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Menopause and Pregnant: Can a Woman Get Pregnant During Menopause?

The climax is a period during which a woman’s ability to bear children disappears. Gradually, menstruation ceases, the egg ceases to ripen, the hormonal background changes, and the body is rebuilt.

This process is lengthy and stretches over several years, in some women it takes about 5-6 years, so, it is still possible to be in menopause and pregnant.

Do not forget that the reason for the delay in menstruation, in addition to being pregnant and menopause, can be a disease of the female organs, that is why women should regularly visit a gynecologist and pay attention to their health.

How Long Is the Ability to Conceive Lasts

The female reproductive system is able to conceive and bear a child until a follicle and an egg are formed. The same period is accompanied by increased production of female hormones that prepare the uterus so that it can take a fertilized egg.

For menopause, the extinction of the activity of the reproductive system is characteristic, which gradually makes conception impossible. However, this process stretches for years and begins in women who have reached different ages (late 40th as a rule), being in menopause and pregnant is not impossible, this can happen.

According to statistics, the onset of menopause is fixed in 45-50 years. During this period, the production of hormones is reduced, the work of the ovaries slows down, and germ cells are produced in much smaller numbers, but it is still possible to be in menopause and pregnant.

Can a Woman Be Menopause pregnant?

Studies confirm that to be pregnant and menopause is not a fiction. The probability of fertilization is extremely low but is still possible. Still, by this time, the eggs are being produced.

Even if the menstruation has stopped, and for a long time, they have not “bothered” a female, for at least another two years she should not neglect contraception, because the probability of becoming pregnant and menopause persists for many more years.

Can Women Get Pregnant After Menopause?

Postmenopause is the complete cessation of the production of female sex hormones. It can last more than five and even ten years, but the woman will already be barren.

To date, there is a way to artificially prolong the ovarian performance, thanks to which, even after menopause, it is possible to get pregnant. Pregnant at 47 or menopause? It can be both, actually.

Some women think about how to become pregnant with menopause and are turning to new technology for stimulating the ovaries. To produce such stimulation, it is necessary to be fully examined.

If the tests show the normal working capacity of the body, a strong heart, and high endurance, the doctor will allow you to resort to stimulation.

The older the woman, the more likely it is to give birth to an unhealthy child. These can be severe genetic pathologies associated with chromosomal changes. Donor eggs are used to avoid such problems.

Missed Period Menopause or Pregnant?

Pregnancy is possible in both perimenopausal and postmenopausal women. Perimenopause is the first stage of the “disconnection” of germ cells, and pregnancy during this period is more likely than in subsequent phases.

Climax and pregnancy are accompanied by physical sensations and psychological changes that are uncharacteristic of a woman in a normal state.

Headache, fatigue, inability to track the cycle, because it is already irregular, make it difficult to independently determine pregnancy. Only a doctor can confirm or deny menopause pregnancy.

Symptoms common, both to pregnancy and menopause:

  • Delayed menstruation

The first sign of conception is delayed menstruation. However, during the restructuring of the body of a woman aged 45+, the cycle goes wrong, which prevents suspicion of pregnancy.

  • Change of taste

Fragrances, food, clothes that caused pleasure earlier, with hormonal changes associated with conception or menopause, cause a lot of discomforts, irritations, and nausea. Pregnant or menopause? It’s hard to tell.

  • Chest pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen

These are the same for the different conditions of a woman. It is impossible to independently determine what exactly caused these sensations.

  • Dizziness

Women are characterized by headaches and dizziness with menopause and in the first trimester. Hot flashes during pregnancy are also possible. 

Being in menopause and pregnant is a hard trial for the body which is difficult to define. Therefore, often women do not notice that they are carrying a child.

Moreover, the hot flashes during pregnancy still persist. You should not count on a pregnancy test for menopause, because this remedy isn’t reliable in menopause.

Experts consider pregnancy during the period of extinction of reproductive function to be unfavorable and often dangerous, because:

  • There is a risk of having a sick child.
  • The fetus “sucks” the vitamins and minerals from the woman, but still experiences an acute shortage, and the woman’s body weakens.

During menopause, calcium is intensively washed out of the bones, so, their increased fragility even worsens in the case of pregnancy.


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