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Can Rabbits Eat Pineapple?

Have you ever wondered if rabbits can eat pineapples?

Rabbits are herbivores, and their primary diet should consist of hay, fresh vegetables, specially formulated pellets, and fresh fruits in moderate quantities occasionally.

In this article, we discuss the nutritional value, benefits, potential risks, and proper feeding guidelines for pineapples to rabbits.

Can Rabbits Eat Pineapple?

Yes, rabbits can eat pineapple.

But should be in moderation and occasionally as a treat.

Pineapples have natural sugars, and excessive and regular sugar consumption by rabbits can cause health conditions like obesity and digestive issues.

Pineapple is also acidic, and the acidity can cause mouth sores and skin irritation in rabbits if frequently eaten by rabbits in excess.

Pineapple Nutritional Facts

According to USDA, one cup of raw pineapple chunks (165g) contains the following:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 82.5
Fat 0.2g
Sodium 1.7mg
Carbohydrates 22g
Fiber 2.3g
Sugars 16.3g
Protein 0.9g
Vitamin C 79mg

The Benefits of Feeding Pineapple to Rabbits

This fruit is not part of a rabbit’s natural diet, but it can offer certain advantages when given as an occasional treat.

1. Vitamin C

Pineapple is a rich source of vitamin C, an essential nutrient that acts as an antioxidant.

Antioxidants help combat oxidative stress, a damaging process that can negatively affect cellular function and lead to various health issues.

Rabbits can naturally produce vitamin C, but providing some additional sources can support their overall health and immune function.

2. Bromelain

This is an enzyme found exclusively in pineapples.

It can aid digestion, particularly in helping to break down furballs (or hairballs) that form in a rabbit’s gut when they groom themselves.

Note that a rabbit with a furball problem likely needs more fiber in their diet or has other underlying health issues that need addressing.

3. Hydration

Like many fruits, pineapple has a high water content. This can contribute to hydration, particularly during hot weather when rabbits risk overheating.

Water should always be readily available for rabbits, but providing foods with high water content can serve as an additional hydration source.

4. Enrichment

Variety is a crucial component of any diet, including that of rabbits. Introducing new flavors and textures can stimulate their senses and enhance their eating experience.

Pineapple’s sweet, tangy flavor can be a welcome change from their usual fare.

The Risks of Feeding Pineapple to Rabbits

Occasional small pieces of pineapple can be a fun and enriching treat for your rabbit. Still, there are also several risks associated with feeding pineapple to rabbits that you should be aware of:

1. High Sugar Content

One of the main concerns with feeding pineapple to rabbits is its high sugar content.

Rabbits have a sensitive digestive system that thrives on a diet rich in fiber, specifically hay.

Sugary foods, even fruits, can upset this balance and lead to conditions such as gastrointestinal stasis.

This is a severe condition where the rabbit’s digestive system slows down or stops entirely, and it can be life-threatening if not treated promptly.

Over time, a diet high in sugar can also contribute to obesity and the development of diabetes, both of which can severely impact a rabbit’s health and lifespan.

2. Acidity

Pineapple is a highly acidic fruit. Consumption can potentially lead to mouth sores or stomach upset in rabbits.

Over time, the acid can also erode the protective enamel on a rabbit’s teeth, leading to dental problems.

Dental disease is common in rabbits and can lead to other health issues if left untreated.

3. Potential Choking Hazard

The texture and consistency of pineapple, particularly the hardcore, can pose a choking risk to rabbits.

If you decide to feed your rabbit pineapple, cut it into small, manageable pieces and remove the hard core.

You should supervise your bunny during feeding time to quickly address any issues.

4. Allergic Reactions

Like any new food, there’s a slight chance your rabbit could have an allergic reaction to pineapple.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction could include itching, facial swelling, difficulty breathing, or changes in gastrointestinal behavior such as diarrhea.

If your rabbit shows any of these signs after eating pineapple, contact your vet immediately.

5. Nutritional Imbalance

Fruit should only make up a small portion of a rabbit’s diet.

If your rabbit is filling up on pineapple and other fruits, they may not eat enough of their regular diet, leading to nutritional deficiencies.

