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Recommended Isometric Exercises and Their Benefits

Isometric training is a popularly preferred form of training nowadays. The reason for its popularity is because it can be performed anytime with minimal resources. You can even add the isometric exercises with your normal routine to achieve massive results.

Isometric exercises are completed without altering the muscle length. These exercises are beneficial for your muscles and do not demand much pressure from your body.

In this routine, your muscles are lengthened without contraction and tightened without any alteration. Many of the core routine, yoga poses, and pilates are also considered isometric.

Here are the best isometric exercises, their benefits, and how to perform them in the right way.

Isometric Exercises for the Abs

1. Plank

The benefit of doing it:

The plank pose can strengthen your arms, wrist, spine, and abdomen. You can maintain your plank pose by drawing your abdomen up towards your spine. This position can boost your abdominal muscles that support the spine.

How to do:

  • While doing planks, you will need to focus, engage your core strength, and not just focus on holding a straight line.
  • To perform this core routine, kneel on all fours, and rest your forearms on the ground. Position your heels, hips, and shoulders in a straight line.
  • Do not to keep your hips to the floor, as it can cause undue strain on the lower back.


You can normally hold a plank position for one minute. But, if you can bring in your abs, glutes, and inner thighs in a comfortable position, then you can hold for 20 seconds. A 20-second plank workout can be more beneficial than a one-minute workout.

Tip: To get the maximum benefit out of planks, you need not focus on holding one position for long, but also focus on engaging everything as much.

Isometric Plank exercise for Abs
Plank for Abs

2. Forearm Plank

The benefit of doing it:

This routine can strengthen your abdominal muscle, gluteus minimus muscles, obliques, gluteus medius, and adductor muscles.

How to do:

  • Bend your arms and lower your body by concentrating your weight on your forearms.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds.
  • Slowly bring back your body to starting position.
  • Repeat.


Repeat five times completing one set.

Tip: Do not position your elbows inward or outward. Instead, position them close to your body.

Isometric Forearm Plank for Abs
Forearm Plank

3. Side Plank

The benefit of doing it:

Side plank strengthens your abdomen, rectus abdomen, oblique, quadrates lumborum, gluteus medius, and adductors.

How to do:

  • Transfer your weight slowly to your right side and balance off using one hand and foot on the ground.
  • Stretch your left hand straight upwards and place your left foot around the right one.
  • Hold the pose for 10 seconds.
  • Repeat on the other side.
  • Get back to starting position and repeat.


Repeat five times to complete one set.

Tip: You can also place your hands over your waist instead of stretching it upwards.

Isometric Side Plank for Abs
Side Plank

4. Isometric Low Plank

The benefit of doing it:

Isometric low plank is an amalgamation of the plank and push-up regime. This exercise is great for building core strength, toned arms, flat tummy, and shapely shoulders.

How to do:

  • Bring your body close to your bottom. Slowly bend your elbows, keeping your head straight.
  • Gently straighten out your elbows by pushing out your upper body and supporting your body weight with your arms, palms, and shoulders.
  • Hold this position for five seconds.
  • Lower down your body and hold the position for five seconds.


5 reps to complete one set.

Tip: Position your body well using your elbows and toes.

Isometric Low Plank for Abs
Isometric Low Plank

5. Isometric Push-up

The benefit of doing it:

This routine benefits your lower and middle body, triceps and chest.

How to do:

  • Raise your body upwards slowly. Hold this position for one second before bringing your body to starting position.
  • There is a catch to this position. It will be difficult for you to rest your entire weight on your palms and knees. Repeated practice can help to ease this position.


10 reps to complete one set.

Tip: You should not put much stress on your body at the start. You can repeat several times until your body gets comfortable with the routine.

Isometric Exercises for the Shoulders:

Isometric Push-up for shoulder
Isometric Push-up

6. Hanging

The benefit of doing it:

The benefits of hanging routine are to strengthen your shoulders, upper abs, obliques, triceps, biceps, triceps, and lats.

