Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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Benefits Of Moringa Seeds For Skin, Hair And Weight Loss: It Side Effects

Moringa seeds are obtained from the little pods of Moringa tree or drumstick tree, Moringa seeds might appear quite tender and fragile. But that is till they get dried, after which they turn harder and somewhat resemble a bean seed.

You may steam, boil or roast these greyish-white grains, characterized with its wing-like structure and consume it to gain hair and skin benefits.

Moringa Nutrition Values

Now if you are yet to understand the goodness of Moringa seeds, allow us to present its nutritional values to you.

In 100 grams of Moringa seeds, you will find an ample amount of Carbohydrates, proteins, calcium and other components which are a must for a healthy living. Do follow the table below for a detailed breakdown.

Nutrition Values
Carbohydrates 8.53
Protein 2.10
Total Fat 0.20
Dietary Fiber 3.2
Cholesterol 0
Niacin 0.620 mg
Calcium 30 mg
Magnesium 45 mg
Phosphorous 50 mg
Potassium 461 mg

Benefits Of Moringa Seeds

With all these nutritional values, you must have figured by now that it has bountiful gain not only for skin and hair but for your overall health.

Moringa Seeds For Skin

For all the skin conscious ladies out there, the following list of benefits is something that you cannot miss:

  • Rich in vitamin A, Moringa seeds are tremendously helpful in saving our skin from the unhealthy effects of free radicals and maintains the natural glow of the skin. We know that vitamin A leads to collagen formation in our skin and so Moringa seeds also go on to boost the firmness of our skin.
  • Moringa seeds contain a special kind of oil. This oil is a rich moisturizer that produces amazing results when applied to the skin.
  • These seeds are also helpful in reducing wrinkles. They fight the seven signs of aging and stop sagging.
  • Moringa has abundance of Sulphur which is the real key for collagen and keratin. Both of these add to the flexibility and strength of your skin.
  • These tiny seeds, if applied on the skin regularly, will free you from pimples, blackspots, blackheads, whiteheads and dead skin. It works as a powerful cleansing agent.
  • Regular use of Moringa seeds bring about a natural glow even on the dullest skin. You might even skip your regular cream once in a while if you are using Moringa seeds constantly.

How To Take Moringa Seed For Skin?


  • Crushed Moringa seeds or Moringa powder – 2 tsp
  • Crushed banana/papaya – 3-4 cubes
  • Honey – 2 tsp
  • Milk – 2 tsp


  1. Mix all these ingredients and form a smooth paste.
  2. Spread evenly throughout your face.
  3. Keep it on for 30 minutes, then rinse off with running water.
  4. You may try this twice a week.

Moringa Seeds For Hair

Even our hair is benefited by the anti-oxidant properties of Moringa seeds and help in maintaining the overall health of our tresses.

  • The blood circulation of our scalp is improved by the antioxidant Vitamin C. This in turn stimulates the follicles and aid them in absorbing more nutrients.
  • If long Rapunzel-esque hair is what you desire, don’t hold yourself from fulfilling them either. Moringa seeds have rich supply of Vitamin A and Zinc and promotes hair growth in a surprising speed.
  • Vitamin A also nourishes hair strands and makes them lustrous by repairing wear and tear.
  • Zinc also boosts the immune system and looks to it that the sebaceous glands of the scalp stays unclogged.
  • Moringa acts as a rich source of minerals like iron, calcium, selenium, potassium, and manganese and they all add up to give you healthy hair and encourage the growth of your hair follicles.

How To Use Moringa For Hair

You may use Moringa as a hair mask or as a hair oil, another seeds which can help for better hair is sabja seeds.

Moringa Seed Hair Oil

  • Moringa seed oil helps treat Alopecia and hair thinning and reverses hair loss. You may buy this at any herbal shop near you.
  • Warm the Moringa seed oil a little and dilute it with a lighter oil like almond or coconut.
  • Massage in across your scalp for 30 minutes.
  • Leave it overnight and wash it the next morning.
  • One night will be required for the oil to get absorbed into the scalp and enrich it with its natural vitamins and other nutrient components.

Moringa Seed Hair mask

  1. To make a hair mask of Moringa seeds, soak 2 tablespoons overnight and crush them in a mixer.
  2. When the seeds have turned into a smooth paste, mix it well with a cup of curd.
  3. Add an egg and 2 teaspoons of honey to it.
  4. Spread this mask on your hair and let it dry for an hour.
  5.  Rinse it with lukewarm water.
  6. Follow it up with shampoo and conditioner.

Moringa Seeds For Health

Apart from the beauty benefits, Moringa seeds are filled with many health benefits too.

  • First, they are great for the heart. Its antioxidant effect helps keep the heart healthy and keeps many diseases away.
  • Those suffering from high blood pressure may be vastly benefited by these seeds and they work effectively in lowering blood pressure.
  • Consuming Moringa seeds regularly will also bring your cholesterol down.
  • It is also a natural remedy for curing diabetes and helps in regulating blood sugar level.
  • The antioxidant effect of these seeds helps protect you from any kind of liver damage. Moringa seed contains vital compounds that rid the liver tissue from harmful free radicals which go on to cause liver diseases.

How To Take Moringa Seeds For Health

  • You may buy capsules that are fused with the goodness of Moringa seeds from your medicine store.
  • Alternatively, you may soak up dried Moringa seeds a night and drink on an empty stomach the next morning.

Side Effects And Precautions

There are no major side effects of consuming Moringa seeds. However, it is suggested that nursing mothers should not consume these seeds in any form while breastfeeding.

Also, if you are on any kind of blood-thinning medication, like warfarin, it is suggested that you refrain from having these seeds.

Before you prepare yourself to use Moringa seeds orally, we would like to inform you that this is not the tastiest seed you are going to consume, hence do keep your expectations lower from the point of view of palatability.

I hope this article has given insight into some of these queries; moringa benefits for men, how to eat moringa seeds, what moringa can cure, moringa seeds side effects, moringa benefits skin, moringa benefits for hair, what is moringa good for, how to use moringa powder.

Do you any question? Comment below.

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