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Why Is My Bunny’s Ear Hot?

Do you notice your bunny’s ear getting hot all of a sudden?

When you notice that your rabbit’s ear feels hot, it could cause alarm. In some rabbits, this may indicate fever or are just overheated, but what does an increase in a bunny’s ear temperature mean?

In this article, we will explain why your rabbits’ ears could get hot, when it’s normal and when to see a vet, and much more.

Rabbit Ears & Functions

Rabbit ears do more than give bunnies their endearing appearance. They serve crucial biological functions, especially in temperature regulation.

A rabbit’s ears contain a vast network of blood vessels that help dissipate heat, thereby significantly maintaining the rabbit’s body temperature.

The average temperature for a rabbit’s body ranges from 101.5 to 103 degrees Fahrenheit, slightly higher than a human’s.

Although rabbit ears don’t have a specific “normal” temperature, they generally feel slightly warm to the touch under normal circumstances.

However, excessively hot ears may indicate a potential health issue.

We mostly experience this on our farm during the hot months.

Why Is My Bunny’s Ear Hot?

A bunny’s ear may become excessively hot due to several reasons related to its environmental conditions, physical health, or emotional well-being.

Below are some of the most common causes:

1. Increased Body Temperature

An increased body temperature or fever is one of the most common reasons a bunny’s ears may be hot.

Rabbits, like humans, can experience fevers when their bodies fight off infections or illnesses. In such cases, the ears, acting as heat dissipators, might feel hotter than usual.

Additionally, environmental factors can cause an increase in a rabbit’s body temperature.

Rabbits are highly susceptible to heat stress, which can occur if the ambient temperature is too high, typically over 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Rabbits do not tolerate heat well due to their fur coats and lack of sweat glands. Instead, they regulate their body temperature primarily through their ears.

In hot conditions, the blood vessels in their ears dilate to release more heat, making them feel hotter than usual.

2. Infection

Infections can cause a rise in a rabbit’s body temperature, leading to hotter ears.

These infections can be systemic, affecting the entire body, or localized, such as ear infections.

Ear infections or otitis, in particular, can cause the ears to become inflamed and feel warm or hot if touched.

It can be caused by bacteria, fungi, or ear mites and may also lead to other symptoms like redness, swelling, discharge, or the rabbit frequently shaking its head or scratching its ears.

3. Stress

Rabbits are prey animals and thus can be easily stressed or anxious.

Changes in their environment, such as a new home, new people, or loud noises or music, can cause them to feel stressed.

When rabbits are stressed, their heart rate and body temperature can increase, making their ears feel hotter.

4. Allergies

Rabbits can have allergic reactions, which can cause inflammation and increased temperature in the ears.

This could be a reaction to something in their environment, such as bedding, cleaning products, or certain foods.

The ears may become red, inflamed, and feel warm to the touch.

5. Overexertion

Rabbits are active animals and can occasionally overdo it, especially during playtime.

Overexertion or overexcitement can lead to an increase in body temperature and, consequently, hot ears.

If your rabbit has been particularly active and its ears are hot, allow it some time to rest and cool down.

Signs of Illness to Look for When a Rabbit’s Ears Are Hot

Rabbit’s ears becoming hot could be a cause for concern if accompanied by other symptoms of illness.

As a responsible pet owner, identifying these signs can help you act promptly and ensure your bunny gets the necessary care. Here are additional symptoms to watch out for:

1. Behavioral Changes

Sudden changes in your bunny’s behavior can significantly indicate illness.

If your usually active bunny suddenly becomes lethargic, or vice versa, this might indicate an underlying problem.

Other behavioral changes to look out for include unusual aggression, restlessness, grinding teeth (indicating pain), or a hunched posture.

2. Changes in Eating Habits

Rabbits are generally consistent in their eating habits; any changes may indicate health issues.

A loss of appetite, reduced water intake, or a preference for only certain types of food can all be warning signs.

Eating excessively or quickly may also indicate stress or other health problems.

3. Changes in Stool Production

Rabbit feces can provide important clues about their health. Changes in the size, consistency, or frequency of your rabbit’s stool can indicate health problems.

For instance, small, hard droppings or diarrhea could indicate digestive issues.

Similarly, a reduced frequency in stool production could signal a loss of appetite or a gastrointestinal problem.