How to do:

  • Hold a pull-up bar or any bar surface from where you can hang properly.
  • Firmly hold the bar using your hands, and hang.
  • Hold this position for 10-15 seconds.
  • Bring your feet to ground level.


Five reps to complete one set.

Tip: Five repeat sets can be challenging for beginners, so it is best to start with two repeats, before increasing the reps.

7. Shoulder Raise

The benefit of doing it:

Shoulder raise can strengthen your anterior deltoid, lats, trapezius muscles, and supraspinatus.

How to do:

  • Pick dumbbells with both hands, and look up straight.
  • Do not bend your elbows and raise your shoulders.
  • Hold this position for 10-15 seconds.
  • Bring your body to starting position and relax.


Five reps to complete one set.

Tip: People with shoulder injury should avoid doing this routine as it can cause further physical damage.

Isometric Shoulder raise
Shoulder raise

8. Shoulder Extension

The benefit of doing it:

Shoulder extension can strengthen your deltoids, triceps, and lats.

How to do:

  • Stand straight.
  • Stretch out your shoulders by straightening out your elbows
  • Hold this position for five seconds.
  • Release and repeat for 10 times.


10 reps to complete one set.


Remember to keep your body straight while trying this routine.

9. Isometric Shoulder Press

The benefit of doing it:

The isometric shoulder press can strengthen your rotor cuffs, triceps, biceps, and lats.

How to do:

  • Take two-pound dumbbells in your hands and lift them to your shoulder level.
  • Bend your elbows to keep your forearms and upper arms aligned to each other.
  • Slowly extend one arm and bring back to starting position.
  • Repeat the same using your other arm.


Five reps to complete one set on each arm.

Tip: Maintain a 90-degree position of your forearms and upper arms while bending your arms.

10. Isometric Shoulder Internal Rotation

The benefit of doing it:

Isometric shoulder internal rotation can strengthen your shoulders, forearms, upper arms, and back.

How to do:

  • Stand straight using your elbow maintaining 90 degrees.
  • Place a cloth between your arm and wall.
  • Push your arm into the wall.
  • Keep your elbow onto your side.
  • Hold for a few seconds and repeat.


Five reps to complete one set.

Tip: Position your body straight up while trying this routine.

Isometric Exercises for the Back:

11. Warrior III

The benefit of doing it:

Warrior III routine can strengthen your shoulders, lats, obliques, glutes, hamstrings, quads, and biceps.

How to do:

  • Begin this routine with Tadasana pose. Relax.
  • Slowly transfer your weight to your right leg.
  • Slowly start to lift your left leg, while bending it forward same time.
  • Bend forward and lift your legs in a straight line.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds.
  • Slowly bring back your leg to starting position.
  • Repeat this pose using your other leg.


Three reps to complete one set.

Tip: You can use a wall for support if you cannot maintain a straight balanced body which is essential for this routine.

Isometric Exercises For The Back

12. The Bridge

The benefit of doing it:

The bridge routine can strengthen your gluteus maximus, oblique, gluteus maximus, erector spinae, rectus abdominis, and obliques.

How to do:

  • Lie down on a mat.
  • Bend your knees, by positioning your hands on the sides, and feet flat on the ground.
  • Support your body by transferring your weight to your feet and palms.
  • Thrust out your hips outwards.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds.
  • Bring body to starting position.


Five reps to complete one set.

Tip: Look up the ceiling by positioning your head and neck upwards in a straight line.

Isometric Exercise for women

13. Back Stretch

The benefit of doing it:

Backstretch can strengthen your lats, obliques, chest, upper abs, shoulders, and neck.

How to do:

  • Stand in an upright position. You can stand next to a wall for help.
  • Relax your shoulders and hands.
  • Stretch out your arms and clasp your hands.
  • Drawback your shoulders and push your chest out.
  • Bend your elbows and bring your interlocked hands close to your tummy.
  • Push back your shoulders and allow the middle back muscles to contract.
  • Hold for two seconds and release.


Five reps to complete one set.

Tip: Release your breath when you draw back your shoulders.

