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230+ Belated Anniversary Wishes and Messages

In this article, we have highlighted the best belated work anniversary wishes, belated anniversary wishes with name, belated happy anniversary cake, belated happy anniversary meaning, belated anniversary wishes to brother and sister in law, funny belated wedding anniversary wishes, happy belated anniversary gif, belated wedding wishes, etc

Belated Anniversary Wishes

Hope your life will freshen like newfangled dewdrops and have all the joy at heart’s content. Happy Belated Marriage Anniversary!

Apology for late wishing! Marriage is a beautiful thing, cause it brings two imperfect people into one machine and makes them both perfect when they are together.

Our marriage is a great success, as you have made me so perfect and complete with all of your love. Hope you don’t mind at belated wishing!

You both make a nice couple together and my warm wishes will be with you always. Congratulations on your belated 1st Marriage Anniversary!

Please grant my apology for being late at wishing you. May God bless you both with endless love and togetherness forever!

I am really sorry for forgetting this special occasion. Let’s make our marriage more beautiful by taking the oath of loving and having faith in each other forever.

Whenever I see you, two wonderful people, I realize that marriages are made in heaven. Happy belated marriage anniversary!

Grant my apology for wishing a bit late! May God fill your life with endless joy and boundless love!

Wishing you loads of togetherness and love with each other, sorry for wishing you late but belated happy anniversary, let’s celebrate!

Opening a bottle of champagne late is a mistake but having them together is lot more fun. Apologies and wishing you belated happy anniversary.

To the most beautiful and lovely couple in this world, we are late and sorry but wishing world’s happiness and belated happy anniversary!

To live, light, life and a good wife. I have a bad habit of forgetting dates and I forgot mine too. I am sorry, belated happy anniversary wifey!

The dates are no to be remembered but people are, I might forget your anniversary date but I won’t ever forget you. Belated Happy Anniversary!

We are sorry we are late, you can scold us but trust me we wish you all the love for each other. Belated happy anniversary!

A friend is always late; I guess you know this since college. Belated happy anniversary both you, loads of love!

Wish your life have the freshness of dewdrops and your heart is content. Happy anniversary and enjoy your marriage life forever. Sorry for wishing you late.

Though my message is coming late but it is full of love and will make your day. You guys are the best married couple. God bless you happiness, peace and harmony.

Hope you had a joyous, love filled and romantic anniversary. Sorry for wishing you late.
I am sorry I forget the most special occasion of your life. Wishing you a belated happy anniversary.

Happy anniversary to the lovely couple! I’m sorry, I forgot to wish you yesterday, please accept my wish with the same love and acceptance.

Although I forgot to wish you your anniversary yesterday, but I’m wishing with today with the same dedication and love.

I wish you happy anniversary, stay together, love each other and remain a loving partner. Sorry for late wishing.

Happy belated anniversary to both of you. May you love multiples to number of anniversary you are celebrating.

It has become a trend that I recall your anniversary date on the next day of anniversary. But, this gives you happiness next day too.

Your marriage is an example of a perfect marriage. Be together, holding hands in hand and enjoy each others company.

Do you think my message is late? I just didn’t want to disturb you on your anniversary day! Hope you have a wonderful celebration. I wish you a happy married life!

I’m sorry to have missed your wedding anniversary. But here’s wishing you a lifetime full of love to a wonderful couple that you are!

Belated, however not less happy! Greeting to the beautiful couple!

It is better to be late than never, accept my apologies. Belated congratulations on your anniversary. May your union last forever!

Oops, where was my mind, I forgot your anniversary day! Belated anniversary wishes from this crazy guy.

Belated anniversary to a perfect couple! Congratulations on your 1st year of marriage together!

Take my sincere apology for wishing you late. May the love and respect that you have for each other grow stronger each passing day! Happy Anniversary!

Happy Belated Anniversary! Sending you my evergreen wishes that are full of love, happiness, and good luck for another year of your marriage.

Funny Belated Anniversary Messages

Being married is almost like you are on a battlefield. So be prepared always for the war. Accept my tardy anniversary wishes!

How can I forget the historic day of our life? It is a matter of observation that we have tolerated each other for so many years! Happy Anniversary.

There is only one difference between marriage and war which is you can sleep with your enemy in marriage. Wish you a belated battling marriage!

I may forget our anniversary but won’t stop annoying you ever, as it has been the most enjoyable for me all these years.

Forgetting this special date is not fair. It is great that we have come over another year without making one of us murdered! Let’s celebrate this.

Marriage life is like you are always on a battlefield. Always be prepared for war. Apology for my late anniversary wishes!

Make your marriage beautiful and alive by accepting everything that your wife says. Good luck on another year together. Happy belated anniversary!

You have no right to be angry because I forgot your anniversary because you also forgot the date. Accept my apology! Belated happy anniversary!

What I enjoy doing most is to annoy you. That’s why I forgot about our anniversary. Grant my late anniversary wishes!

Since I forgot our anniversary, I think I should compensate you for the lost day. Darling, shall I take you for a date or prepare dinner for you.

Make your marriage a succeeded one by appreciating whatever your wife does and say “yes” to whatever she says. Best of luck on your belated anniversary, Dear!

I accept my mistake and saying belated happy anniversary, but you have no rights to get angry, as you too forgot the date.

Now, that I forgot our anniversary, it is the time to compensate. Shall I prepare dinner for you or take you on a date.

Dear husband, because you forget our anniversary date, I’m going at my mom’s place for a month. Enjoy doing things that you were doing on the day.

Happy belated anniversary! I’m, sure you guys had a fun time with each other and hope my late wish is not adding fuel in the fire.

