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Can Rabbits Eat Meat?

Have you ever wondered if rabbits eat meat?

Meats ranging from chicken to beef are all nutritious and proteinous to us humans, but is it the same in bunnies? Can they enjoy it too?

In this article, we will let you know if rabbits can eat meat, its risks, the best alternative, and much more.

Can Rabbits Eat Meat?

No, rabbits should not eat meat.

Rabbits are herbivores by nature, which means they only eat plants. A combination of grass, hay, fruits, vegetables, and herbs fulfills their dietary needs.

Their digestive system is specially designed to process plant-based food.

Feeding meat to a rabbit can lead to several health complications due to its inability to process high protein and fat content.

In any form, meat is unsuitable for a rabbit and should never be included in its diet.

Risks Of Feeding Meat To Rabbits

Rabbits are specifically adapted to a diet high in fiber and low in protein and fat.

Feeding them foods that deviate significantly from this, such as meat, can have severe implications for their health.

Below are some risks associated with feeding meat to rabbits:

1. Digestive System Disruption

The rabbit’s digestive system is complex and delicately balanced. It is designed to process a high-fiber, plant-based diet, primarily comprising hay.

The constant slow digestion of this fiber keeps the gut moving and prevents the overgrowth of harmful bacteria.

Meat lacks the necessary fiber content for a rabbit’s digestive system, which can cause a slowdown or blockage, a condition known as gastrointestinal (GI) stasis.

2. Protein Overload and Fat Indigestion

Meat is high in protein and fat, which rabbits cannot process in large quantities.

In the wild, rabbits have a diet low in protein and fat. While they require some for growth and cellular repair, too much can be harmful.

Protein overload can strain a rabbit’s kidneys, potentially leading to kidney disease.

Also, rabbits do not have the necessary enzymes to break down high-fat foods, which can lead to obesity and other metabolic disorders.

3. Bacterial Imbalance

Rabbits have a delicate balance of gut flora, with beneficial bacteria aiding digestion and keeping harmful bacteria in check.

Feeding rabbit meat can disrupt this balance, favoring the growth of harmful bacteria.

This could lead to enteritis (inflammation of the small intestine), which is often severe and fatal.

4. Nutrient Deficiency

Feeding your rabbit meat instead of its regular diet would result in nutrient deficiencies. Rabbits require specific vitamins and minerals found in their natural, plant-based diet.

Without these essential nutrients, they can suffer from various health problems, such as weak bones and teeth, poor coat condition, and a weakened immune system.

5. Choking Hazard

Finally, chunks of meat could pose a choking hazard.

Rabbits are not equipped to chew or break down meat as carnivores or omnivores do, increasing the risk of choking.

Symptoms Of Adverse Reaction

Several symptoms may indicate an adverse reaction if a rabbit accidentally eats meat. These include:

  • Decreased appetite
  • Lack of fecal output
  • Changes in behavior (lethargy)
  • Abdominal pain or bloating
  • Excessive salivation
  • Diarrhea

If your rabbit shows any of these signs after eating meat, consult a vet immediately.

Preventing Accidental Ingestion of Unsuitable Foods

Prevention is always better than cure.

To prevent your rabbit from accidentally ingesting unsuitable foods like meat, always ensure that its food and water dishes are out of reach of other pets or children who might unknowingly introduce harmful items.

Make sure to educate all household members, including children, about the dangers of feeding your rabbit meat or other inappropriate foods.

Rabbit Has Already Eaten Meat – What to Do?

If your rabbit has already eaten meat, take the following first-aid measures:

  • Remove any remaining meat from your rabbit’s environment immediately.
  • Try to determine how much meat your rabbit has eaten.
  • Contact your vet immediately. They would provide further instructions and may need to examine your rabbit.
  • Monitor your rabbit closely for any adverse reactions.

Alternative Treats for Rabbits

Instead of meat, there’s a variety of fruits, herbs, and vegetables that are safe and beneficial for rabbits.

These include:


Fruits should be given in small amounts as treats because of their high sugar content. Overfeeding fruits can lead to obesity, dental disease, and diarrhea.

Each fruit has different nutrients:

Apples – High in fiber and vitamin C, but remember to remove the seeds as they contain a substance that can be harmful to rabbits when ingested in large quantities.

Bananas – A good source of vitamin B6, manganese, and potassium, but high in sugar.

Berries – Packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, and fiber.

Pineapple – Contains bromelain, an enzyme that can help with fur blockages, but is high in sugar.

