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Why Is My Rabbit Sneezing?

Do you want to know why your rabbit sneezes and how to help them?

Sneezing in rabbits, like in humans, can often be a simple, everyday occurrence. However, when it becomes persistent or is accompanied by other symptoms, it can indicate underlying health problems.

In this article, we will discuss the causes and implications of sneezing in rabbits, when it’s normal, when you should be concerned, and much more.

Brief Overview

Like many mammals, a rabbit’s respiratory system includes the nose, trachea, and lungs.

This system is susceptible to environmental factors, including dust, bacteria, and allergens.

Rabbits are obligate nasal breathers – they breathe primarily through their noses.

Their small nasal passages effectively filter out particulate matter from the air but can also become easily irritated or blocked.

The buildup of irritants often results in sneezing as a mechanism to clear the nasal passages.

Why Is My Rabbit Sneezing

The following are some common reasons why your rabbit might be sneezing:

1. Allergies

Yes, just like their human counterparts, rabbits can have allergies too.

Substances such as pollen, dust, certain foods, and even certain types of bedding or hay can trigger allergic reactions in rabbits.

These reactions typically result in inflammation of the nasal passages, leading to sneezing.

If you suspect allergies cause your rabbit’s sneezing, observing their environment for potential allergens would be wise.

2. Dust from Hay or Bedding

One of the most common irritants for rabbits is dust, particularly from their hay or bedding.

When rabbits eat hay or rest in their bedding, they can inhale tiny particles that can irritate their sensitive nasal passages.

This irritation can prompt sneezing as their bodies attempt to clear the nasal passages.

If your rabbit sneezes frequently, it’s worth checking the quality of their hay and bedding quality.

Opt for dust-free options whenever possible, and ensure their bedding is changed regularly to prevent the buildup of dust and other particles.

3. Respiratory Infections

Respiratory infections are a severe cause of sneezing in rabbits and can be brought on by various pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, or fungi.

One of the rabbits’ most common bacterial infections is ‘snuffles’, mostly caused by Pasteurella multocida

This infection not only leads to sneezing but can also cause discharge from the nose and eyes, lethargy, and in severe cases, pneumonia.

Bordetella bronchiseptica and Mycoplasma spp. are other common pathogens that can lead to respiratory infections in rabbits.

Early detection and treatment of these infections are vital.

If your rabbit’s sneezing is persistent and accompanied by other symptoms like discharge from the nose or eyes, you should seek veterinary care as soon as possible.

4. Dental Disease

A dental disease might seem unrelated to sneezing, but the two can be directly linked in rabbits.

A rabbit’s upper cheek teeth roots are very close to their nasal passages.

In cases of dental disease, where tooth roots may become elongated or abscessed, this can result in irritation or blockage of the nasal passage, leading to sneezing.

Dental disease in rabbits can be a serious, often overlooked issue and requires immediate veterinary attention.

5. Foreign Bodies

Rabbits are curious creatures and occasionally get foreign bodies, such as seeds or small bedding, lodged in their nasal passages.

These foreign bodies can irritate the nasal lining, causing your rabbit to sneeze.

If you suspect your rabbit has a foreign body in its nose — especially if the sneezing is sudden and violent — you should try removing them carefully.

Prevention of Sneezing in Rabbits

While it’s impossible to prevent all causes of sneezing in rabbits, you can take steps to minimize the likelihood and provide a healthier environment for your pet.

Here are some of the strategies for preventing sneezing in rabbits:

1. Provide a Dust-Free Environment

One of the rabbits’ most common irritants causing sneezing is dust, particularly from their hay or bedding.

To mitigate this, opt for dust-free bedding and hay whenever possible.

Some brands specifically advertise as being dust-free. If you can’t find dust-free options, try to shake out hay before providing it to your rabbit to remove excess dust.

Regularly change their bedding to prevent the buildup of dust and other particles.

2. Maintain Good Ventilation

Proper ventilation is vital in preventing respiratory problems, including sneezing.

Ensure your rabbit’s living area is well-ventilated and free from smoke, perfumes, or any strong chemicals that might irritate their respiratory tract.

3. Regular Cleaning

Keeping your rabbit’s living environment clean can significantly reduce the chance of sneezing caused by irritants or allergens.

Clean and disinfect your rabbit’s enclosure regularly, promptly removing any soiled bedding or litter.

Be sure to use pet-friendly cleaning products that won’t irritate your rabbit’s respiratory system.

4. Monitor Diet and Water

A healthy diet is crucial for your rabbit’s health, including its immune system.

A diet rich in fiber (mainly from hay) can help keep your rabbit’s teeth and gut healthy, preventing sneezing related to dental disease or gastrointestinal issues.

Ensure your rabbit has access to clean water to support its hydration and health.

5. Regular Health Checks

Regular at-home health checks can help you catch signs of potential issues early.

Check your rabbit’s nose and eyes for any discharge, monitor their eating and bathroom habits, and watch for any changes in behavior.

Early detection of potential problems can significantly affect your rabbit’s prognosis.

6. Routine Veterinary Visits

Routine veterinary care is essential for preventing illness in rabbits. Regular check-ups allow your vet to catch and address potential issues before they become serious.

