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Benefits Of Basil (Sabja) Seeds For Hair, Skin, Weight Loss & Side Effects

Sabja seeds are also known as ‘falooda seeds’ or ‘tukmaria seeds’ – seeds of the sweet basil plant native to India. When you look at Sabja seeds, they seem to be the twins of chia seeds.

They have a large range of health, skin and hair benefits to offer. Sabja seeds have a large number of proteins and healthy fats, carbs and dietary fibres, minerals and vitamins, along with calories needed for our body. Hence it is super good food.

According to a recent study, the percentage of nutrients in these seeds are-

  • Carbohydrate (42%)
  • Fats (25%)
  • Proteins (20%)
  • Fibre 1%
  • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and high level of Omega-3 fatty acids too

The best part of Sabja seeds is the absence of calories – who wants them anyways! Now that you have a fair idea on what Sabja seeds are and how beneficial they are for you, let’s take a look at other aspects of Sabja seeds- it’s use, its health benefits and more, shall we?

What Is The Use Of Sabja Seeds?

Most of us aren’t aware of how important these nutrient-rich seeds are for wellness, hair and skin. Also known as sweet basil, Sabja seeds shouldn’t be confused with Tulsi or Holy Basil.

They are a powerhouse of minerals and vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins, fiber and healthy fats too, but no calories. In addition to that, medical science says Sabja seeds are rich in antioxidants too, and hence can be good to control skin issues and diabetes as well.

Eating them raw isn’t advisable. Soaking them in water and then consuming them as an add on to juices and drinks, desserts and foods would be better. So how good are Sabja seeds for us, let us take a dive to understand them all.

Are Basil Seeds Good For You?

When Sabja seeds are pre-soaked and then consumed, the nutritious value of the seeds is most. As soon as water touches the seeds, the swelling begins and the seeds develop a whitish translucent coat on them, while growing double their size too.

There is no distinct taste as such of Sabja seeds, say experts. However, while you garnish your favorite foods and drinks with Sabja seeds, don’t forget they can help you lose weight too, whilst giving you a crunchy munchy taste! Here’s how!

1. Sabja Seeds For Weight Loss

Since the seeds are high sources of ALA or alpha-linolenic acid, they help burn metabolism in the body and boost weight loss too.

Moreover, the high fiber content in Sabja seeds can help keep you full for long, which means you wouldn’t crave for unhealthy junk food in between meals.

The best way to consume Sabja seeds is by adding them to a fruit salad or garnishing them on a cup of sour curd, and have it an hour before your main meal.

While it keeps you full and away from food cravings, here are more health benefits of Sabja seeds that you should know:

2. Health Benefits Of Sabja Seeds:

Sabja seeds can be very useful, especially during the summers. Apart from that, the following list will give you insights on the benefits of including these seeds in your lifestyle:

Acidity Problems

Unhealthy diets and untimely eating habits are to be blamed for acidity. Thanks to Sabja seeds, we now can cool the stomach and reduce the causes of acidity as well.

A teaspoon of Sabja seeds mixed with a cup of milk should be mixed well. This should be consumed before a meal or after. It would help reduce acidity and heat in the stomach.

Type 2 Diabetes

We only understand how low a diabetic patient feels when the whole world gorges on sweets and mithai, and they cannot. However, science has proved that Sabja seeds can be useful in treating diabetes type 2; helps bring down the levels of sugar in the blood.

What you should do is soak a teaspoon of the seeds in water each night, and add the seeds to a glass of toned milk the next day .

You may add a dash of vanilla essence for aroma and taste too. The seeds give you all the energy you need, and since there isn’t any sugar, it helps regulate the spikes if any in the bloodstream too.

Good For Digestion

Morning bowel movements wouldn’t be painful and hurting if your digestive tract is kept clean. What Sabja seeds can do for your digestive tract is cleanse the inner stomach and clear the digestive system off the waste matter and toxins.

A teaspoon of Sabja seeds should be soaked in warm water and consumed after twenty minutes. This would help clear the stomach and the digestive tract each morning. You can even have it with milk each night before you sleep, as total relief from constipation is guaranteed.


Sabja seeds as we know, are loaded with nutrients much needed for our health. Some of the important nutrients are

  • Phytochemicals
  • Polyphenolic flavonoids
  • Orientin
  • Vicenin
  • Antioxidants
  • Limonene
  • Citral
  • Eugenol
  • Citronellol
  • Terpineol
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin K
  • Beta-carotene
  • Lutein
  • Zeaxanthin
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Calcium
  • Folates
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese to name a few

And in addition to that, the antioxidant content in Sabja seeds can be reason enough why the body gets to detox soonest. The seeds when consumed can bring down nausea and purifies the blood too. Sabja seeds are highly diuretic in nature as well.

As An Anti-Inflammatory Agent

Sabja seeds work well as an anti-inflammatory agent too, and can bring in the much needed relief you want from pains, aches and annoying tingling sensations in the body, including inflammation and swelling.

