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4th of July Wishes 2023 – Messages and Quotes

In this article, we have compiled the best 4th of July wishes 2023, happy 4th of July quotes, July 4th holiday wishes, 4th of July message greeting, happy 4th of July message to employees, wishing you a happy and safe 4th of July, July 4th birthday wishes, happy fourth of July sayings, etc.

Happy 4th of July Wishes

Happy 4th of July! Wishing you a joyful and prosperous holiday!

Happy 4th of July! May this day of independence bring our country peace and prosperity. Celebrate freedom and have a good day!

Happy Fourth of July! Celebrate the peace and commemorate the heroes!

Wishing you and your family a meaningful and blessed Fourth of July!

Sending best wishes and blessings your way on the occasion of the 4th of July! May this day be a new beginning of peace, happiness, and prosperity!

Happy Fourth of July to all! May this day be a symbol of peace, prosperity, and happiness in your lives. God bless America and the people who live here!

Happy Independence Day to all American! Let’s appreciate our beautiful country on this day.

Happy Independence Day America! Enjoy the day with positive emotions and loving company!

On this significant day, let us memorize and celebrate the heroes to whom we owe our freedom, peace, and happiness! Happy 4th of July to you!

Happy Fourth of July! May this day be a reminder for all of us to become better and kinder citizens and help each other in sadness and sorrows.

Happy Independence Day to you and your family! Let us uphold the true spirits of the fellow Americans and serve our nation to the fullest!

Being in America is a proud for many. Think how much proud we should feel, as we are born in America. Happy 4th of July 2023

Today America is the synonym of prosperity, power and happiness. This all has come from freedom. So, Happy Independence Day

Happy Indepence day of America to all my American friends who are American by heart.

Let’s be American by heart and soul both, only then the celebration of independence will begin. Happy 4th of July

Every year independence day on 4th of July; gives us the inspiration to make our tomorrow successful and bright. Happy 4th of July

Independence to Americans sweet by heart and soul. Let’s make this day inspiring for all.

This Independence, let’s pledge, we will not hurt the integrity of our nation, neither will let anyone do so.

America has so many treasures, we are blessed that we are born in this wonderful free land. Happy Independence Day Friends.

The independence that we are enjoying today hasn’t come easy. Respect the day, understand its worth. Happy 4th July.

Every day that we exercise our rights and freedoms in America, we celebrate Independence Day. We wish you a great Fourth of July and every other day of independence throughout the year.

Independence is something that takes responsibility. You take independence for granted when you have it but would die for it if you don’t.

We hope your 4th of July celebrations are explosively fun!

As the fireworks light up the sky, we will remember the soldiers who had to die.

America is a symbol of freedom for the world to see. What better way is there to celebrate than spending time with friends and shooting fireworks into the air?

We can be patriotic all year, but the 4th of July is my favorite day to go overboard with the celebrations.

The booms and flashes in the sky prove that Americans still love their country. We remind ourselves of what it took to gain our independence.

Please exercise your right to have a good time on Independence day!

​I’m wishing you the most dazzling and explosively exciting Fourth of July ever. Enjoy the fireworks and be safe.

May we never take for granted the spirit of freedom that lives in all of us as citizens of the United States of America.

Let’s get united to mark the independence day and help America grow as a better and remain the leader nation.

Happy Fourth of July to my brothers and sisters! Let’s feel the pride of being Americans in our hearts and enjoy our freedom!

Happy Fourth to you all! Feel the patriotism in your heart, smile with kindness, and spread love equally! May you be blessed!

Happy Fourth of July! Let’s pay our respect to those who have shed their blood and sweat to make America a better place to live in!

4th of July Messages

Happy Fourth of July! Let’s be better citizens to our country.

Rejoice the freedom and unite in brotherhood! Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Independence Day to you and your family! May you enjoy this significant day among loved ones and celebrate our independence to the fullest!

Happy Fourth to everyone who is celebrating today! Let us promise to be the bearers of kindness and love, and unite with the true spirit of the nation!

Wishing you a very happy 4th of July! I hope you will have a day filled with laughter, love, and fireworks! May God bless you!

Happy 4th of July to you! Let’s cherish the freedom in the air and uplift the spirit of brotherhood and unity in our hearts!

Add the color of Independence in your life and make the 4th of July the happiest day of the planet.

Sending you lots of love, happiness and prosperity on the day of independence. Happy America, happy we, happy nation.

4th July, may you have long-lasting years of freedom, peace, prosperity and citizens like us.

Be proud that we are American by heart and soul. Let’s celebrate Independence day with true spirit.

When everyone is busy in celebration of independence day. I want to recall to you about the brave heroes that made this day possible.

Let’s make America’s independence day, the day of celebration for everyone on this planet.

On this independence day, do not forget to remember the brave heroes of America who made this day possible.

Happy Independence Day to all Americans who are Americans with heart regardless of color and caste.

Now, more than any time in our lives, is a perfect time to celebrate the freedoms we have in this great nation!

I hope your Independence day is filled with explosive excitement!

You’re free to celebrate the 4th any way you’d like since it’s a free country.

We hope you have a great 4th of July celebrating our nation’s birth.

Doesn’t our country look great in red, white, and blue?

I’m happy to share this great big free country with you!

1776 was a great year! Our country is aging like fine wine.

The fourth is my favorite day in July because the entire country gets to celebrate a birthday.

We talk about our nation’s birthday, but could you imagine how big America’s mom must have looked before giving birth to this great nation?

Get the dogs, chips, and soda! The fourth of July is coming, and we want to wish you a great Independence day.

We wish you a wonderful Independence day full of some explosions and a little sparkle.

The founders got their fix July 4th 1776!

We live in a privileged nation, and we are all blessed to have our independence. We are also blessed to have you as a good friend. Have a happy 4th of July.

America may become weaker financially, but it is our freedoms that give us strength. That’s the most important thing.  Freedom is currency and wealth.

If it wasn’t for the soldiers who fought in the Revolutionary war and all the other wars that protected our freedoms, we wouldn’t be as free as we are today. We wish you a happy Independence Day, and thank you to all the veterans both living and dead.

Hey, you enjoy the independence day of America. You are lucky that you are born in such a wonderful land.

Grateful to all those people who served this great country and allowed us our freedom. Happy Independence Day!

Wishing you all a peaceful and blessed Independence Day! May you and your family spend a joyous day and remember the national heroes through celebrations!

Happy Fourth of July to you! May you celebrate the day with a heart full of passion, patriotism, courage, and kindness!

May the independence of our country be upheld forever. Happy Fourth!

4th of July Quotes

“Happy 4th of July! Drink until you see stars… and stripes!” – Unknown

“Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall.” – John Dickinson

“One flag, one land, one heart, one hand, one nation evermore!” – Oliver Wendell Holmes

“It’s Fourth of July weekend, or, as I call it, Exploding Christmas.” – Stephen Colbert

“We will stand by the right, we will stand by the true, we will live, we will die for the red, white, and blue.” – Unknown

“Liberty is the breath of life to nations.” – George Bernard Shaw

“This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.” – Elmer Davis

“Let’s not forget why we celebrate the 4th of July, it is the day Will Smith saved us from the aliens.” – Unknown

“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” – John F. Kennedy

“In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” -Abraham Lincoln

“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” -Abraham Lincoln

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” -Thomas Jefferson

“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” -Thomas Jefferson

“I’m proud to be an American.”

“Home of the free because of the brave.”

“My country ’tis of thee, sweet land of liberty.”

“One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

“Land of the free, home of the brave.”

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