for lover, romantic birthday wishes for girlfriend, romantic birthday wishes to a friend, romantic birthday wishes for boyfriend, inspirational birthday wishes to my love, emotional birthday wishes for lover, happy birthday wishes to my lover, sweet happy birthday messages, etc

Romantic Birthday Wishes

Happy birthday, sweetheart! Thank you for being my today and I hope you’ll be my tomorrows as well.

Happy birthday my love! Thank you for stealing my heart!

Happy Birthday to the love of my life! May our love never run cold. I promise to stay by your side through thick and thin.

You are my everything. My life would have been incomplete without you. Happy Birthday dear, May God bless you.

Happy birthday to the one I love! Sometimes, I feel like pulling my heart out of my chest to show you just how much I love you.

Happy birthday to the love of my life. Many happy returns on your birthday!

Incredibly blessed to have an amazing person like you in my life. Happy birthday, love! May you never leave my side!

Happy birthday to you my dream girl. Many many happy returns of the day. Have a lot of fun and joys.

Happy Birthday to the girl with beauty and brain intertwined. You’re perfect just the way you’re.

Happy birthday to the king of my heart! You are my heaven on earth.

You’re the one who pops up in my mind whenever I witness something beautiful. Because I want you to be there by my side to share beautiful moments together. Happy birthday, love!

Happy birthday beautiful lady! Thank you for lighting up my world like nobody else.

Happy birthday to the man of my life, the love I feel for you is deeper than the oceans, bigger than the mountains and I hope that nothing ever comes in between.

Wishing the happiest of birthdays to the love of my life. Know this that, wherever you go, I shall follow you.

Happy birthday to the best girlfriend in the world! So lucky to have you!

Happy birthday my sweetheart. Thank you for watching the movie of life from the theatres of our hearts together.

Happy birthday to my prince! Thank you for everything!

I like to think of myself as a writer. But, writing your name in the pages of my heart is what makes me happy. Happy birthday, love!

Happy Birthday to my soulmate! I want you to know that I love you immeasurably and irrevocably, in ways that no one ever can.

Happy Birthday princess! Know that my heart is yours forever.

Someday I hope to be able to give you all that you deserve and so much more. Thank you for staying by my side. Happy birthday to my man!

When I was little, I would hear stories of happy ever afters. When I grew up, I discovered my own happy ever after. Happy birthday, my love!

Happy birthday my love! Thank you for helping me discover the kind of love that comes only once in a lifetime.

Happy birthday, love! Thank you for being a constant in my life and understanding me so well.

Happy Birthday to God’s greatest creation. As far as I’m concerned, you’re perfect in every way.

Happy Birthday, baby. Trust me when I say there’s no other woman I’d rather see in her birthday suit.

You can blow out your candles, but nothing can extinguish the torch I carry for you.

Happy Birthday to my best friend, my greatest critic, my fiercest supporter, my accomplice, my soulmate, my love, my everything.

I wish I could somehow love you even more on your birthday, but I’m all tapped out. You already have every last bit of my heart.

Happy Birthday, my love. I’ll be thinking about you every minute on your birthday. Just like every other day.

I like the idea of spending your birthday with you. What are you doing for all the rest of your birthdays?

Thinking of you with love on your birthday and wishing you everything that brings you happiness today and always.

Being in love doesn’t make me happy. It’s being in love with you year after year that does the trick.

One tree can start a forest, One smile can make a friend, One touch can show us love and care, And you make my life worth living, dear!

My heart for you will never break. My smile for you will never fade. My love for you will never end. I love you.

Darling, you are a wonderful bloom in a beautiful garden where only true love grows! Wishing you a brilliant Birthday!

When we’re together or when we’re apart, you’re first in my thoughts and first in my heart. Have a wonderful birthday.

Did you hear a light tap on your shoulder this midnight? It wasn’t Santa Claus, it was me wishing you a very Happy Birthday!

I’m enthralled by your beauty, mesmerized by your charisma and spellbound by your love. No wonder I am always thinking about you.

Happy birthday my dearest and sweetest, not a day goes by when I do not think of you and how empty my life would be if you were not here.

I wish I could attach my heart to this Birthday wish. That’s how much you mean to me. I wish you always be happy and I’ll do everything to make you so.

