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Can Rabbits Eat Plums?

Do you want to know if rabbits can eat plums, seeds, leaves, or tree branches?

Plum is a fruit that grows on trees of the Prunus genus in the Rosaceae family. Plums are drupes, which means they have fleshy outer skin, a juicy pulp, and a hard inner seed or pit. They come in various colors, including red, purple, yellow, green, and black.

In this article, we will discuss the nutrition facts, benefits, risks, and how to prepare and feed them to rabbits to minimize the risks.

Can Rabbits Eat Plums?

Yes, rabbits can eat plums.

But, ensure that plums are a treat, not a substitute for a balanced diet.

The primary diet for rabbits consists of hay, leafy greens, and a small portion of specialized rabbit pellets.

Fruits like plums can be an occasional sweet treat, enjoyed in moderation.

Plum Nutrition Facts

According to USDA FoodData Central, one medium-sized plum measuring about 2 1/8″ in diameter (66g) provides the following nutrients:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 30
Fat 0.2g
Sodium 0mg
Carbohydrates 7.5g
Fiber 0.9g
Sugars 6.6g
Protein 0.5g
Vitamin C 6.27mg
Vitamin A 11.2mcg

Benefits of Feeding Plums to Rabbits

Plums are a nutritious fruit that can offer rabbits a boost of essential vitamins and antioxidants.

Here’s how they can benefit your bunny:

1. High in Antioxidants

Plums are packed with antioxidants, which are essential for protecting the body against damage from harmful free radicals.

The deep purple skin of plums is particularly rich in these disease-fighting compounds. Among the antioxidants found in plums are Vitamin C and beta-carotene.

Vitamin C is vital for immune function, helping the rabbit’s body resist infections and heal wounds.

Beta-carotene, conversely, is converted into vitamin A in the body, which supports good vision and skin health in rabbits.

2. Good Source of Dietary Fiber

The dietary fiber content in plums can contribute to your rabbit’s digestive health.

Fiber is crucial in a rabbit’s diet, as it promotes healthy digestion and helps prevent gastrointestinal problems, a common health issue among rabbits.

It can help ensure the smooth passage of food through the digestive tract and aid in preventing conditions such as hairballs and obesity.

3. Hydration

Rabbits, like many small animals, can struggle with staying adequately hydrated, particularly during hotter months.

Plums have a high water content, which can boost your bunny’s hydration levels alongside regular drinking water.

4. Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

In addition to antioxidants, plums also offer various essential vitamins and minerals.

These include potassium, which supports heart function and helps maintain a healthy nervous system, and iron, which is essential for healthy blood cells.

Although rabbits make their own Vitamin C, the small amounts in plums can still be beneficial.

5. Dental Health

Chewing and biting into a firm, fresh plum can also improve dental health. Rabbits’ teeth never stop growing, and hard foods can help wear down their teeth naturally.

While hay should be the primary source for this, plums can be an excellent supplemental option.

6. Mental Stimulation and Variety

Including various fruits and vegetables in your rabbit’s diet can provide mental stimulation.

Exploring and tasting new foods can be an exciting experience for your rabbit, enriching their day-to-day life.

However, remember that new foods should be introduced gradually, and any changes in behavior or droppings should be closely monitored.

Risks of Feeding Plums to Rabbits

Despite the benefits, there are potential risks associated with feeding rabbits plums, especially if consumed excessively.

Here’s what you should be aware of:

1. High Sugar Content

Plums, like many fruits, are high in natural sugars. While these sugars are not harmful in and of themselves, excess sugar can lead to weight gain and obesity in rabbits.

Rabbits are designed to eat a high-fiber, low-sugar diet— primarily made of hay— so introducing high-sugar foods like plums should be done sparingly.

Obesity in rabbits can lead to a host of health problems, including heart disease, liver disease, and arthritis.

Excess sugar can also upset the delicate balance of bacteria in your rabbit’s gut, which could result in potentially fatal gastrointestinal stasis.

This is a condition where the digestive system slows down or stops completely, leading to bloating, pain, and possibly death if not treated promptly.

