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Do Rabbits Eat Roses?

Have you ever wondered if rabbits eat roses?

Roses are flowering plants that belong to the genus Rosa, within the family Rosaceae. They are widely known and cultivated for their beautiful and fragrant flowers.

In this article, we will discuss the composition, benefits, risks, and how to offer roses to your bunnies safely.

Do Rabbits Eat Roses?

Yes. Rabbits can indeed eat roses.

The rose plant, petals, and leaves are safe for rabbits.

Gardeners may feel frustrated when wild rabbits nibble on roses within their gardens.

However, although it’s safe for rabbits to eat roses, you should gradually introduce any new food into their diet and monitor for any changes in their behavior or bowel movements.

Nutrition Facts of Roses

Roses are primarily ornamental plants and are not commonly consumed as a significant food source.

However, according to USDA FoodData Central, these nutrients are found in edible rose species, such as rose hips (the fruit of the rose plant).

Nutrient Approximate Content in Rose Hips
Vitamin C 1700-2000 mg/100g
Vitamin A 1690 IU/100g
Calcium 169 mg/100g
Iron 0.86 mg/100g
Magnesium 18 mg/100g
Potassium 280 mg/100g
Phosphorus 18 mg/100g
Protein 1.6 g/100g
Fat 0.6 g/100g
Carbohydrates 38 g/100g
Fiber 24 g/100g

Benefits of Feeding Roses to Rabbits

Roses, when fed appropriately, can have multiple health benefits for your rabbits. Here’s a detailed look at these benefits.

1. Nutrient Rich

Roses, mainly rose petals, are a good source of essential nutrients that can improve your rabbit’s health.

These include vitamins like vitamin C and some minerals.

Vitamin C

While rabbits, unlike humans, can synthesize their own Vitamin C, supplementing it through their diet can be beneficial.

Vitamin C plays a crucial role in the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of the body.

It aids in forming an essential protein used to make skin, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. It also helps heal wounds and maintain and repair cartilage, bones, and teeth.


Roses also contain trace amounts of minerals like potassium and calcium. Potassium is essential in maintaining fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle control.

On the other hand, calcium is essential for strong teeth and bones in rabbits, and it also plays a role in normal blood coagulation and muscle function.

2. Promotes Dental Health

Just like other crunchy foods, roses help maintain dental health in rabbits. Their texture assists in naturally wearing down a rabbit’s constantly growing teeth.

Rabbits’ teeth never stop growing, and eating tough, fibrous foods can prevent overgrowth, a common health issue in rabbits.

3. Enhances Hydration

Roses have a high water content. Therefore, they can help keep your rabbit hydrated, particularly during hot weather.

While water from food doesn’t replace the need for fresh drinking water, it can help supplement your rabbit’s water intake.

4. Provides Enrichment and Stimulates Foraging Behavior

Feeding roses to your rabbit provide a healthy treat and stimulate their natural foraging behavior, stimulating them mentally and physically.

Foraging allows rabbits to express their natural behaviors and provides a form of environmental enrichment. It can also prevent boredom, sometimes leading to behavioral issues in pet rabbits.

5. Can Aid Digestion

Roses contain dietary fiber, which can aid in the digestion process.

Dietary fiber helps maintain a healthy gut, prevents obesity, and reduces the risk of gut stasis, a potentially deadly condition in rabbits where the gut slows down or stops moving.

Risks of Feeding Roses to Rabbits

Despite the numerous benefits, feeding roses to rabbits comes with a few potential risks:

1. Pesticides and Chemicals

One of the most significant risks of feeding roses to rabbits comes from roses that have been treated with pesticides, herbicides, or other chemicals.

Many roses, particularly those bought from florists or garden centers, are often treated to keep them looking fresh and free from pests.

Ingesting these chemicals can lead to rabbit poisoning, causing symptoms such as drooling, lack of coordination, difficulty breathing, seizures, and death in severe cases.

So any roses you feed your rabbit should be organic and not exposed to these harmful chemicals.

2. Thorns

Roses are well-known for their thorns, which can pose a risk to your rabbit.

Thorns can injure your rabbit’s mouth or digestive tract if not adequately removed, leading to discomfort, injury, or infection.

Inspect and remove any thorns from roses before offering them to your bunny.

3. Overfeeding

While roses are nutritious, they shouldn’t constitute a significant part of your rabbit’s diet. Overfeeding roses can lead to digestive problems.

