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What Do Rabbits Think About?

Have you ever asked yourself, what do rabbits think about?

The study of rabbits’ psychology has shown that just like humans, rabbits have instincts that enable them to survive, interact and adapt to their immediate environment.

In this article, we will let you know what your bunny may be thinking about, their emotions, and other psychologically related facts about your rabbit.

What Do Rabbits Think About?

A study by rabbit psychologists has shown that rabbits may think about foraging, identifying and avoiding danger in their environment, reproduction, relationship with other rabbits, how to care for their kits for nursing rabbits, etc.

Rabbits are social animals, just like cats and dogs; hence they possess similar instincts, enabling them to survive and interact with their fellow rabbits and their environment.

Additionally, rabbits’ being social animals, communicates with each other through scent marking, vocalization, and body language, among other means.

How Do Rabbits Show Their Emotions?

Rabbits can show their emotions through body language, vocalizations, and behavior.

Below are some of the ways through which rabbits show their emotions:

1. Excited

When rabbits are excited, you’ll see them playfully jumping around, tossing toys, or hopping around.

Rabbits are usually happy at the sight of their favorite food, such as hay, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits such as nectarines, or pellets specially formulated for rabbits like Weetabix and biscuits

2. Angry

An angry rabbit may growl, lunge, thump their feet, and flip her food bowl.

Another way an angry bunny shows her emotions is by biting or aggressively scratching anyone or anything around her.

3. Relaxed

A relaxed rabbit will often lie down with their legs extended behind them or flopped onto its side.

Also, a relaxed bunny would grind her teeth, a sign of contentment.

4. Fearful

When you see a rabbit quietly staying in one place, there’s a chance that the bunny is afraid.

Fearful rabbits also freeze, crouch down low, or run away.

In addition, a fearful or anxious rabbit would also thump their hind legs on the ground to warn other rabbits of danger.

5. Affectionate

Rabbits are emotional creatures, exhibiting their affectionate state in various ways.

Rabbits show affection by “binky,” a joyful leap in the air with a twist.

Also, bunnies nuzzle or groom their humans or other rabbits to show affection.

Do Rabbits Have Feelings For Their Owners

Yes, rabbits can develop feelings for their owners if they can bond with them.

Rabbits may develop feelings and connect with their owners, especially if the owner treats them well, showers them with enough love and kindness, and provides them with all their needs.

However, it is worth noting that rabbits have different personalities; therefore, two rabbits will react differently when placed in the same situation.

While some rabbits are very affectionate, some may be very reserved, which is normal.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

Do Rabbits Feel Pain?

Yes, rabbits feel pain just like other animals and human beings.

Rabbits have a nervous system that detects and responds to painful stimuli.

How Do Rabbits Say Thank You?

Rabbits say thank you through their expressions and body language.

Rabbits express their gratitude by nuzzling their caretaker or owner.

Another way rabbits say thank you is through their body language by hopping or running around in excitement or flopping onto their side in relaxation.

What Does It Mean When Rabbit Cleans Itself In Front Of You?

When a rabbit cleans itself before you, it feels safe, comfortable, and relaxed in your presence.

Rabbits are social animals that enjoy companionship, and they often groom each other to bond and show affection.

When a rabbit grooms itself before you, it may indicate that it sees you as a friend and companion.

On the other hand, If a rabbit stops grooming itself and appears tense or jumpy anytime she’s around you, it may be a sign that it feels threatened or uncomfortable in your presence.

Do Rabbits Understand Kisses?

Yes, rabbits understand kisses and respond to them through several expressions.

If you make a kissing sound towards your bunny, your rabbit bunny will likely reciprocate the gesture by giving you affectionate nudges or licks.

It is worth noting that rabbits do not entirely understand what kisses are. However, they recognize it as a show of love and reciprocate it through several expressions.

Ten (10) Signs Your Rabbit Loves You

Rabbits are emotional creatures expressing their love toward their owner or carer in various ways.

Below are ten (10) signs that your rabbit loves you:

1. Following You Around

A rabbit that loves you would always enjoy your company and follow you around the house or yard.

2. Happy Body Language

Relaxed ears, a calm body posture, tossing of toys in the air, etc., are some of the body languages a rabbit that loves you would always display when in your company.

3. Affectionate Behavior

Nuzzling, snuggling, licking you, “binky,” a joyful leap in the air with a twist, etc., are some affectionate behaviors that a rabbit that loves you would always display anytime you’re around.

4. Purring

Just as cats, rabbits can also purr when happy and content.

Therefore, if your rabbit purrs around you, it shows it loves and trusts you.

5. Lying Next To You

Rabbits are affectionate animals, and when they love and feel safe and comfortable with your company, they may lie down on your lap or sleep beside you on the bed.

6. Flopping Over

When your rabbit flops over on their side or back, it shows affection towards you.

7. Grooming

Rabbits groom each other as a sign of affection and bonding.

Therefore, if your rabbit grooms you or allows you to groom it, it shows trust and love.

8. Vocalizations

Vocalization is one of the interesting facts about rabbits because they vocalize to express their mood.

Vocalization is another way rabbits show love toward their owners and caretakers.

Grunts, chirps, honks, etc., are some of the vocalizations rabbits make, and if your bunny makes any of these sounds when you’re around them, it is a sign that your rabbit loves your company.

9. Happy Eating

A rabbit that loves your company would always want to eat food and treats like cherries from your hand or eat on your lap.

10. Binkying

Binkying is a playful jump that rabbits do when they’re happy and excited.

Therefore, if your bunny binkies around you, it is a sign that your bunny enjoys your company.

Can Rabbits Have Emotions?

Yes, rabbits have emotions and express them- anger, affection, fear, depression, anxiety, excitement, jealousy, etc. through several means.

Rabbits feel happy and excited, mostly when running around and playing.

Bunnies can also feel sad when something in their environment bothers them or lonely when separated from their companions.

They may also express fear and anxiety by staying quietly in one place.

Do Rabbits Have Memory?

Yes, rabbits have memory, both short-term and long-term memory.

Rabbits can remember where their food and water are located, their surroundings, and other animals they have encountered.

Also, rabbits recognize their owners and caretakers and express preferences for some individuals over others.

Rabbits can also remember the location of their burrows and navigate through familiar environments.

Are Rabbits Aware Of Time?

Yes, rabbits have instincts that make them aware of time.

Rabbits have instincts that help them regulate their daily activities, such as eating, moving around, playing, and sleeping.

The ability of rabbits to biologically perform their daily routine activities, such as sleeping, eating, etc., according to time is known as the circadian rhythm.

Various hormonal and neural mechanisms control the circadian rhythm within the rabbit’s body.


Rabbits are emotional creatures, and studies have shown that rabbits can think about several things.

Rabbits think about foraging, identifying and avoiding danger in their environment, reproduction, relationship with other rabbits, caring for their kits for nursing rabbits, etc.

We hope this article helped you know what your bunny may be thinking about, their emotions, and other psychologically related facts about your bunnies.


Debra Bourne. Physical and psychological needs of rabbits: a rabbit is not a cat. May 2011. The Veterinary Nurse 2(4):184-189. DOI:10.12968/vetn.2011.2.4.184.

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