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When Do Bunnies Open Their Eyes?

Have you wondered when baby bunnies open their eyes?

Raising a newborn rabbit is a delightful experience filled with anticipation. As a part of the development, many milestones are observed. Among them are the opening of a bunny’s eyes and growing of fur.

In this article, we will let you know when bunnies open their eyes, the significance of this stage, and what it entails for proper rabbit care.

When Do Bunnies Open Their Eyes?

Bunnies typically open their eyes between 10 and 14 days after birth.

This period can vary slightly based on breed, genetics, and overall health.

Some might witness their bunnies open their eyes slightly earlier or later, but this time frame is generally observed across different rabbit breeds.

In our rabbitry, we’ve mostly seen them open their eyes on the 10th day and 12th latest, except in a rare incidence of nest box eyes.

The Newborn Bunny Development Stages

This will guide you through the delicate process of raising these adorable creatures.

Here are the detailed aspects:

1. The Birth to First Week

Birth: At birth, bunnies, also known as kits, are hairless and blind. They rely entirely on their mother’s warmth and milk for survival.

First Few Days: Within the first few days, the kits begin to grow soft fur. They huddle together for warmth and depend entirely on their mother for nutrition.

2. The Critical Eye-Opening Stage (10-14 Days)

10-14 Days: This period marks a significant milestone when the kits’ eyes and ears open. The opening of the eyes, in particular, indicates a substantial transition from complete dependency to initial signs of independence.

Factors Affecting Eye-Opening

Certain factors might influence when the eyes open, including:

1. Genetics: Some breeds may develop slightly faster or slower than others.

2. Health: Healthy kits are more likely to follow the general developmental timeline, while those with underlying health issues might face delays.

3. Environment: A safe and nurturing environment encourages proper growth.

3. Transitioning to Independence (3 Weeks Onward)

Three Weeks: The kits become more active and begin to explore their surroundings. They might even start nibbling on solid food, although mother’s milk is still their primary nourishment.

Four to Five Weeks: At this stage, bunnies become more self-reliant. They eat solid food regularly and exhibit individual personalities. Interaction with humans and other rabbits becomes more pronounced.

Six to Eight Weeks: Most kits are weaned from their mother and ready to be separated. They are introduced to a diet that resembles what adult rabbits eat, and their social skills continue growing.

What to Expect When Bunnies Open Their Eyes

The stage when bunnies open their eyes is fascinating, filled with subtle changes and developments.

Here’s a look into what to expect during this phase:

1. The Appearance of the Eyes

Initial Glimpse: When bunnies first open their eyes, the eyes may appear slightly cloudy or hazy. This is normal, and the cloudiness will clear up as the eyes adjust to the new vision experience.

Color Development: The eye color might change over time. What starts as a uniform shade may eventually develop into the specific eye color characteristic of the breed.

2. The Beginning of Vision

Limited Visual Abilities: Bunnies do not open their eyes to instant clear vision. Initially, their sight will be blurred, and they will gradually adapt to perceive shapes and movements.

Light Sensitivity: As their eyes open, bunnies may be sensitive to bright lights. Soft and natural lighting is preferable during this period to prevent any discomfort.

3. Behavioral Changes

Curiosity and Exploration: The opening of the eyes marks the beginning of a more explorative phase. Bunnies will start to show curiosity about their surroundings and may venture out of their nest.

Social Interaction: The ability to see allows bunnies to interact more with their siblings, mother, and human caregivers. You may notice them responding to visual stimuli and recognizing familiar figures.

Care Considerations During this Critical Period

The phase when bunnies open their eyes is a critical period that requires special attention and care.

A dedicated approach ensures the little ones grow and develop in a healthy and comfortable environment.

Here’s an in-depth look at the essential care considerations during this time:

1. Minimal Handling

Handle with Care: While the excitement of the eyes opening may encourage more interaction, it’s essential to minimize handling during this time. Bunnies are very delicate, especially their newly opened eyes.

Use Gloves if Necessary: Soft gloves can provide a gentle touch if handling is required. The priority should be to make the experience as stress-free as possible for the kits.

You should check this our article: Can You Touch Baby Bunnies?

2. Maintain a Clean and Safe Environment

Clean Nesting Area: Keeping the nesting area clean and free of waste helps prevent infections, especially eye infections, which could hinder the development.

Safe Exploration Zone: As bunnies become more curious, providing a secure space free from sharp objects and other hazards will encourage healthy exploration.

3. Proper Nutrition

Supporting the Mother: The mother rabbit, or doe, plays a vital role in providing nourishment. Ensuring she has a nutrient-rich diet will benefit the kits during this phase.

Introducing Solid Food: Although mother’s milk remains primary, the introduction of suitable solid food can begin following the guidance of a vet or an experienced breeder.