Like other treats, roses are not as high in fiber as hay, the primary food source that rabbits need for a healthy digestive system.

Overeating roses can cause imbalances in the gut flora, potentially leading to conditions such as gastrointestinal stasis.

4. Allergic Reactions

Some rabbits might be allergic to roses.

Signs of an allergic reaction may include excessive scratching, skin redness, swelling, or changes in behavior, such as decreased appetite or lethargy.

5. Potential Choking Hazard

Although rare, there’s a risk that the stems or leaves of roses could pose a choking hazard, especially if your rabbit tends to eat quickly or doesn’t chew their food thoroughly.

Feed only rose petals or chop the stems and leaves into smaller, more manageable pieces to minimize this risk.

How to Feed Roses to Rabbits

To reduce the risks when feeding roses to your bunnies, follow these guidelines: preparation, serving size, and frequency.

1. Preparation

If you’re feeding roses from your garden, ensure they’re free from chemical treatments.

If you’re unsure, it’s better to avoid feeding them to your rabbit.

For store-bought roses, go for organic ones to be safe.

2. How Much Roses Should a Rabbit Eat

Start by offering a small quantity and observe your rabbit for adverse reactions.

If your rabbit tolerates roses well, you can gradually increase the amount. A few rose petals or a small rose leaf can be a nice treat.

3. Can Rabbits Eat Roses Everyday

As with all treats, roses should be fed in moderation.

A couple of times a week is a good guideline.

Symptoms Of Adverse Reaction

Roses are generally safe for rabbits, but individual rabbits may react differently.

Watch out for any signs of digestive upset such as diarrhea, changes in appetite, lethargy, or changes in behavior.

If you notice these signs after feeding your rabbit roses, discontinue feeding them and consult your vet.

Alternative Flowers For Rabbits

Other safe flowers for rabbits include chamomile, marigold, dandelion, and nasturtium.

Remember to introduce them gradually and always ensure they’re pesticide-free.

Flowers To Avoid

Some flowers can be harmful or even toxic to rabbits.

Avoid feeding your rabbit lilies, foxgloves, rhododendron, and chrysanthemums, among others.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

How Do I Keep Rabbits From Eating My Roses?

Rabbits can damage roses by eating the buds, leaves, and bark.

To prevent them, you could use a physical barrier like a fence.

The fence should be at least 2 feet high and extend about 6 inches below ground to prevent rabbits from digging under it.

Alternatively, you could use commercial rabbit repellents available at garden centers or make homemade repellents from ingredients like garlic and chili powder.

Do Rabbits Like To Eat Rose Petals?

Yes, rabbits can eat rose petals and often enjoy doing so.

However, as said earlier, you should ensure the roses haven’t been treated with pesticides or other harmful chemicals before offering them to your rabbit.

What Flower Does Rabbit Eat?

Rabbits can eat a variety of flowers, including rose petals, marigolds, dandelions, pansies, and clover.

But always ensure that any flower you offer is safe for rabbits to eat and not infested.

Can Rabbits Eat Pink Roses?

Yes, rabbits can eat pink roses.

Just like with other colors of roses, you should ensure they haven’t been treated with pesticides or other harmful chemicals.

Do Rabbits Eat Roses Seeds?

Rabbits might nibble on rose seeds, but they are not a significant part of their diet, and it’s not something you should intentionally feed them.

Can Rabbits Eat Rose Stems?

Although they can eat them, we don’t recommend feeding rose stems to rabbits.

The stems can be tough and prickly, and they may pose a choking hazard or cause harm to the rabbit’s mouth.

Can Rabbits Eat Rose Petals And Leaves?

Yes, rabbits can eat rose petals and leaves.

What Flowers Do Rabbits Not Eat?

Rabbits typically avoid plants that are poisonous or unpalatable to them.

These include flowers like foxglove, monkshood, lily of the valley, oleander, and poppies, among others.

However, when food is scarce, rabbits may resort to eating plants they would typically avoid, so the best defense is a good fence or other physical barrier.


Roses can be a good and beneficial addition to your rabbit’s diet.

But obey the golden rule of moderation and always prioritize their basic needs for hay, leafy greens, and vegetables.

And always, if you’re unsure about a specific food or notice any changes in your rabbit’s health, consult a vet.

We hope this article helped you know if rabbits do eat roses. If you have further questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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