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Does Weed Make You Horny – What are the Best Weed Strains for Sex?

You probably know that marijuana is prized for its ability to induce relaxation and calm, but did you know that it sometimes has other side effects? Some people find that marijuana makes arouses them.

While not every strain will induce arousal in every user, the fact that some do is an exciting development for scientists and users alike. What is it about pot that excites some users, and can it be replicated in other forms?

This post answers the question, “does weed make you horny?” and dives in-depth into the specific forms of weed that induce the best effects.

Understanding the Relationship Between Weed and Sex

Because the exact mechanism behind human sexual arousal is still not fully understood, it is difficult to pinpoint exactly why weed affects some people the way it does. With that said, we do know that there are a few different ways sex and weed are related.

One of the main molecules related to sexual arousal is dopamine. If you know anything about THC, you’re probably aware that this is also one of the main molecules impacted by marijuana use.

Most, if not all, weed strains trigger dopamine release to induce relaxation and a sense of pleasure. Given this function, it might not be a surprise that sexual desire is sometimes connected to weed use.

Marijuana is also related to sex from a less technical standpoint. Many people tie sexual arousal with safety. When they feel safe, they are more likely to want to have sex. Weed instills a sense of well-being in most of its users, perhaps making the expression of desire more likely.

Does Weed Make You Horny?

We know all about how weed impacts dopamine along with how dopamine impacts arousal, but does weed make you horny? If you use marijuana, will you become horny? Weed and sex go hand-in-hand, but that is not to say that you will definitely become horny if you smoke. On the contrary, some people don’t notice an increase in their libido at all. What gives?

The way in which marijuana affects you depends both on your unique biology and the strain in question. To maximize the feeling, you need to find the best weed strains for sex. We’ll take a closer look at these a bit later. For now, just remember that weed is not a surefire way to enhance arousal. Sometimes it takes a bit more trial and error to get there.

Why Does Weed Make Me Horny?

Marijuana impacts dopaminergic neurons – dopamine neurons. This is where most of the side effects the drug causes are initiated. As we mentioned briefly above, dopaminergic neurons are also closely tied to sexual arousal. These neurons exist in the midbrain, such as the hypothalamus, where cannabinoid receptors are abundant. As marijuana stimulates the cannabinoid receptors and triggers the release of dopamine, the neurons affecting sexual desire can also be impacted. This leads to sexual arousal.

Note that these receptors can also impact inhibition, with some weed users finding that they are less inhibited when they are high. This also contributes to sexual arousal.

Do Edibles Make You Horny?

The answer to the question “does weed make you horny?” is a resounding “maybe,” but what forms of weed work? Because sexual arousal is possibly tied to the stimulation of cannabinoid receptors in the brain, the best way to trigger sexual arousal is to use potent weed that is effective at producing a high. Less-potent forms of weed might be less effective.

Edibles can certainly lead to highs, and some of them can be quite strong. Depending on the edible and the strain, edibles might be able to make you horny, just like other consumption methods.

Does CBD Make You Horny?

CBD and THC are some of the cannabinoids most often reported to increase horniness. In addition to the information we’ve explored earlier in the paper about how weed triggers dopamine release and affects the cannabinoid receptors in your brain, CBD can increase sexual desire in a few other ways. First, CBD sometimes improves nerve sensation and increases blood flow to tissues. Both of these effects make sex more satisfying and can make arousal easier to achieve and maintain.

Does Delta 8 Make You Horny?

Now you know that weed can make you horny, but what are the best weed strains for sex? Some of the most popular of them come from Delta 8. Delta 8 is a cannabinoid that has found rising popularity over the past few years, with many users swearing by its potency. Thanks to its effectiveness and the long-lasting nature of the high, Delta 8 is a great strain for weed. It might make some people hornier than other strains on the market.

Is Delta 8 the right cannabinoid for you? As with everything else related to weed, it depends. If the weed affects your system correctly, it might be a great choice for arousal. If not, don’t worry – we have other options to consider.

What is the Best Weed for Sex?

If you are interested in weed for sex, specifically, you might need to invest in strains geared toward that outcome. Not all of them are. Look for strains that induce strong euphoric sensations, those that calm the mind and lower inhibitions, and those that lead to heightened senses for a longer-lasting sense of arousal.

If you’re looking for the best weed for sex, dig through our shop! We have a great assortment of strains to help you in various respects, including those with some of the characteristics we mentioned above.

Sativa vs Indica for Female Arousal

Not all strains are created equal when it comes to female arousal. In fact, sometimes, strains that work for your partner might not do as much as they could for you. Sativa and indica both offer some of the best strains for female arousal, but they target different areas.

Sativa is well-known for boosting energy levels and focus. This can lead to more energetic sex that almost feels like a cerebral experience. Indica, on the other hand, favors a full-body buzz that is excellent for maintaining arousal.

Both sativa and indica have a plethora of strains that might work for female arousal, specifically. There is no inherent superiority between the two.

If you have the opportunity to grow marijuana in a legal state, cultivating your own plants can provide instant access to quality strains. Ensure you acquire high-quality weed seeds and promptly begin the cultivation process to enjoy the benefits of tailored cannabis for female arousal.

Best Strains for Female Arousal in 2023

The best strains for female arousal in 2023 can be hard to narrow down, but we have some favorite options. Penguin CBD oil, for example, has been known to boost arousal and increase blood flow to the extremities, both of which can increase female arousal. Other options include Equilibria gummies and Charlotte’s Web gummies.

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