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How To Reverse Wrinkles Without Surgery

Are you worried about wrinkles? If so, you’re not alone. 

Wrinkles come naturally as people get older. Through the years, the human skin loses its elasticity and develops permanent folds and creases.

Usually, the fine lines first appear around the eyes, lips, hands, and forearms as these areas are more prone to sun exposure and repeated movements. 

What Causes Wrinkles?

There are a number of factors that contribute to how soon wrinkles appear, how prevalent they could be, and which parts of your body could be most affected.

Some of the factors that influence the development of wrinkles include:

  • Age – People as young as 25 can start to have wrinkles, depending on their genetics and lifestyle.

    As you age, the moisture and collagen that your skin secrete decreases dramatically which lessens your skin’s ability to retain its youthful texture. 

  • Sun Exposure – Frequent sun exposure can contribute to the development of wrinkles, and having fair skin puts you at an even greater risk because you have less melanin, which is a protective pigment that helps block UV radiation.

    To help minimize skin damage due to sun exposure, be sure to use sunscreen before going out. You can also use UV protective sunglasses and clothing for added safeguarding.

  • Skincare Routine – There are many products available in the market that could help you maintain younger-looking skin. It’s advisable to use products compatible with your skin type and to use them regularly for a more desirable effect.

    Naturally, those who are able to take good care of their skin and take steps to prevent wrinkles early on are at an advantage.

  • Diet – Poor diet can negatively impact your skin’s aging process. Foods heavy on sugar, carbohydrates, and trans fats can damage the collagen in the skin, which in turn, leave it looking saggy and creased.

    On the other hand, fresh fruits and vegetables, that are rich in vitamins and anti-oxidants, can help delay the signs of aging on your skin. 

  • Smoking – Cigarette smoking has numerous detrimental effects on the skin’s appearance. Aside from wrinkles, it can also cause baggy eyes, uneven skin tone, and dry, saggy skin.

    Cigarette smoke can age your skin quickly because it releases lipid peroxide, an oxidant that harms the skin’s natural protection. 

Apart from maintaining a healthy lifestyle and following an anti-aging skincare routine, you can also try professional skin care treatments that may help reverse wrinkles without the need for invasive surgery.

The following are non-invasive treatments that may help make those fines lines look smoother and less visible.

By Having Injectables/Fillers

Injectable fillers are usually made from collagen, fats, calcium, and acids that can be safely injected into the skin.

These fillers can be used to improve the appearance of wrinkles through non-surgical means. Most fillers have a temporary effect that can last from a few months up to several years. 

Take a look at this site to find out more about non-invasive dermal fillers.

By Using Medications

There are topical prescription creams or medicines that can help make wrinkles less noticeable. Most of them contain retinoids derived from vitamin A.

These anti-wrinkle creams are best used regularly for at least two weeks before you can see visible results. Compared to other methods, using medications seems to be the most convenient and flexible option.

However, there could be some side effects when using retinoids. Some users experience dryness of the skin, a slight burning sensation, as well as itchiness and redness.

If you experience discomfort or pain, you can soothe your skin by applying a cold compress to the affected area. In using medications, it’s best to consult with your doctor before using them.

By Applying Chemical Peels 

There are chemical solutions that may help reduce the appearance of wrinkles. The most common chemical peel solutions include different types of acids like lactic, glycolic, salicylic, and trichloroacetic, to name a few.

After a thorough cleansing, apply the solution to the skin and leave it to dry. The peeling process will allow the old skin to disintegrate and the new skin to resurface. 

This procedure can cause a burning sensation and may leave some scarring depending on the skin’s reaction to the chemicals.

Although there may be some peeling solutions that you can buy over-the-counter and apply on your own, it is still advisable to have it done by a professional to avoid scarring and other skin damage. 

Through Microdermabrasion

For this treatment, a skin technician uses an abrasive mechanical instrument to gently exfoliate the skin. The outer layer of the skin is sanded off, making the skin look rejuvenated.

This procedure may help blur fine lines and make the skin look refreshed. The results of a microdermabrasion treatment can last up to a month or even longer, depending on your skin condition.

However, some people may experience a few breakouts after the first few treatments, but this reaction is considered normal and should not be a cause of concern. 

Through Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is one of the latest non-invasive skincare procedures that is gaining popularity. There are many kinds of laser therapy offered by health clinics.

Some of them claim to stimulate collagen production, while some target the reduction of fine lines caused by sun exposure.  

An example of this kind of treatment is the Red Light Therapy. For wrinkle reversal procedures, the skin is exposed to different wavelengths of red light which stimulates protein production.

This stimulation helps the skin regain its elasticity and firmness, which could create a smoother appearance.  Apart from wrinkle treatment, red light therapy is also used for wound healing and hair growth stimulation.

This treatment is offered in many skin clinics, and there are also infrared lights sold in the market which are designed for home use. 

Reverse Wrinkles


Wrinkles appear on our skin as we get older, and there are several ways they can form on our skin depending on our lifestyle or habits.

Fortunately, there are non-surgical treatments and procedures that can help keep your skin firm, radiant and youthful-looking.

As a safety precaution, however, it is always advisable to consult your dermatologist before undergoing any skin treatment.

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