4. Physical Changes

Look out for physical changes such as loss of weight, lack of grooming leading to a dull or matted coat, or discharge from the eyes or nose.

Other signs could include redness, swelling, or discharge in the ears—symptoms of potential ear infections.

5. Changes in Breathing

Labored or fast breathing, or any other changes in your rabbit’s respiratory patterns, can be another sign of illness, potentially indicative of respiratory infections or heat stress.

6. Excessive Scratching or Head Shaking

If your bunny is scratching its ears more than usual or shaking its head frequently, it could be a sign of ear mites or other ear infections.

Remember, rabbits are prey animals and naturally hide their illnesses so these symptoms may be subtle.

When to Consult a Vet

While it’s normal for your bunny’s ears to fluctuate in temperature, consistently hot ears accompanied by other signs of illness should prompt a visit to the vet.

It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to the health of your beloved pet.

Your vet should conduct a thorough examination and provide appropriate treatment if necessary.

Why Are My Bunny’s Ears Cold

It’s normal for your rabbit’s ears to feel cold; it’s not something you should be concerned about.

Is it normal for a bunny to have an ear that feels cold when not expelling heat?

If you observe your bunnies eat during the winter, you will notice that their ears are cooler than during the summer.

The reason is that they are trying to conserve heat during the winter months.

Is it necessary to regulate the temperature in your rabbit enclosure or cage? While there is no perfect temperature, it is advisable to keep their room within the range of 55 and 70°F.

Also, provide your bunnies with a blanket in their indoor enclosure. This will help prevent them from getting cold during the winter months.

When you expose your rabbit to low temperatures for too long, they tend to suffer from hypothermia, which can be fatal.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

What Are The Signs Of a Rabbit Overheating?

Rabbits can be prone to overheating, especially during the hotter months.

Signs that a rabbit is overheating can include:

  • Rapid breathing or panting
  • Increased heart rate
  • Lethargy or lack of response
  • Salivating excessively
  • Reddened ears
  • Convulsions
  • Unconsciousness

How Do Rabbits Use Their Ears To Cool Down?

Rabbits have large ears with extensive networks of blood vessels that help regulate their body temperature.

When a rabbit is too hot, blood flow increases to the ears, and heat is radiated out to help cool the rabbit down.

Conversely, when a rabbit is cold, blood flow to the ears reduces, helping the rabbit maintain body heat.

What Is Wrong With My Rabbit Ears?

Many issues can affect a rabbit’s ears, from parasites such as ear mites to infections, injuries, or cancer.

Signs of an ear issue can include head shaking, scratching at the ears, an unusual discharge or smell, or changes in the appearance of the ear, like redness, swelling, or hair loss.

It’s essential to consult with a vet if you notice any changes or issues with your rabbit’s ears.

Is It Bad If My Rabbits Ears Are Cold?

Cold ears in a rabbit can indicate that the rabbit is too cold or potentially in shock.

However, a rabbit’s ears can also feel cool to the touch without distress, especially in cooler weather or if the rabbit is in a cool environment.

If your rabbit’s ears are cold and showing other signs of distress, like lethargy, loss of appetite, or unusual behavior, consult a vet.


Rabbits regulate body temperature through large blood vessels on their ears, constantly contradicting and expelling heat.

This process will make your rabbit’s ear warmer or hotter during summer.

If you notice any strange symptoms accompanied by the warmth of your rabbit’s ear, your bunny may be sick and need medical attention.

It is perfectly okay for your rabbit ear to feel cool, especially during winter, because they are not expelling heat.

We hope this article helped you know why your bunny’s ear may be hot sometime. If you have any other questions, please comment below.


1. Liang, L., Chen, F., Park, S., Balasubramanian, B., & Liu, C. (2022). Impacts of Heat Stress on Rabbit Immune Function, Endocrine, Blood Biochemical Changes, Antioxidant Capacity and Production Performance, and the Potential Mitigation Strategies of Nutritional Intervention. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9. DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2022.906084.

2. ASANO, M., OHKUBO, C., & SASAKI, A. (1988). A Modified Rabbit Ear Chamber and an Example of Its Application for Intravital-Microscopic Study on Acute Effects of Topical Thermal Stimulation. Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, 48(1), 149-152. DOI: 10.1254/jjp.48.149.

3. Michigan State University. Summer Rabbit Care.

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