Monday, October 21, 2024

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350+ Proud of You Messages and Quotes

On this page, we have a compilation of I am so proud of you messages for a friend, proud of you message to a friend, how to tell someone you’re proud of their accomplishments, we are proud of you quotes, I am proud of you letter to boyfriend, I am so proud of you letter, proud quotes for friend success, proud of you quotes for boyfriend, etc.

Proud of You Messages

I am proud of you no matter what you do in your life. Just know that I will be always supporting you.

It is not necessary to succeed every time you try to achieve something. It’s okay to fail sometimes. I’m already so proud of you.

You make me feel so proud every day with your courage, kindness and hard work. It is a privilege knowing you in this life.

You have won even before you started. I am so much proud of you my friend!

Son, I am so proud of you. Raising you was such a wonderful experience for me. I love you.

To my beloved daughter, I hope you know how beautiful of a person you are inside-out. I am so happy and proud of the kindhearted woman you have become.

Thank you for being my reason to brag all the time. I am so proud of you sister. You are a gem.

I’m so proud of you my love. You make me happy in a way no one could ever have. You’re my forever happy place.

I hope you already know how amazing you are and you deserve every happiness of this world. I am really proud of you.

At this stage, you are killing it. I cannot tell how proud I am of you bro. You are one in a million.

I am really proud of you. The way you handle every challenge of your life, it inspires me a lot.

You are such a wonderful human being inside-out. Be proud of who you are, don’t be upset over the fact that some people will always judge you no matter what.

You are unstoppable because you do not fear failure and doubts despite having them in your life and that is what makes me proud of you.

Ever since you were a little girl, you’ve made me the proudest parent in the world. I love you.

The thing I’m most proud of is that you’ve become a better version of me. I will die happy, knowing that I’ve left such an amazing legacy in this world.

I hope that one day, your little girls and boys will make you proud the same way you did with me.

When I laid my eyes on you for the first time in the hospital, I knew that you’d be hard work. But, even then, I knew that all the effort it would take to make a man out of you would be worth it because you’d already managed to make me the proudest mother in the world.

They say that our children’s accomplishments are a mirror of our success as parents. If that is so, I’ve been the best parent ever because everything you achieve in life makes me proud.

I am so proud that you’ve grown to be the amazing young woman you are today.

You’re the best person in the entire world and as your father I couldn’t be more proud.

You’ve been making me proud ever since you were born. Even when you were a young age, I knew that you were destined for great things.

I’m not proud of all of your diplomas. I’m not proud of how beautiful you are. I’m not proud of the money you earn. I’m proud of you for being such a good human being.

I’m proud of myself for managing to raise such an amazing young woman.

Proud of You Messages for Girlfriend

Baby, I hope you know that I will be always by your side no matter what. I am always proud of you.

My love, you know sometimes I have trouble expressing my feelings. But I hope you know how much you mean to me. I may fail to express sometimes but I am really proud of you.

Watching you achieving all those things you were working hard for makes me so happy. You deserve all these successes. I can’t even say how much proud I am of your hard work.

Just a small reminder that I will always be proud of you regardless of whatever you do in your life. Just keep chasing your dreams, baby!

I am lucky to have you in my life and cannot say how much proud I am of you and your success buttercups.

You are like my world cup trophy. Sometimes it feels like I can spend years talking about you to others. I hope you understand how proud I am of you, beautiful.

Proud of You Messages for Boyfriend

I know the past few months were so hard for you but finally, you achieved what you wanted. You’ve made me the proudest girlfriend ever.

The way you inspire me and always cheer me up, I am really grateful to have you in my life. I am so proud of you, baby.

Sometimes it blows my mind to think how hard-working and enthusiastic person you are. You have your goals and you are working so hard for it. I am really of you, my love.

I am that lucky person who gets to learn so much from you. So proud of you and best wishes on your journey towards glory.

I am so proud to see you turning from a lover to a responsible man. My heart is filled with pride to see you succeed in everything you do. I love you.

I was impressed with you for the very first time I laid my eyes on you. And since then, you are making me proud of almost everything you do. Love ya my man.

Proud of You Messages for Son

Dear son, you can’t even imagine what you are to me. No matter what happens, I will always love you and support you. I am really proud of you.