14. Towel Row

The benefit of doing it:

Towel row routine can strengthen your rhomboids, biceps, shoulders, lats, and glutes.

How to do:

  • Stand in an upright position keeping your legs wide apart.
  • Grab the towel ends using both your hands.
  • Bend one knee and place it over your towel.
  • Lift your arms towards your shoulders. Stretch out to your fullest limit.
  • Hold this pose for 30 seconds and reverse.
  • Revert back to starting position.


Five reps to complete one set.

Tip: Stand upright while trying this routine.

Towel Row Excercises

Isometric Exercise for Knee

15. Quadriceps

The benefit of doing it:

Release tension from knee muscles.

How to do:

  • Lie down flat on the ground.
  • Tighten your core muscles. Exert as much pressure as you can.
  • Push back the knee flat against the ground.
  • Hold this pose for few seconds.
  • Relax and repeat.


Five reps to complete one set.

Tip: Put pressure on your thighs to pull your knee cap towards your hips.

Isometric Exercise for Knee

16. Hamstrings

The benefit of doing it:

This routine can strengthen both your upper and lower body.

How to do:

  • Sit comfortably in a chair and push your legs while trying out to reach out for your glutes.
  • Stretch out your legs as much as you can.
  • Once you reach your maximum exerted pressure, hold the pose for 30 seconds.
  • Relax and repeat from start.


Do one or two more reps depending on your strength.

Tip: Once you are comfortable with this routine, make use of a resistance band to increase pressure on your muscles.

17. Straight Leg raise

The benefit of doing it:

Tone your quads and strengthen the muscles in your legs.

How to do:

  • Sit on a chair and stretch out your legs in front.
  • Hold this pose for 30-45 seconds until you feel the blood rushing into your muscles.
  • Repeat three to four sets.


Three to four sets.

Tip: This routine can raise blood pressure quite easily. People with high blood pressure should consult a doctor before performing this isometric routine.

18. Hip Adductors Strengthening

The benefit of doing it:

Strengthen your body muscles.

How to do:

  • Lie down on the floor and stretch out your legs fully.
  • Place a pillow or cushion beneath your knees.
  • Press your inner hips together. Exert much pressure and hold the pose.
  • Release slowly, and remove the pillow.
  • Next, place a towel between your knees. Squeeze your hips together and hold the contraction.
  • Remove the towel and sit up.
  • Press the soles of your feet and bend your knees together.
  • Press your knees using both hands so that it remains static.


Three to five reps to complete one set.

Tip: You can also try this routine using your hands keeping your knees partially or completely open.

Isometric Exercises for the Legs

19. Wall Sit

The benefit of doing it:

Wall sit routine can strengthen your hamstrings, calves, quads, and lower back.

How to do:

  • Stand straight.
  • Hold your position for five to seven seconds.
  • Release.
  • Repeat 10 times.

Isometric Exercises For The Legs


Five reps to complete one set.

Tip: You can stand next to the wall to hold an upright position.

20. Isometric Quads

The benefit of doing it:

Isometric quads can strengthen your quadriceps and in front of your thighs.

How to do:

  • Lie down flat on your back.
  • Bend your left knee, and keep right foot flat on the ground.
  • Place a rolled towel or cushion beneath your right knee.
  • Relax for a few seconds and raise the right knee to form a bend.
  • Hold the pose for five seconds.
  • Rest your knee on the cushion.
  • Repeat with each knee at least 15 times each.


15 reps to complete one set.

Tip: Lie down on your back on a completely flat surface.

21. Ankle Press

The benefit of doing it:

This routine can strengthen your peroneal muscles and calves.

How to do:

  • Lie down on your back and place a cushion beneath your ankles.
  • Press as much pressure on the cushion until you feel your other ankle.
  • Hold this pose for 10 seconds.


15 reps to complete one set.

Tip: Make use of a cushy cushion or pillow to prevent injuries.

22. Weighted Calf Raises

The benefit of doing it:

This routine can strengthen your calves, glutes, and arms.

