Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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300+ Funny Good Morning Wishes, Messages & Quotes

Here’s a compilation of funny good morning messages for her, funny good morning texts to friends, funny good morning texts for your crush, good morning messages for friends, funny good morning SMS in English, good morning joke quotes, funny good morning texts for him, funny good morning messages for him, etc.

Funny Good Morning Messages

Good morning. Have a cup of coffee and start your engines because it’s still a long way before you reach the weekend.

Smile right when you wake up because soon enough, you’ll realize it’s not weekend yet. Good morning!

If the world was kind to me, it would have slept like an Olympic discipline. Good morning to everyone living in this cruel, unjust world.

Always harbor positivity in your mind because you will never find it in the real world. Good morning. Have a great day!

Sending you a good morning message in the wake of the day and hoping it’s not the only GOOD you see today.

The saddest part of the morning is waking up realizing its not a holiday. Gonna spend the whole day with the same old routine. Good morning!

Every morning is a blessing only if you don’t have an alarm clock by your bed. With an alarm clock, it’s a curse. Good morning!

Good morning! If you think you didn’t have enough sleep last night, don’t worry, you still have your chance to take some mid-day naps later.

Wake up and welcome one more unproductive, leisurely day that comes with nothing for you but leaves with a promise of another similar one.

Life is full of stress and troubles. If you want to have a good day, don’t get off your bed. Keep sleeping until you die and stop life happening to you!

Funny Good Morning Wishes for Friends

Wake up and be thankful because I’m your friend. Because you’ll never have a better friend than me. Good morning!

A friend is someone who you think of right when you wake up. Yes, I was thinking of you and wondering if you were alive or not. Good morning!

Sending a good morning message to someone who will wake up at noon and see this text in the afternoon. Hoping to receive a reply from you at night!

You’re definitely not the kind of person who wakes up early in the morning and sends a good morning text to a friend. So, I’m the one who’s playing the role. Good morning!

Good Morning, lazy! May this day be full of productivity…from someone else! Obviously, not you!

Good Morning! Parting from your best friend can be difficult… but I am sure you will go back to bed, in no time!

As the day begins, remember that I am your friend…you’re welcome!

Good Morning to a friend who starts each day by asking important questions: Should I get up at ten or eleven? Is there pizza left over from last night? Have a good day, deep thinker!

Your morning should begin with a message from a friend who really cares about you…but that’s not happening, today! Take care, I guess!

Good Morning to someone I would like to consider to be a friend. Don’t get too excited. I stated that I would like to.

Good Morning to someone who sets, when the sun rises, and rises, when the sun sets! Pretty sure you’ve got that backwards, friend! Have a nice nap!

Sending you a Good Morning message, knowing it won’t reach you, until the afternoon! Have a good day, friend!

Friend, someday you will be a morning person! But, not today. Go back to sleep!

Good Morning to a friend, who outdoes everyone… in sleeping! You excel at that!

Friend, I am sending you a Good Morning message, even though you are probably asleep! And will be, in the afternoon, and at night! Seriously, are you ever awake?!

Good Morning to a friend who does not know when to quit, mainly because he never starts! Have a restful day!

Good Morning to my friend! Here is to forgetting about responsibilities and relaxing, all day! You know, the same thing that you do, every day!

Good Morning to a friend who never stresses about anything, because you are always asleep!

You know I’m a true peacekeeper, but let me finish my coffee first and nobody gets hurt! Have a Good Morning afterwards!

[Alarm > Snooze], [Alarm > Snooze], [Alarm > SNOOZE, MAN, is this alarm clock stubborn or what? Good Morning, anyway…

Good Morning to the only friend I have who likes getting up in the morning! Have a good day, weirdo!

It’s a Bonjour in France and a Buenos dias in Spain, but I might get that right in English after this third cup of coffee, thank you!

Good morning to a friend who knows me to the core, yet for some reason still sticks around. Here’s to another day full of laughter and fun!

Knock, Knock! Who’s there? Your friend! My friend who? Your friend who needs a key so I can drag you out of bed in the morning, sleepy head!

Ugh, is it morning? Not again! It’s almost as if the moon comes out to let us just wink instead of getting a full night’s sleep.

I am not sure what I’m doing up this early, but I don’t deserve to suffer through this alone. It’s pretty much torture. So… good morning, buddy!

Good morning, wild and crazy friends! Grab your coffee and let the busy day begin!