Vaccinations, dental checks, and advice on diet and care from your vet can all contribute to your rabbit’s health and help prevent sneezing related to health issues.

When to Visit the Vet

While a sneezing rabbit may not always warrant a trip to the vet, specific scenarios should not be ignored.

If the sneezing is persistent, is accompanied by other symptoms like those listed below, or if your rabbit seems otherwise unwell, it’s time for a vet visit.

Respiratory infections in rabbits can escalate quickly, leading to serious health complications or, in severe cases, be fatal.

An early diagnosis often leads to a more positive outcome.

Let’s discuss some scenarios when a trip to the vet is warranted:

1. Nasal or Eye Discharge

Any discharge from your rabbit’s nose or eyes should not be overlooked. A clear, watery discharge could indicate irritation or the beginning of a respiratory infection.

On the other hand, discharge that is thick, colored (yellow or green), or accompanied by a foul smell could indicate a more serious bacterial infection.

In any case, unusual nasal or eye discharge should prompt a vet visit.

2. Changes in Appetite and Water Intake

Rabbits are natural grazers, and any significant change in their eating or drinking habits could indicate discomfort or illness.

If you notice that your rabbit is eating or drinking less than usual, it could be a sign of dental disease, a common problem in rabbits.

On the other hand, a sudden increase in water intake could be a sign of kidney disease or diabetes.

3. Behavioral Changes

Rabbits have unique personalities, and a change in their normal behavior is often one of the first signs of illness.

This could include becoming less active, showing less interest in their surroundings, or changing their grooming habits.

If your normally playful rabbit becomes lethargic or your meticulously clean rabbit suddenly stops grooming, it’s time to consult a vet.

4. Changes in Stool or Urine

Changes in your rabbit’s stool or urine can be significant health indicators. Small, hard, or infrequent droppings can indicate gastrointestinal problems.

Red or brown urine, or blood in the urine, can indicate bladder stones or a urinary tract infection.

5. Difficulty Breathing

While sneezing can be common, difficulty breathing is a serious sign that warrants immediate attention.

If your rabbit is breathing rapidly, with its mouth open, or its sides are heaving, it is a sign of respiratory distress.

This could be caused by a severe respiratory infection, heart disease, or a foreign body lodged in the airways.

6. Physical Changes

Physical changes such as weight loss, a bloated abdomen, or a hunched posture can be signs of illness in your rabbit.

Similarly, lumps, bumps, or areas of tenderness should not be ignored.

In female rabbits, unusually large mammary glands may indicate a mammary tumor, while in both sexes, a swollen jaw can be a sign of dental disease.

Snuffles in Rabbits

As we said earlier, sneezing in rabbits may result from snuffles. ‘Snuffles’ is a common term for upper respiratory infections in rabbits.

It is often associated with the bacterium Pasteurella multocida, but other bacteria, such as Bordetella bronchiseptica, Staphylococcus spp., and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, can also cause similar symptoms.

These bacteria often exist harmlessly in the nasal passages of many rabbits but can increase and cause disease under certain conditions, such as stress, poor diet, or compromised immunity.


The symptoms of snuffles in rabbits include:

  1. Sneezing: This is usually one of the first signs. Rabbits with snuffles may sneeze frequently, and the sneezes may be wet, indicating the presence of nasal discharge.
  2. Nasal and Eye Discharge: A clear, then milky or pus-like discharge from the nose and eyes is a common symptom.
  3. Difficulty Breathing: Rabbits may have difficulty breathing, and their breathing may sound raspy or congested.
  4. Decreased Activity and Appetite: Rabbits suffering from snuffles may become lethargic and eat less than usual.
  5. Matting and Staining of Fur: The fur around the nose and front paws (used for cleaning the face) may become matted and stained due to the nasal discharge.
  6. Head Tilt, Loss of Balance: In severe cases, the infection may spread to the ears, causing symptoms such as head tilt or loss of balance.


Preventing snuffles in rabbits mainly involves keeping the rabbit healthy and minimizing stress. This includes:

  1. Good Hygiene: Regularly clean and disinfect rabbit hutches and equipment.
  2. Proper Diet: A balanced diet rich in hay, vegetables, and some fruits is crucial for maintaining a rabbit’s immune system.
  3. Avoid Stress: Minimizing stressful situations, like abrupt changes in diet or environment, can prevent an outbreak of snuffles.
  4. Quarantine New Animals: Newly introduced rabbits should be quarantined and checked for signs of disease before being introduced to existing rabbits.


Snuffles in rabbits is typically treated with antibiotics to combat the bacterial infection. Depending on the severity of the disease, this may include injections or oral medication.

Antibiotics with a known sensitivity towards Pasteurella include quinolones, chloramphenicol, aminoglycosides, penicillin G, and trimethoprim-sulfa drugs.

Antibiotics can cause further health issues and detriment to immune function and should only be used as a last resort.


The occasional sneeze from your rabbit is usually nothing to worry about.

However, persistent sneezing or sneezing accompanied by other signs of illness warrants immediate attention.

You must understand your rabbit’s respiratory health, identify the potential causes of sneezing, and take proactive steps to prevent such issues.

We hope this article helped you know why rabbit is sneezing. If you have any questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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