This is why, during the ancient days and as seen in ayurveda, Sabja seeds can help bring down the development of plaque in the blood vessels, and in many cases can help reduce the swelling and pains associated with arthritis too.

Moreover, Sabja seeds can be an anti-spasmodic agent and can deal with hiccups and whooping coughs, nervous pangs and respiratory issues too.

For Oral Health

For cavities, bad mouth ulcers, bad breath and plaque too, Sabja seeds can do their job efficiently when you consume them.

Since Sabja seeds are gladiators that kill bacteria and fungi, viruses and microbes; consuming these seeds, brings about happier smiles and better oral care.

Chewing pre-soaked seeds (a teaspoon) everyday on an empty stomach is beneficial for dental and oral care.

Vaginal Infections

This is a point for the ladies out there; Sabja seeds can help treat issues related to vaginal infections. If you suffer from a bladder infection or gonorrhoea including vaginal infection; Sabja seeds would help.

However, one must talk to an expert to know the amount of Sabja seeds to be consumed and how to use it efficiently too.

We shall now talk about how Sabja seeds can work wonders for our skin:

3. Basil Seeds For Skin

With time and tide waiting for none, our skin would have issues to deal with as we age. If you mix a teaspoon each of Sabja seeds and coconut oil and apply the pack on your skin, the antioxidants and the hydrating properties of Sabja seeds and coconut oil respectively forms a defensive barrier on the skin.

This makes the skin super strong and can also beat the harmful UV rays, pollution and dirt too.

For Blemish-Free Glowing Skin

All you need to do is:

  • Beat egg white with basil leaves juice and apply on the affected area
  • Leave it for 30 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water

While basil leaves clear the infections, egg whites tighten up the pores, thereby giving you glowing skin.

Goodbye Pimples, Blackheads And Acne

Eating the plant leaves of basil is the perfect way to getting clean and clear skin.

For a face mask, all you need to do is:

  • Mix crushed basil leaves with neem, turmeric, sandalwood powder and lemon juice
  • Apply this concoction on the face and wash it off after 10 minutes
  • Alternatively, sprinkle some water over basil leaves. Now place one leaf on either side of the nose and leave it for 5 minutes
  • Once you remove it, wash off with lukewarm water
  • Practice this beauty regimen regularly to clear and vanish off the blackheads.


Once we near our mid-30s, traces of ageing skin start to affect our beauty. Basil helps in warding off premature ageing skins.

All you need to do is:

  • Apply the mixture of powdered basil, fullers earth, honey, a few drops of coconut oil and milk on your face
  • Allow it to dry
  • Wash off with cold water
  • Repeat this twice a week to get best results.

Insect Bites

To ward off the itching that happens as a result of insect bites, apply basil leaves on the affected area. You will notice the itching subside almost immediately.

Lighten Your Skin Tone

Did you know, Sabja seeds can actually help you lighten and brighten your skin tone, thanks to the abundance of antioxidants and natural oils in it?

The presence of Urusolic acid in Sabja seeds tones the skin, shrinks pores, removes the excess oil from the skin and also helps as an exfoliating agent, removing dirt and grime. If you even have complexion lines on the face, Sabja seeds can help eradicate them too.

All you need to do is:

  • Crush the leaves of the plant or the Sabja seeds
  • Make a thick paste adding a teaspoon of water and sandalwood powder
  • Add a tablespoon of lime juice as well
  • Apply the pack on your face for half an hour and then wash off under cold water.
  • Do this twice a week for all skin types.

Eczema Can Be Treated Too

Also known as atopic dermatitis, eczema is a skin condition that is very chronic. Anyone suffering from this can experience inflammation, itching, rashes, redness, cracked skin and skin that oozes too.

Mostly seen on the face, eczema can be found on other parts of the body too- back of the knees, hands, elbows, neck and chest especially. In Sabja seeds, one would find ursolic acid contents that are antiseptic by nature.

This acid helps soothe the inflammation and itching, redness and the cracks in skin as well.

All you need to do is:

  • Take a tablespoon of Sabja seeds (pre-soaked for twenty minutes)
  • When they swell up, use a mortar and a pestle to crush the seeds into a paste
  • Add a pinch of haldi to it and mix well
  • Apply the paste to the affected areas and wait for half an hour
  • Wash off with cold water. This will help bring in the needed relief.

To Tighten The Skin

Since Sabja seeds are rich in antioxidants and flavonoids. They prove to be an effective skin tightening catalyst.

Sabja seeds have the power to fight free radicals, oxidation of the skin is an anti-wrinkle agent and can also reduce age spots and fine lines too.

In addition to that, the seeds also help in cell regeneration and shrink pores. One of the best ways to use Sabja seeds would be to make a toner.

All you need to do is:

  • Add a tablespoon of the seeds to a cup of water which is warm
  • Let it rest for ten minutes and then strain the water
  • This would be your toner. Add to this a tablespoon of lime juice and store it in the fridge
  • Dab a little bit of this toner onto your skin thrice a day everyday
  • The pores would shrink and anti-ageing effects would come by
  • You can also add egg white to the toner for a face pack to use once in three days to tighten the skin too.

