Thursday, March 27, 2025

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How Hemp Cigs Are Taking the Industry by Storm

Since the passage of the 2018 Farm bill that legalized industrial hemp production, the popularity of Hemp cigarettes has gone through the roof.

A study done on over 5 000 CBD users by the Brightfield Group, a firm that studies the CBD market, showed that 24% of the users had used hemp cigs.

The same study added that 41% of those looking to quit tobacco smoking had completely replaced tobacco with hemp CBD. Quite a feat, right?

From the data, it’s clear that the world is noticing hemp cigs, and it’s eager to try them out.

What are hemp cigs?

If you are one of the people that are yet to understand hemp cigs, here is what you should know about them:

Also known as hemp pre-rolls, hemp CBD cigs, or hemp joints, hemp cigs contain ground-up hemp flowers rolled into smokable cigs that resemble ordinary cigarettes.

Some brands include filters like tobacco cigarettes, but in most cases, they feature cardboard tubes known as “crutches” that make the joints easier to hold and prevent any plant matter from getting into your mouth when smoking.

These cannabidiol-infused cigarettes don’t have any nicotine or tobacco. They usually contain less than 0.3% of delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), making them healthier and safer alternatives to tobacco and marijuana smoking.

Since the cigarettes contain minute amounts of THC, they don’t have mind-altering effects, so you can take them without worrying about getting intoxicated.

There are many hemp cig brands, such as Delta 8 Hemp Cigs, you can buy. The cool thing is there is no right or wrong brand—it’s a matter of personal preference. We’ll talk about buying hemp cigs later, so keep reading.

Why should you join the bandwagon?

If you are a tobacco smoker or CBD user, there are plenty of reasons you should consider taking hemp CBD cigarettes:

They deliver cannabidiol fast

Although smoking has been around for a long time, it remains the best and fastest way to enjoy cannabidiol.

According to the Healthworks collective, cannabinoids are quickly delivered directly to the brain, lungs, and bloodstream when you smoke a hemp cigarette. 

This means that you don’t have to wait for a couple of minutes (as it’s the case with ingestible hemp products such as drinks, gummies, and tablets) to experience the calming effects of smoking your CBD cigarette.

Hemp cigs can help you curb tobacco and marijuana use

If you are trying to stop using tobacco and marijuana, hemp CBD cigs can help.

Hemp cigs look and feel like ordinary cigs, and you light and smoke them like regular cigarettes. 

This means that you have the smoking experience without taking in the addictive nicotine, not to mention cutting the synthetic additives and other toxins found in tobacco cigarettes.

When someone smokes marijuana, they are most likely looking for the effects brought about by CBD, such as relaxation and soothing feeling. Hemp cigs allow you to enjoy CBD without the psychoactive chemical THC.

If you aren’t interested in getting high and all you want is to relax, hemp cigs are the way to go.

Hemp cigs are legal

Unlike before, when you would worry when and where to enjoy your CBD product, now you can enjoy hemp cigs anywhere you want (without worrying about getting arrested), as they are legal.

As mentioned above, most people smoking weed aren’t looking to get intoxicated. Instead, they crave CBD effects, such as soothing the tension and discomfort through the body and mind.

This makes hemp cigs the perfect choice as you get all the soothing sensations without getting high.

Although cigarettes have small amounts of THC (0.3%), these levels are too low to have any effects. 

This means that you can enjoy your CBD cigarette without risking driving or working under the influence. Heck, you can even pass a drug test after taking a hemp cig!

Hemp cigs are of high quality

Although hemp products are legalized, they are highly regulated. This means that the hemp products, including hemp cigarettes, are of top quality. 

After all, the manufacturers want their products to pass the various lab tests, and they can’t pass if they are of poor quality, can they?

This means that as a consumer, you get top-quality, safe cigarettes that have passed all the lab tests.

To be sure you are getting a high-quality product, buy from a trusted source.

Are there risks that come with smoking hemp cigs?

Like all things in life, some risks come with smoking hemp cigs. There are two of them:

  1. Due to their smell, hemp CBD cigarettes might give non-smokers the impression you are smoking marijuana, which might put them off or view you as irresponsible for smoking in their vicinity.
    The brand you purchased from can’t be held liable for the misunderstanding, so be cautious of where you smoke and smoke responsibly.

To avoid odd looks, smoke hemp CBD cigarettes in the company of other smokers or alone.

  1. Since you inhale the hemp smoke in your lungs, there is a long-term risk of damaging your lungs. The cool thing is that studies show that if you are a moderate smoker and you buy high-quality 100% cannabidiol cigs with no additives, you get to have a pure smoking experience with minimal to zero effect on the lungs.

How do you find the best hemp cigarettes?

A good rule of thumb is to buy your cigarettes from recognized companies upfront with what goes into their cigarettes. They also should give you their certificate of analysis (COAs) that you can examine before making the purchase.

There are many opinions on the best hemp cigarettes to buy, but this is solely a personal preference. You have to try out different brands in most cases before settling on one.

Parting shot

Due to the benefits they bring to the table, it’s no doubt that hemp cigarettes are the future. While this is the case, don’t be too fast. Before taking the cigs, consult a physician and determine whether you are at risk of developing side effects.

When buying the cigarettes, buy from a reputable, recognized store.

In most cases, you have to try out different brands before finding one you love. And when this happens, ensure that you always have a pack on hand.

You don’t want to be low on the cigs only to find out there is no available stock, do you?

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