It’s always a treat to wish a happy birthday to someone so sweet.

Falling in love with you was easy. Staying in love with you is easier. Happy birthday. I can’t wait until next year.

It’s not important that this day is your birthday. It’s important that every day is your day and you are mine!

With each year I’ll love you more. Remember that your best years are still ahead of you and I’ll be there for every up down and in between.

Sometimes words are hard to find to form that perfect line to let you know you are always on my mind. Happy birthday dear!

Dance as though no one is watching you, Love as though you have never loved before, Sing as though no one can hear you, Live as though heaven is on earth! I wish you a very warm and Happy Birthday!

It must have been a rainy day when you were born because the heavens were crying because it lost its most beautiful angel.

It takes only a few seconds to say I love you but it will take me an entire lifetime to show you how much.

Every year with you just gets better and better. Happy Birthday to someone who thoroughly rocks my world.

Even though we’re miles apart, you’re on my mind and in my heart. For your next birthday, I hope to have you in my arms as well.

Happy Birthday, my love. I hope you get everything your heart desires because that’s exactly what you’ve given me.

Thanks for being born, sweetie. You make the world a better place, and you make my world complete.

Happy Birthday to a woman who makes me happy every day.

I want your birthday kiss to be the best ever. We might have to “practice” a lot to get it right.

I’ll say the same thing to you now that I’ll say to you when you turn 100: You are the love of my life.

The question isn’t whether you’re the most wonderful man ever born (you are). The question is, what did I ever do to deserve you?

Romantic Birthday Messages for Him

Life just seems so incredibly beautiful when you’re around. Happy birthday to the man I love! Thank you for everything

Happy birthday to my beloved boyfriend! Not a single day goes by that I don’t think about how blessed I am to have you as my boyfriend.

Sometimes I wonder what did I ever do to deserve such an amazing husband like you. Thank you for being you. Happy birthday, love!

Dear boyfriend, I just wanted to let you know just how special I consider you to be.

Happy birthday, to my dearest boyfriend! Thank you for caring for me in ways that no one ever can. I pray that our love never fades.

NASA recently started a campaign to find aliens. But, little do they know, that my boyfriend is so amazing, that he makes me suspect that he is an alien himself. Happy birthday, my dear!

You are the kind of person who makes me want to rewrite history. Thank you for your wholesomeness. Have the happiest of birthdays.

Thank you for being a constant in my life. Happy birthday, handsome!

I have been thinking of visiting the doctor in recent times because my husband makes my heart race. Happy birthday, my heartthrob!

To be loved is one of the most gratifying experiences ever. Happy birthday, my dear boyfriend and thank you for everything!

I feel loved when I notice how you remember the little things about me, boyfriend. Thank you for loving me.

Dearest husband, why is it that I feel a warm fuzzy feeling whenever I’m around you? Happy birthday to you my love! I love you fearlessly and unapologetically.

My heart skips a beat, whenever I’m around you. I guess you must really like me. LOL. Happy birthday to my favorite man!

Happiness used to be a visitor in my heart, but then you came into my life and made it a permanent resident of my heart. I can’t thank you enough for that. On your birthday, I pray God gives me the ability to also make happiness a permanent resident of your heart.

When I fell in love with you, I realized for the first time that all the other feelings I had for all the other men in my life was a complete joke. Happy birthday, my absolute best friend and lover.

Sending your way a universe of love, kisses and hugs on your special day. Sweetheart, may your birthday bless you with a world full of the finest treasures of life. Happy birthday!

Wishing an immensely happy birthday to the sweetest man on earth! Thank you for being such a sweet and caring lover to me.

Every day I wake up from sleep, I give special thanks to God for giving me the most wonderful man on earth. May you forever be blessed with the monumental happiness your love brings into my life. Happy birthday, babe!

I fell truly in love for the first time in my life the very moment our lips met for the first time. I am certainly one proud and happy woman to have a wonderful man like you in my life. May God forever bless our relationship.

Without question, I am the luckiest woman on earth because I have been blessed with the love of a truly phenomenal man. Happy birthday, babe!

