Monday, March 31, 2025

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How to Promote Hair Growth

Are you struggling with hair loss? 

Perhaps your hair is starting to thin or starting to break? 

When your hair doesn’t look as good as it used to, it can lead to feelings of frustration and low self-esteem. 

Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to restore your locks to their former glory. 

Read on to discover all the best tried and tested ways to promote hair growth, with both natural remedies and surgical treatments to choose from. 

What Affects Hair Growth? 

Several factors affect hair growth, including:

  • Genetics. For example, if you have a family history of hair loss, you are more likely to experience it yourself. 
  • Hormonal changes. For example, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause
  • Certain medications. For example, drugs taken when undergoing chemotherapy or blood thinners. 
  • Stress. High levels of stress, either at home or at work, can cause hair loss. 
  • Extreme weight loss. If you lose more than 20 pounds in a short space of time, then you may experience hair loss. Men and women with eating disorders, such as bulimia and anorexia, may also suffer from hair loss. 
  • Trauma to the hair follicles. Hair styling practices, such as wigs, can cause trauma to the hair follicles, as well as an external injury to the head area. 
  • Certain medical conditions. Fungal infections and autoimmune diseases can cause your hair to fall out. 

How to Promote Hair Growth  

Visit the Hairdressers Regularly 

If your hair is not growing as fast as you would like, you may be tempted to avoid the hairdressers and their “overenthusiastic” chopping. 

However, if you want your hair to grow longer, then it is better to book in for regular trims, as this helps to remove dead ends and provide hair growth. 

When you visit your hairdresser, make sure that you make it clear that you are trying to grow your hair and that you only want them to cut off the bare minimum. 

Focus on a Healthy Diet 

Ever heard the expression “you are what you eat”? Well, when it comes to your hair, this couldn’t be truer. 

If you are not fueling your body in the right way, then you can’t expect your hair to grow well or be in good condition. 

For optimal hair growth, focus on eating high-protein foods, such as chicken, fish, and pulses, as well as foods that contain omega-3 fats including nuts, seeds, and eggs. 

Take a Supplement 

Although a supplement should not replace a good diet, it can be used alongside healthy foods to help your hair to grow thicker and more lustrous.

There are lots of different supplements to choose from, some of which are specifically designed to promote healthy skin, nails, and hair. In terms of which vitamins are good for hair growth, vitamins A, C, and E are all good ones to opt for, as well as any supplements that contain zinc and iron. 

Make sure that you always take the recommended daily dosage and follow the guidelines on the label. 

Be Gentle with Your Hair 

If you want your hair to look its best and grow well, then you need to make sure you are looking after it in the best possible way. Hair follicles are at their most vulnerable just after washing, so when you get out of the tub or shower, ensure you focus your efforts on your hair. 

Avoid wrapping your wet hair up in a towel as this can pull at the follicles and causes breakages. Instead, use a hair turban, which is designed to be gentle on the hair and scalp. 

You should also try to limit how often you use hair styling tools, such as hair straighteners and curlers, as these also damage the hair. 

Don’t Overbrush 

There seems to be this idea that brushing your hair a lot will make it grow more. Unfortunately, the opposite is true. 

When you brush your hair too often, this can weaken the hair and cause breakages. Instead, brush your hair just a few times before bed, using slow and gentle strokes, and then first thing in the morning to style for the day ahead. 

It can also be beneficial to invest in silk pillowcases or a silk hair wrap to wear overnight, as these can help to protect your hair and scalp and prevent knots and tangling from occurring. 

Have PRP Injections 

If you are experiencing hair loss and would like a treatment that offers long-lasting results, then PRP injections are a good choice. 

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) injections are a treatment for hair loss that involves drawing blood from a person and then injecting it back into the scalp. Shown to trigger natural hair growth and maintain it by increasing the bloody supply to the hair follicles, the results of PRP injections can last for up to a year. 

You can find PRP hair treatment in Chicago and in many other major cities in the United States. Always make sure that you choose a reputable company and read customer testimonials and online reviews before committing to a clinic.  

Use Essential Oils 

If you would prefer to try more natural remedies for hair growth, then there are several essential oils that you can try. 

Both tea tree oil and rosemary oil are said to be beneficial to scalp health and these can easily be added to hair washing regime. Simply place 1-2 drops in your shampoo or conditioner and wash as usual. 

Other essential oils that you may want to try are lavender, chamomile, and thyme. 

Try Topical Ointments 

For hair loss treatments that are backed by science, there are several topical ointments that you can try, such as topical melatonin, topical minoxidil, and topical finasteride. 

Some of the above can be bought over the counter at your nearest pharmacy and others require a prescription from your doctor or dermatologist. 

It is worth knowing that these topical treatments can take some time before you start to see results and they do not work for everyone. 

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