Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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Amazing Health Benefits of Bitter Leaf In Nigeria

As a Nigerian, it is not at all news what wonders lies in those stems and leaves. For our dependence on it is almost constant due to mosquitoes.

The Bitter Leaf plant is found in abundance here in Nigeria, where it is used both for food and medicine but are you aware of the 17 Bitter Leaf health benefits to be listed here?

Today we shall be listing those medicinal Bitter Leaf health benefits resident within it that you need to become aware of.

1) Bitter Leaf And Insomnia

My experiment with Bitter Leaf came at a time when the lack of money for drugs sent me in search of natural health remedies.
That was when I stumbled upon a side benefit from this green Leaf. It cures Insomnia!

And that is a fact, discovered by both personal experience and medical researches.

One of the worthy Bitter Leaf health benefits, since having a proper night sleep does more than just provide us with the chance to dream dreams.

But actually helps us perform at our best and remain healthy.

2) Bitter Leaf And Malaria/Fever

It was malaria that brought the Bitter Leaf Health benefits my way.

Through its anti-parasite and anti-bacterial properties, it is often used for the curing of malaria and fevers here in Nigeria.

And guess what?

It works!

It carries a large amount of natural quinine, which is said to help in this area of sickness relieve.

The juice is to be taken 3 times a day for the cure of malaria and fever.

3) Bitter Leaf And Fatigue

Bitter Leaf is also helpful in cases of Fatigue. Providing strength where there is none and relieving tiredness.

4) Bitter Leaf And Breast-Feeding Mothers

It has been reported that Bitter Leaf helps nursing mothers by aiding in the production of quality breast milk.

Thus nursing mothers should drink the juice to reap this particular benefits.

5) Bitter Leaf And Smokers

Incorporating Bitter Leaf in one’s life especially when one is a smoker is a good move since Bitter Leaf acts as a shield to pollutants arising from smoking and other atmospheric fumes.

6) Bitter Leaf And Metabolism

Bitter Leaf aids in the area of body weight by increasing the metabolic rate which in turn leads to increased

fat lose.

Take a cup of Bitter Leaf juice after eating because with it also comes as it also helps with digestion.

This, in turn, helps fight bad cholesterol levels in the body.

7) Bitter Leaf And Diabetes

it is used for the prevention and containment of Diabetes here in Nigeria. A natural cure that bears testimony in my own house.

It cleanses excessive sugar in the bloodstream and that pretty much does the magic

8) Bitter And Detoxification

It is a known fact that Bitter Leaf is a detoxifier.

Which aids in the detoxification of the body.

9) Bitter Leaf And Skin Infections

Are you suffering from a skin infection like ringworms, eczema, warts etc? Then be informed that Bitter Leaf through its antifungal and antibiotic properties.

Can cure such ailments simply by applying the Bitter Leaf paste on the affected portion of the skin.

10) Bitter Leaf Acts As A Worm Expeller

By boiling the roots and stalks, an infusion is made which is to be taken in the morning before meals.

11) Bitter Leaf And Pile

For both internal and external pile. The juice (mixing it with scent leaf) or just chewing both cures internal pile.

The external pile can be cured by placing the Bitter Leaf paste on it.

12) Bitter Leaf prevents

* Arthritis

* Rheumatism

13) Bitter Leaf And Memory Loss

It has been reported to help also in this area. So why not mix a handful, drink the juice and experience the miracle

14) Bitter Leaf Juice Also Helps Relief Stomach Ache.

15) Bitter Leaf Juice Also Helps With Pneumonia.

16) Bitter Leaf And STD

Bitter Leaf juices cure numerous forms of STD. With the ability to cure external manifestations of such STD’s by rubbing the areas with the Leaf paste.

17) Bitter Leaf And Vitamins

Bitter Leaf is a storehouse of needed vitamins such as vitamin A, B1 and B2, C and E.


  • Pregnant women should not drink Bitter Leaf juice as it can lead to miscarriage.
  • Too much drinking of Bitter Leaf juice can lead to iron deficiency in the body.

Now that you have become aware of those Bitter Leaf Health Benefits, be wise to include the leafy greens on your plate or cup.

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