Here we discussed how beneficial Sabja seeds were for your skin. Now we shall head on to discussing the benefits of these seeds for your hair. Read this:

4. Basil Seeds For Hair

For Hair Fall

Get amla and basil powders and mix equal quantities of it. Make a paste using cold water and keep it overnight. Now add small amount of coconut oil to the paste and apply it on hair.

This will help rid off hair fall. The best part about it is that it can stop premature greying of hair as well.

Basil Seeds Benefits For Dandruff

Having dandruff is common. Mix a few drops of basil oil with coconut oil. Warm this mixture and massage it onto your scalp.

Leave it overnight. Next morning, wash it off with a mild shampoo. Not only will this help in easing out the itching, but it will also help improve blood circulation. Of course, it helps in cleansing the roots and the scalp.

Next time you pluck basil leaves to enjoy the health benefits of tea, think of the beneficial powers they have for your skin and hair.

Here were some of the major benefits of Sabja seeds for your hair. Use these remedies and let us know how well it works for you.

The next discussion would be on using Sabja seeds for pregnancy- is it good or bad? Let’s take a look!

5. Sabja Seeds During Pregnancy-Good or Bad?

It is good to have Sabja seeds when you are pregnant, say, experts, because it helps with healthy bone development and cartilage development of the unborn child. In addition to that, here are other reasons why Sabja seeds are good for expectant mothers:

Regulation Of Blood Clotting

Sabja seeds are rich in vitamin K, which is good for expectant mothers and the unborn child. Vitamin K is best because it helps with blood clotting and prevents the loss of precious blood from the body during pregnancy too.

The Growth And Development Of The Foetus

Since Sabja seeds are good sources of Vitamin A, the development and growth of the foetus in the mother’s womb would be boosted. The foetus gains better eyes and lungs, heart and central nervous system.

Fetal Bone Development

Thanks to the concentrated manganese content in Sabja seeds, the fetus in the stomach would have stronger bones and cartilages. And the mineral in the seeds are powerful antioxidants too, which can help reduce the risk of cellular damages in expectant mothers.

Healthy Blood Supply For The Mother

Sabja seeds have a high amount of folate in it, which acts as a blood generator that most expectant mothers would need. Folate also is important to have, so that there are no birth defects to the unborn child.

Anti Anemia

Sabja seeds can be an anti anemic agent, because of the excellent amounts of iron in it. This helps increase the levels of hemoglobin in the blood and boosts the production of red blood cells during pregnancy. Hence, the risk of being anemic while being pregnant wouldn’t come about.

Helps With Stronger Immunity

In addition to vitamins E, C and the riboflavin and niacin content in the seeds, minerals too found in the seeds help both the expectant mother and her baby with good health and stronger immunity.

However, please check with your doctor if your body can take Sabja seeds or not, because in some cases there have been side-effects. Read below to understand more:

  • The Eugenol content in Sabja seeds would be hazardous to health if the seeds are overeaten, say medical experts. This is because, the oil in question would lead to heartbeat fluctuations, burning of the mouth and the throat, and shallow breathing to name a few. In addition to that, Sabja seeds over consumed can also cause dizziness, bloody urine and cause coma too.
  • Beware of the hypoglycemic effects of Sabja seeds when you are pregnant, say doctors. This is because when you consume too much of these seeds while expecting a baby, the blood sugar levels would drop, and this would cause you to shake and feel dizzy; also makes you very moody and irate.

Consuming falooda or Sabja seeds is okay to a certain limit, which is why getting in touch with your doctor before doing so is advised if you are pregnant! There are other side effects for people to know of, when they plan to consume Sabja seeds. Let’s take a look at them too:

Side Effects Of Falooda Seeds

  • In most cases, Sabja seeds can be consumed orally and with foods you like to have. It is safe as a medicine for short term needs as well, but can cause low blood sugar levels in some people if over consumed, say medical experts.
  • For kids, Sabja seeds and leaves are safe when cooked with foods in moderate amounts. However, larger amounts would lead to complications, because of the chemical strength in these seeds- estragole is a chemical in Sabja seeds that can cause complications with the liver in kids, says studies.
  • Over consumption of Sabja seeds can make you bleed unnecessarily, since it would repeal the need for blood clotting and increase the act of bleeding too.
  • Sabja seeds when over consumed can be reason enough for the pressure of blood in the body to drop. So anyone with low blood pressure issues shouldn’t consume Sabja seeds at all.
  • Post surgery patients should not consume Sabja seeds, since the seeds and the oils in it wouldn’t allow blood clotting to happen soon. This would make surgeries risky as well, since bleeding would not stop. Hence doctors would suggest not having Sabja seeds at least a fortnight before the surgery is scheduled.

I hope this article has given insight into some of these queries; sabja seeds side effects, how much basil seeds per day, basil seeds vs chia seeds, sabja seeds in English, sabja seeds recipes, basil seeds drink, sabja seeds for weight loss in how many days, how to use sabja seeds for weight loss.

If you have any question, comment below.

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