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Can Rabbits Eat Straw?

Do you want to know if rabbits can eat straw instead of hay?

Straw is often confused with hay. Hay is harvested from grasses and legumes and used primarily as a rabbit food source. Whereas straw is the dry stalks of cereal plants left after removing the grain and chaff.

In this article, we will let you know if rabbits can eat straw, its potential risks, and much more.

Can Rabbits Eat Straw?

Rabbits can eat straw, but it is not the best choice for their primary source of fiber.

Straw is the dry stalks of cereal plants, like wheat or barley, left over after the grains have been harvested.

Although it is not toxic to rabbits, it is less nutritious and not as palatable as hay, which should be the main source of fiber in their diet.

Hay, such as Timothy, orchard, or meadow hay, provides rabbits with the essential fiber for proper digestion and dental health.

It is more nutritionally balanced than straw and is more appealing to rabbits due to its taste and texture.

Straw can be used as bedding material in a rabbit’s hutch, but it is not a suitable replacement for hay in their diet.

Can Rabbits Eat Straw
Rabbit Eating Straw

Nutritional Value of Straw

Straw has limited nutritional value for rabbits, as it is composed primarily of cellulose and lignin, which are difficult for rabbits to digest.

Although straw may provide some fiber, it lacks the essential nutrients and vitamins that rabbits need to remain healthy.

Thus, straw should not be considered a suitable food source for rabbits.

Is it Safe for Rabbits to Eat Straw?

Although rabbits may nibble on straw out of curiosity or boredom, we don’t recommend it to be part of their diet.

Potential risks are associated with feeding straws to your rabbit, including ingestion risks and choking hazards.

1. Ingestion Risks

Rabbits may accidentally ingest pieces of straw while chewing on it or using it as bedding material.

This can sometimes lead to intestinal blockages or impactions, which can be life-threatening if not treated promptly.

2. Choking Hazards

Long strands of straw can pose a choking hazard for rabbits.

If a rabbit attempts to swallow a long piece of straw, it can become lodged in its throat, leading to choking and potential injury or death.

Straw for Dental Health

Straw is not good as a food source, but it can promote dental health in rabbits by encouraging them to chew and grind their teeth.

However, other materials, such as hay, can serve the same purpose while providing greater safety and nutritional value.

Can I Put Straw In My Rabbit’s Cage

Yes, you can put straw in your rabbit’s cage, but it is primarily used as bedding material rather than a food source.

Straw can provide insulation and help keep your rabbit warm, particularly during colder months. But, there are a few considerations to keep in mind.

They include:

1. Use Straw In Combination With Other Bedding Materials

Straw can provide warmth and insulation, But it is less absorbent than other bedding materials like paper-based bedding, wood shavings, or wood pellets.

You should consider using a combination of bedding materials for optimal comfort, hygiene, and odor control.

2. Replace Straw Regularly

Ensure you regularly replace the straw and other bedding materials to maintain cleanliness and prevent bacterial growth.

Clean your rabbit’s cage at least once a week or more.

3. Monitor Your Rabbit’s Eating Habits

If you notice your rabbit is eating the straw excessively, ensure they have unlimited access to fresh, high-quality hay.

4. Check For Allergies Or Sensitivities

Some rabbits may have allergies or sensitivities to straw or dust from the straw.

Observe your rabbit for signs of respiratory issues, sneezing, or discomfort. If you suspect your rabbit has an allergy, consider alternative bedding materials.

Why Is My Bunny Eating Straw

If your bunny is eating straws, these could be a few reasons why:

1. Boredom

Rabbits might nibble on straws if they’re bored and cannot access other engaging activities or toys.

Ensure your bunny has access to various toys, chews, and materials to interact with and prevent boredom.

2. Insufficient Hay

If your rabbit doesn’t have access to enough fresh, high-quality hay, they might eat straw as a fiber source.

Ensure your rabbit has unlimited access to hay, such as Timothy, orchard, or meadow hay, to meet their dietary needs.

3. Preference

Some rabbits may have a preference for the texture or taste of straw.

It’s not harmful but less nutritious and less beneficial than hay for their digestive health.

Monitor your rabbit’s hay intake, and ensure they eat enough to maintain proper digestion and dental health.

4. Hunger

If your rabbit is hungry or not getting enough nutrients from their diet, they may eat straw.

To encourage your rabbit to eat more hay than straw, ensure you provide a constant supply of fresh, high-quality hay.

Do Rabbits Eat Straw Or Hay

Rabbits eat hay, not straw.

Hay is the primary source of fiber in a rabbit’s diet and is essential for maintaining proper digestion and dental health.

Straw should be mainly used as bedding material, providing insulation and warmth, especially in colder months.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”What Are The Differences Between Straw And Hay When It Comes To Rabbit Diets?” answer-0=”Hay is grass that has been cut and dried, providing essential fiber, vitamins, and minerals for rabbits. Straw is the dried stalks of cereal plants and contains less nutritional value than hay.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”Can Straw Be Used As Bedding For Rabbits, And Is It Safe If They Ingest It Accidentally?” answer-1=”Straw can be used as bedding, providing insulation and warmth. Accidental ingestion is generally safe, but monitor your rabbit to ensure they don’t consume excessive amounts.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”What Are The Signs That A Rabbit May Be Having An Adverse Reaction To Eating Straw?” answer-2=”Signs of an adverse reaction could include changes in appetite, abnormal fecal output, lethargy, or digestive issues.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”Are There Any Rabbit Breeds Or Age Groups That Should Avoid Consuming Straw?” answer-3=”All rabbit breeds and age groups should prioritize consuming hay rather than straw for their fiber intake. Straw should not be a significant part of any rabbit’s diet.” image-3=”” count=”4″ html=”true” css_class=””]


Rabbits should not be given straws as their major diet. They should stick to their hay, fresh veggies, and clean water.

Straw can be used as a safe bedding.

We hope this article helped you know if rabbits can eat straw. If you have any questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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