You know you’re a mom when your mornings begin with a little kid’s legs kicking you in the face instead of hearing your soft alarm clock. Worth it? Definitely. Good morning, friend!

Let’s face it. The worst part of waking up is actually having to wake up. Here’s to you as you suffer through that struggle. Good morning!

Good morning! Don’t let the exhausted look on my face deter you from waking up yourself. We can make it through this together.

Good morning! Wake up! It’s time to take a big drink from your coffee cup!

Good morning! Open your mouth wide! I will just go ahead and pour this coffee right inside!

My idea of a perfect morning is opening my eyes, rolling over, and going back to bed. Here’s wishing you an equally joyous time. Good morning!

Good morning dear friend. Today as I was getting dressed I thought- a good friend is like a good bra: supportive, meant just for me, the perfect fit. Thanks for being my ultimate support system.

Good morning, bff, did I mention that you’re my one and only human that I can goof off with, get drunk with, and have midnight chats with that never get old? Well, you are, so congrats to you!

Dear friend, good morning to my BFF, best pal for life, wish-I-found-you-sooner human, super genius, know-it-all you. Have a fabulous day, bestie!

Hey goofball, I love having you as a friend but don’t forget the sweet treats today- my sweet tooth is itching something crazy. See you soon. Oh yeah… good morning.

Good morning, octopus! That’s my new nickname for you- someone reminded me recently that friends come and go, but true friends stick to you like an octopus. Thanks for being my bestie.

Hey friend, I know we just hung up and it’s only 5am, but I forgot to tell you: good morning!

Good morning, friend- I’m so glad that we are both morning people so we don’t have to shoot each other. Morning people hate non-morning people. I couldn’t stand to lose my bestie.

Good morning, friend, thanks for letting me cry on your shoulder last night. I know you’re a true friend- now, are you ready to go hunt down that idiot with me?!

Good morning, friend, if people only knew how hilarious, funny, and amazing we are together, everyone would want to be a part of our little gang. But to be honest I kind of like it with just me and you. Have a good one, BFF.

Good morning friend, just wanted to tell you thanks for being a crucial part of my weird self. Love, your best friend forever.

Good morning you stupid human, fart-brain, cheese ball… what? That’s how you know we’re good friends: we can call each other anything and still be BFF’s.

Sleeping is perhaps the only activity in which you can easily outperform me because it takes no effort, no talent, and no practice. Good morning dear friend!

Good morning and thank you for one more day of knowing me to the core but still not leaving me. You’re a good friend indeed!

Funny Good Morning Messages for Him

I love to kiss you on the lips early in the morning but darling, you really need to brush your teeth at first. Good morning!

Good morning dear. Let’s welcome one more day in our life in which we try our best to put up with each other. Best wishes to you!

Good luck to your waking up at the noon, reading this good morning text on your phone, and then going back to sleep again thinking it’s still early in the morning.

You are annoying like the alarm clock. But at least I have someone to yell at when I wake up in the morning. Good morning dear!

Your good morning text is my motivation to start every day. Don’t ever forget to text me in the morning unless you want to have a bad day! Good morning!

You’re a charming prince in my dreams but a nightmare in my mornings. That’s why I love to sleep so much. Good morning!

Good Morning, darling! May your coffee be plentiful and your tolerance level be high, with everyone!

To my love: Every morning, I think about how beautiful you are! It distracts away me from your breath!

This morning, remember that you have my love! Remember this throughout your commute and work day! It will keep you out of jail!

Sending the person who puts up with me, every day, a Good Morning message! May this morning find you even more patient than the last!

Good Morning, love! I wanted to convince you that you are a joy to be around, early in the day. I wanted to, but you can always tell when I’m lying!

Good Morning, sweetheart! When I wake up, my first thought is of how you feel, then I get you a cup of coffee, put it down, and back away, slowly!

My love, seeing you in the morning is really something! Something good or something bad? I will leave that up to you!

Good Morning to the person who annoys me least! Here is to another day of tolerance!

Good Morning, to my one and only! You are the reason why I get up early, every morning, and have to stay on my guard!

My love, before you awaken, I think about how lucky I am. You are kind of a nightmare, in the morning!

Good Morning, to the special person in my life! You let me eat breakfast, silently. You really get me!

Good morning, love! There’s nothing like the smell of bacon to wake a person up. So, go ahead and make some for us. Ha!

