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Can Rabbits Have Arugula?

Do you want to know if rabbits can have arugula?

Arugula, often called rocket in some regions, is a leafy green vegetable quite popular in salads and as a garnish. Arugula leaves are typically elongated and have a slightly serrated edge.

In this article, we will discuss whether arugula can be included in your bunnies’ diet, the benefits and risks associated with feeding arugula to rabbits, and much more.

Rabbits’ Basic Dietary Needs

First, let’s look at rabbits’ dietary needs because understanding these will help you know what foods, such as arugula, can be included in their meals.

Let’s begin by discussing what exactly a rabbit should eat, why these elements are crucial, and how to provide a balanced diet for your bunny.

1. Hay

Hay, mainly Timothy hay, is the cornerstone of a rabbit’s diet. It provides the much-needed fiber that aids digestion and keeps the gastrointestinal tract moving correctly.

Different kinds of hay can be offered, such as Timothy, Orchard, or Oat hay. Mixing these types adds variety to the diet.

2. Fresh Vegetables

Fresh vegetables offer rabbits essential vitamins and minerals. They also provide moisture and enrich the rabbit’s diet with various flavors and textures.

Leafy greens like romaine lettuce, spinach, kale, and of course, arugula are excellent choices. These should be washed thoroughly to remove pesticides.

3. Fresh Fruits

Fruits can be given in small quantities as treats. They add sweetness and variety but should be limited due to their sugar content.

Apples, pears, berries, and bananas are popular choices but should be given sparingly without seeds.

4. Pellets

Rabbit pellets are formulated to provide a balanced diet containing essential nutrients.

Choose pellets high in fiber and free from seeds or colored pieces. Feeding should be limited to the amount recommended for the rabbit’s weight.

5. Water

Fresh, clean water must be available at all times. It’s essential for digestion and overall health.

Can Rabbits Have Arugula?

Yes, rabbits can have arugula.

It’s a leafy green rich in vitamins and minerals and can be part of a rabbit’s daily diet.

Arugula should be fed to rabbits in moderation, usually a small handful, as part of their daily green intake.

Overfeeding can lead to health issues.

Benefits of Feeding Arugula to Rabbits

Arugula, also known as “rocket,” is more than just a tasty green; it offers many benefits to rabbits.

Integrating this leafy green into a rabbit’s diet will provide nutrition and enjoyment.

Below are some of the advantages of feeding arugula to rabbits:

1. Rich in Nutrients

Arugula is rich in Vitamin K, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C, along with minerals like calcium and magnesium.

These vitamins and minerals contribute to the overall health of a rabbit, supporting everything from bone strength to vision.

The antioxidants found in arugula can help protect the rabbit’s cells from damage, promoting long-term health.

2. Low in Calories and Sugars

Arugula’s low-calorie content makes it a superb choice for those looking to manage their rabbit’s weight without sacrificing essential nutrients.

The low sugar content in arugula ensures that it doesn’t cause spikes in blood sugar levels, making it a healthy addition for rabbits.

3. Adds Variety to the Diet

The peppery taste of arugula introduces new flavors, adding excitement to the rabbit’s mealtime.

The varied texture also promotes dental health by encouraging chewing.

4. Easily Digestible

Arugula contains fiber, aiding in digestion. It assists in keeping the digestive system moving properly, which is vital for a rabbit’s overall health.

5. Enhances Hydration

Arugula’s water content helps keep the rabbit hydrated, especially during hot weather.

Hydration is essential for the proper functioning of a rabbit’s organs and systems.

6. Supports Immune Health

The vitamins and antioxidants present in arugula can support the rabbit’s immune system, making them more resilient to illnesses.

Risks of Feeding Arugula to Rabbits

Arugula is generally considered a healthy option for rabbits but has some potential risks.

Let’s discuss these risks in more detail:

1. Potential for Overfeeding

Feeding too much arugula at once, or relying too heavily on it as a primary green, can lead to digestive issues. It may cause soft stools or even diarrhea.

Overfeeding arugula might overshadow other essential nutrients, leading to an imbalanced diet that lacks variety.

2. Risk of Pesticide Exposure

Arugula, like other leafy greens, can retain pesticides used during farming. If not properly washed, these chemicals can be harmful to rabbits.

3. Impact on Calcium Levels

While arugula’s calcium content can be beneficial, too much calcium in a rabbit’s diet might lead to issues like bladder stones.

4. Interaction with Existing Health Conditions

Rabbits with specific health conditions might have unique dietary requirements.

In such cases, arugula’s nutritional profile may not align with the rabbit’s needs and should be cautiously fed.

How to Feed Arugula to Rabbits

Feeding arugula to your rabbit can be an enriching experience for both of you.

This process is more than adding greens to a bowl.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Choose Fresh and Organic Arugula

Opt for fresh, crisp arugula leaves free from any signs of wilting or damage. Organic options can be preferable, as they usually contain fewer pesticides.

2. Wash the Arugula

Washing the arugula under running water will help remove pesticides, dirt, or bugs. This step ensures that your rabbit is getting clean and safe food.

3. Introduce Arugula Gradually

If your rabbit hasn’t eaten arugula before, begin by offering a small amount.

Gradually increase the quantity over several days as your rabbit becomes accustomed to it.

4. Mix with Other Leafy Greens

Combine arugula with other rabbit-safe leafy greens to provide a varied and balanced diet.

This mixture ensures the rabbit doesn’t rely solely on arugula for its nutrients.