Pears – A good source of vitamin C and fiber.

PeachesPlumsKiwi – These fruits have much vitamin C and fiber.

Melon – Hydrating due to high water content but should be fed sparingly due to sugar content.

Cherries – High in antioxidants, but be sure to remove the pit.

Papaya – Contains enzymes that can aid in digesting hairballs.


Herbs can be a good source of vitamins, and rabbits often enjoy their taste. Some benefits of herbs include:

Basil – High in vitamin K, it’s also a good source of iron, calcium, and vitamin A.

Dill – Contains many vitamins A, C and essential minerals like iron and manganese.

Mint – A digestive aid that can help soothe the stomach but should be fed in moderation.

Parsley – Rich in vitamins A, C, and K, but it contains a high amount of calcium, so it should be given in moderation.

Cilantro – A good source of vitamins A, C, and K, and aids in digestion.

Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano – These herbs have various antioxidants and aid digestion.


Vegetables should form a significant part of a rabbit’s diet. They provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber:

Bell peppers – High in vitamin C, but avoid the seeds.

Broccoli – Provides a range of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A and C, but should be fed in small amounts due to possible gas issues.

Carrots and carrot tops – The green tops are high in vitamin A and calcium, while the carrot itself, high in sugar, should be fed sparingly.

Celery – Provides hydration due to its high water content but should be chopped to prevent choking on the strings.

Cucumber – Hydrating and low in calories.

Endive, Bok Choy, Brussel SproutsRomaine Lettuce – These are high in fiber and a good source of vitamin A.

Fennel – Contains a good amount of vitamin C, fiber, and potassium.

Peas, Zucchini – These provide a good amount of fiber and vitamin C.

Radish tops, Kale, and Spinach – These leafy greens are high in vitamins and minerals but should be given in moderation due to the high calcium or oxalate content.

Feeding Guidelines for Rabbits

To minimize any potential risks, follow these guidelines when feeding your bunnies.

1. Preparation

Before feeding your rabbit, thoroughly wash all fruits, herbs, and vegetables to remove any pesticides or harmful chemicals.

Cut the food into manageable sizes to prevent choking hazards.

2. Serving Size

A rabbit’s diet should be made primarily of hay, which aids digestion and keeps their teeth healthy.

Fruits and vegetables should be given as treats and not make up more than 10-15% of their diet due to their high sugar content.

3. Frequency

Feed your rabbit fresh fruits, herbs, and vegetables once or twice daily. Avoid feeding them the same food continuously to ensure they get various nutrients.

Other Treats To Avoid

Apart from meat, other foods are harmful to rabbits.

These include:

When in doubt, it’s always better to consult a veterinarian or a pet nutrition expert.


Here are some frequently asked questions

Can Rabbits Eat Chicken?

No, rabbits cannot eat chicken or any other type of meat. They are herbivores, which means their diet should consist of plants. Their digestive system is not designed to process meat.

Is There a Rabbit That Eats Meat?

No, there are no species of rabbits that eat meat. All rabbits are herbivores whose diets consist mainly of hay, grass, and a small amount of fresh vegetables.

What Happens If Rabbits Eat Meat?

If a rabbit eats meat, it could cause serious digestive problems.

Their gut bacteria are designed to break down plant material, not animal proteins and fats. This could lead to discomfort, illness, and potentially severe health issues.

Can Rabbits Eat Meat In The Wild?

No, wild rabbits also do not eat meat. They forage for a diet rich in grass, leaves, and some fruits and vegetables.

Do Hares Eat Meat?

No, like rabbits, hares are herbivores and do not eat meat. Although this article on CBC claims otherwise.

Why Does My Rabbit Eat Meat?

If your rabbit attempts to eat meat, it’s very unusual and unhealthy behavior. It could be a sign that your rabbit’s dietary needs are unmet.

Do Rabbits Eat Their Babies?

No, rabbits do not typically eat their babies.

However, there are instances where rabbits, especially mothers, may eat their kits in a behavior known as infanticide or filial cannibalism.

You should read the full article here: Do Rabbits Eat Their Babies?


Rabbits cannot and should not eat meat. They are herbivores, and their diet should consist mainly of hay, with some fruits, herbs, and vegetables.

If your rabbit accidentally eats meat, contact your vet immediately.

Ensure that everyone in the household understands your pet’s dietary needs to avoid accidentally ingesting harmful foods.

We hope this article helped you know if rabbits eat meat. If you have any questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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