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Can Rabbits Fur Change Color?

Have you ever wondered if rabbits’ fur can change color?

Regarding pets, rabbits hold a unique place with their endearing habits and colorful appearances. Their soft fur, in particular, varies widely in hue, texture, and length, showcasing a fantastic array of genetic diversity.

In this article, we will discuss the mechanisms behind the color of rabbit fur and examine whether it can change, and if so, why and how.

Can Rabbits Fur Change Color

Yes, rabbits’ fur can change color.

A rabbit’s fur can change color due to several factors, including age, season, and even health status.

This is a result of complex biological mechanisms.

For instance, the rabbit’s hair growth cycle consists of three phases: anagen (growth), catagen (transition), and telogen (rest).

During these phases, the hair follicles are influenced by various factors like temperature, daylight, and hormones which can lead to changes in the color of the new hair.

Overview Of Rabbit Fur & Coat Types

Rabbits boast many fur types and colors, reflecting the remarkable range of rabbit breeds worldwide.

The most common fur types include the short and dense coat of the Rex, the long and silky fur of the Angora, and the soft, medium-length coat common in many domestic breeds.

Color, however, is a matter of genetics. The color of a rabbit’s fur is determined by the specific genes it inherits from its parents.

Genes control the production and distribution of two pigments: eumelanin (black/brown) and pheomelanin (yellow/red).

The unique combination and interaction of these pigments and various modifying genes can produce everything from solid black or white coats to more complex patterns and shades, including blues, chocolates, and agouti (a sort of “wild” coloration seen in many animals).

Reasons for Rabbit Fur Discoloration

When observing your pet rabbit, you might notice its fur color changing over time.

Several factors can cause these changes, and understanding them can help you better care for your pet.

Here’s a more in-depth look at the reasons behind color changes in rabbit fur.

1. Molting

Rabbits typically go through a molting process yearly, shedding their old fur to make way for new growth.

The new fur may differ slightly in color from the old coat.

This is particularly noticeable in breeds with agouti coloration, where individual hairs have bands of different colors.

As rabbits molt, new patterns and shades can emerge, which might give the impression of an overall color change.

Molting is a normal, healthy process, although excessive shedding can indicate stress or health issues.

2. Aging

Just like humans, rabbits can experience changes in fur color as they age.

Rabbits may develop “ticking” – dark-tipped fur – or “silvering,” which is the appearance of white or gray hairs, typically around the face and body.

This is an entirely natural part of the aging process and usually begins when the rabbit is around 4-5 years old.

3. Seasonal Variation & Temperature Changes

In certain rabbit breeds, fur color can change with the seasons in response to varying temperatures and daylight length, known as thermoregulation.

For instance, some breeds, like the Himalayan and the Netherland Dwarf, show a significant change.

During colder months, the fur on their ears, nose, feet, and tail may darken, while during warmer months, their coat may lighten.

This temperature-sensitive pigmentation helps wild rabbits blend into their surroundings, providing valuable camouflage against predators.

4. Diet & Nutrition

A rabbit’s diet can have an indirect impact on its fur color.

Although not a cause of color change per se, the lack of certain nutrients can result in a dull or faded coat.

For example, a protein, vitamin, or mineral deficiency could lead to a less vibrant coat. Ensuring your rabbit receives a balanced diet can help maintain their coat’s health and color.

5. Sun Exposure

Prolonged exposure to sunlight can also lead to a change in your rabbit’s fur color.

Much like how human hair can develop lighter “highlights” after significant time in the sun, rabbit fur can lighten or show a reddish tint after spending a lot of time outdoors.

However, it’s essential to note that rabbits are susceptible to heatstroke, so it’s important to provide shade and cool water if your rabbit lives outdoors.

Impact of Health & Diet on Fur Color

Your rabbit’s overall health and diet significantly impact their fur’s quality, color, and condition.

Let’s dive into the key areas where health and diet intersect with fur color.

Impact of Health on Fur Color

While most color changes in a rabbit’s fur are benign, certain health conditions can lead to changes or discolorations. For instance:

1. Skin Diseases:
Conditions like dermatitis or skin infections can cause color changes, often because the rabbit is over-grooming a painful area or a substance like pus stains the fur.

Ringworm, a type of fungal infection, can cause patchy fur loss with some discoloration.

2. Liver Disease:
Liver disease can lead to a yellowing of the fur because of jaundice. This is a severe condition that requires immediate veterinary attention.

3. Hormonal Imbalances:
Changes in hormone levels, such as those seen in conditions like adrenal disease, can cause changes in fur color. Often this is because hormone imbalances disrupt the normal hair growth cycle.

Impact of Diet on Fur Color

A rabbit’s diet plays a crucial role in maintaining its overall health, including the health of its fur.

1. Protein:
Protein is a vital part of a rabbit’s diet and is essential to maintaining a healthy coat. If your rabbit isn’t getting enough protein, their fur may become dull and brittle.

2. Vitamins and Minerals:
Specific vitamins and minerals are vital for maintaining a rabbit’s fur color and sheen. For example, a deficiency in vitamin A can lead to hair loss and a dull coat.

Likewise, zinc is essential for hair growth, and a deficiency can lead to hair loss.

3. Fiber:
Fiber, especially from hay, is the cornerstone of a rabbit’s diet. It helps maintain a healthy digestive system; a healthy rabbit typically has a healthy, vibrant coat.

4. Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids:
These fatty acids in foods like flaxseed are essential in keeping a rabbit’s fur shiny and healthy.

A balanced diet with a wide range of nutrients will help ensure your rabbit’s coat remains vibrant and lustrous.

This should be primarily composed of high-fiber hay, supplemented with a small number of pellets, and various fresh vegetables and fruits.

When to Be Concerned About Fur Color Changes

While many changes in a rabbit’s fur color are perfectly normal and occur due to natural processes like aging, molting, or seasonal changes, there are instances when a color change can be a cause for concern.

Understanding what to look out for is vital to ensure the health and well-being of your rabbit.

1. Sudden or Drastic Color Changes

While gradual color changes can occur naturally in rabbits, a sudden or drastic change in fur color can indicate a potential health issue.

For example, a rabbit’s fur turning yellow may indicate liver disease. Similarly, a sudden whitening or lightening of the fur could indicate a lack of sunlight or a nutritional deficiency.

2. Accompanying Symptoms

Changes in fur color accompanied by other symptoms could indicate an underlying health problem.

Symptoms to look out for include:

  • Hair Loss: If your rabbit is losing fur along with a color change, it may signal a skin infection, parasites, or a more systemic health issue.
  • Changes in Behavior: Changes in your rabbit’s normal behavior, such as a loss of appetite, lethargy, or changes in their droppings, coupled with a change in fur color, warrants a visit to the vet.
  • Changes in Eating or Drinking Habits: If your rabbit is eating or drinking less or more than usual, and their fur color changes, it may indicate an underlying health condition.
  • Sores or Redness on the Skin: If your rabbit has sores, redness, or any signs of discomfort on their skin, along with a color change, it could suggest a skin condition that needs medical attention.

3. Unusual Patterns

If the color change appears in unusual patterns, such as patches of discoloration, it might indicate a localized issue, such as a skin infection or injury.

Changes in Coat Quality

If your rabbit’s fur is becoming dry, brittle, or dull, along with a color change, it could be due to nutritional deficiencies or underlying health issues.

Suppose you observe any of these concerning signs. In that case, it’s crucial to consult with a veterinarian who will evaluate your rabbit’s health, conduct necessary tests, and provide appropriate treatment or diet modification suggestions.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

Do All Rabbits Turn White?

No, not all rabbits turn white.

Some rabbits, particularly those breeds adapted to snowy environments, undergo a color change in winter and turn white to blend in with the snow.

This phenomenon is known as seasonal color morphing and is observed in rabbits like the Arctic Hare or the Snowshoe Hare.

What Color Can Rabbits Fur Be?

Rabbits’ fur can be a variety of colors, including black, brown, white, grey, cream, and even shades like blue and chocolate.

There are also many different patterns and combinations of colors, particularly in domesticated rabbits.

What Is The Natural Colour Of Rabbit?

Wild rabbits, such as the European rabbit, generally have a brown, grey, and black coats to help them blend into their surroundings.

What Is The Best Color For Rabbits?

There isn’t a “best” color for rabbits. A rabbit’s fur color doesn’t affect its health or behavior. The best color is subjective and depends on personal preferences.

Can Rabbits Have Black Fur?

Yes, rabbits can have black fur. Many domestic breeds, like the Havana or Silver Fox rabbit, are known for their rich black coats.

What Color Is Wild Rabbit Fur?

Wild rabbit fur is typically a mix of brown, grey, and black. This coloration helps them blend into their environment and avoid predators.

What Determines Rabbit Fur Color?

Rabbit fur color is determined by genetics. Different genes control the distribution of pigments in the fur, resulting in different colors and patterns.

Why Is My White Rabbit Turning Grey?

If your white rabbit is turning grey, it could be due to aging or a condition called “ticking,” where guard hairs of different colors appear in the coat.

Why Is My Rabbits Fur Turning Brown?

If a white or grey rabbit’s fur is turning brown, it could be due to staining (from food or urine), sun exposure, or changes in diet. It could also be a result of aging.

Why Is My Rabbits Fur Turning White?

If your rabbit’s fur is turning white, it could be experiencing a molting phase, where they shed old fur and grow new fur.

Some rabbit breeds also change color with the seasons.

Why Is My Brown Rabbit Turning Grey?

If your brown rabbit is turning grey, it could be due to aging. Just like humans, rabbits can grey with age.

But if your rabbit is young and its fur is turning grey, it’s best to consult a vet to rule out any potential health problems.


Rabbits’ fur can change color due to various factors, including age, seasons, and health status.

While many of these changes are harmless and a regular part of a rabbit’s life cycle, you must observe your pets closely and be alert for any signs of health issues.

A sudden or drastic color change, particularly if accompanied by other symptoms, should be checked by a veterinarian.

Regular check-ups, a balanced diet, and a comfortable living environment will ensure your rabbit’s health and happiness.

We hope this article helped you know that rabbits’ fur can change color. If you have any other questions, comment below, and we will answer them.


1. Spinner, G. P. (1940). Molting Characteristics in the Eastern Cottontail Rabbits. Journal of Mammalogy, 21(4), 429-434. https://doi.org/10.2307/1374880

2. Jenkins, J. R. (2001). Skin Disorders of the Rabbit. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice, 4(2), 543-563. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1094919417300427

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