Why is it that it seems we just get snuggled in together and start to fall asleep and the alarm goes off? Mornings are definitely for the birds and not for us.

Cock-a-doodle-don’t you dare wake me up early. I love you, but seriously this is not my morning.

Every night, I go to bed determined to be productive the following day. When daylight breaks, though, and I see you sleeping next to me, my brain yells, “Yeah, right!” and I snuggle in to sleep again. Here’s to a good morning…tomorrow.

Funny Good Morning Messages for Her

I was thinking of borrowing a kiss from you this morning. Will you give one to me? I have no problem returning it with huge interests! Good morning!

I can’t tell you how much I love to stay in my bed and keep texting you but the alarm clock is yelling so loud and a mug of coffee is waiting for me. Good morning!

Your kiss is my most favorite thing in the morning, besides your hug. Am I getting them today or not? Good morning sweetheart!

I woke up to send you a good morning text and now I’m planning to go back to bed again. I hope you’ll wake me up with a reply. Good morning!

Before I met you, I never thought procrastination can be infectious. Good morning and good luck for one more day full of lying in the bed and texting each other.

Your good morning text and a cup of coffee make a perfect combination of happiness in the morning! Good morning sweetheart!

Good morning, sunshine! Now, can we go back to sleep?

It’s such a good thing we’re in love or we wouldn’t make it past wakeup time after seeing each other with all of the sleep wrinkles and bed head. Good morning to my favorite person to wake up beside!

Good morning, love, I left the house early today so I could say this: I love you but dinner better be waiting for me by five.

Hey gorgeous, have a good morning today. So far things are going great with us, right? Well, except last night when I nearly set the kitchen on fire. From now on you cook dinner and I’ll take care of dessert.

Good morning, sweetie, today I thought to myself: wow, I’m lucky I didn’t wait around for you to find me. Good thing I went out and found you in that stuck elevator… you’re welcome for rescuing you!

Hey hot stuff! Good morning. I was wondering if I could borrow a kiss from you- don’t worry, you’ll get it back.

Hi and good morning, um, I think we might as well start dating. You left your pants here and my washer is broken.

Good morning, love. I know, I know, I’d love to stay in bed but my coffee needs me. I hope you understand.

Good morning, love, just wanted to say you are amazing. With you I skip those butterflies and feel the whole zoo! Have a great day.

Good morning, love, just wanted to say you’re my most favorite thing in the whole world- um, well besides cake. Love you.

Good morning, babe, all I want to say is that you deserve the best life can offer. Apparently life is a little off today- it’s raining cats and dogs so don’t forget the umbrella.

Good morning, I mean, good day… um, this is awkward. Just wanted to say I can’t do this anymore. I’m already in a relationship with food. So sorry.

Hi. Just want to say good morning, you sexy thing. That’s all.

Good morning, gorgeous, thanks for sleeping with me. Losing teddy was worse than I thought. Thanks for helping me get through it.

Funny Good Morning Quotes

“Good morning is a contradiction of terms.” – Jim Davis

“Keep the dream alive: Hit the snooze button.” – Punit Ghadge

“Everyone should experience a sunrise at least once a day.” – Phil Dunphy

“Morning comes whether you set the alarm or not.” – Ursula Le Guin

“When reality and your dreams collide, typically it’s just your alarm clock going off.” – Crystal Woods

“My alarm clock is clearly jealous of my amazing relationship with my bed.” – Unknown

“Twinkle twinkle sleepy star, wake up now it’s the 11th hour, up above the world so high, the sun has risen in the sky.” – Mickey Nice

“Morning is wonderful. Its only drawback is that it comes at such an inconvenient time of day.” – Glen Cook

“I was gonna take over the world this morning but I overslept. Postponed. Again.” – Suburban Men

“Everyone wants me to be a morning person. I could be one, only if morning began after noon.” – Tony Smite

“The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office.” – Robert Frost

“There are two ways of waking up in the morning. One is to say, ‘Good morning, God,’ and the other is to say, ‘Good God, morning’!” – Fulton J. Sheen

“Every morning I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I’m not there, I go to work.” – Robert Orben

“Every morning I jump out of bed and step on a landmine. The landmine is me. After the explosion, I spent the rest of the day putting the pieces together.” – Ray Bradbury

“Every morning is a battle between the superego and the id, and I am a mere foot soldier with mud and a snooze button on her shield.” – Catherynne Valente

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