I will not tell you I am proud of you even though I am. I will tell you it makes me happy seeing you be proud of yourself.

Never think that you are alone. Wherever you are, your parents are always thinking about you. I am always right here whenever you need me. I love you and so proud of you, my son.

We may have given you the financial and emotional support you needed, but you have given us thousands of reasons to be proud of you for who you are today. Thank you, son! We love you so much.

Nothing makes parents prouder than seeing their son grow into a greater human being than they can ever be. We shall go to our graves feeling proud of you, son.

From a beautiful baby to an adorable youngster, you have grown into a wonderful man. Son, we are very proud of you and all the amazing things that you do.

Your graduation is yet another milestone in the progression of your life, and nothing has ever made us prouder than sharing this special day with you.

The Bible says that a son should honor his parents, but we are honored to have you as a son.

We’ve gone from patting you on the head to now wanting to be patted on the head by you. We are so proud of you, son.

Every moment of your life, do know that you make us proud parents. We love you.

Son, every brand new day, your mother/father and I find new reasons to be proud of being your parents.

Dear son, follow your dream, work hard and be proud of yourself. We are proud of you anyways. Love you!

The future belongs to you my dear son. Because you are making us proud since you have taken your first step on the soil. Believe in yourself and go ahead.

Proud of You Messages for Daughter

Having a daughter like you is a blessing. You always make me proud of your hard work. I love you.

My beautiful daughter, we are always proud of you. So, don’t ever get upset over anything, do whatever you want to do. We will always have your back.

If you are giving your best effort and working hard, then you are already successful. You have all rights to be proud of yourself.

Seeing you turning into a beautiful butterfly from a cute cocoon fills my heart with infinite joy and pride. You are the most beautiful and sensible daughter in the world. We love you honey.

Nothing in life has made us prouder than raising a daughter like you, which is why we can’t wait to tell anyone we meet that you are our daughter.

One of the most enjoyable part of being alive is being able to brag to the world that you are our daughter.

You are exactly what we dreamed of when we asked God to bless us with a daughter. Thank you for making us the happiest parents in the world.

All of the pressure we put on you throughout the years was just for this day, to produce the priceless diamond you have become today.

You’ve grown from being a model child to now being a model woman, and we couldn’t be prouder. God bless you, our dearest daughter.

As your parents, our greatest wish in life is that one day your own daughter will make you as proud as you make us feel every blessed day.

You have come so far. You worked so hard and left no stone unturned to make your dreams come true. Do you have any idea how proud you’ve made us of yourself? Go big my little girl!

Stop worrying about our expectations and do what your heart wants. We will always be proud of you regardless of your success & failures dear girl.

Proud of You Messages for Sister

Not everyone has a sister like you. I am so blessed to have you in my life. I love you and so proud of you.

Dear sister, you always inspire me and encourage me to do whatever I want to do. You have always helped me. I am really lucky to have you. I am so proud of you.

My lovely little sister, I am so proud of you. I didn’t realize how my baby sister has grown up so much. You have become an amazing and hardworking woman.

Just believe in yourself and remember we believe in you. You have made us proud earlier and will continue to do so in the future. You are the best sister one can have.

One of the happiest and proudest moments of life is when you find the courage to let go of what you cannot change. So proud of you my strongest!

In this world, you are my favorite person and sister. I always fall short in words when it comes to telling you how proud I am of you. Keep it coming.

Your life is a shining example of what one can accomplish with discipline, focus and perseverance, and I am proud to call you my sibling.

Dear sister, no matter what happens, remember that I’ll forever be proud to have you in my life. I’ll always love you.

Even I doubted you in the beginning, but today nothing makes me prouder than letting the entire world know you are my wonderful sister.

Proud of You Messages for Brother

Dear brother, I will be always with you. No matter what you do you will always make me proud. I love you and so proud of you.

The way you challenged yourself and achieved the things you wanted; it became an inspiration to me. I am really proud of you.

You have always supported me, whenever I needed you. And nothing makes me prouder than calling you my brother.

I am just reminding you that you have accomplished a lot so far and we cannot be enough proud of you dear brother.

My dearest brother, you are indeed an inspiration to me. I’m so blessed to have you as a sibling.