2. Toxic Parts of the Plum

Not all parts of the plum are safe for rabbits. The plum’s pit (or stone), along with the plant’s leaves and stems, contain a compound known as amygdalin.

When ingested, amygdalin gets converted into cyanide, a toxic substance.

Even small amounts of cyanide can lead to poisoning, causing symptoms like difficulty breathing and dizziness and potentially leading to fatal consequences.

Also, plum pits pose a choking hazard. They are hard and large enough to get stuck in your rabbit’s throat, causing distress and possibly obstructing their airway.

3. Potential Allergic Reactions

While uncommon, some rabbits might have allergic reactions to certain fruits, including plums.

Symptoms can range from mild, like itching and skin irritation, to severe, such as gastrointestinal upset or difficulty breathing.

Observing your rabbit closely when introducing new foods into their diet is essential.

4. Overfeeding

There’s a risk of overfeeding when your rabbit enjoys a new treat like plums.

It’s easy to give in to those pleading eyes, but overfeeding can lead to an imbalance in the diet, displacing essential foods like hay and leafy greens.

A diet skewed towards fruits can cause long-term health issues, including malnutrition and dental disease.

How to Feed Plums to Rabbits

The correct preparation and feeding method can help minimize the risks associated with feeding plums to rabbits.

1. Preparation

Ensure the plums are thoroughly washed to remove pesticide residues or other chemicals.

Remove the pit to avoid any choking hazard or exposure to cyanide.

Finally, chop the plum into small pieces your rabbit can easily handle.

2. Serving Size

Remember, plums are a treat, not a meal. A couple of small pieces will be okay for your rabbit. Large amounts can lead to sugar overload and potential digestive issues.

3. Frequency

Feeding your rabbit plums once or twice a week is okay. Too frequent fruit feeding can interfere with their balanced diet.

Symptoms of Adverse Reaction

Be observant of your rabbit after they’ve eaten plums. Signs that your rabbit might be having an adverse reaction can include:

  1. Diarrhea or changes in feces consistency
  2. Loss of appetite
  3. Unusual lethargy or inactivity
  4. Behavioral changes, such as aggression or fear

Alternative Fruits for Rabbits

If your rabbit isn’t keen on plums, or you want to add some variety to their diet, here are some other fruits that are safe for rabbits:

  1. Apples (remove the seeds)
  2. Pears (remove the seeds)
  3. Strawberries
  4. Blueberries
  5. Raspberries
  6. Peaches
  7. Blackberries
  8. Banana
  9. Cherries
  10. Cantaloupes

Remember that all fruits should be given in moderation due to their high sugar content.

Treats to Avoid

Certain fruits and foods are unsafe for rabbits, such as:

  1. Avocados
  2. Rhubarb
  3. Onions
  4. Garlic
  5. Corn
  6. Sweet Potato


Here are some frequently asked questions

Can Rabbits Eat Plum Seeds?

No, rabbits should not eat plum seeds.

Like other fruit seeds, plum seeds contain an amygdalin compound that can convert into cyanide when ingested.

While small amounts might not be harmful, removing all pits or seeds is safest before feeding your rabbit fruits.

Can Rabbits Eat Plum Tree Branches & Leaves?

Rabbits should not eat plum leaves. They contain amygdalin which, when ingested, gets converted into cyanide, a toxic substance.

What If My Rabbit Ate a Plum?

If your rabbit ate a plum, including the flesh, it’s likely OK in moderation as long as it did not eat the pit.

Plums are sweet, and too much sugar is not suitable for rabbits.

Watch for any signs of discomfort, diarrhea, or loss of appetite, and if these occur, contact your vet.

Note that fruit should be a treat and not make up a large portion of their diet due to the high sugar content.

Are Plum Leaves Safe For Rabbits?

No, plum leaves are unsafe for rabbits.


Rabbits can enjoy plums, but they should be given as a treat, not a primary food source.

Preparation and moderation are essential when introducing these fruits into your rabbit’s diet.

Observe your rabbit for any discomfort or adverse reactions after feeding them plums.

We hope this article helped you to know if rabbits can eat plums. If you have further questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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