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Do Snakes Eat Rabbits?

Have you ever wondered if snakes eat rabbits?

Yes, you have, except you don’t own a rabbit or are not a nature enthusiast. Snakes and rabbits are two of the most well-known creatures in the animal kingdom, and the relationship between the two has fascinated many people.

In this article, we will discuss the types of snakes that prey on rabbits, how they hunt them, the benefits of eating rabbits for snakes, and how to prevent these predators from harming your rabbit.

Do Snakes Eat Rabbits?

Yes, snakes do eat rabbits.

But not all snake species eat bunnies as part of their diet.

Some snakes prefer to prey on smaller animals, such as insects or rodents, while others prefer larger prey, like birds.

However, certain snake species are naturally inclined towards hunting and eating rabbits. 

You should also check our article on if possums eat rabbits and what kills rabbits at night, and how to prevent your rabbits from them.

Types of Snakes That Eat Rabbits

Here are some snakes that eat rabbits.

1. King Snakes

King snakes, especially the Eastern and California varieties, are known to consume rabbits in the wild.

These constrictors can grow up to six feet in length and often hunt for rabbits in grasslands, forests, and other habitats where they coexist.

2. Corn Snakes

Corn snakes are also known to eat rabbits but generally target smaller, younger rabbits as part of their diet. These snakes are native to North America and are considered harmless to humans.

3. Bull Snakes

Bull snakes, found in North America, are a type of large, nonvenomous constrictor that can reach lengths of up to eight feet. Their diet is primarily composed of rodents, but they are known to consume rabbits as well.

4. Milk Snakes

Milk snakes, another North American species, are opportunistic hunters that will consume a variety of prey, including rabbits. However, they prefer smaller animals like rodents, birds, and reptiles.

5. Gopher Snakes

Gopher snakes, or pine snakes, are large constrictors that inhabit parts of North America. They have a diverse diet and occasionally eat rabbits, particularly in areas where rodent populations are scarce.

How Snakes Hunt and Eat Rabbits

There are so many tactics snake uses to attack and eat rabbits; having a better understanding of some of these tactics, you will know how to protect your bunnies.

1. Ambush Hunting

Many snakes, including those that prey on rabbits, use ambush hunting techniques. They will wait, camouflaged in their environment, until an unsuspecting rabbit comes close enough for them to strike.

2. Constricting Prey

Snakes that hunt rabbits, such as king and bull snakes, are constrictors.

They will coil their powerful bodies around the rabbit, tightening their grip until the prey cannot breathe, leading to asphyxiation (being deprived of oxygen, which can result in unconsciousness or death).

3. Swallowing Whole

Once the rabbit is no longer breathing, the snake will begin swallowing its prey whole, usually headfirst.

This allows the snake to consume the rabbit without chewing or breaking it into smaller pieces.

What Happens When Snakes Eat Rabbits?

When snakes eat rabbits, what happens afterward?

1. Digestion Process

After swallowing a rabbit whole, a snake’s powerful digestive system goes to work. Specialized enzymes and stomach acids break down the prey, extracting nutrients and energy from the meal.

2. Nutritional Value of Rabbits for Snakes

Rabbits are a good source of nutrition for snakes, providing essential proteins, fats, and vitamins.

The consumption of rabbits can support growth, reproduction, and overall health in snakes that have adapted to this diet.

How to Prevent Snakes from Eating Rabbits

Here is how to protect your bunnies from snakes.

1. Snake-Proof Fencing

Installing snake-proof fencing around your rabbit enclosure or garden can help deter snakes from entering the area.

Choose a fence with small mesh openings that are too small for snakes to pass through, and bury the bottom at least six inches into the ground to prevent them from burrowing underneath.

2. Removing Attractive Features

Minimizing hiding places and potential food sources for snakes can make your property less attractive to them.

Keep grass and vegetation trimmed, remove brush piles and debris, and control rodent populations to discourage snake presence.

3. Trapping and Relocating Snakes

Sometimes, you may need to trap and relocate snakes preying on rabbits.

Contact a local wildlife professional or snake expert for guidance on safe, humane trapping and relocation techniques.

What To Do If a Snake has bitten a Rabbit

If you discover a rabbit bitten by a snake, you should seek immediate veterinary care.

Snake bites can cause severe tissue damage and infection and potentially be fatal, depending on the type of snake involved.

Your veterinarian will be able to assess the severity of the bite and provide appropriate treatment.

While waiting for your vet, you can take some of these steps:

  • Keep the rabbit calm and quiet. Stress can make the rabbit’s condition worse.
  • Try to identify the snake that bit the rabbit. This can help the vet determine the appropriate treatment.
  • If possible, photograph the snake or bring a dead specimen to the vet for identification. However, do not put yourself in danger to do so.
  • Transport the rabbit to the vet as soon as possible. Keep the rabbit warm and comfortable during transport.
  • Do not attempt to treat the rabbit at home. Snake bites can cause severe swelling, pain, and other medical complications.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”What Kind Of Snakes Eat Rabbits?” answer-0=”Snakes that eat rabbits are typically larger constrictor species like king snakes, corn snakes, bull snakes, milk snakes, and gopher snakes. These snakes can attack and eat rabbits as part of their natural diet in the wild.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”Do Rabbits Get Eaten By Snakes?” answer-1=”Yes, rabbits can be prey for some species of snakes. Larger snakes, like pythons and boa constrictors, can eat rabbits. But, smaller snakes generally do not eat rabbits, as they are too large for them to consume.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”Do Cobras Eat Rabbits?” answer-2=”Cobras primarily feed on smaller mammals, birds, and other reptiles, including smaller snake species. Although a large cobra can eat a small rabbit, it is not a typical prey item. Cobras are more likely to feed on rodents like mice and rats.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”Can a Python Swallow a Rabbit?” answer-3=”Yes, pythons can swallow rabbits. Pythons are large constrictor snakes that can consume animals larger than themselves due to their ability to stretch their jaw and unhinge their lower jawbone. Rabbits are within the size range of prey that a python can consume, especially larger species like the Burmese python and the reticulated python.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h3″ question-4=”Can a Rabbit Kill a Snake?” answer-4=”It is unlikely for a rabbit to kill a snake, as rabbits are generally prey animals with limited defensive capabilities. But rabbits may attempt to fend off a snake by kicking with their strong hind legs or biting if they feel threatened. Although these defensive actions might deter a snake, it is improbable that a rabbit could successfully kill a snake.” image-4=”” count=”5″ html=”true” css_class=””]


Some snakes eat rabbits, particularly larger constrictor species like king snakes, corn snakes, bull snakes, milk snakes, and gopher snakes.

They hunt and consume rabbits through ambush techniques, constricting, and swallowing whole. Rabbits offer nutritional value for snakes, supporting their growth and overall health.

Preventing snakes from eating rabbits can be achieved through snake-proof fencing, removing attractive features, and, if necessary, trapping and relocating snakes.

If a snake bites a rabbit, seek immediate veterinary care to address the potential health risks.

We hope this article helped you know if snakes eat rabbits. If you have further questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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