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250+ Freedom Day Wishes 2021 – Messages & Quotes

Here’s a compilation of independence day wishes, freedom day quotes, freedom day wishes, independence day message, independence day wishes 2021, personal freedom quotes, independence day quotes, independence day quotes, freedom day 2021, etc

Freedom Day Wishes

Freedom comes with some responsibilities to maintain and let us take the oath to maintain them. Happy national freedom day.

Patriotism is about loving both your country and countrymen. I hope every one of us can contribute something to our country in this lifetime. Happy national freedom day.

Let us salute and appreciate our country and countrymen for all the sacrifices they had to make to gift our freedom. Warm wishes to you on national freedom day.

Remembering all the brave souls who gifted us this freedom. May God bless our country and us in the long run. Happy national freedom day.

As we celebrate national freedom day, let us remember all the past leaders who lost their lives for the betterment of this nation. Long live in our country.

Let’s take the oath to make our country greener and cleaner than yesterday on this auspicious day of national freedom day. Long live America!

Honoring all of the sacrifices and taking pride in the nation’s history is not everything to do as a countryman. Be ready to fight for your country! Sweet wishes of national freedom day.

Let us always remember to uphold national unity first. Have a wonderful national freedom day. May God bless our country with all the good things.

Never forget the price we had to pay for the freedom that we are enjoying. Make every sacrifice of our heroes worth living for. Happy national freedom day.

Let us always honor all the heroes who lost their lives to give us a brighter future. May God reward them in heaven. Happy national freedom day.

It is our duty to make sure that the commitment towards freedom is forever and we make sure that it is never misused. Happy world freedom day

If we even want to see a change then it is important that we be that change and affect the world positively. Happy world freedom day

Our silence is not our weakness, rather it is the strength that we hold in our nerves. Happy world freedom day

The biggest freedom battles were fought without guns. Happy world freedom day, let your actions do the talking

With freedom, we have the chance to make the world a better place to live for all. Show some respect and live with joy

Once we all come together and make proper use of freedom, there is no looking back and the world shall only prosper. Happy world freedom day

As long as we do not have the power to speak up for ourselves, living is of no use. Raise your voice for the good; you are free to do so!

Living bold, living free. Happy world freedom day

We do not live on the terms set by anyone else. Thanks to those souls who made this line possible with their lives for the freedom fight.

The cost of freedom all over the world is truly a million of lives who have done no wrong but only for their cause. Happy world freedom day

Happiness is a state of mind that is better felt when you are in a state of freedom.

On this world freedom day, let us take an oath to showcase the power of unity and also the responsibility we can show in handling our own freedom.

Each of us represents a flower and we can bloom in the best manner when showered with freedom. Happy world freedom day

Life is a lot easy when we have the best of the practices, such as freedom, as a part of it. Live freedom, love freedom

World freedom day is here to commemorate the loss of lives of those soldiers who fought for their nation and its people.

The most satisfying thing on earth that cannot be touched but can be felt is “freedom”. Happy world freedom day

Every bright future begins with the assurance of a free will and thought. Happy world freedom day

Freedom Day Messages for Family and Friends

Let us accept all our flaws and work on them for a better future. Happy national freedom day, everyone. May we all find peace.

Let’s celebrate today paying tribute to those who bravely fought for our freedom and future. We will always remember their sacrifice no matter what!

May the colors of the American flag remind us all the glorious past and witness all the better future. May America win in every aspect.

Let us dance and enjoy the firework while having a great feast with everyone we are grateful to celebrate with on this national freedom day.

I hope we will encounter better people and less crime in the upcoming year. Happy national freedom day. May God bless us all.

As a proud citizen of the United States of America, I wish this day to be full of great things and brighter prospects. Happy national freedom day to everyone celebrating.

Wishing a happy national freedom day to America! Make this day memorable by honoring everyone associated with the American war and vice versa.

Let us take a moment for all the heroes who put their lives first for the next generation’s brighter days. Let them feel proud of today’s America.

Let the light of freedom remove the dark cover of oppression on earth and bring smiles on all faces alike. Happy world freedom day

Freedom is priceless and nothing less than magic which cannot be seen but surely be felt.