The way you’ve transformed your entire life has truly been an inspiration to the entire family. If you saw yourself the way I see you, you would be the proudest person on Earth.

You have been my backbone and pillar of support all my life, and nothing makes me prouder than calling you my brother.

Look, who’s back in the game lately! Ah, my brother or who else! You are making me prouder every day. Thanks for being my inspiration.

The way you have changed yourself over the years is commendable. My heart fills with pride seeing you so emotionally strong and independent. Keep it up.

Proud of You Messages for Friend

Dear best friend, not everyone is blessed to have a friend like you. I am so proud of you because of everything you do for me.

I know you are not good with people. You don’t like socializing much but despite everything you took that challenge and went to the campaign. I am so proud of you, my friend.

Dear friend, I am so proud of your result. You really worked hard and you’ve got the result you wanted. Best wishes for your future.

I have not got any chance to tell you earlier but today I want to say it. I am so proud you buddy. You have come a long way and will go further. Mark my words.

I will always be proud of calling you my best friend. does not matter if our paths get separated in the coming time. You will always be my companion of joy and sorrow.

You are trying hard, fighting hard and making us prouder. You are doing better than you think. Just hold on and you will be there. Best of luck.

Always remember: you’re good enough. Never forget your worth and know that I’m proud of how far you went.

From the very first weeks of our friendship, back in high school, I knew that you were born for great things.

Everything you’ve accomplished makes me proud of being your friend.

I consider it a great honor and a privilege to call you my friend. Thank you for making me proud.

Even though we don’t talk to each other every day like we did back in high school, know that I’m proud of you

Dear friend, I’m so proud of you for managing to turn your life upside down. I’m proud of your empathy, of your ability to heal, and most importantly: proud of the amazing human being you are.

I am incredibly proud of the person you’ve become, after all the struggles you had to go through.

Dear friend, this is your day, you worked so hard for this job. I am so proud of you.  Wishing you the best in your future!

Thank you friend for all that you do for me. You are such an amazing friend and I am so proud of you.

Finally, your prayers have been answered. This is what you always dreamed of in life. I am so proud of you my friend.

The results are just amazing; you have done a recommendable job. I am so proud of you my dear friend.

Dear best friend, it is a blessing to have a friend like you. Not many people get the chance to have such an honest and kind person. I am proud of you.

If no one has told you lately, Iet me be the one to do it: I’m proud of you and I’m proud to have you as my friend.

Dear friend, you’ve got this and you’re doing much better than you think. Just keep going and don’t look back.

I Am Proud Of You Quotes

“There has never been a day when I have not been proud of you, I said to my daughter, though some days I’m louder about other stuff so it’s easy to miss that.” –Brian Andreas

“I am so proud of you that it makes me proud of me. I hope you know that.”- John Green

“I’m really proud of you for having come this far – every single one of you, wherever you are, you’re on your way – you are getting there! And – don’t worry so much! Just – that’s what we need to stop doing – stop worrying so much, and start observing a little bit more.” –Ysabella Brave

“If you can look in your mother’s eyes and she tells you: “I’m so proud of you”, then you’re a champion.”- George Foreman

“They may never say it, but your parents really are proud of you when you follow your heart and chase your dreams.” –Robert Cheeke

“The five most important words a leader can speak are – ‘I am proud of you’ The four most important are – ‘What is your opinion?’ The three most important are – ‘If you please’ The two most important are – ‘Thank You’ And the most important single word of all is – ‘You’” -Denis Waitley

“You are perfect the way you are.” Blay’s voice was strong. “There is nothing wrong with who and what you have always been. I’m proud of you. And I love you. Now … and always.” Qhuinn’s vision got wavy. Hard-core. “I’m proud of you. And I love you,” Blay repeated.

“Always. Forget about your old family … you have me now. I am your family.” -J.R. Ward

“I’m proud of you for the times you came in second, or third, or fourth, but what you did was the best you have ever done.”– Fred Rogers

“I am telling you that I am very grateful and am so proud of you for being a symbolic generation that is calling for change to the better, that is dreaming for a better future, and is making the future.”– Hosni Mubarak

“I am so proud of my parents. Through all that, they’re best friends; they still go to curries together. You don’t have to be together to show an example of how a relationship can work.” -Emily Atack

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