Dear darling, thank you for surrounding my life with happiness, beauty and peace. No amount of money or treasure can ever buy the joy your love gifts me. Happy birthday.

Babe, your love is the most prized treasure of my life. And I know from the bottom of my heart, it will last eternally because it is the truest love I have ever felt my entire life. Happy birthday.

Honey, on this special day, I wish you a very happy and fulfilling journey through this life. May God almighty be your companion and guide every step through this extraordinary journey. Happy birthday.

Having a lover like you is the greatest treasure of my life. I appreciate every wonderful thing you’ve done for me since you came into my life. Happy birthday to the most wonderful man in my life.

I love you today, tomorrow and forever. Happy birthday, my sweet and precious lover.

When you are blessed with the sweetest lover in the world, you have life’s greatest treasure. Darling, thank you for being the greatest treasure of my life. Happy birthday.

Happy birthday to a wonderful man who I love from head to toe! Honey, may nothing ever divorce your life from true happiness. Enjoy your day!

Having a meaningful conversation with you is my favorite part of the day. Happy birthday, hubby! Love you.

Happy birthday, hubby! Thank you for loving me even though I’m no longer young and beautiful.

Words aren’t enough to let you know what you mean to me. Happy birthday, to someone so sweet!

Romantic Birthday Wishes For Her

Happy birthday to the prettiest woman in existence!

Happy Birthday my Queen! Seeing the curve on your lips makes me happy.

Sometimes, I wish I could pause time so that I could stare at you for some more time. Happy birthday, love!

Happy Birthday to an amazing lady who is young and crazy, classy and fabulous in her own way. Have a burst on your birthday!

Happy birthday my love! Thank you for accompanying me on the magic carpet of love. I hope to have you by my side now and forever.

My faith in fairytales is restored when I think of my relationship with you, my love. Thank you for being my happy ever after and a very happy birthday to you!

Happy Birthday to the queen of my heart! On your special day love, I wish for you all the beautiful things in life.

Happy birthday to the one I love. Thank you for choosing me as your life partner. I hope to always bring a smile on your face.

Happy Birthday to a beautiful woman inside and out! On your birthday, I want you to know that I love you now and forever.

If I had a magic lamp, the only thing I would wish is for you to be my wife. Happy birthday gorgeous!

Honestly, everything about you feels magical. Thank you for being my magical princess. Happy birthday my love!

My dear, I find myself at a loss of words for I am unable to convey the depth of my feelings for you. Happy birthday to you, my loving soulmate. May all your heart’s desires come true.

Happy birthday to you my love. Eat lots of cake today!

Happy birthday special lady! Chocolates and roses for you on your birthday!

Happy birthday, my love! Insanely grateful for your presence in my life. Thank you for making me smile like crazy.

Happy birthday my love! May you always continue to smile and happiness be yours forever.

Happy birthday, my love! My day feels quite incomplete when you’re not around. So, please don’t ever leave.

Here’s to the world’s most beautiful woman. May the heavens bestow sweet blessings upon you – not just on your anniversary but on every day of your super sweet life. Happy birthday, my sunshine.

For as long as I am alive, my love for you shall live. Happy birthday.

Honey, you have an absolutely wonderful soul, and I’m so glad you’re the one I share the same dream with. Have yourself an amazing anniversary! I love you lots!

You’re the woman of my dreams. With a special woman like you by my side, I don’t need any other woman. As your lover, I promise to always love you and be there for you, come what may. Happy birthday.

A lover like you in my life is the greatest example of God’s blessings in my life. May the extraordinary love we have for each other continue to grow. Happy birthday.

I think of you each and every second of my life because you are the most wonderful lover and friend in the world. May our hearts forever beat as one. Happy birthday.

Happy birthday, my gorgeous dreamgirl. The world might see us as lovers, but in my eyes, you are more than that. You are everything that is good in this universe. I will love you forever.

Wishing a happy birthday to the woman my heart had been searching for all my life. Here’s to an extraordinarily bright and happy future!

Wishing a gloriously colorful day to a gloriously beautiful woman who happens to be the love of my life. Babe, thank you for making my life as beautiful and extraordinary as you are. May you forever have a happy heart.

May your birthday be so extraordinarily wonderful that you remember it all the days of your life. Happy birthday, darling.