The primary diet of a rabbit should be high-quality hay, which provides the necessary fiber for good gut health.

Various fresh, leafy vegetables can provide additional nutrients, while specially formulated rabbit pellets should be given in limited quantities.

6. Disrupts Natural Foraging Behavior

Rabbits are natural foragers, spending a large portion of their day searching for food in the wild.

Offering readily available high-sugar treats like pineapple can disrupt this natural behavior.

This could result in decreased physical activity and potential weight gain, leading to various health issues, including obesity, heart disease, and reduced mobility.

How to Safely Feed Pineapple to Your Rabbit

Some guidelines to follow when feeding pineapples to your bunnies.

1. Introducing Pineapple to Your Rabbit’s Diet

When introducing pineapple or any new food to your rabbit’s diet, start with a small amount and closely monitor their health for any adverse reactions.

If you notice any changes in their behavior, appetite, or digestion, consult your veterinarian for guidance.

2. Frequency and Serving Size

Pineapple should be fed as an occasional treat rather than a primary food source in your rabbit’s diet.

Offer a small piece of pineapple, no larger than a teaspoon, once or twice a week at most.

Ensure that your rabbit’s main diet consists of hay and veggies.

3. Preparing Pineapple for Your Rabbit

When feeding pineapple to your rabbit, remove the outer skin and any seeds, as these can be harmful.

Cut the pineapple into small, manageable pieces for your rabbit to enjoy.

What Fruits Can Rabbits Not Eat

Some fruits contain essential nutrients that are healthy for rabbits’ health and overall well-being.

On the other hand, some fruits contain high sugar and other toxic compounds to rabbits’ health.

Some of the fruits that are toxic to rabbits are:

  • Avocado: Avocado is generally toxic to rabbits’ health and can cause digestive issues due to its persin content. 
  • Rhubarb: Rhubarb is unhealthy for rabbits because of its oxalic acid content, which can cause kidney damage in rabbits.
  • Tomato leaves and Stems: Tomato leaves and stems contain solanine which is harmful to rabbits if consumed.
  • Fruit Pits and Seeds: The pits and seeds of fruits such as apples, cherries, peaches, and plums contain cyanide, which can be toxic to rabbits.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

Can Rabbits Eat Watermelon and Pineapple?

You can feed your rabbits with watermelon and pineapple but in moderation and as occasional treats.

Remove the rind and seed before feeding your rabbits with watermelon, as the seed and rind would be difficult for rabbits to digest.

But, you should carefully peel the pineapple’s skin and cut it into small pieces before feeding it to your rabbits.

Can Rabbits Eat Pineapple Juice?

Pineapple juice is high in sugar and can cause obesity and digestive problems such as diarrhea in rabbits if consumed in excess.

You should stick to providing your rabbits with foods high in fiber and low in sugar, such as hay, vegetables, and specially formulated pellets.

Can Rabbits Eat Pineapple Core?

Pineapple core can cause digestion difficulties like intestine discomfort and blockages in rabbits because of its fibrous and tough nature.

You should avoid feeding your rabbits with pineapple core due to its potential digestion hazards in rabbits.

Fresh fruits such as nectarines and other healthy dried fruits should be given to given to rabbits in moderation and occasionally as a treat as a food supplement.

Fruits are generally high in sugar hence should strictly be fed to rabbits as occasional treats in moderation.

Can Rabbits Eat Pineapple Skin?

No, rabbits should not eat pineapple skin.

The skin is tough and fibrous, which can be difficult for rabbits to digest and may cause gastrointestinal issues.

Also, the skin may contain pesticides or contaminants that can harm rabbits. Stick to offering small amounts of fresh pineapple flesh as an occasional treat.

Can Baby Rabbits Eat Pineapple?

No. Avoid giving pineapple to baby rabbits. Their digestive systems are more delicate and not yet accustomed to processing fruits.


Pineapple can be a tasty and nutritious treat for rabbits when fed in moderation.

It provides essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Still, it should only be offered occasionally because it can cause obesity and digestive problems, such as diarrhea in rabbits if regularly overeat.

We recommend you always provide your bunnies with foods high in fiber and low in sugar.

We hope this article helped you know if rabbits can eat pineapples. If you have any questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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