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Can Rabbits Get Hiccups?

Have you ever wondered if rabbits can get hiccups?

Hiccups are involuntary contractions (spasms) of the diaphragm muscle – the muscle that separates your chest from your abdomen and plays a vital role in breathing.

These contractions lead to the sudden closure of your vocal cords, which results in the characteristic hiccup sound.

Hiccups can occur in many animals, including humans, due to various reasons, such as eating too quickly, consuming certain foods, or experiencing specific emotional states, such as excitement or stress.

However, do these principles apply to our rabbits as well?

In this article, we will discuss the causes of hiccups, what they look like, common scenarios mistaken for hiccups, and whether rabbits can experience them.

Can Rabbits Get Hiccups?

Yes, rabbits can get hiccups.

However, it is a relatively rare occurrence and is usually not a cause for concern.

These usually present as rhythmic, slight jerking movements of the rabbit’s body, often coupled with soft sounds.

The hiccup sound is usually quite audible in humans, but rabbits are generally quieter creatures, and thus their hiccups might be less noticeable to the human ear.

Still, you should always observe your rabbit’s behavior closely and consult a vet if you suspect anything unusual or persistent.

Causes of Hiccups in Rabbits

Primarily, hiccups result from spasms in the diaphragm, a muscle involved in the respiratory process.

When a rabbit eats too quickly, they might swallow air along with their food, which can lead to irritation and subsequent spasms of the diaphragm, resulting in hiccups.

You should note that rabbits are incapable of belching or vomiting, and hiccups become a method to expel the excess air swallowed during fast eating.

The type of food can also play a role in causing hiccups.

Certain food items might irritate a rabbit’s diaphragm more than others, mainly if they are not used to such foods.

Also, overenthusiastic play or physical exertion can lead to a rabbit swallowing air, which can also cause hiccups.

Younger rabbits or bunnies may be more prone to hiccups as they may eat quickly due to insecurity or fear of food scarcity.

Symptoms of Hiccups in Rabbits

You should always observe your bunnies closely to identify whether it has hiccups.

Symptoms of hiccups in rabbits are generally mild and often go unnoticed. The most typical indication of hiccups is the regular bobbing of their heads, occurring rhythmically.

This can be alarming to those unfamiliar with this behavior, but it is generally normal unless it lasts unusually long.

Persistent hiccups, especially those that last several hours or even days, may indicate a serious underlying health issue such as respiratory or gastrointestinal disorders.

Therefore, you should look for additional symptoms that might suggest a problem.

These include difficulty eating or drinking, problems with defecation, and visible signs of discomfort or pain like teeth grinding or a hunched posture.

Common Rabbit Behaviors That May Resemble Hiccups

Rabbits exhibit several behaviors that might be misconstrued as hiccups.

While hiccups are relatively harmless, other rabbit behaviors may resemble hiccups but could indicate more severe conditions.

For instance, shaking in rabbits can often be misinterpreted as hiccups.

But, shaking might be due to a low body temperature or high levels of stress, which require different approaches for management.

Similarly, seizures in rabbits can sometimes be mistaken for hiccups.

Seizures are a serious medical emergency and need immediate veterinary attention.

Therefore, being able to differentiate between hiccups and other similar behaviors is very necessary.

Preventing Hiccups in Rabbits

Prevention is always better than cure, and hiccups in rabbits are no exception.

A crucial aspect of prevention is ensuring a proper diet and eating habits for your rabbit.

A diet primarily composed of hay is beneficial, as hay requires slow and steady chewing, reducing the likelihood of swallowing air.

Stress management is another crucial aspect of prevention. Stress can lead to hurried eating and, in turn, hiccups.

Ensuring that your rabbit has a quiet, calm, and secure eating environment can significantly reduce hiccups.

How To Stop Rabbit Hiccups

If your rabbit gets hiccups, the best way to stop them is by helping them relax and ensure they are well-hydrated.

Stroke your rabbit gently, talk to them in a soothing voice, or move them to a quiet area to help them relax.

In most cases, hiccups will resolve on their own without any intervention. However, if hiccups continue despite your best efforts, it’s time to consult a veterinarian.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

How Long Do Hiccups In Rabbits Last?

Typically, hiccups in rabbits are transient, resolving within a couple of minutes. If hiccups continue for several hours, it could indicate a more serious health problem.

Are Hiccups Dangerous For Rabbits?

Occasional hiccups are generally harmless for rabbits. However, chronic or prolonged hiccups could indicate an underlying issue, such as gastrointestinal stasis or a respiratory problem.

You should pay close attention to your rabbit during hiccups and consult a vet if they persist for an extended period.

Why Is My Rabbit’s Head Twitching?

Head twitching in rabbits could be a sign of several health issues.

It could be a nervous system disorder, an ear infection (which can cause balance problems), or even a nutritional deficiency.

What Does A Rabbit Spasm Look Like?

Rabbit spasms might look like jerky, involuntary movements and can occur anywhere in the body. They might look similar to hiccups but are generally more severe.

What Does A Rabbit Hiccup Sound Like?

Rabbit hiccups may sound like soft, rhythmic, repeated ‘hic‘ noises. However, it’s worth mentioning that it’s relatively uncommon for rabbits to hiccup, so other causes should be considered.


Hiccups in rabbits are normal and typically aren’t a cause for concern.

Nevertheless, understanding why they happen, how to prevent them, and when to seek professional advice is essential for the well-being of your pet rabbit.

Paying attention to their diet, eating habits, and general behavior can go a long way toward ensuring your rabbit stays healthy.

We hope this article helped you know if rabbits can get hiccups. If you have any questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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