Life gives you many chances to be better and freedom is one of those. Grab it and make the best use of it. Happy world freedom day

A moment of silence for all those who fought with their lives so that we can enjoy the spirit of freedom now. Happy world freedom day

Living without freedom is just like your eyes without vision. You are just living your days and waiting for orders.

Only those people know the value of freedom who haven’t got hold of it for a long time and want it badly.

We have no idea of the strength that a person has to endure during the times of oppression. Freedom for them is a dream which they can even try to achieve with their lives

With freedom, life is a lot simpler and it is assured that the morning will be full of fresh air. Happy world freedom day

The spirit of world freedom day is unending and will continue to be so as long as there is humanity on earth.

The importance of freedom is only known by those who have fought for it long and hard enough. Happy world freedom day

If you think that life is tough, look back at some of the countries who are still fighting for their share of freedom. You are lucky, happy world freedom day

I’m lucky to be breathing and eating on my own will. Happy world freedom day

Freedom is pure gem, use it wisely and live happily with it!

Being free has its benefit. You can love your own good and also the bad and there is no one to judge you or stop you. Enjoy the feel on this world freedom day

The condition of life is best when it is under a state of freedom. Happy world freedom day to all those who have fought and deserve this immensely

Today is the day we pay respect to our beautiful nation. We’ve done so much to build our very own culture and heritage, so let’s celebrate it today. May this Independence Day be special for you and your loved ones.

Freedom is something you have to fight for. We’ve tried so hard to earn it, so let’s celebrate the fact that we still have our freedom. Never let go of it and always carry it in your heart. Happy Independence Day!

Today we cherish the ones who made our independence possible. Freedom is hard to get, but we were blessed to have it. Let’s appreciate everything we have and celebrate the great miracle of freedom. Happy Independence Day.

Remembering our past is extremely important. But we also have to think about building our future. Let’s do everything to keep our freedom and carry it through the years. Happy Independence Day to the whole nation!

Today we celebrate the glory of freedom. We don’t understand the value of it until we lose it, so let’s remember about that and never let it go. Joy to the nation. Happy Independence Day!

Your true freedom begins when you get to a point where you don’t have to impress anyone in life! Happy Independence Day!

So many people might have forgotten, but I never will, the colorful flag of my country, furls so high. Happy Independence Day.

Today, we stand up so high. Shed those tears as we all remember all that died for me, you and our whole country, risking their precious lives each and every day. To our martyrs, here is our salute. Happy Independence Day.

My heart beats with pride when I see the amazing colors of Independence spreading joy and happiness all around us. May the glory of this day be with you forever, happy Independence Day!

Hope you can feel the pride of being a part of this glorious nation. Here is my warm patriotic wish to make this unique day truly memorable.

On this day, we come together, we unite, and make it another beautiful day to speak and fight against corruption while we spiral the flag of our beautiful nation.

Let’s make strong decisions to value our dear nation. We will never forget the sacrifice our freedom fighters had made. Now it’s our turn to reform the country. Happy Independence Day!

Thousands of people laid down their dear lives for our country to breathe this day, we should never forget their sacrifice…happy Independence Day!

Today is the day, that our nation sings aloud, this is the day, that our liberty bells ring aloud, this is the day we shall start to remember what we truly stand for and celebrate our independence. Happy Independence Day.

Celebrate the free spirit of our nation, may this Independence Day fill your life with joy and prosperity. Happy independence!

Freedom Day Quotes

“Freedom lies in being bold.” – Robert Frost

“Freedom cannot be bestowed — it must be achieved.” – Elbert Hubbard

“We hold our heads high, despite the price we have paid, because freedom is priceless.” – Lech Walesa

“Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves; and under the rule of a just God, cannot long retain it.” – Abraham Lincoln

“Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life.” – Bob Marley

“The great revolution in the history of man, past, present, and future, is the revolution of those determined to be free.” – John F. Kennedy

“Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better.” – Albert Camus

“We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it.” – William Faulkner

“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.” – Charlotte Brontë

“For what avail the plow or sail, or land or life, if freedom fail?” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“If you’re not ready to die for it, put the word ‘freedom’ out of your vocabulary.” – Malcolm X

“Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of it. The history of liberty is a history of resistance.” – Woodrow Wilson

“Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity.” – Herbert Hoover

“Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth.” – George Washington

“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” – Abraham Lincoln

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