How to do:

  • Stand in an upright position.
  • Hold a dumbbell each with your hands keeping your arms straight.
  • Lift your heels and balance yourself from the balls of your feet.
  • Hold this pose for 10 seconds.


10 reps to complete one set.

Tip: Make sure you are comfortable with the weight of the dumbbells.

23. Isometric Knee Exercise

The benefit of doing it:

This routine can strengthen your knee, quads, hamstrings, adductors, and calves.

How to do:

  • Lie down on the floor with your legs stretched straight out.
  • Bend one knee and keep the other leg flat on the ground.
  • Place a cushion beneath your straight leg’s knee.
  • Put full pressure to push out your knees.
  • Hold this pose for three seconds.
  • Relax and repeat 10 times.
  • Bend your straight leg and push your heel to the ground.
  • Hold this pose for three seconds. Relax and repeat 10 times.
  • Place both your feet flat on the ground keeping your knees bent.
  • Next, tie a belt around your thighs.
  • Push back both your legs. Hold this pose for three seconds. Relax and repeat 10 times.
  • Take a medicine ball and hold it between your knees.
  • Press your legs.
  • Hold this pose for three seconds. Relax, and repeat.


Five reps to complete one set.

Tip: You can also make use of a pillow or a towel instead of a medicine ball.

24. Static Lunge

The benefit of doing it:

This routine can strengthen your quads, lower back, glutes, and hamstrings.

How to do:

  • Stand straight keeping your shoulders back.
  • Place your left leg in a lunge.
  • Lower your body into a deep lunge making sure not to touch your bent knee on the ground.
  • Hold this pose for 10 seconds and repeat the steps using the other leg.
  • Grab a heavy dumbbell using each hand to intensify your routine.


10 reps to complete one set.

Tip: Do not overexert your body with this routine. Draw a line where your body starts feeling uncomfortable.

25. Squat Hold

The benefit of doing it:

This routine can strengthen your adductors, quads, hamstrings, lower back, and glutes.

How to do:

  • Stand straight keeping your legs apart.
  • Lower your lower body for a mid-squat. Hold the pose for 10 seconds.
  • Or, you can also try a deep or full round squat by lowering your body to the ground keeping your buttocks inches off the ground. Hold this pose for 15 seconds.


10 reps to complete one set.

Tip: When you squat, keep your back straight while making sure your knees do not pass your feet.

Isometric Exercise Women

26. Wall Push-up

The benefit of doing it:

This routine can strengthen your biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, and lats.

How to do:

  • Press your hands on the wall keeping your shoulders width apart.
  • Support your body weight using your toes while keeping your palms on the wall.
  • Put pressure on the palms placed on the wall for 15 seconds.
  • Relax and repeat.


Five repetitions to complete one set.

Tip: Stand in an upright position while doing this routine.

27. Isometric Towel Curls

The benefit of doing it:

This routine can strengthen your biceps.

How to do:

  • Take both ends of a towel using both hands.
  • Hold the lower portion of the towel using one of your feet.
  • Grab the towel and stretch out your arms.
  • Hold the pose for three seconds. Relax and repeat 10 times.


10 repetitions to complete one set.

Tip: Stand straight and bend your knees slightly whilst doing the routine.

28. Body Weight Resisted Tricep Push Extensions

The benefit of doing it:

This routine can strengthen your triceps.

How to do:

  • Stand in an upright position keeping your feet wide apart.
  • Stretch out your arms above your head and interlock them together.
  • Raise your right arm and flex your left arm.
  • Press hard to feel the full extent of the stretch.
  • Hold this pose for 10 seconds.
  • Relax and repeat 10 times.
  • Repeat using the other hand.


Five repetitions to complete one set.

Tip: Make sure your shoulders are kept in a relaxed position throughout this routine.

Isometric Exercises for the Neck

29. Neck Stretch

The benefit of doing it:

This routine can strengthen your neck muscles.