You should check this our article: Can Baby Bunny Drink Cow Milk?

4. Regular Monitoring

Observe Eye Development: Watching the eye-opening process and ensuring it happens within the expected time frame helps detect any abnormalities early.

Check for Signs of Distress: Observing the kits for signs of discomfort or distress ensures prompt action if something seems amiss.

5. Consultation with a Veterinarian

Regular Check-ups: Scheduling regular check-ups with a veterinarian familiar with rabbit care can provide professional oversight during this critical period.

Immediate Care for Issues: A quick consultation with a veterinarian is crucial if problems such as delayed eye-opening or infections arise.

6. Support the Mother’s Role

Allow Bonding Time: Giving the mother rabbit enough time to bond with her kits without interruption supports their psychological development.

Provide a Calm Environment: A calm and quiet environment helps the mother feel secure, ensuring she can care for her kits without stress.

Common Concerns and Problems

Raising newborn bunnies can be a rewarding experience, but it has challenges.

During the eye-opening stage, specific common concerns and problems might arise.

Being aware of these issues and knowing how to address them can make all the difference in ensuring the health and well-being of the kits.

1. Delayed Eye-Opening

If a bunny’s eyes haven’t opened within the expected 10 to 14 days, it might indicate an underlying issue.

What to Do: Keep the area around the eyes clean and consult with a veterinarian if the delay continues beyond the typical range. Do not forcefully open it, as it may lead to injury. Let the vet or experienced rabbit breeders do it.

2. Eye Infections

Swelling, redness, or discharge from the eyes are common indicators of an infection.

What to Do: Eye infections need immediate professional care. A veterinarian can prescribe the right medication and provide instructions for proper application.

3. Handling Injuries

Incorrect or excessive handling can lead to injuries, particularly to the delicate eyes.

What to Do: Minimize handling during this phase, and if handling is necessary, be gentle and cautious. In case of an injury, seek veterinary assistance.

4. Nutritional Issues

A mother rabbit that is not well-fed may not produce enough milk, leading to malnourished kits.

What to Do: Ensure the mother rabbit’s diet is nutrient-rich. If needed, you can go for supplemental feeding for the kits.

5. Environmental Stress

A noisy or chaotic environment can stress the mother and the kits, leading to developmental delays or behavioral issues.

What to Do: Create a calm and quiet environment for the mother and kits. Monitor for signs of stress and make adjustments as needed.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

At What Age Do Bunnies Start Walking?

Bunnies begin to walk around the age of 1 to 2 weeks.

Initially, their movements might be shaky and uncoordinated, but they quickly gain strength and balance.

By three weeks, most bunnies are more confidently hopping and exploring their surroundings.

What Do Newborn Rabbits Eat?

Newborn rabbits rely solely on their mother’s milk for nourishment.

A mother rabbit’s milk is highly nutritious and packed with essential antibodies.

It’s crucial not to introduce other milk or solids during the initial stages, as their digestive systems are incredibly delicate.

When Do Baby Bunnies Start Eating Food?

Baby bunnies typically start nibbling on solid foods around the age of 2 to 3 weeks.

They may show interest in hay, alfalfa, and specially formulated pellets for young rabbits.

Fresh water should also be introduced at this stage.

However, milk from the mother remains their primary source of nutrition until they are weaned at around 6 to 8 weeks.

How To Help Baby Rabbits Open Their Eyes?

It’s vital to allow baby rabbits to open their eyes naturally.

Interfering with the process can lead to injury or infection.

Keeping the nesting area clean and free from drafts helps ensure healthy development.

If there are concerns, such as eyes being sealed shut past the expected timeframe, consult a rabbit-savvy veterinarian.

When Do Baby Bunnies Grow Fur?

Baby rabbits grow a soft layer of fur at about one week of age.

This fur continues to thicken and grow as they age, adapting to the environmental temperature and their breed’s specific characteristics.

By around 3 to 4 weeks, their fur begins to resemble that of an adult rabbit.

When Do Bunnies Ears Open?

Bunnies’ ears begin to open typically around 7days days after birth.

This is another critical development milestone, allowing them to respond to auditory stimuli, enhancing their socialization and awareness of their surroundings.

When Do Baby Rabbits Leave The Nest?

Baby rabbits usually start venturing out of the nest at around three weeks.

This is when their curiosity and newly developed motor skills drive them to explore.

By 6 to 8 weeks, most bunnies are weaned and independent, ready to leave the nest permanently.


The stage of opening the eyes is especially crucial, as it represents a dramatic shift in the kits’ growth, signifying the beginning of their journey towards independence and maturity.

At this stage, they need all the care they can get.

We hope this article helped you know when bunnies open their eyes. If you have any questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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