Wish you happy belated anniversary dear. May you have yet another day of the anniversary. Another day of impressing and loving ur partner.

Belated Wedding Anniversary Wishes with Name

Dear —-, I wish you happy anniversary. Sorry for wishing you so late, but my wish is fresh and coming by heart.

I know you were expecting my wish, but I forget. May I have your apology for this mistake. Happy anniversary belated —-

Happy belated anniversary –, I want you in my life forever. Even if I forgot to wish you on time, I know, 4u it will be fine.

Can I hold your hand and so sorry for forgetting anniversary day. I know its not a normal, but a huge mistake.

Dear —, you are so sweet that you will forgive me, even if I forget our anniversary, and this is secret of our bonding.

Belated Anniversary Wishes To Friend

Grant my apology for wishing late, but it is never too late to wish you a flourish, joyous and romantic marriage anniversary!

Though I am late, my greetings are as fresh as flowers. May God bless you with another lovely married year!

I wish all your yesterday’s plans and tomorrow’s desires come true. Congratulations on your another prosperous belated marriage anniversary.

Take my hearty apology for wishing you late, my best friend. May your love and respect for each other grow stronger as your life’s pathway passes bye!

How stupid I am to forget our anniversary! I am so lucky that my best friend is my life partner. Always remain the same as now!

How insincere to forget your marriage anniversary! May God give you the strength to your marriage to overcome all the challenges in your life and be happy always!

I am your friend, and I know you will still appreciate this belated anniversary message from me. I promise you, It will be earlier next time.

Happy anniversary on my wonderful friend’s “no more smoking” decision. It is already four years into your change of lifestyle, and I wish you more of the strength to keep through. Pardon the delayed message.

Truly, this message is coming to a tad later and I regret that. I will surely buckle up next time. Happy anniversary, sweet friend.

There is a lot of goodness in you, and I am very proud of who you are, including your ability to forgive my belated anniversary message to you.

Do you know what it means to forget a friend’s anniversary? I dared not do that. This message is coming late because I was thinking it was today, instead of yesterday. My mind played a quick one on me. Happy anniversary, darling!

Hey dude, this belated anniversary message doesn’t in any way reflect on my personality. You know I really, really care about you. Don’t forget that. Happy anniversary, dear.

Dearest friend of life, I’m so glad that you are celebrating one year as a mother to your very handsome boy. Motherhood shall be fair to you. I’m sorry that this message is coming to you late. Accept my apology.

You are one of the sweetest friends I have. Without much words, you’ve proven to be my rock-solid support in times of need. It really irks me that I forgot your anniversary date. Accept my sincere apology. Happy anniversary.

How I wish that I can say to you in person, that I am sorry for not sending this message earlier. I have nothing to say in my defence. Happy anniversary to you, dearest.

Words are insufficient to express my profound joy as you witness your work anniversary and a fresh start into a new year. May wisdom and understanding rule you, priceless friend. I’m sorry for sending this message late.

Belated Anniversary Wishes For Parents

Forgetting your anniversary doesn’t prove I don’t care for you. No wonder you two are made for each other and congratulations on making an example of togetherness.

It is really not good to forget your special date. Mom and Dad, we are really inspired by you both and your togetherness is a milestone in our lives.

We may forget your anniversary but not your love. Best wishes to our legends. Thanks for being together and bringing me as your child. Never thank you enough!

Belated wishing for you both. Thanks for making sacrifices for us through your life and sorry for losing your romantic moments while you were busy doing good for us!

It is very sad to forget the anniversary of two adorable persons! There is love in your eyes, even when you two are quarreling with each other.

Mom and Dad, Sorry for late wishing and Congratulations on your golden jubilee and May God keeps you both together the whole life!

Time has taken a day off and got back to the same day you got married to wish you marriage anniversary. Happy belated anniversary mom and dad.

Hey Dad, just like you, I too forget to wish you anniversary on the very day. It shows, I am your real son. Belated happy anniversary!

I have ordered happiness to be next to you always, don’t matter i’m there or not. Happy anniversary Dad and mom.

May the bond of love you both share, grow strong and deep. Happy belated anniversary.

Anniversary is a special time and mom and dad you are very special. So, your anniversary is double special. Happy anniversary!

Belated Anniversary Wishes For A Couple

Through my belated wishes, let me pray for happiness, joy and more love for the sweetest couple I have ever met!

Accept my apology for belated wishes and let the magic of love spark in your relationship and end up creating an amazing bond of relationship!

Let your marriage life play the song of heavenly love through all the years of your life! Happy Belated Anniversary.

Wishing is never too late, as love is hidden there. Wish you another cheering year with your beloved partner.

Never mind my belated wishes. May each day of your life passes with your loved one and blooms with your love’s warmth!

Through my belated wishes, I would like to know my evergreen wishes that come packed with a lot of good lucks on another year of your marriage!

I know yesterday you had a lot of anniversary wishes, but today no one of them is thinking about you. Belated anniversary wishes!

Congratulations on starting something beautiful and you are still keeping it strong. I hope you had the best day of your life. Belated anniversary wishes to you!

I am sorry I didn’t make it to celebrate your wedding anniversary. I wish you a life full of joy and happiness together!

Congratulations on another successful year together. I wish all your dreams and desires come true. Happy belated marriage anniversary!

Sometimes I don’t know where my thoughts are, thanks for the invitation. Even though I missed your anniversary, I will always wish you the best in life for many years to come.

How can I have forgotten your marriage anniversary! It is my prayer to God to give you the strength you need as a couple to overcome all the challenges in your life and always fill your life with happiness.

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