Sunday, January 26, 2025

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Beetroot Juice: How To Make It, Benefits and Side Effects

The first thought that comes to mind when you think of beetroots is its unpleasant taste. But once you get over it, get ready to discover the sweet root veggie which has all the makings of being a super-food.

We say so because they are packed with essential nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and plant compounds with medicinal properties. The beetroots which are also known as beets are used in many food delicacies around the world, including smoothies.

In fact, there are several scientific studies that have supported the health benefits of drinking beetroot juice.


In this article, we have listed these benefits, its nutritional profile, how to make it, benefits and side effects

Nutritional Profile of Beetroots:

Beetroot juice is a rich source of essential minerals and vitamins. Consuming this veggie juice daily can help in preventing nutrient deficiencies. A 100 ml serving of this juice is equal to a small glass containing 29 calories, zero fat and whole other nutrients mentioned below:

  • 0.42 grams (g) of protein
  • 7.50 g of carbohydrates
  • 5.42 g of sugar
  • 0.40 g of fibre

The juice of the beetroot is also packed with antioxidants which in turn lower oxidative stress. This study has been connected to cancer, heart problems, and inflammatory conditions. Here is a detailed structure of the nutritional profile of beetroots:

  • Folate- It is essential for improving cell health and DNA.
  • Vitamin C- This antioxidant plays an important role in healing wounds and improving immune function.
  • Vitamin B-6-It supports red blood cell production and metabolism.
  • Calcium-It is an important mineral for boosting bone growth and strengthening it.
  • Iron-This allows in transferring red blood cells for carrying oxygen.
  • Magnesium-A mineral that helps in supporting heart, nerve health, immune function, and muscles.
  • Manganese- This is beneficial for regulating metabolism.
  • Phosphorus- It is an important nutrient for improving cell repair, bones, and teeth.
  • Copper- This is an essential mineral for improving blood vessels, collagen production, and immune function.
  • Zinc-It helps in promoting wound healing, support the immune system, and improve normal growth.

Top Benefits of Beetroot Juice:

Here is how you can get benefits from consuming beetroot and its juice:

1. May Prevent Cancer:

Beets can attain their rich tint from betalains. According to a 2014 research, these are water-soluble antioxidants which contain chemo-preventive capabilities to fight against cancer cell lines. They are known to be free radicals that can help prevent unstable cells in our body.

2. Helps Lower Blood Pressure:

Beetroot juice can help in lowering blood pressure. Studies revealed that people who consumed one glass of beetroot juice every day can reduce both diastolic and systolic blood pressure. The nitrate agents present in the juice that gets converted to nitric acid can help in relaxing blood vessels.

3. Maintain a Healthy Weight:

Beetroot juice contains low calories and zero fat. It is a great choice to have beetroot smoothies first thing in the morning to give you that boost of energy.

4. Control Diabetes:

There is a great amount of soluble fibre present in beet juice, which can aid during digestion and also keep blood sugar levels in check. When a glass of beetroot juice is consumed daily, studies have indicated that it can work effectively against protecting against diabetes and reducing its risk for several people.

5. Reduces Inflammation:

There is a unique antioxidant present in beet juice which is known as Betaine. This has a considerable effect on tissue inflammation, hormonal balance, and enzyme production. It is also known for soothing conditions like arthritis, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, and gout.

One glass of juice in combination with other veggies containing vitamins and minerals can give your body an instant boost of energy.

6. Improves Liver Health:

The cleansing effects of beetroot juice has been popular for several decades, and modern science has proved that it can protect and improve liver health by treating urination problems, expelling excessive toxins, and fats from our body.

7. Prevent Anemia:

The symptoms of anaemia deficiency are dizziness, headaches, fatigue, breathlessness, and rapid heartbeat. The root veggies are a rich source of iron, which is essential for boosting red blood cells.

Without it, the red blood cells cannot transfer oxygen across our body. People suffering from low iron levels can develop a condition known as anaemia, an iron deficiency. Adding the rich source of this mineral can lower the risk of this health deficiency.

8. Boost Athletic Performance:

Several compounds present in beetroot juice like betalains and nitrates may show improvement in athletic performance. According to a 2017 systematic research, nitrates can improve a person’s athletic competence by increasing oxygen to the muscles and blood flow.

9. Slow down Dementia Progression:

According to a study done by Trusted Source in 2011, nitrates may help in increasing blood flow into the brain in elderly people and slowly decline cognitive function.

After patients undertook a high-nitrate diet with beetroot juice, their results showed rapid improvement in blood flow. There are more studies to further establish this theory. But the intake of a high-nitrate diet can help in preventing slow dementia.

10. Rich Source of Minerals:

Your body cannot work well without essential minerals. There are essential minerals in our body that can help boost the immune system while others aid in healthy teeth and bones. Other than potassium, the juice of beetroot also contains calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, sodium, selenium, and copper.


How To Make Beetroot Juice:

People can prepare beetroot juice easily from home using a blender or food processor:

  • Chop the ends of the beets before rinsing them well. Leave the skin intact for an extra boost of nutrients.
  • Slice the beets into small cubes.
  • Transfer the beet pieces into the blender. Blend until smooth.
  • Pour the juice into a glass and serve immediately. Or store it away in a refrigerator to chill.

You can drink beetroot juice alone or blend it with other veggies or fruits. The list of items you can add on is citrus fruits, cucumber, apple, ginger, carrot, mint, honey, and basil.

Side Effects of Beetroot:

In several cases, people can consume or eat beetroot juice without getting any side effects. Having beetroot juice daily however can affect the urine and faeces colour due to their rich, tinted pigments.

People often experience purple or pink urine or faeces. But this phase is temporary and should not be a cause of worry. The nitrates present in beetroot juice can have a negative impact on blood pressure. Anyone with low blood pressure or undertaking blood pressure medication should consult a health practitioner before adding beetroot juice into their diet.

For maximum benefit, consume the beetroot juice as fresh as possible and within minutes of being blended.

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