5. Observe Your Rabbit’s Reaction

Keep an eye on your rabbit’s behavior and stool after introducing arugula. Any changes could indicate that the arugula might not suit your specific rabbit.

6. Serve at Room Temperature

Arugula should be served at room temperature, as cold or warm food can lead to digestive issues.

7. Limit the Quantity as Needed

Arugula should be part of a balanced diet, not the main component. Stick to the portion size recommended by your vet or rabbit care guide.

8. Store Properly

Store leftover arugula in the refrigerator to keep it fresh for the next meal. Check for freshness before serving again.

Alternative Treats To Arugula For Rabbits

Variety is necessary to a rabbit’s diet, and many other greens and treats can be as beneficial as arugula.

These alternatives provide different flavors, textures, and nutrients, enriching the rabbit’s dietary experience.

Let’s see some of these alternative treats:

1. Other Leafy Greens

Romaine Lettuce:
A great alternative to arugula, romaine lettuce is crunchy and hydrating. It’s low in calcium and rich in fiber.

Kale provides a robust blend of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin K and Vitamin A. It should be fed in moderation due to its higher calcium content.

Rich in nutrients but also high in calcium, spinach can be fed sparingly as an alternative to arugula.

2. Fresh Herbs

Basil is aromatic and packed with Vitamin K. It’s a tasty treat most rabbits love.

Mint offers a refreshing flavor and can be a stimulating addition to the diet.

Parsley is nutritious but should be given in moderation due to its higher calcium content.

3. Vegetables

Carrots are a favorite treat for many rabbits. The tops are incredibly nutritious, while the root should be given in moderation due to its sugar content.

Bell Peppers:
Bell peppers, especially the red ones, offer Vitamin C and a crunchy texture. They should be served without seeds.

Avoid the Jalapenos.

Cucumber provides hydration and a mild flavor, making it a great occasional treat.

4. Fruits (In Moderation)

Apples can be a sweet treat but should be offered without seeds and in small quantities due to their sugar content.

Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are beloved by many rabbits and provide antioxidants. Again, moderation is essential due to sugar levels.

5. Specialized Rabbit Treats

Prepared Treats:
There are commercially available rabbit treats designed to be nutritious and appealing.

Look for natural options without added sugars or artificial ingredients.

Treats To Avoid

While rabbits are known for their love of various vegetables and greens, not everything is suitable for their unique digestive systems.

Let’s delve into those treats and foods that should never be on a rabbit’s menu:

1. Iceberg Lettuce

Iceberg lettuce contains lactucarium, which can harm rabbits, leading to diarrhea and other digestive issues. Other types of lettuce are typically safe.

2. Processed Human Foods

Foods like cookies, chips, chocolate, or anything with added sugar, salt, and artificial ingredients can be highly toxic to rabbits.

3. Dairy Products

Rabbits are lactose intolerant, so dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt can lead to digestive upset.

4. Certain Fruits and Vegetables

Potatoes, corn, and other starchy vegetables should be avoided, as they can lead to obesity and digestive issues.

Bananas and grapes are high in sugar and should only be given sparingly.

Tomato leaves, rhubarb, and avocados are toxic to rabbits and should be avoided entirely.

5. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds can be choking hazards and are also too high in fats for a rabbit’s diet.

6. Cereals and Grains

Cereals and grains, like rice, are not part of a rabbit’s natural diet and can disrupt their digestive system.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

Can Rabbits Eat Arugula Leaves?

Yes, rabbits can eat arugula leaves.

Arugula is a leafy green vegetable safe for rabbits and can be part of their diet.

It’s rich in vitamins and minerals and provides a source of fiber that aids digestion.

Again, when introducing arugula, start with a small amount and gradually increase it, observing your rabbit’s reaction.

Can Rabbits Eat Arugula Every Day?

While arugula is safe for rabbits, it should not be fed daily.

It should be part of a varied diet that includes other leafy greens, vegetables, and, most importantly, hay.

Feeding arugula daily might lead to an imbalance in nutrients, as it lacks specific vitamins and minerals in other greens.

So, it’s best to rotate arugula with other leafy greens to provide a well-rounded diet.

Can Rabbits Have Arugula And Spinach?

Yes, rabbits can have both arugula and spinach.

Both are nutritious but have different nutrient profiles.

Arugula can be fed more regularly, but spinach should be given in moderation due to its higher calcium content, which can lead to kidney issues if provided excessively.

Mixing arugula with spinach and other greens ensures a balanced and varied diet.

Do Wild Rabbits Like Arugula?

Wild rabbits may or may not eat arugula, depending on their location and plant availability.

Their diets are typically more diverse, relying on native plants in their habitats.

Offering arugula to wild rabbits isn’t recommended, as it might not align with their natural diet, and feeding wild animals can disrupt their normal behavior.

Can Baby Rabbits Eat Arugula?

Baby rabbits should primarily be fed their mother’s milk and, once weaned, a steady diet of alfalfa hay.

Arugula and other greens can be introduced once the rabbit is around 12 weeks old and should be done gradually.

Start with small amounts, and monitor their reaction.


We’ve discussed the different aspects of feeding arugula to rabbits.

From understanding their basic dietary needs to the benefits and risks of arugula, we’ve provided guidelines on including this leafy green in a rabbit’s diet.

We also covered alternative treats that can be offered and listed the treats that should be strictly avoided to maintain your rabbit’s health.

Proper feeding practices ensure that your rabbit has a balanced and nutritious diet supporting its well-being.

We hope this article helped you know if rabbits can eat arugula. If you have any questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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