Every precious second I spend with you is of more value to me than all the money in the world. Happy anniversary, my dear.

For me, it’s an absolute honor to be blessed with the opportunity to have such an incredibly amazing woman like you in my life as not just a lover but also as my best friend. God bless you so much, sweetheart. Happy birthday.

Happy birthday, sweet darling! Today, I pray that happiness, good health, and everything you ever wanted in life will come your way and be with you forever.

I never knew what it was to feel so incredibly happy till I met you. Happy Birthday, my dear!

I love the energy with which you live life. Happy birthday to you, dearest one!

Happy birthday my dear! Love you unconditionally.

Happy birthday my love! Hope to be able to watch the stars with you someday!

Romantic Birthday Messages for Wife

I have never met another beautiful soul like you in my life, and I am truly in love with you, wifey. May God bless you today, tomorrow, and forever.

Having you in my life makes it a lot easier and cozier. Thank you for making my house home and my heart a better place. Many happy returns of the day! Love you, tons.

You are not only my wife but also my life. You are everything I need to be happy in this world. I promise to love you for as long as the sun is alive. Happy birthday.

I promise to do everything within my power to ensure that life is always sweet for you because I love you so much and don’t ever want to see you sad. Thank you for being such a wonderful wife, an amazing friend and a true inspiration to me. Happy birthday.

Today is a perfect opportunity for me to reassure you that nothing in this world can ever weaken my unconditional love for you. I hope your day turns out to be as awesome as you are. Happy birthday.

Wishing a super duper happy birthday to my beloved wife who makes everything in my life perfect. Thank you for being such a loving and caring wife. Best wishes on your Big Day, my love.

I used to think that happiness was something I would never see in my dictionary until you walked into my life and caused my heart to overflow with happiness. I love you endlessly, babe.

My beloved wife, as you blow out the candles decorating your birthday cake, always remember that my love for you is endless. In my eyes, you will always be the most beautiful woman on earth. Have an awesome birthday!

No woman has the ability to put a smile on my face like you do. My biggest possession in life is you, my dear wife. I will always cherish, love, and protect you. Happy birthday, my dear.

If I have to choose between you and breathing, I wouldn’t hesitate a second choosing you because you are the reason I exist. Thank you for completing my soul. Happy birthday.

I never knew God was such a wonderful creator until I first saw you – His most wonderful creation. I promise to love and treasure you for all eternity. Have a fabulous birthday.

I never believed that a man like me would one day be with a queen like you. You fill my soul with sunshine whenever we are together. Happy birthday, beautiful!

My dearest wife, I wake up every morning and I just find it hard to believe that I’m on this incredible adventure with you. Thank you for making me happy in a way that no woman on Earth can ever make me. I love you. Happy anniversary.

Sweetheart, as you quench the candles on your cake, know that I shall forever prioritize your needs over mine because you are my everything. I will love, treasure and honor you all the days of my life.

I will bring you the sun if you asked me to just to show you how immensely powerful my love for you is. Happy birthday, sweetheart.

Happiest birthday to the warmest soul, kindest heart- my beautiful wife. You are an inseparable part of my life and my elixir of life. I love you, unconditionally for eternity.

Love of my life, thanks for tolerating my tantrums and loving me even on my vulnerable days. I am grateful to have you as my wife. Warmest birthday wishes to you, dear.

Romantic Birthday Wishes For Husband

You are the blood that courses through my veins. You are that vital piece that makes my soul complete. I can never ever survive in this world without you, my precious husband. Have a birthday fit for an angel!

Your love is the only key that is capable of opening every door of opportunity in my life. Without you, happiness will always elude me. That’s why this heart of mine shall always love you until the day it stops beating. Have a gorgeous birthday celebration.

Anytime I feel blue, all I need do is look into your loving eyes and happiness suddenly overtakes my soul. Such is the power of your love, my dear. Happy birthday.

Your love sets my heart ablaze. Not even all the water of all the oceans on Earth can quench the fire in my heart for you. I love you. Happy birthday.

Looking into your eyes takes me into a world a thousand times happier than paradise. Here’s to a fabulous future together. Happy birthday.

