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Why Is My Bunny Shaking?

Is your rabbit shaking and trembling while lying down, and are you worried about it?

Several factors contribute to this; while you can handle some yourself at home, others need the intervention of a vet or rabbit behavioral expert to address it adequately.

In this article, we will discuss the possible medical, behavioral, and environmental reasons for a shaking bunny and provide you with solutions to help keep your bunny comfortable.

Why Is My Bunny Shaking?

Like any other animal, rabbits can experience shaking for various reasons, such as pain, fear, noise, cold, stress, etc. You should check our article on if rabbits can die of fear.

Some causes are benign and temporary, while others may require professional intervention.

Understanding these reasons is the first step in addressing your bunny’s shaking and ensuring their overall well-being.

If your rabbit only shakes his head, it could be due to irritation, discomfort, or an ear infection.

If the head shaking persist, check for any signs of ear discharge, redness, swelling, or odor and consult a vet appropriately.

This head shaking is often mistaken for hiccups. See: Can Rabbits Get Hiccups?

Now, let’s go into the different aspects that might be causing your rabbit to shake.

Medical Reasons

Let’s look into some of the medical reasons.

1. Injury or Pain

One possible explanation for your bunny’s shaking is that they are experiencing pain or discomfort due to an injury.

Injuries can occur from accidents, mishaps, or rough play with other pets.

If you suspect your rabbit is injured, gently examine them for any visible signs of injury, such as swelling, cuts, or bruises.

If you notice anything unusual, consult your veterinarian as soon as possible.

2. Illness or Disease

Shaking can also be a symptom of your rabbit’s underlying illness or disease.

Common medical conditions that can cause shaking include gastrointestinal stasis, dental issues, respiratory infections, or neurological disorders.

If your rabbit shows additional symptoms, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or difficulty breathing, you should seek veterinary advice promptly.

Behavioral Reasons

Here are some of the behavioral reasons.

1. Fear or Anxiety

Rabbits are prey animals, which makes them naturally skittish and sensitive to perceived threats.

If your bunny is shaking due to fear or anxiety, it could be in response to sudden movements, loud noises, or the presence of unfamiliar animals.

In such cases, providing your rabbit with a safe and quiet environment can help alleviate their stress.

2. Excitement or Happiness

Surprisingly, rabbits may also shake when they are excited or happy.

This is more commonly observed as a “binky” – a playful jump with a twist that rabbits do when joyful.

If your bunny is shaking in a relaxed environment, accompanied by other signs of contentment, such as hopping, playing, or grooming, they are likely just expressing their happiness.

3. Cold or Chill

Rabbits are sensitive to temperature changes and can shake when cold or chilly.

Ensure your rabbit has a warm, comfortable living space, especially during the colder months, to stabilize their body temperature.

Environmental Reasons

Let’s look at the ecological reasons

1. Loud Noises or Vibrations

As mentioned earlier, rabbits have a heightened sense of hearing and can become easily distressed by loud noises or vibrations.

Common household appliances, such as washing machines or vacuum cleaners, can cause your rabbit to shake in fear.

Avoid using these devices near your bunny’s living area whenever possible, or provide them with a safe hiding spot.

2. Changes in Temperature or Humidity

Rabbits can be sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity, which might cause them to shake.

Sudden fluctuations in their environment can cause discomfort or stress, so ensure that your bunny’s habitat maintains a consistent temperature and humidity level.

3. Unfamiliar Surroundings

Rabbits may also shake in unfamiliar surroundings, such as a new home or a different room.

Give your rabbit time to adjust to their new environment and provide familiar toys, bedding, and hideaways to help ease their transition.


Once you have identified the potential cause of your bunny’s shaking, you should take appropriate measures to address the issue.

Here are some general solutions to consider:

  • If your rabbit is shaking for medical reasons, consult your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment. Timely intervention can prevent the situation from escalating and ensure your bunny’s health and well-being.
  • If the shaking is due to behavioral reasons, provide your rabbit with a safe, quiet, and comfortable environment. Minimize stressors, such as loud noises or sudden movements, and offer enrichment activities and toys to keep them engaged and happy.
  • To address temperature-related shaking, maintain a stable temperature in your rabbit’s living area, and provide extra bedding or a heat source during colder months. Monitor humidity levels to prevent excessive dryness or dampness in their environment.
  • When dealing with environmental factors, offer your rabbit a secure hiding spot, familiar items, and a consistent routine to help them acclimate to new or unfamiliar surroundings.
  • You should monitor your rabbit’s behavior and body language. Knowing what is typical for your bunny will help you quickly identify any unusual shaking or other signs of distress.

How Do You Calm a Stressed Rabbit?

Stress could also cause shaking in rabbits; here is how to calm a stressed rabbit.

To calm a stressed rabbit:

  • Provide a quiet, secure environment for your rabbit with hiding spots.
  • Limit sudden noises or movements that may startle your rabbit.
  • Maintain a consistent daily routine.
  • Approach your rabbit calmly and speak softly.
  • Offer gentle petting and handling, but don’t force interaction if your rabbit resists.
  • Provide toys and enrichment to keep your rabbit mentally stimulated.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”Should I Be Worried If My Bunny Is Shaking?” answer-0=”You should be worried if your bunny is shaking as a result of stress, fear, pain, or illness. But not to worry if the shaking is a way to express happiness.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”Why Is My Rabbit Shaking And Laying Down?” answer-1=”If your rabbit is shaking and laying down, it could be a sign of pain, illness, or stress. Observe your rabbit for any additional symptoms and consult a veterinarian if the shaking persists or if you notice any other concerning behavior.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”Why Is My Rabbit Shaking And Breathing Fast?” answer-2=”If your rabbit is shaking and breathing fast, it may be experiencing fear, anxiety, or pain, or it could be a sign of an underlying health issue.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”Why Does My Rabbit Shake Like A Dog?” answer-3=”A rabbit may shake like a dog when grooming or drying off after being wet. But, if the shaking is frequent or accompanied by other concerning behaviors or symptoms, it could indicate stress, discomfort, or an underlying health issue. ” image-3=”” headline-4=”h3″ question-4=”Do Rabbits Shiver When Cold?” answer-4=”Yes, rabbits can shiver when cold. Rabbits are sensitive to temperature changes and can suffer from hypothermia if exposed to low temperatures for an extended period.” image-4=”” headline-5=”h3″ question-5=”Why Is My Rabbit Shaking And Not Eating?” answer-5=”If your rabbit is shaking and not eating, it may be experiencing pain, stress, or an underlying health issue. Loss of appetite can be a sign of gastrointestinal issues, dental problems, or other illnesses. ” image-5=”” headline-6=”h3″ question-6=”Why Is My Rabbit Shaking While Sleeping?” answer-6=”A rabbit shaking while sleeping could be experiencing a dream or mild muscle twitching, which is normal in some cases. But, if the shaking is intense or accompanied by other concerning behaviors, it may be a sign of pain, illness, or stress. ” image-6=”” count=”7″ html=”true” css_class=””]


Understanding why your bunny is shaking is essential in maintaining its health.

By paying attention to medical, behavioral, and environmental factors, you can identify the underlying cause and address it effectively.

We hope this article helped you know why your bunny is shaking and what to do. Comment below if you have further questions, and we will gladly answer them.

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