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6 Ways To Minimize Vaccine Side Effects

While getting vaccinated for any available shot is still commonly debated across the globe, it can’t be denied that vaccinations are there for good reason. It’s the only way for places to rise above the spread of diseases.

These efforts are carried out in the hopes that the pathogens that were once deadly can now be easily manageable. For instance, there’s the flu epidemic hundreds of years ago, chickenpox, polio, measles, and pneumonia, among others.

It’s one of the best ways to give added immunity to your body so you stay protected from an outbreak.

Although unlikely, it’s not totally impossible to experience any side effects from vaccines.

Some of these side effects can be mild, while others are more extreme, like Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration or SIRVA. If attended to immediately, these side effects are also easily manageable.

It shouldn’t be a serious cause of concern, nor should it discourage you from getting vaccinated.

Fortunately, if you take a proactive approach before every shot, there are things you can do—in cooperation with your physician—to minimize or alleviate vaccine side effects. This article looks into some of these tips so that you can apply them as well.

  1. Take The Appropriate Medications Before The Vaccine

Depending on the vaccine you’re getting, there may be certain medications you can take to reduce the onset of its side effects. However, do take caution with this tip as it’s not meant to encourage self-diagnosis.

It’s important that you consult with your doctor, and it’s only with a doctor’s prescription that you’ll purchase and take those medicines.

Remember that it’s not just about taking the correct medicine. It also has a lot to do with the proper dosage, timing, and even quantity. Otherwise, if you aren’t careful, this may only interfere with your vaccine’s effectiveness, or worse, be the main reason why you’ll even experience the side effects in the first place.

For instance, your doctor may prescribe you some of the following medications:

  • Anti-inflammatory, to reduce inflammation in the area where the vaccine was injected;
  • Antipyretic, which can help reduce fever;
  • Acetaminophen, which is used to relieve mild to moderate headaches.
  1. Identify What The Common Side Effects Care

Of course, you wouldn’t know what to avoid if you don’t even know what these common minor side effects are. So, for starters, you’ll also have to learn to identify the potential side effects of getting vaccinated.

In doing so, once you start to notice the development of a possible side effect, you can immediately do something about it to prevent it from worsening.

These are some of the most common side effects across different kinds of vaccines:

  • Redness, soreness, and swelling;
  • Nausea;
  • Rashes;
  • Fever;
  • Body pain;
  • Headache.
  1. Avoid Pain Relievers, Unless They’re Absolutely Necessary

If you don’t absolutely need to take in pain relievers, then don’t be dependent on them. In many instances, medical professionals would advise against taking pain relievers right after your vaccine, as these would take over the work that your immune system is supposed to do.

This means that rather than working at its full potential, these pain relievers are suppressing your body’s immune system.

If you absolutely have to take a pain reliever, consult your doctor first as to which one is the best medication to take that’s less likely to interfere with your body’s immune system response.

  1. Go For The Classic Home Remedy Of A Cool, Clean Cloth

Instead of taking an oral medication, you might want to opt for your mom’s classic home remedy for pain and sores: a cool, clean cloth. This simple remedy can alleviate any swelling or pain in the injection site.

If you have to wear long sleeves or pajamas and pants, opt for light materials, especially when you’re just at home anyway or when you don’t necessarily have to wear thick clothes.

Anything that feels too tight or that constricts your movement will only cause further discomfort to the injection site.

  1. Ice And Movement Are Good For Sore Arms

If your arms are really sore, you may want to move them around, albeit slowly. It can be tempting to keep it still, as it’s uncomfortable to move, but this may only worsen the pain and soreness later on.

The rationale here is that you’ll want your body to get used to the movement, so that little by little, the pain and soreness will also disappear.

Most importantly, moving the area of your body where the vaccine was injected can help bring the blood flow to regular levels again. When you do this, you’re able to reduce any inflammation that may have developed in this area.

Across all vaccine types, soreness is one of the most common side effects, given the natural ways that vaccines operate. Once the vaccine goes inside your arm, as a normal response, blood flow increases.

When this happens, your immune cells will rush to the area, so it can work to strengthen your body’s immune system. 

Applying ice can also help reduce this soreness, especially if the soreness has gone to a level where it may be difficult for you to lift or do any of your daily tasks.

  1. Drink Plenty Of Water

If you feel like a fever is coming, or if you already have a fever, you need to keep yourself hydrated. It’s as simple as drinking a lot of water.

The higher your fever is, the more likely it that you’ll be sweating profusely. So, you’ll need to catch up with that fluid loss by drinking more water.

When you’re dehydrated, this can only worsen your symptoms, or worse, lead to complications. You don’t get sick because of the vaccine itself, but you get hospitalized because you’re severely dehydrated from your high fever.

Vacine Side Effect


If you’ve previously been on the fence about getting vaccinated because you’re worried about its side effects, hopefully, these tips on how you can minimize its onset or better manage them will encourage you about vaccination.

The truth is that these side effects are rare, even highly unlikely. If they do happen, they’re also quite manageable. The key is in being mindful about what you feel, and if there’s anything you’re unsure about, always seek the advice of a medical professional.

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