You were inbred with greatness, and each year it comes out more and more. Happy birthday, my precious love.

This past year with you has been an unreal experience, and there is no one I would rather spend this day and my entire life with than you.

Regardless of what you may think, your birthday is a very-important, happy day to me.

Another year older means more wisdom, which you know I find charming and sexy! Thank you for making an otherwise inconspicuous day into an annual holiday for me. 😉

Happy birthday, my love! This day is exclusively reserved for you and my bosom!

I know what you enjoy more than anything else, and for this joyous occasion, I have vowed to do whatever it takes to make sure that you receive it all because I love you so much.

You have done well to make it this far, and I want you to know that I love and appreciate you more than ever.

Nothing makes me happier than to be able to wish an intimate happy birthday to such an incredibly amazing man!

Romantic Birthday Wishes for Girlfriend

Whenever I am around you, you make everything brighter effortlessly. Just a glimpse of you brings a wide smile on my face. I love you, sunshine, happy birthday.

Happy birthday to the one who showed me the actual meaning of the word ‘love.’ Thank you for showering me with this amount of love and admiration. Enjoy your special day, love.

On your special day, babe, I just want to promise you that I will never give up on us regardless of how hard the going gets. I love you too much to ever let go. Happy birthday.

You came into my life and brought me paradise right here on earth by loving me unconditionally. On this day, I want to thank you from the depths of my heart for that and assure you that my love for you will never end. I hope I can fill your heart with as much happiness as you bring to me. Happy birthday.

When I reach the depths of despair, you are the only one who has the power to bring a smile back to my face. Babe, no one in this world loves and needs you more than I do. Happy birthday.

The happiest day of my life was the day when you first told me that you loved me too. Since that day, my life has never known sadness because you are in it. On your Big Day, my heart just wants you to know that it beats only for you. Happy birthday.

Honey, today being your special day, I sat down with a sheet of paper and tried listing the biggest reasons why I love you, but I gave up the venture upon realizing that even if I spent every second of the rest of my life listing the reasons why I love you, I would never be able to list all the reasons. Happy birthday!

Whenever the problems of life try suffocating me, your love comes to my rescue and provides me with the sunshine I long for. Have a fabulous birthday, my sunshine.

You are so bright to the extent that even the sun looks dark in your presence. Thank you for illuminating my life the way do. Happy birthday, my sweetheart!

To the most amazing birthday girl, thank you for being magical. You make everything better. Thank you for blessing me with your existence.

Happy Birthday, beautiful. Thank you for never focusing on the storms that life goes through but being the shining light instead. You inspire me and others very much.

Romantic Birthday Messages for Boyfriend

Birthdays are not forever, but gladly, my love for you is. I wish you all the love and fulfillment you desire for. Wishing you the happiest birthday, dear boyfriend.

Happy birthday, dear boyfriend. You are the sweetest person I have ever met in life. Thank you for being such an angel to me, dear. I love you so much.

Babe, as you celebrate your special day today, please always bear in mind that I can never breathe without your love. Thank you for blessing me with your love and making me the happiest woman in the entire universe. Happy birthday, my love.

Your heart is where I belong, and my heart is where you belong, which is why I know we will never be torn apart. I love you so much, babe. Happy birthday.

Your warm and comforting arms are the only place in the whole wide world where I want to spend all the days of my life. Happy birthday, sweetheart.

My dear, there’s absolutely nothing in this world I wouldn’t do to ensure that a smile brightens your face. Babe, I love you with every single fiber of my entire being. Please never forget that. Happy birthday.

I am so glad that you are the one that my heart loves unconditionally. You will forever mean the world to me because you are my life and paradise. Happy birthday.

You bring me sunshine whenever you smile. Sometimes I can’t help but wonder what I did in my previous life to be blessed with the love of the sweetest man on earth. Babe, I promise to love you till my last day. Happy birthday.

I found my missing piece that I had been searching for the day I met you. Thank you for completing me and making me know what it means to be truly happy. Happy birthday, my love.

I believe you make the world a better place just by existing. And being a part of your life and spending your birthday together is a blessing indeed. Happy birthday, darling.

On the special occasion of your birthday, let me wish you all the good things. May you have the happiest life ever. I love you, sweetheart.

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