How to do:

  • Keep both your palms on your forehead. Stand straight keeping your feet wide apart.
  • Drawback your forehead across your palms.
  • Hold for five to eight seconds for three repetitions.
  • Place your right hand using the right side of your head.
  • Hold this pose for five to eight seconds for three repetitions.
  • Place your right palm along the sides of your cheeks.
  • Hold this pose for five to eight seconds.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Isometric Exercises for the Neck


Three repetitions to complete one set.

Tip: Be careful with your head whilst doing the routine.

30. Static Flexion

Benefit of doing it:

Improve your neck condition.

How to do:

  • Place both hands on your forehead and gently put pressure against your hands.
  • Stiffen your neck muscles.
  • Hold this pose for eight seconds.
  • Rest your neck. Repeat.


Five reps to complete one set.

Tip: Try not to move your head forward.

31. Static Extension

Benefit of doing it:

Repeating this routine can improve your neck condition.

How to do:

  • Keep both hands against the back of your head.
  • Apply gentle pressure on your hands.
  • Hold this pose for five seconds.
  • Rest and relax for few seconds.
  • Repeat.


Five reps to complete one set.

Tip: Try this routine by placing a mirror in front of you, so that you can have a clearer vision of your posture.

32. Isometric Lateral Flexion

Benefit of doing it:

This routine can loosen your neck muscles.

How to do:

  • Keep your right hand on the right side of your head.
  • Squeeze your neck muscles.
  • Hold this pose for five seconds.
  • Relax for three seconds and repeat with your left side.


Five reps to complete one set.

Tip: Resist the pressure to move your head sideways.

33. Isometric Lateral Flexion 2

Benefit of doing it:

Relax your taut neck muscles.

How to do:

  • Repeat the earlier steps of Isometric Lateral Flexion but place your right hand on the lower part of your head.
  • Tighten your neck muscles.
  • Hold this position for five seconds.
  • Relax for three seconds.
  • Repeat on the other side.


Five reps to complete one set.

Tip: Resist the pressure to move your head to the right.

Isometric Exercise for the Glutes

34. Hip Adduction

Benefit of doing it:

This routine can strengthen your glutes, adductors, and lower back.

How to do:

  • Lie down flat on the ground.
  • Bend your knees while keeping the feet flat on the surface.
  • Place a pillow or cushion underneath your thighs.
  • Put pressure on the pillow as much as you can from both sides.
  • Release your thighs while preventing the pillow to fall off.
  • Try deep breath exercises while doing this routine.



Five repetitions to complete one set.

Tip: Lie down on a flat surface while doing this routine.

35. Seated

The benefit of doing it:

This routine is good for working your muscles at the back of your lower legs.

How to do:

  • Sit on a chair in an upright position.
  • Stretch out your legs.
  • Place your feet flat on the ground.
  • Keep your heels off the ground as high as you can.
  • Hold the pose for 20 seconds.
  • Lower your heels back on the ground. Repeat thrice a day.


Five repetitions to complete one set.

Tip: Begin with your knees flexed 90 degrees.

36. Squats

The benefit of doing it:

This routine can strengthen your hip and knee strength.

How to do:

  • Stand with your feet about 20 inches keeping your body against a wall.
  • Lower your body and position your knees at a 90-degree angle.
  • Hold this pose for 10 seconds.
  • Relax and repeat.


Five reps to complete one set.

Tip: You can take this routine to the next level by also trying isometric squats using your legs.

Isometric Exercise for the Chest:

37. Chest Squeeze

The benefit of doing it:

This routine can strengthen your pectoralis major and pectoralis minor muscles.

How to do:

  • Stand straight keeping your legs apart.
  • Place your palms together and clasp them.
  • Press hard for 10 seconds.
  • Lift your right leg and hold for 10 seconds.
  • Next, lower down your right leg and lift the left leg.
  • Hold this pose for 10 seconds.



Five repetitions to complete one set.

Tip: Make sure to carry out this routine keeping your back straight.


Isometric exercises are great for strengthening your body. You can perform these exercises throughout the day. Incorporate this routine with your other exercise forms for full benefit.

Which of these exercises do you prefer, tell us in the comment below?

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